Ultraman: It turns out this is the easy mode

Chapter 206: Universe Mask: The profiteer harmed me

Cui Ming threw the head of the Pazan star aside and looked at the Bloody Mary and the Mary doll and said: "You two, don't forget the task I gave you. Of course, you can also try it and it won't work. In the worst case, you can just give it a try." If you deal with it directly, I can still find you."


No, why is it so strange!

We are the urban legend!

Brother, you are an ordinary human being! Why are we the one being threatened?

The two urban legends don't know how to express their feelings now.

"By the way, I have prepared everything to deal with you, including Eastern, Western and all kinds of exorcism tools. Of course, if you think these are not easy to beat you, I can do it directly. Anyway, I am a killer." It should be okay for the enemy to kill a lot of people, right?"


Would you call this a lot of killing?

Just your murderous attitude.

All we have to ask is how many ghosts do you eat in a day?

"You two, let's take action."


The two urban legends took action.

Bloody Mary started recruiting people directly using the mirror as a medium.

And Mary dolls started appearing randomly around.

Of course, Cui Ming felt that it was almost time for that person to move as well.

Cui Ming then went to the Taganura special toilet in EDF.

At this time, Hanako in the toilet didn't know what to say.

I survived, but the toilet I was in

It's for monsters

These monsters are not afraid of themselves at all.

Forget it, this is also relaxing

Boom, boom, boom.

A polite knock on the door.

But the more polite the voice, the more frightened Hanako was.

broken! The human being who is more terrifying than the ghost is here.

"May I come inside?"


"Don't talk nonsense."

Cui Ming pushed open the door and caught Hanako.

"Hey! I didn't do anything bad!"

Hanako looked at Cui Ming in fear.

This one is still as scary as ever.

"Ask me, do you have any way to control the toilet?"

".Yes, but what's the point?"

Hanako is thinking about who has offended you and wants you to blow up the toilet to deal with it?

"This guy."

Cui Ming took out the photo of Cosmic Mask.

"This...the one being hunted?"

"Yes, this guy's name is Cosmic Mask, and he is an evil cosmic being. I hope you can look for him in the toilet area."

"Um, Mr. Cui Ming, I am a girl."

"You are a ghost. I don't care whether you are a male ghost or a female ghost. It is the limit of my tolerance not to directly make you a Buddha. Now let's make a choice."

".Well, I don't know if I can find it, but I'll try."

"Well, if you cooperate well, I will give you appropriate free space depending on the situation."


Soon, three urban legends began a manhunt.

The Tucker team also began intensive patrol work.

Cui Ming even directly used his ultimate fighting instrument as a weapon.

See if you can find this cosmic mask.

The Mask of the Universe, which carries the hopes of the Bards, has now completed the production of Black Satan.

"Hey, I originally planned to get it from Noriko Minikawa of Team Tucker, but now it seems we can only act directly. Let's go, Black Satan."

In fact, the original goal of Space Mask was to use members of Noriko Minikawa.

The main reason is that Minikawa Noriko is easier to deceive in the information about Space Mask.

It's also safer.

After all, I don’t have much interaction with Storm One, so I don’t have to worry about whether anything unusual will be discovered if I get to know it too deeply.

But now

All plans went awry from the start.

While Cosmic Mask was thinking about it, it didn't notice a fleeting figure on a mirror around it.

In the toilet in the area where it was located, Hanako stuck her head out of the toilet and said, "Finally I found it."

Cosmic Mask, who was preparing to take action, didn't know that his side had been exposed.

After Cui Ming confirmed the location, he immediately drove Xuefeng to the scene.

At this time, the Mask of the Universe has not noticed yet.

Cui Ming looked at it and started to notify the artillery.

I have to say that Cosmic Mask chose a really good position, no one else.

"Artillery, action."

"Understood! Start the bombardment! This position is very accurate, boss! Fire the cannon!"

At this time, Cosmic Mask is still preparing for his final steps to sneak into Team Tucker.

But when it looks to the sky, it knows.


"Black Satan! Get up!!!"

With that said, Cosmic Mask activated his bracelet.


As Black Satan roared, it began to move.

But then they were overwhelmed by cannon attacks.

Cosmic Mask hid under Black Satan and said: "Damn it, Black Satan starts attacking!"

Black Satan began to attack the Snow Wind, while Cui Ming piloted the Snow Wind and began to avoid these attacks.

Although Black Satan tried very hard to launch all his missiles, he couldn't hit them at all!

Cui Ming's Xuefeng was like it had eyes, constantly avoiding its attacks.

"Damn! This is not the level that Team Tucker should be at!"

Cosmic Mask is stunned now.

The level of this aircraft is a bit high.

This is not the flying level that the Tucker team should have! ! !

Shouldn't the guys from the Tucker team just fly around there and get shot down!

Why? Why can't my Black Satan's attack hit you at all now!

Why? !

"Cosmic Mask, your opponent is the terrible Storm One, be careful"

No, I'm going to fight Storm One now? !

Cosmic Mask thought to himself that it was no wonder that Black Satan couldn't hit him

It turns out that he is a real master.

No! Now is not the time to talk about this!

"Black Satan! Launch all the attacks you can use! All!!!"

I don't believe it! Under my terrible barrage of attacks, you.

Then the Cosmic Mask was dumbfounded.

Because the Snow Wind was like a real fairy, constantly avoiding all attacks.

At this time, Cui Ming, who was driving the Snow Wind, had only one thought.

Finally, it was a little interesting.

Yes, in Cui Ming's opinion, it was finally a little interesting.

After all, these attack methods were not good enough in Cui Ming's opinion.

You call it a barrage.

It's really not qualified.

The same thing.

Simple mode!

At this time, the Universe Mask controlled his Black Satan and became more and more frightened.

Damn! Hit!

Why didn't it hit! ! ! !

At this time, the energy in Black Satan's body has reached the bottom.

Cui Ming immediately launched a round of fierce attacks.

All kinds of missiles and missiles exploded directly on Black Satan.

Then Cui Ming immediately started the disorderly flight mode again.

The main attack is never greedy.

In this case, Black Satan was soon damaged.

The Universe Mask immediately began to replenish Black Satan's energy.

Yaboren pressed his head when he saw this.

"It's bad! The Universe Mask is exposed!"

Yaboren knew it was going to be bad at a glance.

The Universe Mask directly exposed the fact that he could replenish Black Satan's energy!

"Cosmic Mask! Let Black Satan protect you! Storm One will attack you first after finding out that you can replenish Black Satan's energy!"


Master Yabo, you should have said it earlier!

Cosmic Mask didn't expect that his boss Yabo would say it at this time.

But thinking about the current situation, it seems that he will be exposed anyway.

"But what if you know it! As long as I am here, Black Satan can be infinite?"

Cosmic Mask found something wrong before he finished speaking.

Black Satan has not fully recovered!

My bracelet should have replenished Black Satan's energy.

"Unless the material is broken! Bard Starman! I TM!!!!"

Cosmic Mask understood what was going on.

There is something wrong with the material that Bard Starman's grandson gave him! ! !

So he is waiting for him here!

"Master Yabo! There is something wrong with the materials given by Star Bad!"

". I can see it. Not good! Be careful!"


Before the Space Mask could react, a spinning axe instantly cut off its arm.

"Ahhhhhhhh!!! My hand! My hand ahhhhhh!!!!"

Asuka grabbed the spinning axe and said, "Now!"


The sergeant fired instantly with a harpoon gun.

The special harpoon instantly pierced the Space Mask's body.

"So it was this weapon at that time"

Then the Space Mask was directly pulled away!

The Death God Corps also went out at this time.

"Push all the explosive spikes in for me!"

The Death God Captain said as he rushed to the front.

"Yes! Sir!"

The Death God Corps began to sprint and quickly evade.

And Cui Ming's Snow Wind was constantly providing support.

Black Satan was angry but helpless because of Cui Ming's attack.

After the sergeant and his team pulled the Cosmic Mask over, Lindis raised his plasma cannon directly.

"Charge complete. Fire!"


Plasma cannon!


If this weapon is not used properly, it will be a group-destroying weapon.

The Cosmic Mask, who was being pulled over, could only scream at the oncoming plasma cannon.



The Cosmic Mask evaporated.

After losing the Cosmic Mask, Black Satan was still fighting there, but he was already weak at this time.

The Death Captain immediately aimed at the broken arm of the Cosmic Mask and fired a scattering howitzer in the direction of the bracelet.

Scattering howitzer, this thing is actually a howitzer used by tanks.

But when it is put on the sword soldier, the sword soldier can use this thing to fire a scatter grenade weapon.

In an instant, the bracelet was blown off!

And Black Satan, who lost the bracelet, completely lost his vitality.

Cui Ming said immediately: "Now, the general attack begins."


The sergeant said and called out to the other people controlling the Nix and other vehicles.

"The enemy has lost its ability to recover, start the general attack!"


The Nix mecha's rotary cannon began to fire wildly, and the missiles were fired at Black Satan without cost.

At this time, Barga also fell from the sky.

"Barga Hammer!"

Misato Katsuragi said this and directly controlled Barga to dunk!


Everyone can see that Black Satan's neck is deformed!

"Very good, then I'll come too! Balam! Come on!"

With Asuka's call, Balam also fell from the sky.

Why didn't the Tucker team go out for this operation?

This is because we need to protect the Yamanaka team now, according to reliable information.

Another bastard has set his sights on the Yamanaka team's ditch

And this is all because of the last message sent by those damn Ikars before they were executed.

"The Yamanaka ditch is the best in the universe! Want to taste the best ditch? Come to Yamanaka!!!"

I can only say that it's really too beastly

So Cui Ming can only let the Tucker team protect the Yamanaka team first, and see if they can capture some more by the way.

This is why the EDF combat unit came this time.

But it's almost over.

With Barga and Balam acting together, the two huge robots began to slap the black Satan one by one, and then.

Dismantle! Dismantle directly! Dismantle alive!

Black Satan, who has lost its energy source, has now completely lost its combat capability.

Under the multiple sieges, it finally couldn't bear the destruction.

Finally, Cui Ming began to throw special incendiary bombs.

As the special incendiary bombs fell on Black Satan.

Black Satan completely began to burn, and finally.


Black Satan, completely destroyed.


The Yabo people looked at the battle at this time and had only one thought, damn Bad Star people! They fooled the Universe Mask.

Never cooperate with Bad Star people in the future.

There was still a fight, but now it looks like this.

Damn you.

I'm going to the universe to talk about it!

As soon as they said it, the Yabo people started to act immediately.

"Bad Star people are a bunch of conscienceless people! They cut corners on the materials for my subordinates and caused my subordinates to die completely! You guys remember this!"

"." *N

Everyone in the universe didn't expect that the Yabo people would have such a big grudge.

It seems that the Yabo people are really angry.


Bad Star people cut corners.

Everyone wondered if the rewards given by Bad Star people were also cut corners? !

"Yabo people! Stop slandering me!"

The Bad Star people couldn't sit still either!

Fuck! You guys from other dimensions are ruining our reputation! Although we did do that,

but it's not something you can say!

"Yabo people! Be careful or we'll come after you!"

"You guys, do you need to tell me about what you did? My Cosmic Mask was killed by you!"

"Cosmic Mask? You guys are fighting Storm One. Even if Cosmic Mask really makes Black Satan perfect, it's useless!"

"That's not a reason for you to cut corners!"


Although the Bad Star people admit that they do sometimes take advantage,

you Yabo people, if you say it directly, you're offending our Cosmic Emperor Bad Star people!

"They're all special materials from the universe, although some of them are new."

Team member Mu Kaji is now responsible for analyzing the Black Satan's materials.

Although it was burned quite thoroughly,

it's still usable at least.

"Director, it is confirmed that these materials are indeed from that place, but are you sure?"

"Of course, since there is a way, we can start to act."

".I understand, Director."

Kuji knew that he could not stop Cui Ming.

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