Ultimate Marvel System

Chapter 98: Two Deaths

AN: Sorry for the delay. I meant to update yesterday but got swept up with work...

You'd think they would give me some time to relax since I'll be on vacation starting tomorrow but no, they gave me more work. :(

Anyway, here's the chap!


Chapter 98: Two Deaths

“Captain Universe? Why are you called Captain Universe? Aren’t you also a Spider-Man?”

Peter asked, full of curiosity.

Cosmic Spider-Man smiled.

“I still consider myself to be Spider-Man. Captain Universe is like a title for those who were chosen by the Enigma Force. Its powers enable me to be the protector of this universe as the strongest being.”

“Cool…but why Captain though?”

Peter tilted his head.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, Captain sounds cool and all but…you’d think the strongest being in the universe would have a much higher rank, right? Is Major Universe taken? Or how about General Universe? President Universe?”


Cosmic Spider-Man was speechless.

He turned to Miguel and asked the same question Superior Spider-Man asked.

“Are you sure this guy’s the Prodigy?”

“Well, he ain’t wrong though?”

PS4 Spider-Man laughed.

One of the Miles raised his hand and added.

“Actually, I’ve also wondered about that.”

Beside him, the other Miles answered.

“Well, Captain Universe just sounds right. General Universe would sound too domineering.”

“Please, the guy has the word Universe on his name. It’s already pretty domineering.”

“Good point.”

While the Spider-Men started to discuss about it, the female Spider totems just rolled their eyes at them.

“Oh great. They’re at it again…”

Even Benjamin couldn’t help but feel chills at the sight of multiple Spider-Men talking nonstop.

At this moment, a figure in a white suit, short black hair, and a red mask that only covered half her face approached him and started to look at him from head to toe silently.

It was Cindy Moon, AKA, Silk.

Confused by her action, Benjamin asked.

“Is there something?”

“Space Peter said you’re a God. You don’t look like one.”

Space Peter?

Benjamin chuckled at her nickname for Cosmic Spider-Man.

“What is a God supposed to look like?”

“I don’t know. Like Thor?”

Benjamin smiled and shook his head.

“Thor’s a Norse God with Asgardian blood so he naturally looks muscular. I’m just human.”

Also, his muscles were refined perfectly by the Refined Super Soldier Serum so although he doesn’t look bulky, his strength is no joke.

“I still don’t buy it.”

Silk pouted and placed both hands on her hips.

Benjamin just shrugged and refused to prove anything. She’ll understand soon anyway.

After Silk walked away, Gwen approached him with another Gwen.

The difference between them was…well, the Gwen that Benjamin knew had short blonde hair that reached her shoulders along with a black hairband.

The other Gwen also had short blonde hair that reached her shoulders but only on one side as her right half of the hair seemed to be much shorter. She also had hints of pink at the ends of her hair.

“Capt. Meet Gwen. Gwen, meet Capt.”

Gwen smirked as she introduced the other Gwen to Benjamin and Benjamin to the other Gwen.

The other Gwen rolled her eyes at her but still shook hands with Benjamin.

“Nice to meet you. Name’s Gwen. If you get confused how to call us, you can call me Drummer Gwen and this one Geek Gwen.”

Geek Gwen protested.

“Hey! We talked about this! I’m Smart Gwen!”

“Sure Geek. Oh, if you prefer, you can call me Cool Gwen too.”


Benjamin chuckled and suggested.

“How about Haircut Gwen and Hairband Gwen?”

“That’s lame…”

“I like it!”

Haircut Gwen disagreed while Hairband Gwen agreed.

In the end, it was still undecided what to call them.

By this point, Superior Spider-Man was fed up with the farce and immediately called everyone to focus.

“Enough! Are you all this stupid!? Did you all already forget we have a crisis at hand!?

“Relax Ock, we’re safe here in the refuge. Those Inheritors won’t dare to come here.”

A Spider-Man said.

“Do not call me Ock! I am the Superior Spider-Man!”

“Uhh yeah. No. Too long. How about SSM?”

Spider-Man suggested and another Spider-Man added.

“But then it would sound like Sadistic Spider-Man.”

“Or Smelly Spider-Man.”

The Spider-Men continued to joke, making the Superior Spider-Man more and more irritated.

Miguel just groaned and rubbed his head at the side.

Cosmic Spider-Man sighed as well and spoke up.

“In any case, we now have all the Spider-Totems the Inheritors are trying to get. It’s time we start thinking about how to counter-attack. We can’t always be playing defense here.”

To this, Peter raised his hand and asked.

“Umm, which Totems are they again and who are they?”

“Well, there’s you, the ‘supposed’ Prodigy.”

“Was the supposed really necessary…”

Peter grumbled but Cosmic Spider-Man ignored him.

He turned to look at Kaine Scarlet Spider who sat quietly at the corner from the start.

“There’s the ‘Other’, Kaine.”

Peter looked confused so Gwen added.

“He’s one of Peter’s clones.”

“One of what now?”

Peter was shocked.

Clone? Does he have a clone now too!?

Benjamin saw he was about to start overthinking again so he calmed him down.

“Don’t worry, anyone who can clone you in our world is either dead or in jail already.”

...So it was still possible!?

Cosmic Spider-Man continued.

“The ‘Bride’, Silk.”

Peter was confused about where these names were coming from and this time, Miles was the one who explained.

“That’s Cindy Moon. Supposedly, she was bit by the same spider that bit Peter, causing her to also gain spider powers but because she was bit by the same spider as him, they would always get frisky with each other when they’re near each other.”

“Ugh, you don’t have to explain that much, Miles…”

One of the Spider-Man in the corner groaned.

Clearly, he was the Peter that Miles mentioned as he was trying to stay far away from Silk.

Silk just snorted and didn’t bother to comment.

Benjamin smiled wryly as he knew that Silk was quite a genius among the Spider Totems in terms of skill and ability.

Others rely on web shooters but she can literally release webbing from any part of her body.

Because of that, she’s a bit arrogant and rash, causing headaches to the others.

Cosmic Spider-Man continued as he turned to look at the baby being held by Jessica Drew.

“Finally, the ‘Scion’, Benjy.”

May bit her lip as she added.

“My baby brother…”

MJ could tell how worried she was.

Based on their conversation before, these specific totems are currently being hunted by those Inheritors.

Which meant that May had been trying to run from them along with her baby brother for who knows how long.

And based on her reaction earlier…her mother, the MJ of her world, may very well have died in the hands of those Inheritors as well.

Maybe even her father, Peter…

MJ didn’t say anything and only held May’s hand to reassure her.

Although she was not her mother, she could still feel a sense of kinship with her and felt that she should comfort her.

May looked at her gratefully and clenched her hand, finding peace in the hands of her mother’s doppelganger.

Cosmic Spider-Man continued.

“There were still others but…they have already fallen in the hands of the Inheritors. But as long as we protect these four, they will be unable to achieve their goal.”

Everyone nodded as they understood this point.

However, one thought differently.


It was Kaine.

“If you think I’m just gonna sit around here and wait, you’re dead wrong. Have you already forgotten what happened before? Many of us died. They died protecting me! Those bastards need to pay for what they did!”

He stood up and started to walk off.

“Where are you going?”

One of the Spider-Men asked.

“Looking for something to punch.”

As much as he wants to leave and look for the Inheritors, he has no idea where to go and even he knows how reckless it would be to go alone.

But he couldn’t stay here and watch them waste time prancing about.

The mood suddenly turned heavy after Kaine left.

PS4 Spider-Man patten Peter’s shoulder.

“Don’t worry about him. He’s like our version of Batman. Always brooding and speaks in a deep voice.”

“Who’s Batman?”


Cosmic Spider-Man also noticed the mood and sighed.

“Alright, let’s disperse for now and rest up. Gwen, show the newcomers around and familiarize yourselves. Tomorrow, we’ll start the official meeting and plan for the counter-attack.”

Everyone nodded and started to disperse.

Superior Spider-Man grumbled but still followed Cosmic Spider-Man. He knew better than to go against someone powerful like him.

Gwen then gave them a tour around the place. At this point, Leah also woke up and began excitedly dragging Peter around.

To this kid who thinks of Spider-Man as her hero and suddenly found herself waking up in what basically is Spider-Man Utopia, it was obvious how excited she would be.

Benjamin just looked at them and chuckled.

He didn’t follow them anymore and went to the room that he was given.

There was something more important he needed to deal with.

After closing the door and sealing the space with magic, Benjamin called out.

“Death, you there?”

“I’m here.”

“I’m here.”

…Right. There were two of them that answered.

One was the Death from his universe…and the other was the Death from this universe…!

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