Two Doms

12. Not a sex thing

"This isn't a sex thing," I whispered to myself.

I checked the bathroom door again. Still locked. After a moment of hesitation, I unlocked it and peeked out. Nick was still sitting at my desk, working on a homework assignment. He looked up.

"What?" he said.

"Nothing," I said. I closed the door and locked it again.

Okay. This was going to be okay. Nick was busy. He didn't care what I as doing in here.  And the bathroom door was — I checked again — still locked.

"Okay," I whispered to myself, "It's just underwear."

Just underwear. Not panties. I couldn't think of them as panties, because that was a search term I had seen on porn sites. And this wasn't a sex thing.

I checked the bathroom door one more time. Still locked.

I changed as quickly as possible, without looking at myself in the mirror. They really were just underwear. They looked almost the exact same as my regular men's briefs. Just a little more... feminine.

Not even that feminine! They were blue. Okay, maybe a soft, pastel blue. But it wasn't like they were pink or anything. Because that's not what this was, right? I wasn't, like, getting off on dressing up like a sissy or anything. Was I?

My dick twitched slightly.

"No!" I gasped.

"What?" came Nick's muffled voice from outside the bathroom.

My heart stopped. No, no, no! Nick could not catch me like this.

"Nothing!" I said quickly.

I glanced at myself in the mirror. My face was pale, and I looked slightly ridiculous, wearing just my cheap white sleep shirt and my new undies. My eyes immediately fell to that slight awkward bluge in the front, and I cringed. But.. they fit. And they didn't look that bad. I was worried I was going to look totally laughable, or disgusting, perverted. But it mostly just looked like I was wearing regular underwear.

I felt a strange feeling in my stomach, and it wasn't arousal.I was wearing women's underwear, and they were just regular underwear. My eyes travlled back up, and I caught myself smiling.

I dropped my smile quickly and pulled on my sweatpants, then bundled up my day clothes and went outside. Nick glanced at me on my way to the dresser.

"Hey perv," he said.

I froze, "What?"

"Remember last night?" he said.

"Um," I flushed red, "Excuse me?"

Nick pushed back from the desk and gave me a disdainful look, "When I caught you whacking it?"

I glared at him, "I'm pretty certain I remember us agreeing not to talk about it!"

"Alright," Nick rolled back to the desk and turned back to his books, "Cool."

I waited for a moment, but it seemed like he really was done talking to me.

"Hello?" I said, "Was that it?"

Nick shrugged, "I dunno, man! You wanna have a whole fucking conversation about it?"

I frowned at him, confused. He turned a page in his textbook and wrote something down. Only then did I realised how tense his shoulders were. He was nervous about something.

"Oh my god!" I squealed, "Are you going to masturbate tonight?"

"I don't know man!" he said, "Maybe! I was just checking you remembered our deal!"

"Oh my god!" I shoved my day clothes into my laundry bag and stared at him in disgust, "Don't call it a deal! It's not like we shook hands on it!"

"Alright!" said Nick, and then after a second, "I mean, you were shaking your fuckin' hand last night."

"Nick!" I yelled.

I spent the rest of the night trying not to think about Nick masturbating. Like he said, we did have a deal. He promised not to rat me out for doing it, so I was going to give him the same respect. Even if that was the absolute maximum amount of respect that he deserved.

It was harder to ignore him than I expected it would be, though. After we both went to bed, I found myself lying wide awake in the dark for what felt like an hour, listening to the sound of Nick breathing. Was he asleep? Was he... doing it right now?

It wasn't like I wanted to hear him do it. But.. he had heard me. So fair was fair.

A light came on, up on my bed. My eyes widened. That must be Nick's phone. What was he looking at?

I heard a drumbeat, and then a woman's voice say "Hey big guy..."

"Nick!" I snapped.

"Ah, fuck," Nick muttered. The sound of the video stopped.

"Are you watching—"

"Yes!" he snapped, "Obviously I fucking was."

"Ever heard of headphones?" I said.



"My headphones broke, okay?" said Nick, "And I can't afford to get new ones right now."

"Well!" I almost considered offering him mine, but stopped myself. I didn't know where his hand had been. And even worse, I knew exactly where it was about to be. "Does it have to be that loud? Your phone is right next to your face."

"I mean, not really," said Nick, "I have to hold it between my knees."

"What?" I said, "Why ae you holding it with your knees?"

"I don't have that many fucking options, man!" said Nick.

"Just lean it against a pillow!" I said.

"Oh, sure!" said Nick, "Sorry, I forgot which one of us is a fucking expert at jerking off with one arm. Hey, why don't you just come up here and show me how to do it?"

"Ew!" I said.

"Yeah!" said Nick, "Just go to sleep, alright?"

"Alright," I muttered, "And... I'm sorry. I didn't realise how—"

"Just go to sleep, man!" Nick said, exasperated.

I rolled over with a huff. I pulled my blanket over my head and tried to shut out the sound of Nick pleasuring himself. Truth be told, I couldn't really hear anything he was doing, besides a slight squeaking from the bedsprings. Mostly I just heard the video.

From the sound of it, it was not my sort of video. It was definitely straight porn, which was fine, but it also sounded really rough. A lot of You like that? and Take it, bitch, and a lot of noises that made it seem like the girl in the video wasn't really enjoying herself as much as she kept saying she was.

I didn't care, obviously. And it's not like I was surprised that Nick had terrible taste in pornograpjy. He had terrible taste in everything. I had seen how he dressed.

I still felt disappointed, somehow.

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