Uchiha Patriarch

Chapter 04: A friend in need, is a friend indeed.


Fugaku contemplates the future, some side characters talk about a 13-year-old little kid like some creepy pedophiles and life takes its normal course.


The Uchiha training ground is situated deep within a mountain forest that lies beyond the clan's territory. Here, former Uchiha Fugaku trained tirelessly with his fellow clansmen. The training grounds are dotted with an array of targets for throwing practice, some of which are cunningly concealed and nearly impossible to spot with the naked eye.

Fugaku stood in the Uchiha training ground, surrounded by various targets for throwing. He was determined to hone his skills in throwing hidden weapons, a technique that all Uchiha clan members were particularly adept at, thanks to the assistance of their Sharingan.

As he closed his eyes, Fugaku activated his 3-Tomoe Sharingan, and the world around him shifted. He could now see every single detail of the targets, even those that were well-hidden and impossible to see with the naked eye.

Taking a deep breath, Fugaku focused his chakra and began throwing shurikens and kunais at the targets with pinpoint accuracy. He started with the easier targets, gradually working his way up to the more challenging ones.

Despite his already impressive skills, Fugaku pushed himself to the limit, determined to surpass even his own expectations.

*Thunk, thunk, thunk*

The sharp metallic sound of the kunai hitting the wooden target board echoed through the training grounds as Uchiha Fugaku practiced his throwing technique. Each strike was deliberate and precise, as he aimed for the smaller and more difficult targets on the board. With each successful hit, he felt a sense of satisfaction and determination to improve even further.

As he continued his training, the rhythm of the thunking sound became almost hypnotic, a steady beat that pushed him to focus and push himself harder. Sweat dripped down his forehead as he threw with increasing speed and accuracy, his Sharingan eyes tracking each projectile with ease.

As Fugaku trained, the rhythmic sound of metal hitting wood echoed through the clearing, capturing the attention of all those around him. The way he moved was like a dance, each movement precise and fluid as if he were an extension of the weapons he wielded. The older members of the clan watched in awe, recognizing the signs of a true master at work.

Fugaku was in a trance-like state, completely focused on his movements. His body flowed like a river, shifting effortlessly from one technique to the next. The younger members of the clan looked on in wonder, mesmerized by the display of skill and agility. As he moved, it was as if he was harnessing the power of the elements themselves, each strike sending ripples through the air.

At that moment, Fugaku was not just training, he was performing a beautiful and deadly dance, a testament to his skill and dedication to the art of combat. And as the sound of metal hitting wood continued, it became clear that he was a force to be reckoned with, a true master of his craft.

The young blonde teen that at some point came over and watched the show couldn't help but express his disbelief, "How in the world did you become so good? We only graduated from the academy yesterday!"

Fugaku chuckled in response to the young teen's question. "Years of hard work and dedication, Minato.": he replied, the corner of his mouth twitching into a small smile. "The Sharingan helps too, of course."

Minato looked into the black-haired teen's eyes and threw his arms up in defeat. "You Uchiha are such cheaters," he said. "How is a regular guy supposed to compete with monsters like you?".

Fugaku chuckled at Minato's comment, "It's not cheating if we have been blessed with certain abilities, my friend. And don't worry, you have your own unique skills that you will develop in due time.".

Minato sighed and rolled his eyes playfully, "Yeah, yeah, you're right. I just can't believe how skilled you are already. It's like you were born with a kunai in your hand."

Fugaku grinned, "Perhaps I was. But even natural talent requires hard work and dedication to truly reach its potential. It's not enough to simply have the gift, you must also nurture it and refine it through practice and experience."

Minato nodded thoughtfully, "I guess you're right. I'll have to work extra hard to catch up to you, Fugaku."

Fugaku placed a reassuring hand on Minato's shoulder, "Don't worry, my friend. We'll train together and help each other become the strongest shinobi we can be."

"Haha, That is right. You and me, Fugaku will make a name for ourselves.": Minato said with a shining smile on his face.

Minato was the last surviving member of the Namikaze clan and an orphan with no family to call his own. It was during his time in the academy that he met Fugaku, a fellow prodigy who quickly became his friend.

They were both more talented than the other students, and it seemed almost fated that the fathers of the two strongest heirs of Indra and Ashura would find each other and become friends. Perhaps it was the universe's wicked sense of humor, or maybe it was destiny playing its hand.

An elder among the spectators observed the duo's performance with amusement and remarked, "Fugaku's mastery of the art of combat is unparalleled among the younger Uchiha generation. He has honed his skills over the years and possesses a natural aptitude for it."

Minato looked at Fugaku with a mixture of admiration and envy. "I wish I could be as skilled as you one day," he said, a determined look in his eyes.

Fugaku smiled knowingly at Minato: "With enough hard work and practice, you can achieve anything. It's all about perseverance and determination my friend. Who knows maybe someday you'll be the Hokage the whole shinobi world fears to face while I will be a mere Clan leader.".

"I'll become the Hokage, you can bet your sweet ass on that!" Minato declared with unwavering determination.

Brawn, brains, and being the legendary Sannin's disciple may give you a fighting chance in the cutthroat world of shinobi politics, but to claim the coveted title of Hokage, you need a little something extra. In the end, it's the people's support that determines who gets to lead and shape the future of the village, and Minato's bond with the Uchiha played a crucial role in his success.

Despite their strength and talent, the duo of Minato and Fugaku were not equipped to navigate the treacherous waters of politics against formidable opponents like Danzo and Hiruzen, and their allies.

As a result, Minato's reign as Hokage was short-lived compared to Hiruzen's long tenure. The world of politics is a battleground unlike any other.

Fugaku had consumed enough political dramas to know what it meant to be a politician. He had watched House of Cards, Game of Thrones, and even documentaries on how to become a dictator. To him, it was like dipping your hands into muddy water and trying to convince everyone that your hands were still clean. The more you played the game, the dirtier you got, and the harder it was to wash off the grime.

Minato's victory over Orochimaru for the Hokage seat was a remarkable feat, especially considering he lacked the backing of a powerful clan and wasn't a natural politician. However, he compensated with his incredible strength and immense popularity among the villagers. In the end, it was his dedication to serving the people that won him their hearts and the seat of Hokage.

We are led to believe this illusion, but in a world ruled by powerful shinobi, who are experts at staying hidden and operating in the shadows, it's likely that they have been manipulating the political landscape behind the scenes without us even realizing it.

Danzo, Hiruzen, and their allies allowed Minato to become Hokage because he was easy to manipulate from behind the scenes. Trained to prioritize the village over his own interests, he was a perfect tool to maintain their control over the village.

They wanted a Hokage who could defend the village from external threats but lacked the power to challenge their authority. In other words, they wanted someone who would rule the village without actually ruling it.


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