Ultimate Scholar

Chapter 289 Invitation Letter

"What do we say now?"

There are many people sitting in a conference room.

And if someone who has been involved in Chinese academic circles for a long time stands here, he will probably be able to easily recognize that the identities of the people sitting here are not simple.

For example, one of them is Ning Zhiyuan, the president of Peking University.

In addition, there is the honorary president of the Chinese Physical Society, Zhao Shaocheng.

In addition to these two, there are also a number of heavyweights.

And they all have one thing in common, that is, they were the ones who expressed refutation in public after the news from the Sheshan Institute of Science was officially revealed.

"Why are you still talking about such nonsense? What else can we say? What can we do if the superiors insist on supporting the man named Li?"

Zhao Shaocheng snorted coldly. \b

"Zhao, don't be rude to me here. If you have the ability, why don't you go and win the Nobel Prize in Physics?"

The person who asked the question immediately expressed his dissatisfaction, "I'm 70 years old, and I don't mind being embarrassed here, scoff."

This man is also an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, named Zhou Yuankang, and he also studies physics. There are some conflicts between him and Zhao Shaocheng.

At this time, they came together because of their common interests.

Of course, everyone present is basically like this too.

Academic circle Academic circle is a circle. Except for the relatively pure circle of friends, there are basically interests in it.

For these people present, Sheshan Institute of Science has already affected their interests.

After being scolded, Zhao Shaocheng's face became ugly: "Zhou, why are you so stubborn? You want to win the Nobel Prize? I think you are the one who is embarrassed here."

Zhou Yuankang's eyes immediately widened.

Seeing that the two of them were about to quarrel again, another person next to him acted as a peacemaker: "Okay, okay, what are you two arguing about here? We are all gathered here today because of the most important thing at the moment. , not to come here to listen to your quarrel."

This person spoke, and the two people who were about to quarrel temporarily calmed down. Of course, they still couldn't look at each other, so they each snorted coldly and said no more.

At this time, Ning Zhiyuan sat up straight, put his hands on the conference table, and said: "First of all, one thing is clear for the time being. This matter is basically unstoppable."

"The above plans have been passed. You should all know about the newly established high-level talent introduction department at the National Academy of Sciences. For those who don't know the details, this high-level talent introduction department is currently Specifically for that person.”

"I asked through my connections. The talents currently introduced by this company are limited to scholars who have won the Wolf Prize, Fields Medal, and Nobel Prize. The nationality is also required to be Chinese but currently working abroad. of."

"Looking across the world, how many people currently meet this condition?"

After hearing Ning Zhiyuan's words, everyone present had different expressions.

For those who didn't know about this before, the news came as a surprise.

How can there be such a department that nominally serves one group, but actually only serves one person?

For those who had known the news before, they were still surprised when they heard the news again.

In any case, this matter is really unimaginable for them.

A department under the name of the National Academy of Sciences only serves one person, and even that person is a little too young.

For those of them, the youngest of whom are in their 40s, it is not an exaggeration to say that they are all jealous.

But unfortunately, such a thing still happened.

No one knew what to say, so they could only sigh in their hearts.

Who knows, I didn’t just win one of the Wolf Prize, Fields Medal, or Nobel Prize, but all of them.

Although it was shocking to be given such treatment by the above, in retrospect, it was barely acceptable.

Everyone was silent for a long time, and for a while they didn't know what to say.

till the end.

"Okay, why are you all so silent?" Ning Zhiyuan stood up and said, "Silence can't solve the problem. Do we have to watch the institute being officially established, and then absorb a large amount of research from everyone every year? Funding? In the end, no one could produce any results, so he was left to do it all by himself?"

"You don't want to, I don't want to, he doesn't want to, and many friends who didn't come to this meeting don't want to either."

"So, the best way is to prevent his research institute from producing any results."

"If it doesn't produce any results, the higher-ups will see clearly the essence of his research institute, and naturally they won't be given too many resources."

"How to do this?"

Others immediately asked: "Based on the current news, it is basically clear from above that this institute is basically engaged in theoretical things and does not engage in applications. Is it possible that you can prevent others from engaging in theory?"

"The whole world knows who that guy is. All you need to do is give him paper and pen. Maybe he can prove the Riemann Hypothesis directly for you."

"Is it possible that you can still stop letting him study it?"

Ning Zhiyuan waved his hand: "No, no, no, I never said that his research would not yield results. I meant that his research institute would not yield results."

"He can solve the Riemann Hypothesis by himself, so let him solve it. I also admit that when he is just one person, he can be said to be invulnerable."

"But the meaning above is also very clear. What we want is a research institute that can revitalize the basic science level of our country. He can only guarantee him alone, but can he guarantee everyone in his institute?"

"At that time, we will arrange for some people to go to his institute to conduct research but not produce results, which will occupy funds. Over time, he will be the only one to produce results. Do you think his institute will still be favored?"

"He lets others be strong, and he lets others be tyrannical. He can be arrogant on his own. I have nothing to object to, but there is no need to be arrogant in his institute."

After hearing Ning Zhiyuan's words, everyone present became thoughtful.

This method really works.

They can even create some scandals about this new institute and ruin its reputation among the people. In the end, the resources it will receive will naturally be reduced, and it will also be of no use to them. influence.

"Then, how are we going to arrange for people to go in? Besides, we still have to say whether the people we arrange will be willing."

"Just promise to hire people back when the time comes, and give them some research funding. None of us should think about giving nothing." Ning Zhiyuan said, "I am the first to object to free riding. .”

Everyone looked at each other, and finally, Zhao Shaocheng stood up first: "Okay, I agree with this method. In addition, I will also object to anyone who wants to hitchhike."

Just like that, everyone in the conference room agreed.

A conspiracy against the Sheshan Institute of Science was formed.

Of course, some conspiracies are not so easy to conceal.

The conversation in this conference room took place almost the same day in an office next to the Chrysanthemum Hall.

On the solid wood desk, the old man looked at the file in his hand and shook his head expressionlessly: "These old guys, in terms of IQ, are very high, but their sense of smell is not particularly sensitive."

"But I don't blame them. After all, humans are not dogs. It's normal for the nose to be insensitive."

The assistant next to me didn't dare to talk to him. These words were too serious.

But at this moment, the old man laughed again.

"But I'm kind of looking forward to what the expressions of these old guys will be like when the time comes."

How will these people react when Li Mu comes back and shows off his first result?

So, let’s save this scene until it’s officially released.

I just watched the trailer today.

Time passed quietly, and after a period of chaos, the Chinese academic community also returned to calm, making people think that the matter at the Sheshan Institute of Science was basically over.

Of course, the undercurrent is still surging and has never stopped.

However, Li Mu didn't care about these things at all.

Three of his students also successfully published their three papers after enrolling for two months. Because the corresponding author was Li Mu, their papers were quickly approved in advance by the editors of relevant journals. The reply of [Reviewer assignment] means that reviewers are being invited. \b

Although the corresponding author is Li Mu, after all, the actual authors are only three students, so they do not enjoy the treatment of being approved directly without review.

But this still made the three students very excited.

After all, they never thought that they would receive a reply from the editor within a week of submitting the manuscript, and they would even start to invite reviewers.

This kind of efficiency was completely unimaginable when they were undergraduates. They couldn't help but sigh in their hearts. This is the benefit of having an awesome tutor.

The time cost of publishing papers has been reduced a lot.

Of course, the good news continues. After receiving the invitation, the reviewers did not choose double-blind review, so the reviewers also knew the author information of the three of them. After learning that the paper actually came from The reviewers were very interested in Li Mu's students, so they quickly took the time to review it.

As a result, their papers were all reviewed within two weeks.

Then, the information of the three of them changed to [Required review completed], which means that the review work is over and waiting for editing processing.

Under normal circumstances, the editor will consider whether to recommend modifications or reject the manuscript later, or there is a small possibility of accepting it directly.

However, for these three papers, the reviewers all gave high evaluations, and the evaluations all had a very common sentence, "Inherited the style of his mentor, the process is very rigorous and impeccable."

It’s already flawless, what else can I say?

"By the way, my paper has been confirmed to be accepted!"

In Li Mu's office, Alex laughed wildly.

"What?! All your papers were accepted?"

On the side, after hearing the news, Brahms couldn't sit still. He immediately turned on the computer and started to check the status of his paper. Then when he saw [Accepted] on the web page, he immediately became crazy, "Haha , mine was also accepted!”

"Hey, calm down, why are you so excited?"

Tu Zhizhen waved his hand and said angrily.

Of course, he could no longer control his hands and started to check, and similarly, his paper also showed that it had been accepted!

"Damn it, mine was accepted too!"

He immediately jumped up from his seat and then went crazy.

Yuan Siping, on the other hand, became an outsider again.

He twitched the corners of his mouth, but there was no fluctuation in his heart, not even a little bit.

He didn’t even publish the paper, and there was no place to look it up.

"The harder you work, the luckier you get. The harder you work, the luckier you get..."

He closed his eyes and began to chant the sutra in his mind, and then looked back at the work in hand.

He will work hard quietly and then surprise everyone!

Of course, Li Mu was still sitting in the office. Seeing the happy expressions of the three students, he shook his head in amusement.

Young man, the pattern is broken.

After he published the paper, he became much calmer.

However, at this moment, there was a knock on the door.

"Professor Li Mu, here is your package, which was sent from Stockholm, Sweden. "

Sheldon, a staff member of Merton College, walked in and said to Li Mu.

"It seems...from the Nobel Prize Committee."

This sentence immediately attracted the attention of everyone in the office.

The four students' eyes were drawn to the package in Sheldon's hand.

They all roughly guessed what was inside.

"Thank you."

Li Mu smiled and nodded, then took the package.

Sheldon turned to leave, but in the end, he couldn't help but said: "Um...can I see what's inside the package?"

Li Mu was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "Of course."

"thank you."

Sheldon said gratefully.

He was really curious about what the stuff sent by the Nobel Prize Committee looked like.

Then Li Mu didn't waste any time. He took a pair of scissors and started to open the package.

Next to him, four of his students had gathered to watch.

Finally, the package was opened, and inside were beautifully designed letters.

And inside the letter was an invitation to the Nobel Prize dinner.

Li Mu took out these envelopes and began to read them. Finally, he took out one of them and handed it to Yuan Siping: "This is yours."

Yuan Siping was stunned: "Me?"

"This is yours." Li Mu did not answer, but took out another letter and handed it to Alex.

"Oh, buy it?" Alex's eyes widened.

Of course, Brahms and Tu Zhizhen are also indispensable.

The four people looked at the envelope in their hands and realized that Li Mu had also reported their names to the Nobel Prize Committee, so they had also received the invitation letter.

For a moment, they were ecstatic.

"Professor, you are my god!"

"Professor, you are a god among gods!"

The surprise of having the paper in Section 1 accepted just now seems to be a little inferior compared to this invitation to the Nobel Prize dinner.

But this time, Yuan Siping was finally no longer a widower, and successfully joined in the cheers.

Xie Er and others looked at this scene with envy. After all, he and Li Mu had no close relationship. In the end, he could only say: "Congratulations, Professor Li."

"Haha, thank you too."

Li Mu nodded.

Then, he took out the remaining three invitation letters, one of which was different because that one was for him, the winner, so his invitation letter was naturally different.

As for the other two letters, one is for his mentor, Andrew Wiles, and the other is for Yun Rongshang.

Afterwards, he did not stay in the office longer and asked the four students to calm down for a while and keep the invitations. He was going to continue sending the invitations.

After Andrew Wiles received the invitation letter, he was naturally happy to chat a lot with Li Mu and offered some encouragement.

After sending the invitation letter, Li Mu went to Yun Rongshang's academy.

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