Ultra-dimensional Warfare

Chapter 1232

Chapter 1232 Cinderella Phoenix (Part 1)


A loud slap rang through the entire Gnaku, making the maintenance team members who are busy preparing the body can’t help but look at him. But when they saw Captain Sudri, who was standing aside, the new commander, they lowered their heads and continued to finish their work.

“It’s really surprising! I drove the Spirit Gundam out in a prestigious manner. Not only did I not get the results, but I came back and drove the boat out privately!!! Feng, you treat the first task that Titans gave us to the Murasaki Research Institute. ?”

The girl who was beaten bit her lip, and didn’t justify her behavior too much.

Now, standing in front of her is not the Pochuan Cornell teacher who has been in charge of her, but a newcomer from the hands of the “Doctor”, a newcomer researcher who is eager to make contributions.

“No. CommScope. Maybe we rely too much on reinforcements. Judging from previous performance, this Lieutenant Feng is indeed a manpower that can match Ogu’s elite pilots.”

Captain Sudri, who stood by and watched Feng being reprimanded for a while, finally stopped the eager new researcher.

“Feng! It’s the captain speaking for you now! Give me careful reflection!!” When CommScope saw Sudley stop him, he put aside his face, and after an angry rebuke, he returned the initiative to Captain Sudley.

“Huh! What a man who doesn’t know how to pity and cherish jade.” After Sudri glanced at the pretentious CommScope, he raised his hand and touched Feng’s swollen side face.

“It’s really like a porcelain doll. But now we still need to use you. Lieutenant Feng, we will issue an ultimatum to the new HK later. By then, you must be ready to attack!”

Feng stepped back without a trace, and saluted: “Yes! Then, please allow me to continue to attack alone!”

Sudri retracted his right hand and laughed. “Of course. Lieutenant Feng does not need any teammates. Our MS troops have other tasks, so Gundam MKII will be handed to you. Lieutenant Feng.

After Feng got the answer he wanted, he nodded. “thank!”

“Commp. Do what you need to prepare over there! I, look forward to your performance!”

After Sudri confessed, he turned and left. Kang Pu looking at Feng with an uncertain expression on his face.

Almost at the same time, after confirming the inexplicable information given by He inexplicably with the leaders of the new HK and receiving an ultimatum from Titans, Stephanie finally got a card to allow the Roche Chamber of Commerce to report to the Garuda Root Mula. Entry and exit permits for the transportation of any goods.

Therefore, Stephanie, whose face became more tense, was able to breathe a sigh of relief.

“Stephanie. What kind of cargo is that?” Hayato Kobayashi came to the door with a shipping list. He discovered that a container that was being pulled up by an ultra-heavy truck was not included in the list.

Stephanie glanced at the container that was not on the list, nodded, and whispered its true identity.

“That is the Jim II modification dedicated to ground operations equipped by the Trojan Horse of the Seventeenth Independent Fleet. Before, when they borrowed the new HK, they entrusted our Roche Chamber of Commerce to keep it on their behalf.”

While talking, Stephanie glanced at the red Zaku III parked aside, and continued: “I was still entangled in what this Jim II was to be placed in the warehouse of our Roche Chamber of Commerce. Could it be the Trojan Horse? Do people just believe in the credibility of our Roche Chamber of Commerce? Now, I understand it.”

“What do you understand?” After learning the true identity of this container, Hayato Kobayashi was relieved. After all, when the Titans is about to strike, one more unit will give you more power.

Even if there are no extra mechas on Altemra at the moment, Hayashi Kobayashi, who has experienced a year of war, has even secretly decided that he will board the mobile suit to fight if necessary.

“I’m afraid that the people on the Trojan horse have already known about the arrival of Altemla, and may have foreseen the situation in front of them.” Stephanie smiled slightly, not too entangled in this question.

“Trojan Horse? Didn’t it sink into the Delaz Rebellion by a nuclear bomb?” Just as Stephanie and Hayashi Kobayashi were talking about the special name of the Trojan Horse, He inexplicably also came to Austria. Genaku in Temla.

“Oh? If the colonel asked whether it was the gray ghost of the Pegasus-class assault ship No. 4, the Trojan Horse, then I can answer it for you.” When it was mentioned that the ship was covered with gray paint all over, it was alive. Like a battleship like a ghost running out of hell, Stephanie seemed to have endless words.

But due to time constraints, this shrewd and decisive businesswoman did not waste too much time.

“It is true that in the public information, the gray ghost was sunk by the nuclear explosion during the Delaz Rebellion. But in fact, the gray ghost of the fourth ship was secretly replaced by General Rebir for another ship with a similar appearance. The camouflage ship was used to replace, so the gray ghost successfully avoided the nuclear explosion.”

“So, does the gray ghost now become the real gray ghost?” Hayato Kobayashi also heard this secret rumor for the first time.

“Yes. If it were not for the Seventeenth Independent Fleet to arrange for our Roche Chamber of Commerce to conduct a top-secret supply for the Gray Specter, I would not have known this top-secret information. Therefore, now in front of Colonel Char, I dare to say Out of this long-held secret.”

Seeing Stephanie who was finally relieved, He inexplicably smiled secretly. What stephanie was thinking about, why inexplicably knows. It is nothing more than to ask why inexplicable, do not spread the battlefield to the new HK.


For the ensuing fierce battle, He Moming himself is not too sure whether he can avoid the new HK.

“Where is Katz?”

While thinking about it, why inexplicably saw that the container that had just been shipped in was opened, revealing the steel giant sleeping inside, Jim II.

Perhaps this is a good time for Katz to play.

“Major. Do you want Katz to play?” Xiaolin Hayato seemed a little surprised.

“Well. Simulation training is enough. You know, after being hit by a three-second death at least hundreds of times, there are not many people who are still doing simulation training. What Katz currently lacks is only actual combat.”

He nodded inexplicably and continued.

“Before the battle begins, Altemra must be lifted into the air to prevent the water mobile suit sent by Titans from attacking. Therefore, the important task of defending the new HK must be given to Katz. Altemra, command and support in the air That’s it.”

“His Colonel, what about Gundam MKII?” Stephanie asked anxiously when she heard that Inexplicable Ho and Camus were not participating in the new HK defense.

“No. We still have missions. Such as intercepting that huge deformable mobile suit.”

He Moming didn’t make much excuses, but after making a final decision, he asked Kobayashi Hayato to make all the arrangements one by one according to the order.

Night fell.

In the past, when the lanterns rose, the colorful new HK is now much dimmer than before.

Except for the street lights that illuminate the road, and the necessary corridor lights, the rest of the area seems to have lost all its light, sinking into the dark as depressed.

However, looking at the city in front of him that had lost the light, Captain Sudley, the leader of the Titans pursuit force as the culprit, had another opinion.

“Is this the evacuated civilians? It doesn’t matter. So that we can save some time! Shuizhagu team, attack!”

After the order was given, Sudley looked back at CommScope, who was confident.

“Commp, looking at you, it seems pretty sure.”

CommScope smiled slightly, raised his head slightly, and regarded Sudri’s words as compliments.

“Of course! Feng is our doctor’s most outstanding work. Now, I will let Captain Sudri see the power of our Mura Rain Research Institute. Compared with it, the previous performance is just the light of a firefly!”

After all, CommScope took out a starter from his waist and pressed the button on it without hesitation.

In an instant, a piece of equipment placed at the bottom of the Spirit Gundam cockpit received the signal.


A slight noise sounded from the bottom of the cockpit of Spirit Gundam.

An imperceptible, but extremely fast-spreading black gloomy light intruded into the cockpit of Spirit Gundam in an instant, and opened a huge light net to rush towards Feng who was activating Spirit Gundam.

“What? What is this? CommScope!!!”

At the moment when the optical net was about to fall on Feng, Feng noticed it, but it was too late.

Feng, who had just called out CommScope’s name, was covered by that layer of light net.

“Hmm!! No!! Don’t break in!!! Ah ah ah!!!”

The communication was full of Feng’s screams.

This made Captain Sudri frowned.

At the beginning of the war, let yourself be injured first, what’s the matter?

Captain Sudri’s doubts were explained by CommScope in the next moment.

“Sorry! Captain, you are frightened! Because the strengthening people’s thinking is too jumpy, so in order to be able to control the strengthening people freely, our doctor personally designed this ingenious mechanism.”

After lighting up the controller in his hand, CommScope continued to explain: “This mechanism can activate the stimulant placed at the bottom of the Spirit Gundam cockpit and inject it into the strengthened human body. At that time, not only can the strengthened human be controlled freely, but also It can strengthen people’s combat power and elevate a class.”

Sudri was relieved of doubts, but he was a little surprised.

Unexpectedly, this group of researchers would be so crazy about using reinforcements as parts.

However, this does not seem to be too bad for Sudri.

“Memory?! Me, I want to retrieve my memory!!! No, absolutely can’t let anyone stop me from retrieving my memory!!!”

Feng, who had been tortured by the black light to the point of suffering, took off his helmet, and screamed as he squeezed his side face, which was covered with blue veins swallowed up by the black light.



The Spirit Gundam’s diffuse beam cannon was launched violently, frantically raging around in the distant dock.

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