Ultimate Assassin System

v3 Chapter 1010 - Trouble ...

It was still three days of calm and calm, but this time the main lens, turned back to the underground passage …

first day,

The peripheral area of ​​the passage, the purified water source room.

“Snoring … snoring … Guru … Guru …”

Looking at the paralyzed skin next to his feet, which seemed to be slightly bulging but not much, Jack put down the kettle in his hand, and let the cold ice water in his mouth slowly moisturize the dry throat that was burning. Half a ring, sighed with his head up, rubbing his sore jaw, no regrets in my heart …

In fact, when Tang En came up with the simple design drawing of this small kayak, there was also an inflatable device. It’s just because the time is fast, and these two things are new things. So Rao is not that low-level in the alchemy studio that Philip looked for, but the final product is still a little unsatisfactory.

The problem of the small kayak is not big, as long as it can find the appropriate materials, it will not be difficult to manufacture it. The key is that the inflatable device, although the finished product basically meets Tang En ’s expectations, but the shape that takes time to carve is not so good … In simple terms, it is a bit large, difficult to store, and not easy to carry .

You must know that the place they are going to sneak into this time is the General Assembly of the Temple. Naturally, they will not tolerate the slightest error factor. So after a brief consideration, I thought it was not inflatable. Jack patted his chest and said that he must blow this thing up with his mouth to ensure that the literature would not delay, so he would not bring the inflatable device that is not easy to carry …

It turns out that most of the stuff that can be blown out of the mouth is indeed unreliable.

It was only half a day ago, looking at the square skin of which he was desperately trying to blow his breath but did not have much movement. Jack regretted hitting his head. I knew it so. It was tired and risky before. It’s time to carry the bulky inflatable device over …

Regrets late!

As soon as one regrets it, it is easy to blame and get angry.

It’s like drinking too much water and naturally wanting to go to the bathroom.

So, when Jack drank the mouthful of cold again and his throat was about to smoke and catch fire, he was angry and swollen. He threw down his skin bag and got up to the entrance of the passage next to him. This is to find a quiet corner to solve the problem of drainage. .

But after taking a few steps, it seemed like something suddenly came to mind. At the next step, Jack walked back with a wry smile and circled around the water purification device. He laughed, and Uncle untied his belt, facing the waterway into which well, pond, bathroom or kitchen.

Wow …

At last, Jack, with a soothing face, sat back in place, his heart full of depression, and picked up his skin again. Raise your cheeks, snoring … snoring …

the other side. Owens is not so lacking.

First, because of his personality, his brain is not as big as Jack’s. Second, because of his task, there is really no room for lack of virtue.

Born in the General Assembly of the Temple, he is naturally more aware of the terrain structure than Tang En and Jack. Even though he has been here for more than ten years, he has never walked in this underground passage. But the impression naturally formed in his brain due to long-term habits is enough to point him in the direction.

Therefore, in the dark and complicated underground passageway like black labyrinth, after only climbing for half a day, Owens was convinced that he had found his destination.

This is true, the ancient well above his head leading to the ground is the entrance to the underground passage closest to the place where Xia Wei’an raised his tires. Even when Owens touched it, that Mia was drinking buckets of water from this well to wash her and Xia Wei’an’s clothes …

Tang En was not so lucky.

After climbing for a long time, after looking at the topographical map of the Temple Association at hand, Tang En was sure that he might be lost …

Well, it’s really not funny, and it’s really not unexpected.

I just said that the area of ​​this island is not large, but it is definitely not small, and it has more than 10,000 people who live and eat Lasa. The scale of the underground passage is certainly not simple.

Tang En had already anticipated this, and naturally he could not talk about getting lost. In fact, getting lost here is really not a big problem, the real difficulty lies in loneliness and mood!

Crawling back and forth in the darkness of the dark channel is like the spacecraft of later generations that deviated from the predetermined orbit and shuttled in the vast universe. Seemingly on the road, but wandering in a lone soul. There is no return and the end is not visible. Everything is unknown and fearful, and the insanely quiet environment outside will magnify these unknown fears.

If people are in the dust, how small is it … how to be with yourself?

Fortunately, in this world, the role of being able to withstand loneliness and keeping the heart of the lake is not only astronauts, but also Tang En, a killer.

What he is best at is exactly this kind of boring waiting like sitting in meditation and dying before the shot!

After a short break, Tang En ate a small amount of dry food prepared in advance, then left a mark on the stone wall of the passage next to him, and continued on the road …

There are many signs and types in the humble place. Although the method is a bit stupid, it can effectively prevent repeated passages and waste time.

In addition, Tang En can also point out where the fixed wells, ponds, fountains and other things encountered during the crawl. In the eyes of Tang En now, this is a landmark that can’t be seen any more.

Finally, after crawling all day, along a fairly large water channel, Tang En touched a large pond, or more accurately a large ornamental pond. Penetrating through the hollow barbed wire, he saw beautiful little fishes of different colors, swimming leisurely around, and water lotus blooming in high purity …

Fishes are ornamental fish, which are selected from thousands of different species and are not cheap. Water lotus appears to be an ordinary species, but after the delicate leaves and flowers are grown and spread out, it can have a strong taste in the waters of the majestic side.

In fact, this is exactly the case. The fish and flowers are very expensive, and you can’t see them elsewhere. There is no semicolon in this family, so it is easy to recognize. Both Philip and the second prince have spoken to Tang En. This flower is planted next to the stone road in front of the main hall of the temple hall. Come here and see this flower. This shows that Tang En really touched the core area of ​​the Temple General Association.

It’s not easy … Tang En stared at the swaying water lotus in clear water. Sighed with sigh. Then he bowed his head and made an important mark on the map, then converged slightly joyfully, and continued to crawl forward along the underground passage.

Coming to the core area does not mean anything. Tang En came to kill people, not to go sightseeing. This is just a viewing pool, not a bedroom you must go to every day. Unless the Pope would come to this railing by the pond, and lean down to admire the fish blossoms … and would the Pope do it? Maybe, maybe not. But most don’t, so it doesn’t make much sense to Down.

Nothing to say, keep climbing …

the next day,

Owens sat beside the underground passage under the well, meditating with his eyes closed, and remained motionless for a long time, like a bronze statue.

If nothing else, this posture will last for several days. This is of course not to say that Owens wants to change to a magician, just waiting. Of course, if you have to say that he does not have much dry food. If you keep a fixed posture for a long time, you can reduce the energy consumption in your body … well, it can also be.

As for why we have to do this. Why not go out now and rescue Xia Wei’an. The reason is simple, Tang En hasn’t started yet.

The water is not muddy, naturally it is not good to touch the fish with muddy water …

Unlike sitting Owens, Jack has a bit of exercise. Fortunately, he has not yet penetrated into the hinterland of the passage, and can return to the lake at any time and place along the route of entry, catching fish underwater and grilling around the island to eat … Well, Jack did exactly that.

No way, his task is really heavy. Constantly agitating the lungs to spit out the gas, like spitting out even the food in his stomach. Even if I just finished eating, the whole person felt empty, so I kicked my legs into the heavens of the other world, and became a fairy … Fortunately, I worked hard and didn’t lose it. The skin that seemed to be slightly bulging at my feet was true Slightly bulged.

Jack was very fulfilled, and then wanted to say something, but after thinking about it, he decided to curse …

What must be faced up is that Jack’s mental quality is not as good as that of Tang En or Owens, or that he is naturally detached and cannot bear loneliness. Therefore, in the lonely environment where only one person can enjoy a pop fart at the moment, he must do something and vent it, so that he can better regulate his body and mind and not drive himself crazy.

To sum up, it was yesterday to neutralize the water source with a liquid rich in inorganic salts such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium in the body. Today, it is to turn on the group mock mode and spit.

Scolded the Pope … because the other party was the main reason that caused him to fall into this situation; scolded Tang En …

One is counted as one, and there is no scolding. Occasionally he scolded himself, because it was his hot mind that made him come here …

On the other side, even a few sneezing Tang En was still lost and crawling.

It’s just different from yesterday. Today, he not only finds wells and ponds, but also encounters places such as kitchens and bathrooms that often use water. Of course, there are also toilets … The ability to touch these areas of life means that Tang En has sneaked into the rear of the temple hall.

As for feelings? Well, it’s hard to say …

Tang En has the mouth-watering taste of fresh food, and the repellent stench of old things. Tang En has seen the garbage excrement flowing slowly down the side of the water channel, and also seen the wonderful man’s body under the hot mist in a nun’s bathroom … At a glance …

On the third day,

Owens was still meditating, his posture remained unchanged.

Jack was much quieter, because he cursed too much yesterday, and today he woke up and found that he had lost his voice. Fortunately, although the loss of voice was so severe that he couldn’t speak, it didn’t affect the blow, so he could continue to compete with the skin. It’s just weird, whining, echoing in the dark and quiet passage, like a devil crying, it’s chilling.

Tang En didn’t continue to climb today. He stopped, thinking, a bit ugly expression became more ugly with the dirty decoration on his face …

After many attempts yesterday, after climbing through countless underground passages, Tang En found a serious problem. He couldn’t get closer to the destination marked on the map, that is, the area behind the temple and the pope’s activity area.

Wu Long chooses which channel, as long as he is closer to that area, he walks directly into the dead end!

This is of course abnormal. The Pope is also a human being, and he has to eat and drink Lazarus. In this way, it is naturally impossible for his area to have no underground passage, but the actual situation now does not exist … Tang En pondered the situation, and felt that there was only one explanation for this situation. That is the underground passage in that area. Yes, it is a self-contained system and has not been integrated into the overall underground passage of the Temple General Assembly.

Special care! Be careful! Enough thief!

This situation is undoubtedly beyond the surprise of Tang En, and I believe that Philip, Owens, the second prince and others did not know it. Even Tang En suspected that no one except the guy who designed and built the underpass at the time ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ now the temple including the pope can remember this.

For the mountain nine, a shortfall of success!

Trouble …

The special environment of the General Assembly of the Temple has determined that Tang En can’t go up to the ground and can only make articles in the underground passage. His original plan was to sneak into the pope’s area silently, and then choose a private place, such as a bathroom or bedroom, to assassinate and kill the pope in one shot. As long as this step is successful, then chaos will be created, and Owens will be signaled to rescue Xia Weian, and finally leave the island in a kayak blown by Jack … But now, the first step hits the south wall …

calm! Tang En, there are still opportunities, and flaws, must … leaning on the cold stone wall of the channel, surrounded by all evil, but Tang En who was in it was unaware, and frowned, his eyes were like a tiger.

………… (To be continued …)

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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