Undersea Reincarnation – [Octopus Monster Evolution LitRPG]

1.16: A friend


It had taken Henry almost a week to get to level 50. 

Barely a day later, if not merely hours, he was advancing on level 100. All thanks to two E-Rank Cores. Now he just needed a third, but he was having trouble getting another Whipcrack shark to come down alone.

He’d waited in his crevice as they devoured the dead shark, trying to reach a meditative state to replenish his health and mana faster, hoping one of the sharks would lag behind. But they didn’t.

It was as if they knew they were in danger, and they decided not to stick around. Somewhat like what they’d done against the serpent.

Fascinating. But also a pain in his tentacles.

He kept trying to lure them down with the unwilling donations of Riptide sharks, changing spots now and then, but they always came down three or four at once. 

His mana and health were back to 100%, and he itched to use them. At this point, even two at once would have been an interesting challenge.

“Come on, damn you.”

He served them another Riptide and waited behind a nearby rock.

He hoped only one or two would show up.

An hour later, Henry threw the towel and went to visit the whales.

“[Henry… it is good… that you came.]”

Deepcaller didn’t have to come from afar this time. He was already nearby, and as Henry swam up to get closer, he noticed there were more whales around than usual. They were usually more spread out through the territory, but this time it looked like they wanted to stick closer to each other.

The ones he’d spoken with before were close by, and so were the calves.

Henry tilted his head backwards and looked Deepcaller in the eyes. “What’s going on? Is there something dangerous around?”

“[No. But circumstances… have changed. We have… decided… to leave… early.]”

The understanding trickled down from his mind and made his throat close up. 

He took in the whales as they swam around and realized the familiarity of the scene. It reminded him of the anxious energy of a home before someone left for good. 

Had they been about to leave without saying anything?

Henry shook his head and breathed deep. The odd numbness that stole over him cleared out a bit. “They owe me nothing,” he told himself.

“[No… Henry. I would have… called… before… leaving. We are… preparing. Waiting… for the… right… moment.]”

Henry looked away from the knowing eyes. It was embarrassing how easily they could see through him.

A high mournful note came out of Deepcaller, and it was picked up by a few nearby whales. “[Are you… ready… for another… try?]”

Henry almost said no. He’d known they were going to leave, but this felt sudden. He needed to process things, but he didn’t want to sour the goodbyes. He didn’t want to be that person, so he swam up. 

Henry landed on Deepcaller’s flipper and exhaled. “Do it for Telepathy. And whatever other Skills they have.” 

He began with the whip and blade combo. He hoped his increased size and strength would help, but his tentacle barely left a dent.


“It’s fine,” Henry told himself before repositioning. He wrapped his tentacles around the edge of the flipper, and bit down with his newly upgraded Bite. He worked on positioning his beak right, tried to work the sharp bits through, but it didn’t work.

He used Bite of the Whipcrack Shark. For a second, Henry felt the tremendous speed and bite strength of a shark overlapping his own small beak. The Skill crashed against Deepcaller’s Skin with an impact that made both himself and the water around him shudder.

The whale’s flipper was completely unharmed.

Henry chuckled as he swam away from the flipper. A small part of him still wanted to rage or crawl in a hole and cry for a few minutes, but he just laughed along with Deepcaller.

The only people he could speak to were leaving. He was about to be alone.

Deepcaller made an odd call that Henry hadn’t heard before, then spoke. “[You are… growing strong… with tremendous… speed. Do not… worry. I am… sure… you will… grow strong enough… to stand atop… the waves… like we do.]” 

Henry smiled inwardly. “Thanks, Deepcaller.” 

He didn’t want to ask again. They’d told him no already.

Deepcaller’s eye gazed at him, and melodious call came from the whale. “[Our journey… is much more… dangerous. Believe… me.]” He paused for a moment, and Henry noticed a calf arrive and nuzzle under Deepcaller’s flipper. 

The other whales had grown quiet.

“[This… is my… child. His skin… is soft. Do you… wish… to try… on him?]”

It took Henry a second to understand what Deepcalled was saying. When he did, the answer came out of every one of his cells. “No.”

The words left his mind before he could even reason it through. “Never. You are the closest thing I’ve made to a friend in this world. I would never hurt your kid.” 

Yeah. Hunting sharks for levels was tolerable. Taking some anger on a flatfish that used his deceased mother’s image to lure him into a trap was uncomfortable, but he could also justify it.

Hurting a baby whale to get a Skill? The child of a whale that had been nothing but friendly to Henry?

He’d rather die again.

Calls resounded all around. Those Henry learned to associate with laughs.

“[I told them… you were… a friend. That you… would not… hurt… a child.]”

Henry frowned up at the horned whale, then his frown turned to indignation.

“This-you–you were testing me?”


Henry spluttered at the honesty, and then remembered he was talking back to a literal whale. He sighed, then shook his head.

“Well, it was nice knowing you. Do you have any more tips for me? You said to cross the kelp forest, right?”

Another chuckled from the whales at his reaction, then it was Wavecrest who answered. “[Yes, the sea… of green. Travel through… until the sea of flames. Be wary… of the heat… and teeth and scales. Past it… you will find… the current. Do not enter it… until you rise… at least twice from now.]”

“You’re talking about ranks and classes?”

“[Yes… you are on the precipice… of an advancement . You need one… preferably two more… before entering… the Great Current,]” said Deepcaller.

Henry nodded dutifully. “I’ll keep it in mind. What ranks are you guys, by the way?”

Another chorus of chuckles and Deepcaller’s voice echoed. “[Grow strong… and you will learn… yourself.]”


“[Be wary… of those you seek. You are… a mere… beast… to them. You will… be hunted… and consumed],” said Wavecrest. 

Henry nodded soberly. “I assumed as much. Thanks for letting me know.”

“[Henry… catch],” called out Deepcaller.

Henry turned to the whale, and saw its smaller eyes glowing purple. He tensed, then saw a similar light appear at the edge of Deepcaller’s flipper. 

It was far, but Henry could still make it out. The light coalesced, focusing on a small part of the flipper. Finally it separated, and slowly moved toward Henry.

As it came close, he saw the piece of flesh in it.

“[A gift. I hope… you will… make good use… of it.]”

A small lump of crushed, bloodless flesh, barely a couple bite’s worth, floated in front of him.

Henry decided to immediately store the flesh in his Maw and save it for when he’d have the ability to get Traits. The gift disappeared before it could touch his tongue.

“Thank you, Deepcaller. I will wait for my next rank to use your gift.”

“[We wish you… luck.]”

“[We pray… the Supreme… watches over… you.]”

“[Goodbye, friend Henry.]”

Henry ended up taking a step back to let the whale finish their preparations in peace. 

Somewhere around dawn, Deepcaller made an echoing call. They all slowly turned and began swimming away, deeper into the field of golden algae they’d been residing in.

Different calls and chants filled the ocean, and Henry watched from afar, sitting on a rock outcropping.

“What an incredible sight.”

When the whales finally disappeared beyond the horizon, and when the empty field became unbearably quiet, Henry headed back to the reef. 

He traveled cautiously, close to cover. But he didn’t feel the need to scurry and hide in the shadows anymore. 

And Henry wasn’t going home until he caught a Whipcrack shark. 

He wanted his rank-up. And he wanted his Traits.

Henry found a new hunting spot and set down some bait.

“I promise you’re the last Riptide Shark I use as bait,” he said to the decapitated shark before swimming a few feet away. He glanced back. “One or two more. Tops.”

Ten minutes or so later, he was able to lure one of his targets alone.


[Whipcrack shark (E) - Lvl 5]


The shark began tearing into the dead Riptide, only a couple of feet away. “I can see their level now? So it’s a level difference thing? That’s what… 12 levels away? Hmm… I’ll double check with other sharks later. For now… Telekinesis!”

Henry popped out of the sand like a murderous gopher, and stabbed the frozen shark in the gills.


Hey everyone!

I hope you all are enjoying the story. To celebrate, on Friday there will be two chapters.

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