Ugly Bastard System

UBS21 – The Morning before the Festival

Cultural Festival.

It might not have been of that much importance in any other country, but in Japan, it was quite a big deal.

Cultural festival was in a sense, the face of a school. Well, you could just show everyone the statistics of how many graduates got into good colleges or got stable jobs, but it was not something that attracted everyone. Cultural festivals, however, did. An elementary schooler or a middle schooler kid, who probably has no idea of what is to come once they join the world of adults, would attend the cultural festival of some junior high or high school and say, "Hey that was amazing! I am definitely going to this school!" Parents would also want their children to be a part of those who could successfully organize such programs that could be added to their future portfolios. Not to mention the news coverages in the local media.

So yeah, cultural festivals were a big deal.

In Gojima's previous world, cultural festivals were held around November, to celebrate the Culture day of November 3rd. In this world, however, the day was on August 7th for some reason. Gojima sometimes wondered what other things had changed. He sometimes would look in the internet to find what else were different.

There weren't any major differences that would change the course of history. Just some people being replaced by another.

Oda Nobunaga was now a woman named Oda Nobuna.

King Arthur became Queen Arturia.

WW2 still happened, just the main antagonist changed. Adolf Hitler was switched with some Alfred von Schwarzschild, who actually was handsome with blond hair and blue eyes. A fine specimen of Aryan 'master race'. As a result, his followers were even more fanatic.

Tesla supported DC power and Edison vouched for AC.

AIDS never occurred.

Gojima didn't look for much. Such things would not have affected his life that much.

I believe that the inexistance of AIDS is quite a big deal. People are not as much scared of other STDs as they were of AIDS. So people here like to go raw more often.

Gojima simply ignored Ubs and focused on the meeting.

"Everyone, the cultural festival will start from today afternoon," the principal stated, "our school provides much freedom to the students in case of the organization of the program. Our school has always had the reputation of having a capable and responsible student council. Still, as the teachers, we also have the responsibility to maintain order and make sure nothing improper occurs that will harm the reputation of our school. I am asking you to keep your eyes and ears open for any problem."

Everyone replied in affirmative. They did not really have any strict job to do other than maintain order. Except for Okada, who was given the responsibility of the cultural festival committee, and Isshiki, who was im charge of the inspection committe.

The others would simply help out their respective homeroom sections or the clubs they were affiliated with.

Gojima also headed for his class just to see how they were doing.

"Ah, Gojima sensei." Hanasato, the class rep, approched him when she saw her. She, unlike many other girls, was not wearing a kimono. 'Background staff,' he guessed.

"How's everything going?"

"So far there hasn't been any problem," Hanasato replied with a smile, "having Satou kun and Okada san as the planners has been a real boon. Satou kun is good at networking and no error can escape Okada san's eyes. We are ready to open soon."

"Though, you will probably have to compete with the butler and maid cafe the other class will be doing."

"I don't think that will be much of a problem. People will definitely visit both. We just need to provide the best service."

Gojima looked towards the others. A bunch of girls were going 'kyaa kyaa' at a yukata-clad Satou Suzuki. A few boys were metaphorically crying tears of blood, while the rest were fawning over Kimono wearing Okada and Kawashima. Kawashima with her bright orange-pink floral patterned Kimono looked lively while Okada in her crimson red kimono looked... elegant.

He also noticed a bunch of guys surrounding Ishida, who was wearing a purple blue patterned kimono.

"Ishida san, you should definitely keep your glasses! They look perfect on you!"
"No, They hide her pretty eyes! she looks the best with contacts!"

Ishida looked completely flustered, but it didn't seem like she was disliking any of the attention. She got rescued by a bunch of other girls.

Gojima chuckled, then asked Hanasato, "is she doing well in the class? Nobody is bullying her or anything after her... changes, are they?"

"Uh... no, nothing like that has happened yet. Some... may dislike her... new self, but she has finally become friends with more people."

"That's good, then. Take care of her, okay?"

"Y-yes, Gojima sensei... is Sensei... worried about her?" Hanasato asked him with a blank look.

'Hm? Why this question? Of course, I-'

Answer diplomatically, Ken. Like a teacher would. Also, tell her that you count on her.

'Is that also nece-'

It is.

"...Of course, I am. A student of mine is finally coming out of her shell and confidently mingling with others, it does make me happy. But such transitions can be really fragile and burdensome sometimes. That is why they should receive all the help of their peers they can get. I, as an unrelated adult, cannot always be there for her. That's why I am asking you. I know you are a responsible girl, so I can count on-"

Don't pat her head in front of everyone!

"-you." Gojima stopped her hand at Ubs' warning. He looked at Hanasato's stiff face, and gave her a troubled smile.

He really had a bad habit of patting everyone's head. A habit he cultivated thanks to Sachi. Even Aoi would sometimes demand her head to be patted.

Gojima was surprised that he was not trying to shut down the memories of his wife and daughter anymore. Was he finally coming in terms with everything? Before he came here, the only thing drove him was vengeance. That was the only thing that filled the void in his heart, kept him going. After coming here, he did not have that anymore. So the memories stung.

The hole inside him was slowly being filled by everyone he was interacting with. His students, his colleagues, his neighbors—all those people that have been kind to him.

"I... uh, well, I will leave everything in your capable hands then? Now I got to visit the female track and field club, to see what they are up to."

"Oh, you are their advisor, right? I will not keep you occupied here, then. Please visit us once the cafe is open!"

"Of course. But still, I should at least show my face to others" Gojima walked towards the other students. The others also noticed and greeted him.

He did not notice Hanasato slowly raising her hand to her head.
Ah, what a shame. Why did he have to stop?



Gojima then headed for the room that was alotted to the female track and field club for their... mystery room.

"Ooh, Godspeed you're he—ack!" Gojima bonked Ichinose, the ace of her club, before she completed her sentence.

"Don't call me that. Also, is everything working properly?"

"Yep! We have set up all the puzzles properly!" Ichinose replied, "also, at least 10 of our members will always be fixing and resetting all the puzzles inside the maze!"

"Its fortunate that we were able to collaborate with the computer club on these puzzles! It makes our opening and closing pathways as well as resetting the room much easier!" Iwatani, the second in command said with a smile. It was thanks to her good relation with the computer club members.

"Although its a shame that the electronics and robotics club refused to collaborate. We could have automated all the doors and stuff instead of hiding behind the curtains in this hot weather! I hope whatever junk they are going to show for the exhibition burns out," another girl, Hori, pouted.

"Now now... let's not wish for other's downfall and give our bests! Ooooh!!!" Ichinose shouted.

"Ooh." The others shouted with no energy.

"If everything is alright, I will be going now," Gojima produced a 1000 yen note from his pocket and handed it to them. "Get a water bottle for everyone. Include that in the after festival budget report too."

"Thanks Godspeed!!!" Everyone shouted, then ducked as Gojima bonked everyone in the head.

"Wow! Violence!"
"Thanks for the water, really!"

Gojima simply walked away without looking at them, waving his hand.

"Ogre, huh..." That reminded him—Ruri, Miki and Hanazono san would be coming to the festival, they said.

That precocious brat liked puzzles, right? If he meets them, he will inform them about the mystery room. Oh, and about the traditional cafe too. It was Hanazono san's mother's idea, after all.

Well, the next arc finally begins.

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