Umbra Frontier Online – A Casual Playthrough of the Umbra Witch

Chapter 65: [Forum Discussion 8] + Invitation

UFO Forum > Game Discussion > General Chat - Thread 444

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[WTF is going on in the Sacrecy Region!?]

 1. OP

Yo. My party and I just died to some crazy monster stampede that ambushed us out of nowhere. Is there some kind of an event going on right now? WTF!?

 2. A Passing Adventurer

Dude. Same. I wasn't even able to get a good look at what killed me and my friends while we were in the middle of battle.

 3. A Passing Adventurer

We would have known if there was an event going on in advance. It's got to be someone doing this. Do you know what kind of monsters killed you OP? It would be nice to know.

 4. OP

>> 3

Sorry, bro. I have absolutely no idea. My party and I were all taken out before we could even catch a glimpse of what exactly killed us. All we know was that whatever killed us was a massive group of monsters that appeared out of nowhere.

 5. A Passing Adventurer

Holy Sh!t. I just got killed by the same monster stampede. It was a bunch of Centibanes that just came out of nowhere. Fecking hell! It was terrifying when I saw them coming and knew that I couldn't escape from them.

 6. A Passing Adventurer

>> 5

Centibanes? Just Centibanes? Were there any other monsters you saw?

 7. A Passing Adventurer

>> 6

Nope. Just Centibanes.

But I did notice two players riding on those Centibanes before I died. I didn't see their faces though.

 8. A Passing Adventurer

Wait. There were players riding on them!? How the heck?

 9. A Passing Adventurer

They could be Summoners. Summoners can do that, right? That being said, we just got PK'ed, did we?

 10. A Passing Adventurer

Bro, Summoner is just the most underrated insane class in the game. Seriously, the ability to capture monsters and utilise them like this. The devs should have focused on nerfing them rather than Yoru tbh.

 11. A Passing Adventurer

To be fair tho, Yoru did overshadow the Summoner class with her overwhelming victory in the first event. Can't really blame them for nerfing her when that happens, right?

Besides, Summoners aren't that OP as you think. Like, first off, capturing monsters isn't as easy as what many would think. The capture rate differs based on the type of monster, the level gap between the monster and the player, and the amount of HP it has left. And not only that but capturing a monster won't give the player EXP. Basically, it's like Pokemon but way more difficult.

Also the Summoner themselves won't be able to fight because most of them would put their AP into their Luck stat to increase their capture rate chances. Which is why it's underrated to begin with.

 12. A Passing Adventurer

Well shoot. Now I want to start a new character and play as a Summoner to see how far I can go with it.

 13. A Passing Adventurer

>> 12

Do it.

 14. A Passing Adventurer

>> 12

Heck yeah! As a fellow Summoner, I welcome you brother or sister. Whichever you are.

 15. A Passing Adventurer

Dude, enough talk about the Summoner Class. We need to do something about these PKers who are killing us in the new region as we speak, or type in this case.

 16. A Passing Adventurer

Totally! PKing is uncool, man. We need to deal with them pronto!

 17. A Passing Adventurer

I propose we start a manhunt right this instant! From what we've experienced, we'll need a large number of allies in order to kill them and the Centibanes they're using to kill us. We mustn't let them get away with this!

 18. A Passing Adventurer

>> 17

Agreed, brother! We can't let those PKers ruin our game.

Now who else is with me!?

 19. A Passing Adventurer

Sign me the F up! Let's deal with these ba.stards!

 20. A Passing Adventurer

I'm signing up too! Where are we meeting at?

 21. A Passing Adventurer

Let's meet right outside Arialight. At the west gate facing the Sacrecy Region.

 22. A Passing Adventurer

>> 21

I'll be right there!

 23. A Passing Adventurer

Me too!

 24. A Passing Adventurer

Me three!

 25. A Passing Adventurer

Me four!

 26. A Passing Adventurer

Me five!

 27. A Passing Adventurer

Me six-ty nine! (Sorry.)

 28. A Passing Adventurer

Lol. I just got killed by these guys as well. I'm joining too!







 69. A Passing Adventurer

I'm on my way there now. How many people are joining us?

 70. A Passing Adventurer

>> 69

We have about 200 people here and counting. It should be enough already, right?

 71. A Passing Adventurer

Geez. 200 people got killed by those PKers? That's freaking crazy.

 72. A Passing Adventurer

All of us got ambushed, so they got the jump on us. But this time, we'll have the jump on them!

 73. A Passing Adventurer

Hey you all, I've just noticed this thread and you guys might want to stop this manhunt right now.

 74. A Passing Adventurer

>> 73

What!? Why?! Don't tell me you're the PKer, aren't you?

 75. A Passing Adventurer

Nope. I got ambushed by them too. But I did have a good look at their faces before I was killed by them.

It's Yoru btw.

 76. A Passing Adventurer

>> 75


 77. A Passing Adventurer

>> 75

No way...

 78. A Passing Adventurer

Say sike right now, man. Please.

 79. A Passing Adventurer

Yoru is the PKer!? Are you serious?

 80. A Passing Adventurer

Yoru and her girlfriend, Akatsuki, who introduced herself in Zanny's live-stream actually.

I clearly saw their faces right before I died to their Centibane stamepede.

I mean, if you think about it... bugs, stampedes, massacres... Yoru fits the bill, doesn't she?

 81. A Passing Adventurer

Sh!t, he's right! Why didn't I think of it?

 82. A Passing Adventurer

Cancel the manhunt. Cancel the manhunt right now! There's no way we can deal with Yoru!

 83. A Passing Adventurer

Wait, seriously!? We're not going to hunt down Yoru then?

 84. A Passing Adventurer

Yes! Were you not in the first event? Did you see what Yoru did then?

There were more than 200 of us ganging up on her and she still eradicated us all without her bug army, single-handedly. There is no way we can deal with her, man!

 85. A Passing Adventurer

But her skills have been nerfed after the patch, haven't they? We may have a shot now, don't we?

 86. A Passing Adventurer

>> 85

It does not matter, bro. Zanny is one thing. But Yoru is Yoru! Don't mess with her!

 87. A Passing Adventurer

>> 86

Agreed. She somehow managed to gain flight before the patch and the devs didn't fix that, did they?

Who knows what other crazy shenanigans she may have after the patch. Besides, we don't know what her girlfriend, Akatsuki, is capable of aside from the fact that she's a Summoner.

 88. A Passing Adventurer

Now that you put it like that, I think you're right.

Cancel the manhunt! Just let Yoru and Akatsuki do what they want until they're done.

 89. A Passing Adventurer

Everyone, go home! Do not enter the Sacrecy Region unless you want to get brutally stomped by two elven mommies!

 90. A Passing Adventurer

>> 89

Bruh. The way you phrase it makes me want to enter the area rather than avoid it.

 91. A Passing Adventurer

I'm going in regardless of the warning! Totally not because I want to be stomped on by Yoru.

 92. A Passing Adventurer

>> 91

Dude, where are you at? Let me join you in your adventures.

 93. A Passing Adventurer

I'm going in too!

 94. A Passing Adventurer

Me too!

 95. A Passing Adventurer

Me too! Time to get stomped on by Yoru and her girlfriend!

 96. A Passing Adventurer

Please kill me, Mommy Yoru! I'm coming!

 97. A Passing Adventurer

WTF is going on now? Lmao.

 98. A Passing Adventurer

>> 96

The most sane Yoru fan.


Sanae and I have logged out of the game. The time is currently around 6 in the evening. I have yet to do any preparations for dinner, so I should begin now.

"Would you like to join us for dinner or will you be heading home now?" I asked Sanae, who was sitting on my bed with her clothes slightly disheveled.

"I'll join you." She replied. "What will you be making?" She then asked.

I thought for a moment on what I should make.

"I do have some chicken thighs left in the freezer. Maybe I'll make some Korean Fried Chicken. And Kimchi Jjigae too while I'm at it."

"I see. I look forward to it."

I then left Sanae in my room as I headed downstairs to the kitchen. Along the way, I noticed Himeji's shoes placed right beside Hikari's at the entrance and figured that I'll have to make a big portion today for her.

Assuming that Himeji will be joining us for dinner though.

"Let's get started then..." I said to myself and proceeded to cook with all of my might. By then, it was around 7:20.

I set the dishes on the dining table and headed upstairs to inform the girls that dinner was ready.

First, it was Sanae who quickly made her way down after being informed. Then, I head towards Hikari's room to inform the girls next.

"Hikari, Himeji, dinner's rea...dy."

"U-Umm... Hey Bro..."

When I opened the door, I found my little sister on top of her friend on the bed and my eyes immediately squinted in disgust.

"Bro, it's not what it looks like."


"I'm telling the truth! Would you please stop looking at me like that!?"

I noticed that Himeji was holding onto some magazine in her hand. Perhaps Hikari was trying to grab that and ended up pushing Himeji down onto her bed, which was when I walked in after that.

"Dinner's ready, you two. Will you be joining us, Himeji?"

"Umm... Y-Yes..."

"And Hikari."

"W-What is it, bro...?"

"I know that you're gay, but do that sort of thing once you're in high school at the very least."

"I told you, you got it the wrong way! And who are you calling gay!?"

"Please... I've seen what you kept under your bed frame. Don't try to even hide it from your big brother."

"S-Shut up! Anyways, dinner's ready, right? Let's go and eat now, Himeji."

"U-Umm... Okay..."

Hikari pushed me aside while dragging Himeji with her. I followed right behind them as Sanae, Hikari, Himeji and I sat around the dining table and had dinner together.

Afterwards, it was time for Himeji and Sanae to go home. It was also getting late, so I decided to escort the both of them home just in case.

"Take care of the house while I'm gone."

"Got it, Bro!"

And then, the three of us left the house.

First, we escorted Himeji to her house since it was closer. Then, I walked with Sanae to the station and took the train with her.

The train was kind of crowded since it was around the time when most working people would be going home. I had to stick close to Sanae a bit just so that I won't get separated from her.

Fortunately, there was no issues after a while as we got off once the train had reach our stop and exited the station. All that's left is to walk Sanae back to her house.

"Hey, Yoruto..." Sanae suddenly spoke the moment we exited the station.

"What is it?" I asked her, as she tilted her head up to look at me with a smile.

"You know, the night is still young and we are in Shibuya. Do you want to make a detour before walking me back home?"

"Are you asking me on a night date right now?"

"Yes. So? What do you say?"

"Sure. Why not. I know a good place we can hang out."

"Is that so? Lead the way then, big boy."

Sorry to keep you waiting, all! I'm back.

Thanks for reading. 🍫

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