Ultimate Assassin System

v3 Chapter 1028 - Oh lina lina

Donghai District of Shanhai City, the original aristocratic living area. … The apex novel, Tang En’s long-awaited Ellen, is driving a carriage by himself, passing through a few insignificant castle estates, to a quiet place outside, and finally slowly in front of a small estate. Reduce the speed.

It has to be said that, apart from a few unique miracles, the aesthetic taste of most aristocrats is trustworthy, and the environment in which they live is naturally quite good.

For example, at the moment, this manor, although remote, has a small area, and the title of the owner is not high. But looking at the iron railing gates surrounded by rows of lush trees, there are quite interesting grass fields, exquisite lofts distributed in two or two, and the silver belt river surrounding the manor. Careful care, people can not help but feel relaxed and happy, very suitable for long stay.

However, some regrets are that Donghua Noble District, which is usually forbidden to enter and exit, is usually exquisite and noble people. Nowadays, it is really a dead place where no one set foot. Lonely and lonely, there is no place to lay the flowers in full bloom, but no one can appreciate it, but it can only be frustrated by the self-pity of the shadow.

This situation is naturally abnormal, but it is easy to understand. It’s not that there are no people in the gray clothing enthusiastic about this place, especially those high-ranking officers who are self-sustaining laborers. The solemn castles, magnificent manors, etc. in front of them are quite tempting to most of them who are of low and low background.

But how can it be that the leader Josiah or the commander-in-chief of the army, Frey, have never meant to move here since they entered the city. And they didn’t move. Even if the senior officers of the army tried to scratch their hearts, they didn’t dare to move.

So in the end. Live here now. It turned out to be those few aristocrats who hadn’t abandoned their homes and fled for various reasons, and had been taken out for trial because they didn’t plead guilty.

of course. There are always exceptions to everything. For example, now this small manor pushed into the door by the door, lived in a new owner with a close relationship with the gray coat …

Stepping on the pasture, through the attic, turning to the back garden path, Allen hurried along all the way until he reached the small river behind the manor, and then slowed down.

Look around. The flowing water was rattling. Several large and small wooden houses that are obviously newly built but not very elegant but are strong enough, just like this magnificent stand on the side of a small river, are clearly inconsistent with this elegant atmosphere.

But Alan, who looked slightly anxious, naturally had no time to take care of these things, and after a short pause, he wanted to step towards the largest wooden house where there was some movement. at this time,

“Cough … cough …” In a cough, the door was pushed away from the inside, and the black dust gas burst out instantly. Immediately afterwards, a hand covering his face and a scrambled figure quickly rushed out of it, seeming to be embarrassed.

“Uh. Sister Lina …” “Well, Ellen? Why are you here?”

Allen stepped forward and had a face-to-face with the figure that rushed out. Both sides stopped at the same time. The latter was pleasantly surprised to see Alan here, and Alan did not expect to meet with each other in this way.

Yes, it was Lina who rushed out of the house. That is the former Laiyan City Nightingale, the later Altang Chamber of Commerce master of alchemy, and now the Grey Army is an important founding father!

In particular, the latter’s identity and merit earned her the respect and love of almost everyone in the gray army. It is no exaggeration to say that, apart from the leader Josiah and the retired Marshal Omon, her position in the gray army has been thought of by others, and is almost equal to Captain Frei.

It is for this reason that when she saw the small river surrounding the terrain, suitable for alchemy experiments, Josiah granted her the manor without any hesitation, and other senior officers did not dare to have it. Dissatisfied …

“Sister Lina, are you okay?” Ellen, who had returned to God, hurried forward and asked.

“It’s okay, cough … it’s just a small operation mistake, it’s normal.” Lena calmly waved and motioned to Alan not to get near dusty herself, then raised her hand and took off the mask covering her face, shaking, watching Alan, with a worried expression on her face, smiled tenderly, and Beiya Ruyu said, “It’s been a long time, Alan. I heard you have been engaged, um, is that Anika I saw last time? She is a Good girl, congratulations. “

“Uh … thank you.” Alan heard a bit of hard-to-detect bitterness in the corner of his mouth, and it flashed away, and then his expression returned to the anxiety when he first came, hesitant, and said in a deep voice. You received the invitation, too. “

With a slight pause in his arms, Lina turned her head to look at the implied Allen, slowly retracted her palm mask, nodded, and said lightly, “Received, did you come here for this, too? Exactly, my experiment is here. When it ’s critical, you ca n’t get out of here, so do n’t go. Help me bring a blessing to them. ”Quiet words, just turn around and leave.

“Sister Lina!” Allen clenched his fists clenchedly and stepped forward, his expression suddenly became extremely excited. “Maybe I shouldn’t say something, but … you should fight!”

The back was slightly stagnant, and Lena looked up, exhaling softly. Then he turned to his side and watched Allen point to his dusty coat. His smile was still gentle. “Let me clean up and make you a cup of tea.”

After a while, under a riverside bend of an old willow, a small wooden table was used as a tea case. The two sat opposite each other on the floor, water vapor rose, and drooping willow branches swayed in the wind, like a greeting.

The tea is very ordinary, at first glance, it is astringent and then slightly sweet. It’s a pity that Alan, who was impatient, couldn’t wait for the slight sweetness to turn up. A cup of tea went down and urged again: “Sister Lina, I know you care about your husband. Since I first met in Laiyan City For a few years, have you been so willing to give up … “

“Otherwise?” Pinching the black porcelain tea cup, as if pinching a thin petal. Lina’s expression was neither sad nor joyful, no resentment and no sorrow, she seemed to be talking about what happened to others, her tone was very flat, “You asked me to fight, but how do you fight? Go and tell him I like him? Oh, he didn’t know … Or, just ran to the wedding scene for no reason and made people look like a lunatic?


“Allen, Sister Lina, thank you for your kindness. Really.” Nodded slightly. Then shook his head and sighed. “But my identity … is dirty, not worthy of him …”

Suddenly receiving the news that Tang En and Josiah were getting married, Allen hurried to think of getting ahead for Lina, but ignored an important issue, that is, she was unknown. This is not a situation of being a bad-minded man or a junior third. Lina has only been secretly in love from beginning to end. She has never done anything or even said anything. What is the standpoint for this?

But after a little stupefaction, when Allen heard Lina’s last sigh, she suddenly got excited, thumped her fist, and slammed on the wooden table, “Dirty? Who dare to say that you are dirty!” No, Sister Lina, did anyone say something weird about you? What did you tell me about … yes, then Johia is from Lai Yancheng. Is it her? Am I special … “

“Alan!” Lena couldn’t help but look at Alan’s increasingly sullen expression. Then frowned and drank.

“Snoring …” After a few breaths, Allen lifted his collar and pulled his collar a little bit stably. “Sorry, Sister Lina. You are the best woman in the world, and I don’t allow anyone to insult you. So I, so I … “

“I understand, I understand.” Leaning and stroking Alan’s violently undulating shoulders, Lina said softly. “Thank you Alan, take a sip of tea …”

“No, you don’t understand, Sister Lina, you will never understand!” In a tone of excitement and regret, Alan’s face rose red, her hands tangled fiercely under the table, “I, I, I … I am … … I’m not … I like Sister Lina … “

“I know, you like Sister Lina.”

“Not like, not right, not like that, me, um …”

“Hehe …” Looking at the incoherent and eloquent words, like Alan the restless ant on the hot pot, Lina shook her head and laughed a few times, then pressed the shoulders again with gravity, “Lina really understands Yes, you like me, right? “

This time I like to bite the word a bit, and it’s obviously a bit heavy, revealing something else.

Allen understood, and she was so excited that she suddenly sighed, her head bowed and her waist lowered, as if a child who had stolen candy and was found by an adult, her body flinched a little: “Original, original Sister Lina … you know what?”

“Oh, my silly brother, have you forgotten your sister’s previous experience? Although it’s not glorious, but it has also trained my ability to see and see.”

“Am I acting so clearly?” He scratched his head subconsciously, and Allen lowered his head and smiled, “So you have found Sister Lina long ago? Oh, no wonder you only stayed in the gray army later, unwilling to return to business Mission … Sorry, Sister Lina, I made you embarrassed. “

He shook his head calmly, “It doesn’t matter how early. Although I noticed it first, it’s not easy to confirm it. Until later, when you came to me with lover Anika, who was a bit similar to my sister, I Did you really confirm … silly brother, don’t do this kind of thing in the future. Then Annika is nice and treats you well. You can’t lose each other, otherwise the sister won’t let you go. “

“… Okay, Sister Lina, I will definitely marry her.” Allen nodded slightly bitterly. Although he didn’t say anything, they knew that this was a euphemistic relationship.

Lina nodded: “Well, so be it. It’s too late, you should go back to the wedding.”

“But … what do you do, sister Lina?”

“No need to do it. I drink tea alone, look at ancient books, do experiments, and occasionally tinker with a few alchemy gadgets, isn’t it good?”

Lina said indifferently, and even satisfied, but Allen felt more distressed when she heard the words: “So, sister Lina, you might as well try … try to forget sir.”

“Forget? Why … that wouldn’t make me better.” Lena spread his hand. “I don’t need to forget him, nor will I forget him. He wants to come too, because I’m so light to him, that way It ’s insignificant, just like this cup of astringent light tea that cleans up the stomach after meals. It does n’t need to be missed by him all the time, but he just takes an occasional sip and changes his taste … For me, it is the greatest benefit.

With the end of the words of undisguised joy, and the gurgling waters, the atmosphere was silent for a moment. After half a ring, Allen stood up and bowed, turning and striding away.

Going out of the gate of the manor house, driving in a carriage and returning in accordance with the way, could not help but turn his head. Through the gap of the iron railing, I saw that the figure of Lina was still sitting there. Drink it. Then he turned his head and seemed to see it. He waved his hand to this side and should be laughing …

When Allen raised his hand, the rows of trees were already in the middle of the road.


(Ps: This chapter writes that the Tanuki is a little bit upset. After checking and sending, he sits in a chair blankly and thinks about it a lot, probably about the regret of first love. The bitterness encloses a little insignificant happiness …

I don’t know what to say or what to say … Since that’s the case, let’s break the news.

The civet confessed that in the original outline, the role of Lina was actually not much, or more accurately, she should have taken the lunch before the end of the first volume. The reason is that some predecessors told Tanuki that it is best to avoid ntr when writing, and it is not good to touch the dots, especially the supporting characters who interact with the protagonist are not allowed to play roles like prostitutes and girls. So according to the original plot ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Lina should be damned in Bevin’s hands, so that Tang En will have enough reasons to swell and run away …

This idea is firm.

But then Tanuki left Lena, only to hurt her. The reason is also very simple, that is, Tanuki was very focused on the book review area at that time, novices, and especially paid attention to the opinions of others. As a result, I saw a book friend, in a very affirmative tone, specifically what the tanuki had forgotten, probably ‘the plot is too simple, at a glance, I know that Lena will die! ’

Somehow, the raccoon cat became irritated when it saw this, and rebelled psychologically, and immediately changed the storyline, so that Lena survived … It just doesn’t matter if it survives, the key is the pit you dug yourself You have to bury it. So the tanuki later thought hard about revising the outline, changing the settings, adjusting the plot, etc., etc., finally giving the living Lina room to play …

Cover your face …

I am so angry that I am tired of amending the intestines!

Well, Tanuki now thinks that she was so naive at the time … (To be continued …)

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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