Ugly Bastard

Chapter 17 – Divine skill

Holy Lady stood on the balcony of her room with her delicate hand on the white marble balustrade rail while the soft warm wind played with her hair. In the darkness that settled upon the world the roofs of the houses could barely be seen in the light of stars and moon shining from the sky. Small lights of the magic street lamps in the city below that dimly lit the main streets from this height looked like golden lights of a mysterious pattern creating a wonderful picturesque view.

The balcony was on the very top of the huge white tower stretched from that city below all the way up the rocky wall of the mountain where it merged into the mansion situated at its top overlooking the city forest and field of her domain.

However her sight was turned far beyond the horizon and borders of her lands. Her thoughts were on the events in the Moonstar Kingdom that bothered her so much.

She did not like the report one bit. Something gnawed at her intuition when she read it. At her level and with all her skill that could very well be the best indication that the report was wrong.

What bothered her the most though is the part that the Dryad Queen has taken actions to cover the events leading by the investigation team. Something was going on and all pointed at the seriousness of the situation. She sensed conspiracy and that bothered her immensely. 

"That Bitch. What is she plotting?" Said the Holy lady and sighed.

She turned away from the city view and went inside the room. Walking through the large room she walked toward the large bed with transparent white canopy on the golden posts and stood at its side on a soft carpet made of some animal fur

With a few gestures of her hand the silken dress she was wearing loosened on her shoulders and slowly slid off her curvaceous body with ease, leaving her stark naked in the dim room slightly lighted only by the moon shining from outside. Before the dress completely hit the floor it vanished as if it never existed.

She slid inside the canopy accurately closing it after herself to not let any insects in and slid under her silken bed sheets. They laid down on her enticing body in a thin almost weightless layer as if hugged her into its embrace repeating all the sensual contours from her spine to alluring bun and heels of her long tempting legs making it seem as if she almost wasn't covered at all.

A few moments later, after she laid in the bed on her side, with her succulent bun facing the balcony, golden light shone from within her body and spread in the room quickly encompassing all within the four walls of the room and making the room absolutely shadowless. Four women covered in black clothes from feet to head suddenly appeared in the four corners of the room. The tree of them looked at the fourth one as if imploring to be given command, however the fourth woman only shrugged her shoulders. So they remained standing as they were.


"Ouuuu" whined the fifth woman after falling from the ceiling face down flat on the floor.

The woman in command rolled her eyes in annoyance.

"She could have warned," said the woman in the center of the room, picking herself up from the floor.

"Silence!" Hissed the woman in the corner at her. "If you interrupt her skill you will be skinned alive." Added she whispering.

The shadow woman in the center of the room suddenly sat up straight covering her mouth with both hands.

"Sorry." She whispered looking at the leader.

But instead of answering, the leader only looked at her with a menacing look.

The woman sitting in the center of the room startled and put up her hand as if pacifying the angry woman in the corner and then showed the sign of zipping her mouth. Showing that she shut up.

The other three women in the corner held their mouths with both hands not to make a sound of their laughter.


"Are you telling me that absolutely everything here is mostly useless for us, system?"

*I can't help it, user. All the magic we saw lack any fundament information basis so I can't even theorize how they work at this moment. The author of this story probably heavily inclined on making this young kid overly powerful. Without bothering to give any logical foundation into this. It is clear that the story is created by a person who has no experience with magic at all. Besides all the magics here require an immence source of power from the looks of it. And even if we could copy it, there is no way you would be able to use it.*

"Damn it. Can't believe a story with such a grand name "Genius magician" was a bust. I just refuse to accept it. There must be something! What about this sword runification method?"

*I did find it interesting however what we see in the story is just a load of….it's just symbols with no meaning or magical power in them. No logical continuity to it. Without any additional information it's useless. As everything else we've seen so far.*

"What about the alchemics?"

*Do you want the long or short reply?*

"Damn it! I had such hopes for it! Who the hell writes stories about magic knowing nothing about it at all? Are you mocking this world, author?"

*Well I do find the barrier magic and that grimoire interesting. But again with no information on how the sealing of the demon within the grimoire was done or any explanation on the principals of the barrier logic. It's also just a bunch of interesting annotations to loom forward to with no immediate practical use.*

"Damn the author should have made a deeper research of topics instead of putting so much work into trying to make the child protagonist cute and funny." Sighed Noah dissappointedly watching at the scene below him standing on roof top. In the city streets around him undead horde attacked the citizens while protagonist and his companions fought back against the demonic creatures.

*WARNING: Strong devine energy has been detected*

Suddenly sounded the loud voice of system

"System what's going on?" Asked Noah

*Strong divinity magic has been used against us*

"Divine magic?"

A loud crack sounded across the entire mind realm before system could give an answer. 

Suddenly in the sky above the city large fracture in space occured

*Warning: foreign entity has infiltrated the mind.*

"Wh…wha…what the hell? Who the fu…"

*User, an enemy has infiltrated the mind realm using the divinity type skill?*

"What the fuck is divinity skill?"

*Divine skills are extremely potent skills that has the chance of appearing in systems over the level 90. If you wanted to see the top of the power mountain. I'd say the whole mountain just came to us on it's own.*

"I knew this!" Roared the femenin voice of the person entering his mind realm through the crack in void space and floating in the sky above the undead infested city. She was clad in the shining white dress like armor adorned by the golden runes and patterns. The golden colored helmet with wing like decorations on it's sides covered her whole face except for the two eye openings. Her left hand held the white shining shield with a steel cross on it. Her right hand held the spear with the golden colored spearhead 

"Unholy ones return back to the graves! HOLY CLEANCE!" Roared the woman and a bright as sun white light appeared at the point of her spear head pointing at the city below and Noah standing at the roof of one of it's building.

*Huuuup. Breathed in Noah, tightly closing his eyes.

White light covered the city shining into Noah's eyes even through the tightly closed eyelids and….



He slightly opened one one eye a few moments later to see what was going 

*Phuuuuh. He breathed out opening his both eyes realizing nothing happened to him.

"…how is this possible?" Said the surprised voice of the Holy woman floating in the sky. "The holy magic did not work?"

There must be magic barrier preventing my magic. Thought the woman. No choice then!

She suddenly dropped from the sky and with a loud crash landed on the ground in the middle of the undead horde.

"Ugh!" Screamed Noah all of a sudden. "What the fuck? My head! My head is cracking!"

*User this is no time to relax. She is over the 90 level. Just her throwing fist around is enough to destroy whole of your mind realm if she starts to swing magic she'll turn you into vegetable in a split second.*

"How am I to stop that crazy bitch?"

*Observation: She is giving off strong divine energy. From the looks of it she is not physically here. This is a divination magic that allows her to transfer her mind copy to the target through her divination magic.*

"Alright." Said Noah cringing from pain, while looking at the mad woman swinging her spear around trying to smash the undead with no result as they were just a record of a story and could not be interracted with. "How does it help me?"

*Divine skills are extremely potent however they are also the skills with the longest cooldown. The cooldown of a divine skill can take from a month time for the weakest of skill to a few years in case of some of the legendary divine skills. If we interrupt her skill she will be sent back and wont return for months, possibly for years.*

"Alright. I got this." Said Noah with pained expression and jumped off the building into the horde sea of undead below.

"What's going on? Why can't I reach them? If this is an illusion why are my dispelling magics has no effect at all? Mind magic? It can't be. There are no magic strong enough to penetrate my mind barriers without my noticing it. How is he doing it?" Said woman. 

"Damn demon is that how you want to play?" She screamed and raised her spear pointing it to the sky. An intence heat started to spread from it. 

"If you are hiding behind the illusions, I will smoke you out by burning this whole area"

Suddenly the city and the undead around her have disappeared plunging her into dark space.

"Enough! What the hell are you doing, ruining my dreams like that?" Said bearded man with a weary look on his face appearing in fron of her.

"Who…what? So it's you! Decided to come out?"

"What the hell are you blabering crazy woman! You barged into my dream in the middle of my sleep and spout nonsense like crazy. What the hell is your problem?"

"Dream? What are you talking about? Have you gone crazy demon?"

"Look here lady I don't know what's your problem but could you please stop? You are breaking my mind with your rampage. And if you use that fire magic here you'll burn my mind out making me a fucking vegetable. What have I done for you to turn me into imbecile out of a sudden?"

The woman in armor looked at the man for a few moments and lowered her spear, but did not put out the fire. Clearly being still on guard.

"This is some kind of trick? You want to fool me with your hallucination magic? The city is…"

"Listen lady. I know you are strong if you could barge into my dreams but this is just that. A dream." Said Noah and the city around them appeared again. Only this time everything in it stood still. Paused."

"This…this can't be." She said looking around in shock. "This strong illusion skill! Enough of your foolery demon! I will not be fooled by this. I used divination magic to get to the one polluting the forest of Great Tree Labyrinth with miasm! So I know what you really are! I don't know what tricks you used on the Dryad Queen to escape but your life ends here."

"Crazy people are really hard to be reasoned with." Sighed Noah

"Listen. What if I prove you that this is just a dream?"

"How are you going to do that demon?"

"Please look at this white light" Said Noah raising his left hand and pointing at it with his right hand.

For a moment the woman's eyes shifted to his left palm and the bright white ligh hit her in the face. 

Next moment her eyes glazed over as if there was no one home behind them and in another moment her body shuddered and dispersed disappearing from Noah mind space.

Noah sighed and felt like puking.

"Damn I feel like shit"

*You spent almost all your mana in one go. Nausea is normal ocuranse in such cases. To erase the memory of a person with so much levels above you, all your mana is barely enough to make her forget a minute. But the best thing is that we successfully interrupted the divination skill.*

"Did you count time? How much she will remember?"

*This is hard to tell. User should remember this system has recycled your sleeping functions in exchange for other skills. While doing that I also gained an ability to manipulate the speed of the time flow within your mind realm. Just like the the dreams happen in mere seconds in real world while you dream for many minutes in dream world, I used that ability just before she barged into this space.

Thanks to that, although she rampaged for quite some time in here, in the real world it was a few dozen seconds at most. This time discrepancy should make additional corruption to her memory, making her forget the events here just like people forget the dreams once they wake up. That also concerns you. However I think you should be able to restore the memory with your memory restoration magic.* Answered the system.

"Nice. The nausea is not enough. The round of headache awaits me too."

"What the hell woman! Why are you so crazy!" Screamed Noah into empty space.

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