Ultimate Scholar

Chapter 22: We have to set up a separate examination room for this kid

"Director Wu, news came from the competition examination room that about a dozen students in examination room No. 1 left the examination room early, and all of them took the test for less than 100 minutes."

In Wu Mengyuan's office, Wu Mengyuan frowned when he heard a teacher's report on the exam situation.

"Leave in less than 100 minutes?"

"Yes, and the earliest one left just after the first class, and then it is estimated that this student led the way, which caused more than a dozen other students to follow. It is estimated that they all handed in blank papers."

Wu Mengyuan shook his head: "These students, my competition questions are not too difficult, so they shrink back so easily? Then why should they come to the exam, torture themselves, and waste our time, energy and money."

As the dean of the physics department, he was famously strict, so he was naturally very dissatisfied with such things.

"Yes." The teacher who was reporting nodded in agreement, but it's just about the sentence "the competition question is not too difficult"...

You are Director Wu...

forget it. I'm done here.

Of course, there is nothing to say about this kind of thing, it is within the rules, and those students probably do not know how to do competition questions.

So just forget it.

Wu Mengyuan: "However, let the examination room remember the names of the students who left early. If there is another competition next time, we can consider letting them not participate."

"Good director."

The teacher nodded and left the place.

At this time, Wu Mengyuan also received a message from Professor Lin Yao.

"Huh? What's the matter with this guy... um, what is it? That kid Li Mu wrote another paper?"

Like Professor Lin Yao at the beginning, Wu Mengyuan was also taken aback when he saw the news.

Good guy, when can you write papers wholesale?

Didn't Li Mu finish an article half a month ago?

Got another one now?

Wu Mengyuan didn't know what to say for a moment.

However, Lin Yao asked him to take a look. It is estimated that the old boy could not understand the paper.

He couldn't help laughing, that is to say, the students of their physics school should look for the professor of their physics school, why are they looking for the guy from the math school all day long.

After seeing Li Mu, I had to give him a hint.

With that in mind, he also opened the paper.

"Semi-Markovian jumps... Uncertain continuous time-varying delay systems..."

He has studied all these contents, so the problem is not that big.

In this way, he gradually read on, and the more he watched, the more frightened he became.

this essay……

No matter in writing or in format, it has already approached maturity.

Compared with the last time when Li Mu wrote his thesis for the first time, he has made much progress.

This speed of progress was something Wu Mengyuan could tell, so he was surprised by it.

Then the academic ability shown in this paper surprised him even more.

The quality of this paper is no less than Li Mu's last paper, but how much better?

There is no certainty in this regard, but Wu Mengyuan is clear that this paper is completely a rare paper for this field.

There is definitely no problem in the first area, the only tangled thing is which journal it will be published in when the time comes...

Tsk, can this be considered a tangle?

Thinking back to when he was just a freshman, he never thought about publishing a thesis. The college students in his era may be very good, but compared with Li Mu...

There is still a gap.

It doesn't even feel like there's anything left to teach...

He couldn't help feeling a kind of sigh that the waves behind the Yangtze River push forward the waves ahead.

So far, Lin Yao's goal has been achieved.

Of course, Wu Mengyuan didn't know that Lin Yao still had such bad intentions.

He shook his head, suddenly remembered, Li Mu...

Isn't this kid taking an exam today?

Then look at what Lin Yao said...

He opened the WeChat message and saw the message sent by Lin Yao more than an hour ago.

[Just now Li Mu sent me a new paper written by him. I don’t understand this field. I remember that you have posted papers on this topic before. Come and read it for me.]

Because he read Li Mu's paper carefully, it took him more than an hour, but he read the news that Li Mu posted it "just now"...

Wu Mengyuan was stunned. He remembered that the teacher reported the competition situation to him just now, saying that some students left after just one class.

Shouldn't it be...


At this time, the teacher who reported the news to him knocked on the door again and came in.

"Director Wu, you asked me to count the list of those who left the field early. Their exams are over, and now the count is ready."

"In addition, Professor Zhang Xingguo in the first examination room said that the first student to leave the examination room was the one who left after a class. It may not be intentional. His test paper..."

Before the teacher finished speaking, Wu Mengyuan asked: "Has he finished all his test papers? And he is all correct?"

The teacher was taken aback for a moment, then nodded, and said in surprise, "Director Wu, you know? Oh...Professor Zhang Xingguo seems to have posted it in the group just now."

Then the teacher couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "Professor Zhang Xingguo said that the student's test papers have all been written, and he checked it again, and they are all correct. This is a competition question, and it was written by Director Wu." The question is really incredible, to be honest, I don't think I can even do it..."

Wu Mengyuan shook his head, and said helplessly: "Not only do I know, I also know that his name is Li Mu, don't I?"

"Hey, you know that too?"

The teacher was stunned, and Professor Zhang Xingguo didn't say his name in the group...

No name is shown in the photo either.

"And he's still a freshman, not a junior or sophomore..." Wu Mengyuan waved his hands and said, "Forget it, since he's this kid, there's no need to remember his name."

He was the one who was the first to leave the field the most annoyed. After all, the first one to leave the field brought about the leading effect.

But looking at it now, people have finished writing, and they are all right, so why are they still waiting in the examination room for more than two hours without leaving?

So there is no good punishment for this, even if the luck of those who handed in the papers in advance is good.

At this time, the teacher who reported it finally figured it out. It seems that Director Wu knew the student named Li Mu.

However, this doesn't seem to be a surprise. Students with such talents are quite likely to be noticed by Director Wu in advance.

Then he nodded and said, "Okay Director Wu."

Wu Mengyuan nodded and waved his hand, indicating that the teacher could leave, and he naturally wanted to talk to Li Mu.

This kid has a good head!

I'm afraid I will have to set up a separate examination room for this kid in the future.

Linyao's test was completed in more than 40 minutes before leaving the test, and it was more than 50 minutes earlier, and now his test is also the same.

And obviously the three questions he posed were competition questions, but given a full three hours of exam time, it was equivalent to Li Mu handing in the paper more than 130 minutes earlier.

Could it be that his competition questions are not as good as Lin Yao's ordinary quiz?

In fact, for Li Mu, the time required for the exam basically depends on the amount of questions and the number of words that need to be written, not on the difficulty of the questions...

Of course, Wu Mengyuan probably couldn't figure out this point.

Please collect and please recommend!

Please ask for a monthly ticket!

Please ask for a more important follow-up, Qiu Li Gao!

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