Ultimate Scholar

Chapter 256: The Philippine Award Winner!

Fields Medal!

Following the announcement of Carlos Koenig, more than 4,000 eyes in the audience turned to him from the previous winner of the Abacus Award.

Although there are still several awards that are considered the highest honors in the entire mathematics community, in addition to the Fields Medal, it also includes the Wolf Prize in Mathematics, the Abel Prize, the Craford Prize, etc., no matter what, Fei The Ertz Medal is always the most special one in the minds of all mathematicians.

As the most important award in the human world on earth, and mathematics, which is considered to be the top subject in the disdain chain, the 40-year-old age limit of the Fields Medal can be said to be the highest among all awards. extremely special.

Of course, because of this, this award has become the best symbol of geniuses.

Naturally, it also attracts the support of countless people.

"The Fields Medal has been awarded 19 times since it was first awarded in 1936."

"As of this year, it is already the twentieth."

"It follows our International Congress of Mathematicians, one of the oldest academic conferences in the world, which has gone through almost 100 years of history."

"Here, let us all pay tribute to Mr. John Charles Fields, who helped us spread mathematics to a wider area, and who brought our International Congress of Mathematicians to a wider area. the world, so that the Congress can continue to be renewed forever."

After saying this, Koenig applauded, and then everyone in the audience also applauded, paying respect to the mathematician from a hundred years ago. \b

If Mr. Fields hadn’t left the heavyweight Fields Medal for the International Congress of Mathematicians, probably the International Congress of Mathematicians would not have been awaited by so many mathematicians like it is now.

Until the applause gradually stopped, Carlos Koenig said with a smile: "Okay, then let's enter the awarding part of the Fields Medal."

"This year, there are four winners of the Fields Medal."

All the mathematicians in the audience opened their eyes wide.

Four winners!

Generally speaking, the Fields Medal will be awarded to 2 to 4 winners, and the more people awarding the award, it means that those who have the probability of winning the award are more likely to win the award.

And if you can't get it, it will take four years. Maybe four years later, the mathematician who originally had the qualifications will lose the qualifications because he is over 40 years old.

The only person in history who can break this rule is only Andrew Wiles, and what Andrew Wiles proved was Fermat's last theorem. If he wants to reproduce his results, he has to solve another Mathematical equivalent of Fermat's Last Theorem.

However, this probability is pitifully small.

"Old Yun, the four of you, are you confident?"

In a certain row of seats in the conference hall, several Chinese mathematicians sat together.

Among them are Yun Wei, Zhu Wen, and Xu Yang. They are all the golden generation of mathematics in Beijing University in Huaguo, and they can be regarded as the top group of young Chinese mathematicians.

They are also candidates for the Fields Medal.

However, in terms of age, people like Xu Yang and Zhu Wen are over 40 years old, and the only person who happens to be 40 years old is only Yun Wei.

Therefore, in this session, only he could win this award.

However, facing the words of the other people, Yun Wei was silent for a moment, then finally shook his head and said: "Don't think about it, this kind of thing probably has nothing to do with me, I'm still very clear about it."

Hearing Yun Wei's words, several other people also fell silent, and finally shook their heads.

They, who were once called the golden generation together, had to express helplessness when facing mathematics.

For the science of "realism" such as mathematics, no or no, physics can achieve "super-light speed" by loosening the cable, and you still can't prove the Riemann Hypothesis even if you loosen your head in mathematics.

"Okay, let's not worry about this kind of thing, let's see who can win this year's award first."

Yun Wei waved his hands, and finally focused his attention on the rostrum.

Of course, although he didn't say that he had hope, the little expectation in his eyes still revealed the true thoughts in his heart.

And the other few people didn't say any more, and turned their attention to Koenig on the rostrum.

"By the way, do you think that person will win the prize?"

Zhu Wen said at this time.

"that person……"

Although they didn't name them, they all knew who this person was.

The young man who came from the same country as them, but was almost half their age, turned the entire mathematics world upside down.

If they are considered to be the golden generation of Huaguo Mathematics, then that person alone may be able to support a golden generation.


The possibility floated in the minds of others.

However, at this time, Carlos Koenig on the stage finally announced the award words.

"When the hailstone conjecture was proved, I was happy for the mathematical community; when the twin prime conjecture was proved, I was amazed by the ability of genius; when Goldbach's conjecture was proved, I was shocked by a person. "

"I once thought, where is the limit and boundary of a mathematical genius? He gave me a living answer."

"That is, there is no limit and no boundary. His mathematics has changed the research direction of the chemical and biological circles and brought about a revolution; his mathematics has collapsed the edifice of the physics community, and then re-established a more solid foundation. fundamentals; his mathematics transformed even the most critical diagnostic processes in medicine."

"He fully proved that mathematics is the language of the universe, and it can have unimaginable effects on any science."

When he said this, Koenig paused, raised his head, and looked at the audience.

As if, at this moment, all the participants have been attracted by his announcement.

And obviously, when he spoke the first sentence, everyone in the audience already knew who the winner was.

And only that person. \b

"He is - Li Mu!"

Carlos Koenig's voice suddenly raised a lot.

"From number theory to algebraic geometry, from mathematics to various other branches, I can no longer imagine that there are people who can do better than him."

"So, I announce that the 2022 International Conference of Mathematicians will be the first Fields Medal winner, Li Mu!"

"Because of his unprecedented achievements in number theory, his great contribution to the realization of the Langlands program, and his outstanding achievements in the application of mathematics in other fields."

"Let us send our warmest congratulations to Mr. Li Mu!"

As he said that, Carlos Koenig gave him extremely intense applause, and looked towards the audience, where Li Mu was sitting, with a smile on his face.

Of course, with the incomparably intense applause from the audience, more than 4,000 eyes were also cast in the direction of Li Mu at the same time.

Li Mu was sitting in the second row, so his seat was also very obvious.

And at this moment, Li Muyang, who was the only protagonist in the audience, naturally felt the deepest emotion.

After nearly... four years of hard work, relying on his personal talent and a little help from the computer in his mind, he can be considered to have won the highest honor in the mathematics world.

"Congratulations, Li Mu, you deserve it."

Sitting beside him, Wiles, who kept clapping, said to him with a smile on his face.

And many acquaintances around him also congratulated him.

Li Mu stood up, buttoned the front button of his suit, smiled and nodded to the acquaintances around him.

"Thank you, everyone, thank you."

Afterwards, he also left his seat and walked towards the rostrum.

Accompanied by the applause that has not stopped, he walked to the stage.

Carlos Koenig was already welcoming his arrival.

He held out his hand: "Li, congratulations, this Fields Medal is worthy of the name for you."

Li Mu also extended his hand and shook him: "Thank you, Chairman Koenig."

Koenig smiled slightly, and then picked up the prize from the table next to him.

It was a box with a flannelette shell, and the texture was like those boxes for rings or jewelry.

At this time, the box has been opened, and there is a golden badge lying flat inside.

This is the Fields Medal.

The medallion is by Canadian sculptor Robert Tate MacKenzie, a master of the last century, of course. \b

On the front of the medal is the relief head of Archimedes, and engraved with capital Greek letters: ΑΡΧΙΜΗΔΟΥΣ.

It means "(head) of Archimedes".

Archimedes' status in the mathematics world is also worthy of engraving his head and name on such an important medal.

And beyond that, is the monogram as a carver.

Finally, on the circular edge of the medal, there is a sentence written in Latin: Beyond the limits of human beings, to be the master of the universe.

This is what the Fields Medal looks like on the front.

On the other hand, there are a few lines in the middle, "Mathematicians from all over the world gather, the glory belongs to the important contribution to knowledge", with Archimedes' sphere embedded in the cylinder in the background.

This is the medal that represents the highest honor in the field of mathematics.

The exquisite design is sought after by almost all mathematicians, and it must be placed in the most obvious place in the collection room of the home, and it must be the most amazing to attract guests.

After admiring the golden badge, Li Mu closed the lid with a smile on his face, and put it away.

This medal must be kept close to you. I heard that at the last International Congress of Mathematicians held in Rio de Janeiro, there was a Fields Medal winner's medal, but it was stolen in the end.

Hmm... Of course, considering that it was Rio de Janeiro after all, it doesn't seem surprising to think about the 2016 Rio Olympics.

And this is Maozi's territory. Think back to the Mao-style law enforcement that you saw outside when you came in just now...

There shouldn't be any thieves risking the world's disgrace, right?

cough cough...

There is no need to think so much.

In addition to the medal, there is also 15,000 Canadian dollars, which is equivalent to more than 80,000 RMB. As for why it is Canadian dollars, it is mainly because Fields is a Canadian, and the initial funds for this bonus came from the money he left behind. 47,000 Canadian dollars.

After receiving the awards, the Fields Medal did not include an acceptance speech.

Then, Carlos Koenig continued to announce with a smile: "Then, let us once again congratulate Mr. Li Mu, the youngest Fields Medal winner in history."

"Twenty-two years old, I really want to know, how many years will it take to win the Fields Medal at a younger age, or is there still such a possibility?"

Koenig's words also made everyone in the audience suddenly remember that this winner is only 22 years old this year.

Previously, the youngest winner of the Fields Medal was Jean-Pierre Serre, who won the Fields Medal in 1954 at the age of 27, while the second youngest winner was 29. , There are three 29-year-old Fields Medal winners in history, and Simon Downers is one of them.

Now, Li Mu directly raised this age forward by five years!

twenty-two years old...

For a while, all the mathematicians in the audience couldn't help but feel desperate because of this age.

Can this really be surpassed?

Until the end, they could only temporarily forget about it and breathe a sigh of relief. Fortunately, they are over 22 years old and don't have to worry about it anymore.

When they were 22 years old, most of them were still thinking about how to complete their graduation thesis. How could they think about such a problem?

This kind of problem should be left to future generations to solve it.

The applause sounded again and lasted for a long time, and Li Mu also bowed and returned to his seat.

The awards ceremony continued, and the next three winners basically stepped on the age limit of 40 years old, except for the winner named James Maynard who was 35 years old.

Among them is a Korean named Xu Jiner, whose award-winning achievements also include the proof of Qiang Mason's conjecture.

In any case, the winners who can win the Fields Medal have unquestionable abilities in the field of mathematics.

Soon, with the completion of the Fields Medal, several other less important awards followed, basically all of which showed the International Mathematical Union's concern for humanism.

Examples include the Knott Lecture Medal, which is dedicated to women mathematicians, and the Rilawati Award for those who have made significant contributions to promoting mathematics education.

In this way, with the awarding of the awards, the opening ceremony of the 2022 International Congress of Mathematicians has officially ended.

Relevant news spread quickly, and the most notable one was of course the winner of the Fields Medal.

Among the four Fields Medal winners, Li Mu is naturally the one who gets the most attention.

The 22-year-old Fields Medal winner directly raised the age of winning the Fields Medal by five years. Such an achievement that has never been done before, and even has a certain probability of no one to come after, shocked the whole world.


Huaguo, CCTV 13 news channel, is now in the live news room.

Although it is not a news broadcast, nor is it a news thirty minutes, but there are still some people who watch this channel, such as some public examination officials, or some who just pass the time, or some old people.

In the live news room at this time, an anchor surnamed Kang was talking about the latest hot news: "Recently, the South Korean room temperature superconductor LKD-66 has received a lot of attention from the academic circles. LKD-66's are not real superconductors..."

While talking, suddenly, a hand stretched out from the side and handed the anchor a piece of paper.

The anchor surnamed Kang's words were interrupted, which made the audience in front of the TV a little confused.

What's going on here?

Had an accident?

But then, they saw the anchor who took the paper and glanced at it, and suddenly showed a surprised expression.

Then he raised his head, looked at the camera again, and said in a very excited tone: "Just now we got the news that the 2022 International Congress of Mathematicians held in St. The name of the award winner."

"And among them, a famous Chinese mathematician won this award!"

"It is reported that the Fields Medal is the highest award in the field of mathematics, which is equivalent to the Nobel Prize in the field of mathematics. It represents the highest achievement in the field of mathematics..."

"In the past, the youngest winner of the Fields Medal was the French mathematician Jean-Pierre Serre, and with Li Mu receiving the award, the age of the youngest winner will drop directly to 22 years old."

"This is the first Chinese national to receive this award..."


The audience in front of the TV were shocked when they learned the news unexpectedly.

Then, those young viewers immediately picked up their phones and shared the news in various group chats.

Their Faun has won the Fields Medal!

The news broadcast room basically got first-hand information, because at the scene of the International Conference of Mathematicians, their reporters watched the whole process, and as soon as they got the news, they immediately passed the matter back to China.

So the viewers who watched the live broadcast were also the first to know about it.

As a result, the whole country is boiling.

Fields Medal Winner!


On the trending search list, the news of [Li Mu won the Fields Medal] fell directly to the top of the list like heaven, sweeping away all the rest of the trending searches.

[I'm stupid, what did I see? Fei Fei Fei Fei...Fields Medal? ! ! 】

【Shepherd! Faun! Faun! Forever God! 】

[I'm damn, I was watching the news broadcast room, and I was talking about the LKD-66 room temperature superconductor, but I was suddenly interrupted, and then I talked about this, it's awesome! 】

[Although she had already guessed that Mu Shen would win the Fields Medal, it was too soon. Fuck me, the 22-year-old Fei Medal winner, this is not a god, who is still a god? 】

[22 years old... Can this still exceed? 】

[It can’t be done, the youngest winner of the Nobel Prize in Science is 25 years old. 】

[If this is still super, I will eat X while standing upside down]

[At that time, you were all pissed off, what a ghost]


And Shangjing University, School of Life Sciences.

"Ahhh! Ruyu, your brother won the Fields Medal!"

Xin Xin shook Li Ruyu's shoulder almost crazily.

"Oh, I know, I know."

Li Ruyu's face was calm, "Calm down."

"That's your brother, you're not excited at all!"

Seeing Li Ruyu's calm appearance, Xin Xin rolled her eyes.

"That's still my brother." Li Ruyu spread his hands, "My brother's is mine, so it means that I have also won the Fields Medal."

Xin Xin gave her the middle finger, "You first prove the Goldbach conjecture to me."

After making a fuss, she also regained her composure and did not continue to go crazy.

"Have you gone crazy?" Li Ruyu asked.

"What's gone crazy?" Xin Xin was taken aback.

"It seems that you have finished posting." Li Ruyu: "Then it's up to me."

Then she grabbed Xin Xin's shoulders and shaking even more crazy: "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Xin Xin: "..."

She felt like her brains were about to be shaken.


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