Ultimate Assassin System

v3 Chapter 1023 - Collapse the World (5006)

With the addition of Jack, the effect was immediate, and the three-way running team suddenly became much smoother. n ∈ top n ∈ point n ∈ small n ∈,

This is not to say how powerful Jack is. In fact, among the three people, even Xia Wei’an, who is not good enough, can turn down the most Jack by turning his hands. But all this can not stand the majesty of his humanoid self-propelled artillery now …

You must know that the current situation is clear. The temple always blooms everywhere. The sound of bangs and explosions is constantly dying, as long as not a blind person can see that this place is ruined. If you can leave an island foundation in the end, then It’s a **** blessing.

In this case, it is natural that everyone on the island should leave here as soon as possible. But nowadays, religious believers have never been a group that can rely on reason to speculate on actions. Knowing that a calamity is imminent, there are still a lot of people in the temple who have not heard of it, and they have executed their orders to encircle Tang En and hunt Xia Wei’an …

It feels like a moth slamming the fire … It’s so painful …

If it was only Owens and Xia Wei’an, after the whereabouts were exposed, facing the temple guards who were like the tide waves to follow and endlessly kill, even if Owens is stronger and the marksmanship is superior, it will be inevitable Slowing down the escape speed may even be entangled in place, unable to move. In this way, when several masters of the temple came to hear the news, their ending was properly tragedy …

Fortunately, there is Jack in the team, and a self-propelled artillery with no reason at all!

All the way to the south, as long as he met with the guard of the temple guard Cheng on the way, before waiting for the other party to question, Jack took the lead and smiled. Greetings. A seemingly random raised hand throws a magic lock. then. There will be no more … After the explosion, the dust will be scattered and the removal will be blocked.

Clean and neat-yes, this is the effect!

If it is said that the Crown Prince had no choice but to make a death choice to be crowned to the throne today, it is time. The Jack took a flash of light to remove the magic lock and bring it on with him. Beyond that, buildings collapsed all over the island. Can also be seen as a geographical advantage. It was the unstoppable roar of the former that only covered the gigantic movements of Jack ’s four ‘point fires’ and minimized the impact to the greatest extent …

It is not surprising that the three people arrived at the southern shore of the island and boarded the small kayak smoothly in just ten minutes.

“Sit tight … Quickly, rowing, rowing …” After Owens helped Xia Wei’an on the small kayak, Jack didn’t dare to delay for a moment, and quickly cut the rope and flipped the wooden paddle. The small kayak was manipulated in the sound of a splash of water, like an arrow off the string, and instantly pulled away from the shore of the island.

Because of the previous unreasonable strength to get rid of. In addition, Jack’s vision is good, the place where the small kayak is hidden is hidden, and after looking back from the island, there is no trace of chasing on the shore. “Huh … huh …” Seeing this, three The people squad could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. You know, this is the shrine. Even though the chaos is now chaotic, the thin camel is larger than the horse. It is indeed fortunate that they can break through safely from here.

But after pulling away a little distance, Jack stopped the action at hand and stopped paddling. Owens, who was reaching out and picking up the other wooden paddle, couldn’t help but hesitated. “Why, why don’t you draw … oh, look at my brain!” Before he finished speaking, Owens reacted instantly and lifted He patted his head, and apologized and spread his hands. “Sorry, I’m a little bit excited, I forgot what Brother Tang En was.”

This is not the reason. Although they were three people when they came, Tang En had not yet been killed from the island at this time. Perhaps from this point, it can also be seen that Owens’s psychology is not as calm and calm as it appears on the surface of the operation that will always disrupt the rescue in this temple … After all, it is the old owner. It’s normal to be afraid.

“Or … sign it?” Hesitantly, Owens looked at Jack. The latter heard a subconscious glance at Xia Wei’an, then he felt the hesitation of the signal arrow taken out from the waist pouch.

The so-called signal means to send a signal arrow here to tell Tang En that they have successfully broke through and tell them where they are now, so that Tang En can find it sooner.

This is agreed in advance.

But when the matter came, Jack and others hesitated. The reason is very simple. Once something like a signal arrow is hit, of course, it’s impossible to see it alone. The temple chasers are not blind people, they can naturally see the signal and follow the vine to find it here, maybe faster than Tang En.

Do n’t get me wrong, Jack and Owens are hesitating now, not because of their own safety after exposing their whereabouts, but because of Xia Wei’an, who is lying reclining on the side. .

While hesitating, Xia Wei’an suddenly said firmly, “Send a signal!” He reached out to the roaring island, “The condition of the island is a bit wrong, it seems to collapse … No, it is about to explode! Can’t wait any longer, send a signal immediately Don’t come out! “

The two of Jack could not help but hesitated, and turned around subconsciously, and found that the island was abnormal, and the frequency of tremors was increasing, which drove the surrounding waves of the sacred lake, which were always smooth like a mirror. The waves provoke a splash of water. What is even more weird is that the sky dust that was raised by the collapse of the building was not only scattered by the wind of the lake, but was condensed from the irregular distortion, covering the island. From a distance, it looks like a devil’s blood basin, horrible, eager to devour the Chinese food under the mouth …

“This is … bad! The magic element is backwashing!” Owens changed his expression suddenly, exclaimed in a voice.

That’s right, this weird scene is the sign of backwash of magic elements.

Like an old Woodin friend, the old space magician said, magic not only represents mystery and mystery, but also represents extreme danger!

And among these many dangers, if you ask the magician what they are most afraid of, it is undoubtedly the magic backwash! And don’t forget, the source of this backwash effect is not as simple as a magician or a magic. It is an ancient magic circle that has been running for thousands of years!

Once this thing really bites back. with full force. That terror power, even if a hundred sword gods rushed up, was the life of a dead body …

“Crouching!” Seeing that both Xia Wei’an and Owens’ faces changed, Jack couldn’t hesitate and raised his signal arrow into the sky without thinking, but at this moment,

“Wait … look over there!” Xia Wei’an glanced around, faintly among the strange stone forests away from Bai Yuzhang away from the south bank. Extremely sensitive, a familiar figure flashed.

“Uh … what are you looking at?” Jack turned around blankly.

“He’s here …” Xia Wei’an said with a slightly raised mouth, “Here he is!”

Stone forest on the south bank, with vegetation flying around.

“Kill you, kill you … I’ll kill you with my own hands! Death–” Bang Rong, the ancient trees fly down, and the rubble splashes. In the fury and roar, a dazzling figure with a dazzling fighting man, carrying a domineering gun man, like a flood wild beast like a strong shuttle through the stone forest. Blockers are invincible.

But at the front, “Too slow, too slow … you! Too slow …” The figure being bombarded and chased by the overbearing gunman flickered in the mountains and stones and jungles. It seemed like a horrifying monkey, which seemed to be in danger. It would completely break down the bones in the next second, but often avoided it at the most critical moment, calmly and calmly.

“Forget it, you can’t kill me. In fact, you can’t even touch my clothes … why?” At first glance, he pushed forward at a high speed. “The Pope is not your father, the eldest prince is even more It’s not your son. Do your best, no one will blame you. Why are you chasing after you? “

“I’ll kill you!”

“You still have to look back and take a look. Really, the situation in the temple is really bad. You still have to hurry back to save people and organize the retreat …”

“Dead-” Doumang is violent, with heavy gun shadows!

“Why don’t you make sense? Look, it’s a hit again … Don’t give me a shame, do you have to force me to kill?”

“Ahhhhh-I’m going to kill you myself-“

“……alright, you win.”

The flying magpie on the ground will flash across the gap between the collapsed giant trees, then stand on the ground and stand up. After completing a series of actions, Tang En looked helplessly at the burly figure who directly knocked the trunk of the giant tree to the rear, that is, the retired knight, shaking his head silently.

This old guy seems really crazy … How can this Nima slip away?

That’s right, the reason why Tang En was so discouraged and discouraged was that he really had a retreat. Don’t look at him as if he was deliberately provocative. He led a large group of temples to chase east and west, but he did not follow the right path. In fact, the retreat of the three Jacks was completely seen by him, and he knew that the other party had now boarded the ship safely. In this way, Tang En naturally can’t have the intention to continue playing …

But he did n’t want to play. The rear retired knight who was not only chasing no fruit, but was also occasionally stabbed from time to time, was irritated. He thought of Tang En as a whole, even if those knights were thrown away by far, and he was alone. Going deeper, I still don’t see the meaning of letting go, and I have to kill Tang En before letting go.

That’s it! Through the gap in the trees in front, he looked at the faint little kayak on the lake in the distance. Tang En narrowed his eyes narrowly and narrowly, turned decisively, and determined to kill.

Since you have to come to death, no wonder I am!

Naturally, the retired knight captain did not know that Tang En’s mind had changed. Seeing that Tang En was slightly stagnant, he didn’t hesitate to wave his gun and stabbed. With a stun, the gun was in a hurry. Harm, pierce back and forth-

No, it’s a phantom!

Don’t look at this big knight who seems to be irritated and lose his mind, but he is fighting without any ambiguity. After he felt the sense of solidity of the target without stabbing in the gun, he pulled back the long gun and turned the stab without thinking. For sweeping, sweeping across a large area around the whole body, a burst of whirlwinds instantly, scrolling leaves on the ground like a sharp blade can not keep flying and circling, it is spectacular.

This is actually the real reason for Tang En’s reluctance to kill before. The old guy is not a mediocre temple guard, but a retired holy knight captain. Fighting throughout life, how rich experience in fighting with people, not simple mediocrity can be won, very tricky!

Of course, Tang En’s killing spirit is not in vain, the opponent’s vindictive realm is probably around the middle of the air level. This kind of strength does not say that he is now retired. Just at the peak. Tang En has the confidence to do him!

“Old man. Do I really fear you … drive me!” With a whisper, the circling leaves of the flying sword exploded in front of the knight’s long body, a dark dagger penetrated in, straight eyebrows!

“Haha, come here!” He laughed a long time, and the retired knight was not surprised when he saw the situation. He was not afraid of Tang En’s sharp counterattack, but he just ran away blindly. have to say. Tang En’s speed is too abnormal. If you just want to run, this retired knight really wants to ask each other …

“Explosive! Explosive! Explosive!” A rare opportunity, this retired knight is also going crazy, he doesn’t care about stabbing and eyebrow dagger, but yells skyward, his dazzling and sacred sacred fighting mansion rises and bursts, Then it exploded into a few substantive, like layers of holy steel helmet armor, mighty and overbearing.

This is the pure crushing overwhelming!

Generally speaking, those who make spears are extremely taboo to be approached by opponents. Unable to show. But this retired knight has long gone the other way, a look that doesn’t care much. This is also because of customary ideas. He didn’t believe that he could be as good as a young boy in his strength that he spent most of his life!

“court death!”

Seeing the fierce light in his eyes, Tang En could not help but kill himself. He really wanted to look at his sword and pierce the armor of the fighting spirit. After penetrating the eyebrows, what a wonderful look the retired knight would have …

But just thinking about it. Although with the blood dagger, Tang En is confident that he can crucify the old man who doesn’t know how to live or die, but he will also be hurt by air-level intermediate combat when he succeeds. . Although the result did not let him lie down immediately, he could not run away with serious injuries. And know that he hasn’t escaped the temple yet …

Not worth it!

Thinking about this, Tang En stunned a dagger, stood up, and tapped his toes. He would step on the whistling gun body, and suddenly broke into the sky, smashing the ancient wooden branch above his head, and disappeared.

“Haha, there is no courageous rat, if you have the ability to pick me up again!”

Seeing that Tang En fled without a fight, the retired knight could not help but grow his morale. He squinted his eyes and looked up at Tang En’s hiding place, while using his mouth to make radicals, but he did not wait for the words to fall. This retired The big knight changed his look suddenly and suddenly, subconsciously swaying and stepping forward, like a fire, rushing forward,

“Despicable!” With a sigh, the light on his shoulder flashed, and the roar shook, “Shameless man, can you only sneak attack?”

“Haha, that’s strange.” Tang En flashed a ghostly knight behind him, raising a blood-stained dagger. The knife just now would be fatal if he didn’t run fast, “I’m a famous assassin, don’t Sneak attack, don’t you learn from the old guy? “

The reason is such a reason, the retired grand knight captain can’t help but stop talking. In fact, he could not openly argue, because Tang En, who took the lead, was unreasonable, following the left and right like a sacral sacrum, following the shadow, and coming with one, was a heavy dagger like a storm.

Ding Ding Ding …

Wiping throat, defense, eyebrows, backing, deboning, chiseling back, piercing heart … But in just over ten minutes, the battle situation in the field is showing a crushing situation!

No counterattack, let alone breath. Under the shadow of the roaring dagger, the figure of the retired knight captain was completely disappeared. Only through the repeated screams and groaning from time to time can we prove that the other party is still alive at this time.

It’s just that it’s awkward to live! Very aggrieved!

At this time, looking at the blood that rushed under the vindictive armor of Gu Ruo Jin Tang, feeling the numbness and trembling, the new knife marks on the body, the retired knight captain realized it. The reason why the other party took the initiative to avoid was not broken. Can’t fight his vindictive defense, nor is he afraid of him, but just reluctant to exchange injuries with him, just as no one would be willing to collide with jade and tiles …

After thinking about this, the morale of Fai Zhen just faded away. Instead, it is incredibly confused and irrepressible despair!

Masters duel, the most distracted he Gu!

Sensitively aware of the state of retired knight captain Tang Tang, Tang En’s attack speed is mentioned again, and the momentum is more fierce … finally! Dorattle, the dark dagger like a viper of the night flew along the iron gun body like a wind, squeaked and screamed, and pulled out a long path of sparks in the dark woods. It was deadly and gorgeous, and instantly reached the eyes of the retired knight.


With a thump, the Douman spears flew out high, and the two figures snapped together. Immediately, one of the burly figures flew back in the air like a cannonball. After smashing dozens of old trees in their arms, they fell hard. Fall to the ground, vomiting blood.

“Give you a way to live you don’t go …” Between darkness and darkness, Tang En stepped on the soft leaves and rustled, looking at the retired knight who was kneeling and breathing indifferently, “Then you can only do it.”

“Come again! Snoring, snoring … Evil Miscellaneous will escape the bright trial … Come again and fight with me! Come on!” Bloody palms supported the trunk of the ancient tree behind him, the retired knight struggling to stand up, facing Tang Eun screamed frantically, his expression crooked and horrified.

Shaking his head, Tang En didn’t intend to make nonsense with this old guy who was obviously in a state of insanity, holding a dagger, and stepping forward would result in him … but at this moment, stunned,

Rumble … The weird explosion muffled, the ground shuddered. Unexpectedly, Tang En was a coward and almost didn’t fall to the ground. After stabilizing the body momentarily, looking subconsciously at the feet, the pupils suddenly contracted,

On the ground, layers of fallen leaves are trembling and trembling, like floating waves with irregular heights. And on the land below the fallen leaves, I do n’t know when, there are many dense cracks, spider webs are generally, with the increasingly high-frequency shaking and trembling, the radiation continues to spread and spread …

No, it’s a big game … I haven’t eaten pork, I’ve seen pigs run. Although in the present world, Tang En has never experienced natural disasters such as earthquake landslides, but some related common sense still knows a little bit. Is this constantly expanding crack now the most common ground fissure divide in earthquakes? !!

Nima! This place can’t stay!

In front of natural disasters, personal strength is definitely not enough. Thinking about this, Tang En, who had a scalp, was hesitant, stepping on the ground crack, and opened at an instant speed. Li rushed and crazed his arms toward Tang En’s legs.

It was the retired knight captain who was covered in bruises!

He knew exactly what the abnormal situation represented at the moment. Not surprisingly, the Millennium Temple has come to an end. In such a general trend, personal power cannot be completely blocked. Mourning is greater than death, and his only thought now is to leave Tang En ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ leaving this culprit!

Of course, the previous fighting situation has shown that he can’t survive the opponent based on strength alone. So he thought of changing his life. As long as he let Tang En hold him, he would rather give up than die … Unfortunately,

Although this idea is good, can Tang En’s body speed be as serious as dying and can hold him?

Sure enough, just sliding a little sideways, speed did not decrease, Tang En passed by the **** palms like wind. In the meantime, he didn’t even look at him,

“Don’t go! You can’t go-come back! Come back-“

Severe despair and long sorrow, with sorrow and sorrow, echoed for a long time. And in response to him, it was only a decisive back that quickly disappeared among the grass …

The next moment, the ancient tree fell, and the boulders walked around …

What a crashing world!

………… (To be continued …)

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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