Umbrella Travel to the Heavens

Chapter 44

Chapter 44 Retreat to Wudang Shaolin


Although Chengkun died in the hands of the big man with only a few words, it is enough to prove that what the big man said is true. The hatred relationship between the six major factions and Mingjiao is indeed very tricky.

But the elders of each of the six major factions still have a look of embarrassment on their faces, and they don’t answer for a long time.

Yin Tian saw him right, and he couldn’t help but sigh that although this man is indeed a heroic man, he is concerned about the country and the people, he is a good man!

But after all, she is still magnanimous and pure, thinking that things are too simple and lacking thought.

Even though the six major factions and Mingjiao have been provoked by others, it is useless to talk about the matter at this time.

Although it turned out to be a fake grievance, after so many years of fighting with real swords and guns, at this time, it has already evolved a real blood feud that cannot be resolved, and it can’t be resolved by just a few words.

“Little brother, you should get out of the way. The accumulated enmity between my Mingjiao and the six major factions today cannot be solved by a few words.”

Yin Tianzheng wanted to point out the importance of this, so that the big man quickly retreated and didn’t involve himself.

The big man seemed to not understand, but he was excited and indignant.

“I really don’t understand why you don’t fight with a strong enemy Outer Mongolia! Instead, you are keen on fighting each other here, and Meng Yuan has benefited for nothing!”

Then the big man slammed his hands to stop him, his expression was cold and paranoid, and he shouted: “I’m convinced by Li Xiu for this battle today! I can’t make sense, so I will use my fists and feet!”

said, slashing out a strong infuriating spirit with a knife in one hand, and drew a deep line in front of the people of the six major factions.

“This line is the boundary! I see anyone who dares to step forward and use swordsmen today!”

An overbearing aura swept across the entire hall, and under these unbridled words, it really fooled the Six Major Groups to send everyone to be silent for a while.

“Boy is so courageous, what do you mean by one person against my six major factions!”

Exterminate the hot temper. First, he returned to his senses and spoke, and the other five factions were connected with the other five factions, which set the trap for the big man.

But the big man seemed to have moved his true energy, he was crazy, he replied without thinking.

“So what! What can’t you do!”

Dahan Yuan stared at a pair of tiger eyes and asked about extinction, extinction only felt that he was being stared at by a hungry tiger in the forest, and his momentum was weakened.

At this moment, Song Yuanqiao gave a salute and said: “My husband is angry with the sun and the moon, but he seems to have a saint’s heart when the overlord is resurrected. My Wudang is touched by your arrogance, but I will retreat regardless of grievances.”

“As for the anti-yuan event, I still can’t do the master, so I can still report to my master and his old man. If Mr. is free in the future, I will always welcome the gate of Wudang Mountain.”


As soon as he said, Song Yuanqiao wanted to turn around and take the Wudang faction away.

“Father, he is so arrogant and rude, I leave Wudang so easily, won’t others laugh…”

Song Qingshu’s face was anxious, remembering the uncomfortable things the big man had just given him.

“Blue Book!”

Song Yuanqiao is also a little anxious, his son is really small, can’t tolerate, doesn’t know how to judge the situation, and the last sentence is not to say anything else, it is better to know in his heart, who can look good on his face.

After stopping Song Qingshu, Song Yuanqiao glanced at Dahan intentionally or unintentionally and looked around the other five factions for a week, and then he spoke a little louder.

“This gentleman has already reached the stage of martial arts, and he is still so young, and his vitality, blood and essence are not weakened. I am afraid that even your master will not dare to win!

“I really want to start with the nearly a thousand people in this hall, not to mention all of them, but at least half of them will be folded here, do you want Wudang to be in that half!”

After speaking, he ignored him and walked down the mountain with Wudang, Song Qingshu had to follow.

“Wudang heroes walk slowly, if I have time in the future, I will pay respect to Wudang and visit Mr. Zhang and the heroes!”

“In addition, please be careful that there may be soldiers in ambush when going down the mountain!”

The big man held his hands in a bow and reminded him with respect.

“Amitabha Buddha, the benefactor won the round tone just now, and his heart is generous and benevolent, and he has a buddhist nature. If I don’t want to take action in Shaolin, I will withdraw.”

Sora heard the chant of the Buddha, stepped forward and said.

To talk about the destruction of the Demon Sect, none of the six major factions has such an urgent hope as Shaolin, Kong Wen also wants to use the power of Demon to restore some Shaolin’s momentum.

But Kong Wen, who has always regarded Wudang as a threat, naturally knows how terrifying Zhang Sanfeng’s martial arts is. Song Yuanqiao said that Kong Wen also thinks that this son’s martial arts is not much different from that of Zhang Sanfeng.

Shaolin had already suffered a sudden change and damaged the foundation. At this time, if his spirit was completely destroyed, it would be very stupid.

Comparing the two, Kongwen chose to retreat, and Shaolin couldn’t stand the risk anymore. He pulled out the word buddha nature and saved a bit of face.

“Masters of Shaolin walk slowly, Li Xiu, on behalf of the Mingjiao, thank you for your generosity, and please be careful of the soldiers lying in ambush under the mountain.

The six major factions of Shaolin, the Wudang faction, as soon as the two factions left, the factions other than Emei also began to waver, it was Song Yuanqiao who said those things played a role.

This big man named Li Xiu can kill at least half of the people here, so who can guarantee that he is definitely not in that half.

He Taichong began to shake the hearts of several people, and began to lead them to retreat.

is extinct at this time, but without fear stepped out holding a sword, Li Xiu also felt quite funny looking at it in his heart.

“Since they are afraid of you, let me exterminate them to learn your tricks!”

Extinct All dressed up as a nun, with a dry figure, a masculine face, a pair of thick sword eyebrows, strong temperament, irritable, ruthless and cold.

This reminded Li Xiu of a sentence in the original movie. Although Pyongdu Tuo did not repeat it to him, he was always impressed.

roughly means that after a woman has practiced the Nine Suns, her chest will gradually become flat, her hands and feet will grow hairy, her **** will be like a fire, and her voice will be like an old cow.

In the past, when Jue Yuan died and passed on, Guo Xiang listened to several fragments and combined them into Emei Jiuyang Gong, which was later passed on as the secret technique of Emei’s head.

Although Emei Jiuyang Gong is not the same as Li Xiu’s Nine Yang Scriptures, it is far inferior to his power and mellowness, but the essence is indeed born out of the Nine Yang Scriptures.

Extinction took over as the head and repaired the Emei Jiuyang Gong for decades. It is estimated that the temperament may be affected by the Emei Jiuyang Gong.

Although    thought so wickedly in his heart, Li Xiu was calm on the surface.

“If this is the case, then please ask the teacher for advice. If I get lucky, I will ask Emei to retreat.”

Extinction made a cold snort, and without answering, he drew out the sword in his hand, the tip of the sword flicked and attacked Li Xiu.

Originally, the Emei swordsmanship tended to be gentle and flexible, and more defensive, but at this time, the extinction agent was fierce and fierce, without any defensive intentions.

Really, rabbits are rising and falling, swift and incomparable, and when extinction is approaching in an instant, he has repeatedly used several tricks.

The body of the sword almost turned into a vague shadow of the sword, and the sword’s tip made a slight rustling, like thunder and electricity.


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