Uchiha Patriarch

Chapter 24: Meeting the Father Part 2

Lust, with her seductive tone and a hint of amusement, leaned in closer. "Well, isn't that interesting, Gluttony?" she purred, her eyes glimmering with mischief.

In an instant, Lust vanished from her spot, her elongated nails aiming directly for Fugaku's heart. Reacting swiftly, Fugaku activated his Sharingan and Ultimate Eye, narrowly evading the lethal strike.

"You possess powers reminiscent of Wrath's," Lust remarked, her face adorned with an enchanting smile that could weaken any man's knees when met with Fugaku's blazing red eyes.

"There's no need for this," Fugaku pleaded, attempting to reason with her. But she only responded with a smile, launching another attack.

Frustration surged through Fugaku's mind as he analyzed the situation. 'Damn, she's at least at mid-Kage level, judging by her speed and those deadly claws,' he concluded. He knew he held the advantage in terms of strength, speed, and power, but engaging in combat would only complicate matters further.

As the tension between them intensified, Fugaku grappled with the dilemma before him. With Father as his objective, he understood that a violent clash would serve no purpose but to hinder his progress. Seeking a way to diffuse the escalating conflict, he desperately sought an opportunity to bridge the divide and find common ground.



- Low-Kage: Kakashi with Mangekyo Sharingan

- Mid-Kage: Old Sarutobi (Hiruzen Sarutobi)

- High-Kage: Jiraiya in Sage Mode

- Super Kage: Madara Uchiha, Hashirama Senju, Naruto Uzumaki in Nine-Tails Mode

Please, guys, note that the term "Super Kage" is not a canon term from the Naruto series, but rather a term I use here to describe exceptionally powerful characters like Madara, Hashirama, and Naruto in their most formidable states to make a distinguishment for you all.)


Fugaku deftly evaded the flurry of lethal claws, his agile movements keeping him just out of reach of Lust's relentless assault. Despite her frustration at being unable to land a single blow, her eyes burned with a mix of anger and determination. Meanwhile, Gluttony's vacant gaze lingered on the spectacle before him, his thoughts wandering to the tantalizing taste that awaited him if he were to sink his teeth into either combatant.

"Listen closely, lady. I have no interest in fighting you right now! Just take me to Father, and we can settle our differences afterwards," Fugaku declared, his voice brimming with a blend of urgency and negotiation. He sought a temporary truce, a chance to reason with the enigmatic Father and uncover the truths that lay hidden within his realm.

Lust's seductive smile twisted into a wicked grin as she replied, her words laced with a provocative edge, "Oh, but wouldn't it be exhilarating to let me penetrate you just once? It's such a shame that my brothers can't satisfy a woman like me."

Fugaku, maintaining his composure despite the dangerous allure emanating from Lust, retorted with a hint of defiance, "Absolutely not! And watch your choice of words! If it comes to that, I'll be the one doing the penetrating!"

Lust chuckled devilishly, her eyes glinting with mischief, "Oh, how intriguing! You have quite the spirit. Perhaps we'll indulge in other games later, assuming Father doesn't dispose of you first."

Fugaku's face flushed as he fought to suppress the primal urges that threatened to undermine his focus. "Gods, she's a natural disaster! Even the sound of her voice could weaken my resolve if I had any less willpower," he silently lamented, beads of sweat forming on his forehead.

Desperation welled up within him as he implored, "Can we please proceed to Father now?"

Chuckling in amusement, Lust agreed, her amusement lingering in her voice, "Sure, my dear. You've managed to entertain me far longer than most, but we still have plenty of games to play."

With their peculiar agreement reached, Fugaku and Lust forged an uneasy alliance, each step forward held the promise of an uncertain fate. Bound by a delicate thread of necessity, he ventured deeper into the heart of Gluttony's realm.

Minutes later, Fugaku is standing in front and his eyes widened in awe and curiosity as he laid eyes upon Father for the first time. Before him sitting on his throne was a figure shrouded in mystery, exuding an air of profound wisdom and power. The man's tall and imposing stature commanded attention, his pale complexion contrasting with the darkness that seemed to emanate from within.

Father's eyes, piercing and intense, met Fugaku's gaze with an unnerving intensity. They seemed to hold the weight of ages, filled with a depth of knowledge as if they held the secrets of the universe itself.

The aura surrounding Father was both captivating and foreboding. His presence seemed to distort the very fabric of reality, casting an ethereal and otherworldly presence that sent shivers down Fugaku's spine. It was as if the man himself was a conduit for some higher force, a being that existed on a plane far beyond the ordinary.

Fugaku felt a mixture of reverence and apprehension in Father's presence. There was an undeniable magnetism that pulled him in, but he couldn't shake the underlying sense of danger that lurked beneath the surface. It was a delicate balance between admiration and caution as if standing before Bailed all over again, he could just as easily enlighten as it could consume.

With a nonchalant expression adorning his face, the blonde man resembling Van Hohenheim let out a bored sigh, as if disinterested in the world around him. But beneath that façade of indifference, a flame of curiosity burned within him, eager to uncover the truth.

"Who are you?" he asked in a voice laced with an almost dismissive tone. Yet, his eyes betrayed a different story, shining with a glimmer of intrigue and hidden depths. His gaze pierced through the veil of uncertainty, searching for answers.

As Fugaku stood before him, his existence a puzzle waiting to be solved, the blonde man's mind raced with questions. How had this homunculus come into being? What forces had conspired to bring him to this very place? And most importantly, who was the mastermind behind his creation?

Images flashed through the blonde man's mind, like fragments of a forgotten memory. He could almost taste the lingering essence of alchemical energy in the air, intertwined with the enigmatic presence of this homunculus standing before him. The pieces of the puzzle were scattered, but he was determined to put them together.

As the moments stretched on, the blonde man's demeanor of boredom began to crack, revealing a genuine spark of curiosity. The enigma of this homunculus fascinated him, pulling him deeper into the labyrinth of questions that swirled within his mind. Who was this homunculus, and what secrets lay buried beneath his artificial skin?

Driven by an insatiable thirst for knowledge, the blonde man's gaze grew sharper, his once bored expression now transformed into one of intense focus. He would not rest until he unraveled the mystery that surrounded this unexpected arrival. The enigma of the homunculus had ignited a flame within him, a desire to peel back the layers of deception and discover the truth that lay hidden.

Father's piercing gaze locked onto Fugaku, his eyes filled with a mix of curiosity and suspicion. In the dimly lit realm, Fugaku's nerves rattled as he mustered the courage to respond.


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