Ultimate Scholar

Chapter 270

This sentence of George Parisi is obviously somewhat nonsensical.

Physics is an empirical science, so what does this have to do with using experience to judge Li Mu's proofs to be correct?

It's just that several other professors around glanced at each other, and then nodded in agreement, expressing their approval.

Indeed, judging whether a big cow's thesis is correct based on empiricism may not work if it is applied to other people, but it may work if it is applied to Li Mu. \b

This is also the impression that Li Mu has always left on the academic circle.

Never miss out.

"Okay, I still have a paper I haven't read yet, and I have to continue reading."

George Parisi's words quickly brought everyone present back to their senses.

He pointed to his computer and said to them.

This paper is just a theoretical paper. Although it is self-evident in terms of importance, he is more interested in another paper "On Superconductivity".

Therefore, he didn't care whether the other professors left or not, and began to read another paper.

Although he has not finished reading the last few pages of the paper, he can basically guess how the following pages are deduced, so there is no need to continue reading.

After seeing this, Hanberg and the others didn't stay any longer.

Now that George Parisi agreed, they had to go back and read the paper.

You can't fall behind at this time.

As a result, the office was quiet again. Although there were a few Parisi students, those students did not dare to yell while the tutor was reading the thesis.

It's just that, from time to time, they heard the voice of exclamation from the mouth of their Nobel Prize-winning mentor, and the expression of sudden realization appeared on his face from time to time, and his students couldn't help opening the door with strong curiosity. arxiv, and then found the two papers by Li Mu.

Then, they just give up.

Can't see it, can't see it at all.


As time passed quickly, Li Mu's two papers once again set the physics world in full swing.

And it is even hotter than Wilbur's principle of room temperature superconductivity before. After all, this time it was written by Li Mu.

Not to mention, the title of his thesis is called "On Superconductivity".

Such a paper has to attract the attention of all physicists around the world.

Just kidding, Maxwell's masterpiece on electromagnetism is called "On Electricity and Magnetism", and the title of Einstein's special theory of relativity written in 1905 is also called "On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies".

A paper with such a title not only represents the author's self-confidence, but also represents the importance of the paper.

Of course, the discussion of these two papers in the past few days mainly took place among those physicists who are not in this major, or who are at a slightly lower level. Did not make too many remarks.

There is no other reason, it is simply because they are still reading Li Mu's thesis and studying the content carefully.

These two papers not only involve condensed matter physics, but also involve dimensional force theory. Of course, the content of quantum mechanics is included in it, so it is quite difficult to understand.

If it is not a big cow who has been immersed in physics for many years and has a wide range of knowledge, or a real physics genius, otherwise, if you want to fully understand these two papers, you have to give up, or you have to prepare a lot of papers. If you encounter something you don't understand, look it up immediately.

After all, not everyone is proficient in multiple frontiers of physics.

In this way, a few days later, the first big cow finally expressed his opinion on these two papers by Li Mu.

This person was George Parisi, and he was one of the first physicists to read Li Mu's two papers.

[What I have to admit is that these two papers by Li still inherit his consistent spirit—that is, rigor, absolute rigor, so that I can't find any problems in them. In the article “Conjugate Model of Acting Force”, this theoretical paper, through mathematical methods, well deduced for us how the dimensional force, as the basic force of the basic force, promotes the electromagnetic interaction force to work. How the conjugate relationship between the two is formed.

From this, we can even use the electroweak unified theory to deduce how the dimensional force stimulates the weak interaction force.

In any case, Li's paper shows us the deeper working principle of dimensional force.

Of course, in addition to this paper, Li's second paper, "On Superconductivity", is even more important. I believe that the importance of this paper in the field of physics will always be engraved in history. on the monument.

In his thesis, he cleverly revealed how after a material exhibits superconducting properties, how the internal electrons become unhindered, and how superconducting electron pairs are formed, which is a very magical phenomenon , and similarly, the paper also gives the electronic behavior of various superconductors in the superconducting state measured by arpes. The experimental data and theoretical data are almost completely consistent. In addition, the BCS theory is indeed perfectly integrated Embedded in, the BCS theory is perfectly explained as a part of the theory in the paper "On Superconductivity".

This is obviously not a mathematical coincidence, this is the truth of the universe!

Physicists have always firmly believed that all phenomena in this world can be explained by us in a physical way, whether it is the formation of the universe or the existence of dark matter—of course, under the explanation of the dimensional force theory, we The answer to the question of dark matter and dark energy is very close.

Obviously, since 1911, the problem of superconductivity that has been hovering over physics has been embarrassing our physics community for more than a hundred years, and until today, I can probably make an assertion-this Problems are a thing of the past.

So let's cheer for physics then! 】

George Parisi's article quickly spread throughout the physics community.

After all, the physics community has been waiting for a big cow to make a conclusive evaluation of Li Mu's thesis, and now, George Parisi obviously has such qualifications. Or quantum mechanics, dimensional force theory, and other aspects. To some extent, since he won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2021, he has become a grand slam player in the physics world.

Therefore, under his evaluation, Li Mu's two papers seem to have reached a conclusion. Although it is not a final conclusion, the boiling of the physics world has also come.

[I really didn't expect that I could still witness the complete explanation of superconductivity in this life, it's really unbelievable! 】

[Oh my God, can something like superconductivity really be fully explained by using mathematics alone? This is totally unbelievable! 】

[You can never imagine the end of things that mathematics can explain, but what I want to say is, can something like superconductivity really be explained in this century? Li Mu traveled from the future, right? 】

[Oh, my God, my doctoral thesis! It's over, it must be rewritten now! 】

[Why rewrite? 】

[Because my doctoral dissertation and Li Mu's dissertation are completely contrary to each other! This is definitely going to be rewritten! 】

[Don't say it, you are just a doctoral thesis. We are the superconductivity research group of Cambridge University. Our purpose all along is to try to explain the principle of superconductivity, but now with this paper by Li Mu, our subject There is no need for the group to continue to exist, our BOSS has started to go crazy, thinking about whether to kill Oxford. 】

[We are the superconducting research group of the University of California, let's go! We will provide you with moral support behind the scenes, salute! 】

【By the way, what about that Wilbur paper? Are his conclusions correct? Why is no one discussing it now]

[Although I can't understand these two papers by Li Mu, I think they are probably wrong. After all, Li Mu said before that Wilbur's theory is not correct. 】

[Wait for the explanations from other bigwigs! 】

In this way, as time passed slowly, ordinary scholars waited for more experts to come forward to explain. It didn't subside, and it started to be reported on a large scale.

"Physics Unsolved Puzzles: Why Superconductivity Has Been Solved?" "

"The genius of the century strikes again, and the mystery of superconductivity is finally solved"

"Who is right and who is wrong? "On Superconductivity" by Li Mu


Various titles have attracted the attention of many ordinary people. After all, the benefits of superconductivity are closely related to people's lives.

Of course, not long after George Parisi's article was posted, more and more other big cows began to publish their comments publicly, either in a class or on their own personal web pages above.

And the comments of these big cows, the conclusions given are either affirmative, or there is a wait-and-see attitude in the affirmation. Even Niu can't refute Li Mu's conclusions, not to mention that his conclusions have been verified on superconducting materials such as yttrium barium copper oxide, niobium titanium alloy and so on.

The complete unity of theory and practice is of course the truth.

Not everyone dares to use theory to negate the conclusion of the experiment like Li Mu did back then.

As for Wilbur's paper, of course, it was also mentioned by many experts, and after reading Li Mu's paper, these experts also clearly saw Wilbur's mistake.

As Li Mu said before, in Wilbur's principle, the dimensional force directly leads to the formation of electron pairs.

In fact, it is indirectly caused by the electromagnetic interaction force.

If the result is the same, but the process is different, then it is wrong.

Of course, the most important thing is that there is still a fatal flaw in Wilber's theory, that is, there is no such thing as a room-temperature superconductor in reality to verify his theory, so his theory is inherently unprovable. This is why all the big cows have been holding a wait-and-see attitude towards his theory.

But now, his theory of room temperature superconductivity can be regarded as a complete conclusion.

However, no one cares about him now.


"Professor, hello, I'm Brahms List."

"I'm Anthony Alex."


In Li Mu's office, in front of him, stood four young people, of course, they might be older than him.

And these four people are his four graduate students.

Brahms Liszt, Anthony Alex, Tu Zhizhen, and... Li Mu turned to look at the fourth person.

The man immediately smiled at him, showing his big silver teeth.

Yuan Siping.

Li Mu shook his head with a smile.

Afterwards, he stood up, opened his hands, and expressed his welcome: "Welcome four, come to Oxford University, come to Merton College, and become my students."

"I hope that in the next time, we can get along happily."

His four students all nodded their heads repeatedly. They were all a bit cautious in front of Li Mu, especially Yuan Siping.

For the other three students, Li Mu is someone they have admired for a long time. For Yuan Siping, who knew Li Mu before, and now gets along with Li Mu again. His former friend has now become a world-renowned genius scholar. A prize winner, a candidate for the Nobel Prize, and even his own professor, the pressure he faces is much greater than the other three.

Although he could still joke with Li Mu when he was on the phone with Li Mu, but now after meeting him in reality, the feeling is completely different.

But all in all, the four people looked at Li Mu with admiration in their eyes.

Although Li Mu is young, he is their teacher after all.

However, just as Li Mu was about to continue to say something, there was a knock on his office door.

Li Mu was taken aback for a moment, and then said to several students, "Sit next to me first."

Then he said to the door: "Please come in."

Then, an old man who looked very knowledgeable walked in.

After seeing Li Mu, he walked up to him eagerly, and extended his hand to him: "Professor Li, hello."

"Let me introduce myself. I'm the editor-in-chief of Nature, Joss Winston. It's an honor to meet you."

Editor-in-Chief of Nature?

Beside, Li Mu's four students were all taken aback. Why did the editor-in-chief come to find Li Mu?

Li Mu thought for a moment, then smiled and said, "I remember, you called me before."

Joss Winston laughed immediately: "I didn't expect Professor Li to remember me, it's great."

The last time he called Li Mu was for Li Mu's paper on electrochemistry.

"I still remember when I called you, you hung up on me because you were doing your graduation defense."

"I still remember this incident." Li Mu laughed, and then asked: "I just don't know, Mr. Winston, why did you come here suddenly today?"

Joss Winston spread his hands, "As the editor-in-chief, of course it's for the paper."

"It took me more than two hours to drive from London to Oxford, and I came here just to hope that Professor Li, you can submit that paper "On Superconductivity" to our "Nature."

"As the editor-in-chief, I guarantee that your paper will be the cover paper of our next journal!"

"Of course, you may not care about the manuscript fee, but we will also pay you a manuscript fee of 50,000 pounds."

Joss Winston had a genuine smile on his face.

On the side, the four graduate students who just came to Li Mu's place today were stunned.

Good guy, the editor-in-chief of "Nature", drove for more than two hours in person, came to invite their supervisor, and submitted the paper to "Nature"?

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