Ultimate Marvel System

Chapter 67: Hellfire Club

AN: Thank you Bluebane2, Brandon, Bradley White, and charles beaulieu for the subscription!

Just a note regarding this chapter, I don't know much about the Hellfire Club really and when I search its members, there's a bunch of different characters so I just simplified it here. 

Anyway, the club itself won't be the focus of this arc but something else. As for what that is, just read the chapter! XD



Chapter 67: Hellfire Club

After stepping through the portal, Mystique found Benjamin and Emma standing in front of her with their backs facing her.

Mystique looked around and saw that they were in a sort of huge hall room. It was decorated luxuriously with crystal chandeliers, large golden frames of seemingly popular paintings, stone statues, and curtains made from red velvet.

There was a long dining table in the middle of the room surrounded by tall chairs with exaggerated carvings that made it look elegant.

Red wallpapers surrounded the room with black linings of clubs decorated on them.

All in all, it looked like one of those old-fashioned mansions of nobles in the past.

There was also an elevated area at the far end of the hall with a single tall chair on it that was designed to look more outstanding than the other chairs.

Behind it was an emblem with a large H and a horizontal trident in the middle of it.

It was the emblem of the Hellfire Club.

Naturally, sitting on the ‘throne’ was none other than Sebastian Shaw. The Black King.

Sebastian Shaw had his long black hair tied to a ponytail behind him and his sideburns extending down to the side of his chin. He wore a black suit and red shirt with a white…frilly scarf on his neck.

He looked like an old-school noble…no, more like, he looks like a pretentious noble with his attire.

It was very clear that he was going for a ‘high-end’ look for the club.

Other than him, there were also several other figures in the room.

One of them was a woman with long black hair who wore a black dress that highlighted her figure and chest.

She stood lazily at Sebastian’s side as she leaned on his armrest.

She was the Black Queen, Selene Gallio.

Other than her, there was also the  two Black Knights, Andreas and Andrea von Strucker. As the name suggests, they are the twin children of none other than Baron von Strucker who Benjamin had defeated before.

It seems that after the Baron’s defeat, the two instantly jumped ships and joined this club instead.

Benjamin doesn’t know much about them other than the fact that Arnim Zola had bio-engineered them to have superpowers with the ability to fly and shoot beams. But they have to be in contact with each other to use that ability.

Andrea had long blonde hair while Andreas had short blonde hair. Both of them wore tactical suits that really didn’t seem to fit the current location.

There’s also the White Knight, Callisto. She had short black hair, a white eyepatch over her left eye, and wore a white three-piece suit minus the shirt which means she only wore the vest and jacket.

She leaned on her seat while twirling two of her knives with a golden blade.

She looked at the scene with a smirk on her face, as if she finally found something interesting.

Other than them, the other members were nobodies and Benjamin could tell they were just there to fill the numbers.

However, what caught their attention the most were the five identical teens that were standing on Sebastian’s other side without any emotions.

Emma was the most shaken.

After all, that quintuplet looks so much similar to her…

“Sebastian…what’s…happening here? W-who are these children!?”

“Hmm, I must say, we didn’t really expect you to suddenly appear here. We were still in an important meeting after all.”

“Important meeting? Why wasn’t I included!?”

Besides Sebastian, Selene snickered.

“You should’ve just stayed in your little school. If you did, this wouldn’t be so complicated.”

Selene then walked to the quintuplet and caressed their faces.

“You were only invited for your unique…power. After all, there aren’t a lot of mutants that can block Xavier’s mental abilities. But now that we have these girls, we don’t really need you anymore.”

“Who…are they?”

Emma gritted her teeth.

Although she feels like she knew the answer already, she still asked in hopes that she was wrong.

Selene smiled.

“They’re you. Or rather, I guess you can consider them your clones. Or your children. After all, they were all made from your DNA.”


Regarding this, it wasn’t Selene who answered but the Strucker kids instead.

Andrea chuckled.

“Although we are no longer HYDRA, we still have some…contacts. One of them was quite interested in your DNA for his Weapon Plus program.”

Andreas continued.

“Initially, he had 1000 of them incubating but none of them were stable and developed the proper abilities. Well, except for those five.”

Emma clenched her fist in anger.

Selene dealt the final blow.

“Naturally, we bought the five and as for the rest…well, he decided to kill them all. They were all useless anyway.”


Not to mention Emma, even Benjamin was pissed off now.

Mystique also frowned.

Although she and Magneto were criminals before, even she could tell that this was too dark and repulsive.

Who could toy with human life like that? Does he think he’s a god!?

“Let them go!”

Emma shouted and at the same time, several objects started to float around her.

Selene sneered.

“Heh. Do you think that just because we hold the same Queen position, we are on the same level of power?”

The next moment, her hands started to glow red as it was covered in strange reddish energy.

Andrea and Andreas also held hands and pointed their palms at Benjamin and the others as they glowed yellow.

The other members also got up and took out their guns and weapons.

As for Callisto, she stayed in her seat, still twirling her daggers with an interested look.

Meanwhile, Sebastian Shaw smiled and slowly stood up.

He ignored the farce and walked towards Benjamin.

“Mr. Freed, I believe this is the first time we’ve met. I am Sebastian Shaw.”

Sebastian stretched a hand forward for a handshake.

Benjamin smiled and stretched his hand as well forward.

While holding his hand, Benjamin spoke.

“I know. You’re under arrest.”

Sebastian didn’t faze and was still smiling.

“Oh? I wonder on what charges are I being arrested? We are all law-abiding citizens here.”

“Of course, it’s for pissing me off.”

Benjamin sneered and punched his face without warning.

However, Benjamin only felt that he punched a wall of mud and Sebastian was still there standing still.

Sebastian chuckled.

“I’m afraid that won’t work. You see, I can absorb energies including kinetic energy and use it to make myself stronger. I’m afraid you can’t defeat me so simply, Mr. Freed.”

Benjamin nodded.

He naturally knew this would happen since he knew about his powers.

“Hm, I know. I was just curious to see it. Now that my curiosity has been satiated, tell me, have you been to outer space?”

Sebastian looked confused.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean this.”

Benjamin removed his hand from Sebastian and took a step back.

Then, he opened up a portal under Sebastian, causing him to fall into it.

With another wave of his hand, he closed up the portal.

Suddenly, the room was filled with silence.

Everyone was still confused with what just happened.

What’s going on?

Where did Sebastian Shaw go?

How come he suddenly disappeared?

Benjamin just shrugged.

“I sent him to outer space. It doesn’t matter if he can absorb kinetic energies or whatnot. He’s still dead if he can’t breathe in outer space.”


Right! At this moment, Sebastian Shaw’s body was currently drifting into the vast outer space. His body was already frozen with his expression still looking dumbstruck.

Benjamin shrugged again.

“Normally I don’t really kill but…given his powers, it’s too annoying to customize a prison for him and he also pissed me off so…anyone else wants to join him?”

Everyone quickly shook their heads.

Benjamin was a bit speechless.

He can understand the others shaking their heads but why are you also shaking their heads along with them, Mystique!? Emma!?

Benjamin sighed.

“So are we still fighting or not?”

Everyone shook their heads again.

Callisto no longer had that ‘this is none of my business’ look and also shook her head.

Are you kidding!?

Do you still want us to resist!?

With how quickly they saw Benjamin could send them to outer space and die, what else is there a need to fight!?

Benjamin pouted.

See, this is why he didn’t want to kill anyone so fast. The others lose motivation so quickly!

“Come on. I promise I won’t use that portal trick. I’ll even use only one hand!”

Everyone still shook their heads.

Although they saw his punch did nothing to Sebastian, they saw how fast he moved and they could also feel the power that punch contained.

He was too powerful!

Seeing as they were gonna lose no matter what, Selene gritted her teeth and quickly ran to grab two of the quintuplet close to her.

Her hand glowed as she grasped their necks.

“Try and pull that trick again and see if I don’t drag these two with me! If you so much as move a finger, I’ll drain them all of their life!”

Selene had the ability to absorb life force upon contact and use it to replenish her own life force.

Basically, she’s a vampire that doesn’t need to suck blood but instead just touches people to drain them.

Emma gritted her teeth and hurriedly looked towards Benjamin, hoping he could do something.

Benjamin sighed and just snorted.

The next moment, Selene’s eyes rolled back, and foam started to appear in her mouth as she fell to the ground.

All he did was bombard her with a mental attack and she fainted.

He then pointed at the other members and suddenly, a tree grew beneath them and instantly restrained them.

He waved his hand again and a portal appeared.

Next, several people from EPD appeared to take them away.

“Make sure these two are in separate cells. Oh, and pass through Strucker’s cell when you’re at it. Make him uneasy seeing his kids get captured.”


Andrea glared at Benjamin.

Benjamin just chuckled.

“How is that a monster already? I didn’t even tell them to hurt any of you.”

Andrea knew that but she knew that although they weren’t being physically tortured, he was already playing with them mentally.

“Oh, and I’ll be visiting you guys soon. I want to know more about this so-called contact of yours. Who knows, he might become your cell mate soon.”


Andrea and Andreas glared at him one last time before they were pulled through the portal.

Then, Benjamin heard Callisto speak for the first time.



“I get why you’re capturing the others but I haven’t done anything wrong. I also didn’t join them attack any of you just now.”

“...You’re right.”

Benjamin thought back on it and she was indeed right.

Callisto shrugged.

“I only joined this club since there were not many options for us mutants back before your EPD was made.”

“Hmm, well, just put her in a cell for now. I’ll check on a few things and if it checks out, you’re free to go.”


Seeing as Benjamin wasn’t fooled easily, Callisto groaned and was pulled through the portal.

Benjamin saw her reaction and chuckled as he shook his head.

Seeing as the others were being sent away one after another, Benjamin turned to Emma who was trying to talk to the quintuplet.

“How are they?”

Emma sighed.

“They’re still unresponsive. I don’t know what that bitch Selene did to them but they seem to only respond to her commands…”

At the side, Mystique also sighed.

“I say we just put them out of their misery…it’s not right to let them live like this…if this is still called living…”


Emma wanted to refute.

After all, for better of for worse, these girls were now her family.

Having been born into a cold-hearted family, she didn’t want her own ‘children’ to grow up like she did.

She wanted them to enjoy their life and have fun like normal kids.

But…she also knew that in this state, they were simply like dolls…

Killing them may be mercy instead…

Seeing the two of them like that, Benjamin patted their shoulders reassuringly.

“Don’t worry. Let me have a look first.”

Benjamin then looked at one of the quintuplets and dived into her mind.


There was actually a magical seal in their minds.

It seems that Selene was also a sorceress and used magic to control them.

Well, since it’s magic, he just needs to use magic to remove it.

A few minutes later, a light seemed to regain in the eyes of the quintuplet.

They blinked for a few moments and looked around in confusion.

Suddenly, tears began to fall from their eyes.

“Are we…free…?”

“We’re finally free…”


“We don’t need to listen to that witch anymore…”

“We’re free…!”

The girls broke into tears and hugged each other as they cried.

Turns out that they were still conscious despite being mind controlled and could tell everything that happened.

As they cried, Emma and Mystique embraced them as well to comfort them.

Benjamin looked at them and wondered.

Should I join in as well?

Embracing seven beauties…tsk tsk.

[And host still says he isn’t a sex maniac.]


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