Umbra Frontier Online – A Casual Playthrough of the Umbra Witch

Chapter 47: PVP

My fight against Zanny continues. He charges towards me, delivering flying slash attacks at me while I evade and send him my Multi-Firebombs.

He dodges my attacks too. Skillfully evading the Firebombs while attacking at the same time as he closes the distance between us.

"Moon Walk."

Then, as soon as he was close enough, he teleported right in front of me and sent a thrust to my neck.

I shifted my body to the side to evade it. Then he swung his other sword at my abdomen. I evaded that too by jumping up and turning onto my side, as I quickly followed up with a counterattack, using Power Blow on Zanny to knock him away from me and then Thorn Bind to try and keep him still.

The Power Blow worked. But not the Thorn Bind as Zanny jumped away the moment the skill appeared. Sending a flying slash attack to me as well when he evaded.

"Multi-Magic Shield."

Knowing the strength of his attacks from earlier experiences, I knew that a single Magic Shield wouldn't be able to block one of those flying slash attacks of his. That was proven once again when several of the Magic Shields were shattered by the flying slash attack he'd sent.

I cannot let him hit me once or it'd be bad. One Power Blow from him was able to scrape more than half of my HP away. And I'm assuming that his Aura Blade skill is stronger than that. Meaning there's a huge chance that those flying slash attacks of his might put me in the red or just straight up deplete my entire HP if I were to get hit by it.

In other words, I must defeat him without taking a single hit from now on. And that... is definitely near impossible.

"Hahahahaha! This is fun... This is really fun!"

Zanny started laughing maniacally as he continued his onslaught. Dodging every single Firebomb I throw at him while he closes the distance again.

He's really agile. I can't hit him from afar. Just like when I first fought Gaius.

But then again, just like Gaius... If I can't hit him from a distance, then I'll just need to do it up close!


"Moon Walk!"

Before Zanny used his Moon Walk first to teleport closer to me, I used mine to move right up to him instead and threw a left hook right at his face.


A loud, audible smack was heard as my fist landed on his jaw. Putting him in a daze for a brief moment before I struck him again with my staff in my right hand, along with a spell.

"Mana Blast!"

"Ouch! What the he—"

Zanny tried to say something. But I didn't care and threw another left hook. Then another Mana Blast staff smack. Then another left hook. And repeat.

Left hook.

"Mana Blast!"

Left hook.

"Mana Blast!"

Left hook.

"Mana Blast!"

Left hook.

"Mana Blast! Oh!"

Some attempts later, my Eye of the Accursed staff's effect was finally successful. Temporarily paralysing Zanny.


And without hesitation, I planted my staff right in his face and shouted.


"Wait wait wait! What kind of a magician hits their opponent!?"


The big boom happened, knocking me back as well. I quickly got up afterwards and kept my eyes in front of where Zanny was.

I hoped that killed him. But I have a feeling that won't be the case with him.

"Geez Yoru. You are one crazy milf, aren't you?" said Zanny, emerging from the flames as he tossed an empty event potion bottle aside.

"I think I'm pretty sane though." I argued, having no idea what he meant from that statement. "Also, why are you calling me a milf?"

"Because you are one!"

"No I'm not! What the hell!?"

"No need to hide it, Yoru. A player on the UFO forum said that you've told them that you're a mom in real life. And a lot of people have seen you with your kids the other day. In other words, there is without a single doubt that you are a mother. AKA... A milf!"

What. The. Fuck?

I have no words to describe how dumbfounded I feel right now, as I simply stared blankly at the nonsense that was coming out of Zanny's mouth.

I have never told anyone that I was a mother. What in the world was he even saying?

At this point, I felt like talking more about it would only mess my brain up greater than it already has. So, I advanced towards Zanny, ready to deliver another Multi-Explosion right in his face.

"Welp. Looks like our chat's over."

Zanny dashed towards me as well and swung his swords at me.

"Moon Walk."

The moment he did that, I teleported behind him, turned around and swung my staff at him with a non-attribute spell ready.


"Moon Walk!"

But Zanny teleported as well, appearing behind me with his swords held up high.

"Thunder Cross Split Attack!"

Lightning sparks from his blades as he sends them down onto me.

Reacting quickly to his attack, I turned around again, just as his attack was about to land, and blindly waved my staff in his face.


We both got hit. Zanny was knocked back by my attack, while I was slashed by his. The damage I'd received was electrifying as it almost took my entire HP away. And this was with the Magic Buckler activating to defend me!

Potion. Potion! I need potion!

I was about to take an event potion out to drink, but was unable to when Zanny came for me after getting hit by my Firebomb spell.

"I'm not letting you!" he said, swinging his swords at me which I could only dodge for my life.

I dodged to the right. I dodged to the left. I dodged his sweep attacks, as well as his rapid thrust attacks. Being forced on the defensive without any space to breathe, let alone heal myself, I had no choice but to keep dodging until I could find a small window of opportunity to distance myself away from him and heal.

It's a good thing that I was used to fighting back in high school and at the Juggernaut Gym when I trained with Mrs Katsuragi and the rest of her friends. It has given me an edge in this fight because of that.

But even with that experience, Zanny was unrelenting in his attacks as he continued to chase after me, no matter how hard I tried to distance myself away from him.

At this rate, I knew that finding a window of opportunity would be pointless. Which is why if I can't find it, I might as well make one myself!


I slowed his movement speed down. Then...

"Multi-Thorn Bind!"

I attempted to stop him, even for a second. By luck, one of the Thorn Binds caught him. However, I knew that I couldn't let my guard down just yet. Because if he has gotten caught, there's no doubt that his next move will be...

"Moon Walk."

Zanny teleported out of the Thorn Bind as expected and chased after me. I was about to use another Multi-Thorn Bind to hold him in place again. However...

"Smooth Criminal."

Zanny vanished. Or rather, he had turned invisible.

"Tch. Smokescreen!"

With no way of telling where he might attack from, I quickly deployed a cover for myself to blind his vision at least. But then I heard Zanny's voice.

"Aura Blade."

He'd shown himself within my smokescreen with his swords glowing in the blue aura. But that's not the point. Because even with the skill which allowed him to send flying slash attacks, he would still be unable to hit me if he can't see me. Which meant that his only option of possibly hurting me would be an AOE attack.

"Final Push!"

"Aura Burst!"

I was fortunate enough to activate Final Push first. Granting myself a temporary invincibility to defend myself from the damage of his attack, which sent me flying back as well as clearing out the smokescreen I had casted.

There goes one of my trump cards.

I wasn't planning to use it this early. Not when Zanny himself has something that could let him survive a Multi-Explosion to the face.

But now that I have used it, I have no choice...

Thirty seconds... I must defeat Zanny within that time frame!


Zanny casted a buff on himself and dashed towards me at a faster speed than before, even though I had applied Hex on him.

So he was still holding back, huh?

I dashed towards him as well. Planning to perform another beatdown like before. But that's when Zanny revealed another skill that he has.

"Thorn Bind!"


I was careless. This time it was me who got caught in a Thorn Bind.

So he does have it after all!

While immobolised, I didn't use Moon Walk immediately and waited for Zanny to reach me, where he proceeded to use his Thunder Cross Split Attack skill to strike me. Only when he did so was when I used it.

"Moon Walk!"

I teleported out of the bindings and behind Zanny. But of course, Zanny predicted that I would do that and turned around, cancelling his skill mid-use as he activates another one.

"Blazing Assault!"

This time his blades lit on fire as he slashed at me. I bravely took the hit because of Final Push which shocked him a little, as I then followed it up with a Mana Blast staff smack across his face, along with a left uppercut after that.

It's now or never!

"Mana Blast!"

"Oh. Not again!"

Then left hook!

Afterwards, "Hex!" With a staff smack!

And then another left hook across his face. Following up with another Mana Blast staff smack, hammered straight down on his skull.

"Kuh! Moon—"

"Oh, no you don't!"

I shut Zanny up by forcefully closing his mouth with my left hand to prevent him from escaping via Moon Walk or any other skills he has and smacked him again with my staff. He then attacked me with his swords which I easily ate thanks to Final Push.

However, as I did not want him to have a chance to escape and gain the upper hand again, I used Thorn Bind to immobilise him and carried on with the beatdown of the continuous usage of Mana Blast staff smack and my left hook. And if he ever attempts to use a skill, I shut him up with my left hand before he could use it, which I did not know you could do until now.

And so, the one-sided beating went on with Zanny being unable to resist while I chip his HP away.

The Eye of the Accursed staff's effect had only managed to successfully work a few times during the beating. But regardless of it, I was winning.

Final Push had soon run out of time. Zanny had gone quiet. His HP, however, was now in the red. Which meant that all that's left for me to do was to finish him off.

So, with my victory certain in this situation, I wasted no time in delivering the final blow with my big bang Explosion.

That is until... Zanny spoke these words.

"I... Am... Demonic."

It was instant. Zanny broke out of the Thorn Bind and slashed at me with his swords. Before I knew it, the small remaining amount of my health bar was blown away by his attack and I was also in the air all of a sudden.

What... just happened...?

Knight's Last Stand had prevented me from dying. But while I was still in midair, I looked down at where Zanny was and saw that his appearance had changed.

His hair was longer and it had turned white instead of blonde. His blue eyes became a pair of bloodshot golden ones. A set of horns had also grown from his forehead. And more importantly of all, his body was emitting a sinister dark aura which enveloped his body.

He, without a doubt, has become...

"The devil..."


[Notice! Skill: Knight's Valour has been activated.]


"Now... It's time for the finale, Yoru."

Thanks for reading. 🍫

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