Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 26: Classic Speech


The steel gate slowly closed under hydraulic pressure. When the citizens gathered on the bridge saw the gate closed, they immediately rioted.

Excited and puzzled, they kept pushing towards the door, asking why it was closed?

The agitated person even threw the things in his hands at the people standing on the wall. Natasha, who was wearing an off-white suit among a group of black people, was given special care. Several half-drinking bottles of water were thrown at her, but her accuracy was not very good. Sample.

"Give me the microphone."

Seeing the excited crowd below being stopped by Umbrella security, Natasha waved to the black captain for the microphone and shouted to the chaotic crowd below.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please stay calm! The Umbrella Company will establish a temporary shelter in the city. Please go there in an orderly manner under guidance. We will send combat personnel to accompany you to protect everyone's safety. Although I don't want to create panic, I still want to say..."

Natasha's words couldn't quiet down the emotionally swayed crowd below. They just used more noisy voices to ask why the door was closed.

Their voices are loud, but ultimately not as loud as a loudspeaker.

"This crisis was caused by the intentional leakage of the virus from the Umbrella Underground Hive Research Institute by commercial espionage... The virus is highly pathogenic and spreads through body fluids. People infected with the virus will only have the appetite to eat within 1 to 3 hours. There is no antidote for this monster, and its fatality rate is as high as 100%. If you want to see the sun tomorrow safely, please be quiet and listen to what I have to say!"

The volume of the loudspeaker could not suppress the rioting crowd, but the cold and cruel reality that followed calmed the crowd's violent mood, and the sound gradually disappeared.

They also wanted to continue howling, but the threat of 100% death was really high, so they had to calm down and listen.

Although this would create a greater panic among the crowd, there was really nothing Natasha could do. Once the crowd became chaotic, they would have to pay a higher price to restore order.

After seeing that the crowd below was quiet due to fear, Natasha looked at the crowd below again and said: "The virus has a certain incubation period, so you gather here. Once someone among them is infected, it will cause a chain reaction. , no one would want to see that scene, right?”

No one answered.

"Now, following our command, Umbrella's security forces will assist the New York police and guide everyone to evacuate! It is recommended that everyone find a nearby hotel and isolate themselves as much as possible, or return to their own residence. People who have no place to live can come to our open space The shelter locations are: Raccoon City Central Hospital, Raccoon City Umbrella Security Company Campus, Raccoon City Gym, Raccoon City High School..."

Under Natasha's quick guidance, members of the Umbrella Security Force reached an agreement with the Raccoon City Police to guide the citizens gathered on the May Gate Bridge to evacuate.

Most people chose to follow the police and security to the shelter. Only a few people dared to face the terrifying zombies and went home. A small number of people stayed in nearby hotels temporarily.

Food and other daily supplies will be escorted to the shelter by members of the Umbrella Security Force, and then distributed by volunteers. Courageous volunteers can also bring weapons and form supply teams to collect supplies in the city.

Hundreds of Umbrella security members guarding the wall were packed into Raccoon City, and most of them were sent to clean up the zombies. Some techniques for dealing with zombies were improvised and taught to each team member.

Because of these skills, the zombie cleanup operation went smoothly.

At the same time, Tony is also looking for two Lickers who escaped from the hive in the city.

With the help of the Red Queen, they quickly used surveillance to determine where the two lickers were working together. After escaping from the hive base, the two lickers quietly came to a church.

Tony flew not far above the church, and the sensor in the suit had already captured the Licker who was resting on the rafters below.

At the same time, there were two people in the room deep in the church. The men's cries were amplified by the armor's sensors and reached Tony's ears.

"The location has been sent. Bring the monster bus over. I'll deal with them first."

In the armor helmet, the appearance of a little girl in red appeared, and the avatar of the Red Queen said: "Team Berta is heading to the church."

After gaining control of the Umbrella Company, the artificial intelligence red queen naturally became one of her own. Now it is using its computing power to coordinate and arrange the rescue and search in Raccoon City, playing the role that artificial intelligence should have.

Tony controlled the armor and landed in front of the church door. After pushing the door open, he quickly locked onto the two Lickers hiding in the dark corner on the church beams.

The suit's propulsion system is activated, and Tony's battle with the two lickers begins...

Soon after, a team of six people drove a box truck to the church. The bodies of the two lickers were wrapped in large black bags, stuffed into the truck and taken away.

The situation in Raccoon City slowly stabilized under command and coordination. A large number of vehicles with umbrella logos loaded with packaged food with umbrella icons arrived at various shelters to distribute the food to citizens.

The original Umbrella Company still had many useful clone talents. These talents didn't know that they were clones, and they didn't pay much attention when the company changed owners, and began to do things according to Duncan's arrangements.

First, we need to do a lot of ideological work on the citizens and publish some revised materials.

The tragic situation of the innocent researchers who were killed by the Red Queen's containment measures in the Hive Base must also be brought out to make a fuss. In the future, they may be stigmatized as inhumane, but it can make the carefully crafted lies more true.

"Umbrella Company's underground research institute has the highest security level in the world. It is located 118 meters underground. Researchers who enter it will sign various confidentiality contracts. Every researcher who enters the hive base is dedicating everything. Give life sciences!”

In the indoor gymnasium of Raccoon City High School, the fleeing citizens sat on the basketball court, all looking towards the temporary high platform, watching the bloody scenes on the curtain erected above, and remained silent.

Too bad!

There is no mosaic at all, and the tragic scene of all the dead researchers in the underground hive base is nakedly presented to the citizens, shocking their nerves.

A female employee of the publicity department in the audience, wearing a T-shirt with the umbrella logo, was still waving her hands excitedly. Her eyes were full of tears, and the scene was full of emotion.

"The T-Virus was originally a miraculous creation discovered by the Umbrella Company. We studied it and successfully conquered countless terrible diseases that took human lives, saving billions of people from the suffering of diseases! But the benefits are, after all, It has attracted the prying eyes of hungry wolves, and the underground research institute with the highest protection level cannot avoid the greedy hands of insects!"

The speech, which was almost crazy with excitement, came to an abrupt end. The female staff member covered her eyes with her hands to wipe away tears, and then said tremblingly: "My sister, Bernice Birrell, also works in the institute... I'm sorry."

As he continued to wipe away his tears, a photo of a female corpse submerged in water that bore a resemblance to a female employee appeared on the projection screen.

Some of the citizens watching below were already crying silently, and some bowed their heads in silence. They all cast sympathetic glances at this female staff member whose acting skills were outstanding.

The speech continues.

"She...she is the pride of our family. She can engage in life science research at the Umbrella Company and deliver therapeutic drugs to countless families who have been devastated by diseases. I am proud of her. She is a hero in my heart! All sacrifices are made in The people in this crisis have been the heroes of every family. Let us observe three minutes of silence for those who died in the incident!”

There were some children in the indoor basketball court making noise, but as the female staff lowered their heads, the noise became audible.

At the same time, several other shelters opened by umbrella companies also held moments of silence after the speeches.

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