Umbra Frontier Online – A Casual Playthrough of the Umbra Witch

Chapter 45: Please go out with me!

"It's... It's Yoru! She's here!"

One of the players recognised her and yelled. Alerting the others to Yoru's presence as she engaged with them in combat.

"High Wisdom. Magic Amplification. Magic Booster. Destroyer." She deployed her buffs.


"Multi-Explosion!" she attacked, ensuing more chaos on the battlefield as many players died from that one attack.


Player Yoru has defeated Player Totoro

Player Yoru has defeated Player Fuyumi

Player Yoru has defeated Player MommyMilkers

Player Yoru has defeated Player CakeisGod

Player Yoru has defeated Player Jones

Player Yoru has defeated Player Drake

Player Yoru has defeated Player Haruka

Player Yoru has defeated Player Dylan

Player Yoru has defeated Player Phil

Player Yoru has defeated Player D

Player Yoru has defeated Player Blank

Player Yoru has defeated Player One

Player Yoru has defeated Player Two

Player Yoru has defeated Player Three

Player Yoru has defeated Player Four

Player Yoru has defeated Player Raiden

Player Yoru has defeated Player RaidenToo

Player Yoru has defeated Player RaidenOnDisDicc


Oh wow. That's a lot.

I have defeated many players with one multicasted Explosion. But there's more where that came from.

I drank one of the event potions and used it again.


And even more players dropped dead as their bodies all over the place with them screaming in terror.

However, despite the abilities I had displayed to my opponents, some were still brave enough to charge at me together.

"Attack! Kill Yoru right now! We need to stop her!"

The players roared out their battlecries. The long-range players started shooting at me from afar, while the close-range guys came running towards me.

"Multi-Magic Shield."

I defended myself against the arrows and magic projectiles thrown at me. But in that moment, the close-range combatants took that opportunity to swoop in and go all-out against me.

"Aura Slash!"

"Critical Strike!"

"Piercing Thrust!"

"Bleeding Strike!"

"Moon Walk..."

I teleported out of their sights, which caused them to end up attacking their own as I then appeared behind one of them and began my counterattack.

"Power Blow."


I first sent one of the close-range enemies into their comrades. Then...

"Multi-Thorn Bind."

I immobilized them. Finally, I proceed to finish them off.

"Multi-Rock Bullet! Multi-Aqua Shot! Multi-Charge Ball!"

I hit them with the rocks first, then make them wet by hurting them with some water. Afterwards, I electrocute them with lightning. I don't know if there's some sort of synergy when I attack them in this order, but the damage dealt to them was fairly good as they all died in the end.

More points for me~

The close-range enemies are down, the long-range ones are next.

With that being said, there isn't much I need to do.

While they continued barraging me with arrows and spells, I simply continued blocking against that with my Magic Shields.

It's good that you all are so intent on killing me and all, but aren't you forgetting about my friends behind you?

They were too focused on me to notice yet, but their comrades who were facing my bug friends instead of me have already been defeated. Allowing them to target the players attacking me now as they tower over them in waves.

"Aahhhhhh! ****!"

"We forgot about the bugs!"

"Mommy, help me!"

"Mommy Yoru, please tell them to spare me! Aaargghhhhhh!!!"

My opponents cried and screamed in agony as my bug friends devoured them whole. Some struggled, trying to keep themselves alive. but it was futile as my friends were simply too overwhelming in numbers.

However, just then, I heard a thunderous roar behind me and turned around to see what it was.

"Oh." I gasped surprised, then smiled excited because...

Looks like reinforcements have arrived.

"There she is! That's her! That's Yoru!"

"Take her down! We must end her rampage!"


This... This is fun... Way more fun than I'd imagined.

First it was a massive amount of monsters. Now, it's a whole alliance of players I'm about to face.

"Ha...! Ahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!"

I laughed... for I am unsure how else I could fully express the level of excitement I am feeling right now.

"Alright then... BRING IT ON!"


"You guys, eliminate those players!"




An all-out war has thus begun between the remaining players in the match and Yoru and her army of bugs.

Watching this whole scene from above, Jael yelled out flabbergasted.

"What in the Makers is going on!?"

Jael looked as the players unleashed their skills on the bugs, while the bugs got support from their master, Yoru, who was attacking from the rear.

From the tip of her wicked staff, chaos burst forth in the form of fiery explosions as it wreaked havoc to the terrain and people standing on it. But that wasn't all...

As soon as some of the players managed to slip past the bugs and approach her, the group of hornets around her grabbed hold of her and took flight, making her out of reach for those players as they ended up getting eaten by the same bugs they had ignored.

Now in the air, the wicked but beautiful Dark Elf proceeded to bombard her enemies from above. Raining explosions after explosion while also depleting her stocks of the event-exclusive potions.

Umbra Frontier Online's first event: The Battle Royale. It was supposed to be a drawn out match with each player taking another out one at the time, or sometimes, several.

For the first three matches in the morning, afternoon and evening, they went well. But now for the night match, it has turned into a raid of every player participating against one.

And that one player, Yoru, is completely dominating her opponents no matter how Jael sees it.


"Shoot her! Shoot her down!"

"I wanna go hoooommmee!"



Among the screams and cries of the players, Yoru's laughter of joy and excitement was the most audible to all.

Her smile while she demolished her targets, invoked fear into the hearts of her enemies as she continued to rain terror down on them.

"This is unbelievable... They're losing... The players are losing! NOOO! Someone! Anyone! Please stop her! Stop Yoru! She's ruining the match!" Jael began to cry as well, but he could only watch the absolute chaos ensue while Yoru completely changed the nature of the match.

Her incredible firepower was simply erasing everything below her.

Her superb reflexes wouldn't allow herself to get hit by projectiles.

And her army of bugs just wouldn't seem to end no matter how many of them the players kill.

But they were decreasing and Yoru knows this as well. So to ensure that her bugs would not die before the players do, she ordered Buzz to drop her down as she boldly landed right in the heart of the enemy line. Drawing most of their attention towards her instead of the bugs.

"Get her! Kill her now!" one player shouted, and the rest attacked.

The situation seemed to have tipped in the players' favour, Jael thought as he watched. However, Yoru had a plan.

"Multi-Magic Shield!" She first casted, barricading herself in a dome of Magic Shields while the players attempt to break it down as fast as they could.

During that time, Yoru continued with her plan. Holding two of the event-exclusive potions in her hand.

"Multi-Delay-Explosion. Five seconds."

"Multi-Delay-Explosion. Four seconds."

She then drank one of the potions.

The players noticed her trying something and rushed even more to break her Magic Shields. Whereas Yoru continued.

"Multi-Delay-Explosion. Two seconds."

"Multi-Delay-Explosion. One second."

And she downed the second potion in her hand too. Just as cracks begin to form on her barrier.

Accurately predicting that the players would break her Magic Shields in just five seconds give or take, Yoru smiled the moment the players broke through her barriers and said to the mob.

"Byeee~" she waved, then aimed her staff at them.


In that instance, players who were closest to her were obliterated and the players behind those players were goners too.

The destructive power she'd unleashed has just changed the terrain they were on, as it is now engulfed in flames all over with only a single Dark Elf Magician standing in the center of it all, relishing in the glory of the massacre she had done.

"Oh my god. I can't believe that actually worked." Yoru looked at her surroundings in awe of the success of her spur-of-the-moment plan.

Then she looked at her remaining opponents, staring at her afraid from a distance.

"Come on then. Who's next?" she gestured at them to attack, but none of them were willing to.

Regardless of their wishes, the fate of the remaining players were sealed as Yoru's bugs were still obeying her orders and attacked them while they were stunned by Yoru's presence. Without mercy, they were all eaten and the war against Yoru and her army of bugs ended with her victory.

"Impossible..." Jael states his disbelief at the situation he's looking at.

"She's beaten them... All of them... Single-handedly. None of them could even land a scratch on her. There's no way..."

It was over. Only Yoru remains standing now. And Jael has checked with his "Makers", Yoru was not using any third-party software. Not even the manipulation of her bug army was a cheat. Everything she had done was legit and so her actions were not unfair.

All of the players excluding Yoru are dead...

...Except for one.

"So... Who would've thought that the Yoru I was searching for would be YOU of all people?" A voice familiar to Yoru was heard by all; Yoru, Jael and the audience watching.

Everyone's sight turned to that player. Yoru did too as her eyes then widened in surprise when she saw his face and recognised him.

That player was...


I exclaimed aloud when I saw him casually walking up to me.

"Hey there, beautiful. Nice to see you here. Oh and the name isn't Blondie by the way. It's Zanny."

"Well you never told me your name..."

"And neither did you. Hah."

Blondie... I mean, Zanny then laughed.

"But sheesh... You really got me back then, you know. To think you would lying about your gender when we first met."

"Umm, what?"

What is he talking about?

"You don't need to put up with the farce anymore, Yoru. I know the truth." Zanny continued to say strange things. Then, he pointed and confidently stated, "You're a milf in real life, aren't you!?"


I was at a loss for words.

To begin with... How in the world did he come to that conclusion?

I did not lie when I said that I was a man in real life. Why did he think that it was!?

I stared at him completely baffled. But it seemed like Zanny got the wrong message as he then said.

"You're speechless, aren't you? It means I'm right. In that case...!"

Zanny suddenly leaped forward and stopped right at my feet in a stylish position with one knee on the ground.

He's fast!

He then stood up and while I was wondering what he was trying to do, he gently held my hand, looked me in the eye with a sparkling gaze and said.

"Yoru... Please go out with me!"

"Uh, no thank you." I instantly rejected him on the spot.

It took a few seconds for Zanny to process my reply in his head. And when he did, Zanny dropped to his knees and yelled.

"The One Piece... is not real!"

What the fuck is wrong with this dude?

For a moment, I had forgotten about the match.


Thanks for reading. 🍫

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