Twisted Realm

Chapter 76 - black eat black

Just when Lin Ya was having a headache with her plans for the evening, Meng Xuan finished her morning exercise.

Basically, although there is still a delay of about half a second, because the release distance is far enough, the use of moves in actual combat is no longer a problem.

After a few more days of steady training, Meng Xuan felt that he should be able to do quick moves.

However, he felt that there was still more room for exploration in these moves.

If you can gather the diffused spiritual power and explode it on a thin line of blade slashing, the power will probably be stronger.

This is like the “control” in Chikun swordsmanship. If he can better control his mental power and explode at one point, he will naturally have stronger power.

Unfortunately, this is not something that can be done overnight, so we can only keep training slowly.

In the end, Meng Xuan had a more important discovery.

Visualizing the life-distorting properties of the Convergence Ceremony in his consciousness is actually of great benefit to helping him digest the Ritual Information Group, which is not recorded in the experimental records.

“I’m afraid that the experimental base did not have time to do similar experiments at that time, but just after some results were obtained, a terrifying mutation occurred…”

Meng Xuan guessed in his heart that there are still many places on the twisted road that he needs to explore on his own. Perhaps, visualizing the life-distorting characteristics of rituals in his heart is the best way to digest the twisting power in the information group.

“If I can completely digest the information light clusters of the three major ceremonies, maybe I can reach the limit of seven rounds…”

Maybe this is the way to digest the power of distortion.

“Will I finally… become them?”

Meng Xuan suddenly felt a little throbbing when he remembered the twisted life that appeared in the three major ceremonies.

“I am who I am.”

Meng Xuan’s face was calm.

Incorporate the twist, master the twist, and conquer the twist…  

He didn’t want to turn into a ghost that twisted his life.

No matter what, he needs to be himself.

He packed up his things and prepared to go to the library to find out the ancient and modern names of ore materials, and determine the materials needed for the “Secondary Metal Refining Ceremony” and “Secondary Energy Nuclear Refining Ceremony”.

Then I just figured out a way to get money.



At night, a figure wearing a black trench coat with a big bag on his back rode a small electric donkey around the North District.

Because of the chaotic situation, before you know it, the North District, which was supposed to be a bustling city, has been deserted a lot.

But underground casinos are still popular.

This thing, as long as you are addicted, no matter whether you are in a turbulent situation or not, there will be people who can’t help but come in and gamble twice, or return with a lot of smiles, or go bankrupt and sell their children and daughters.

Of course, there are always more losers than winners.

Tragedy is always more than comedy.

At this time, the Lalte underground casino, which the Angel Gang belongs to, is in chaos.

There were screams, screams, and screams one after another. The Angel Gang and the Ghost Axe Union slashed into a ball in the casino, blood flying, causing the gamblers to scream and retreat.

However, some people are not flustered, on the contrary, there is a light of excitement in their eyes.

Kerriva is one of them.

With a rough face, he with a big beard hugged his head and shrank on the ground, greedily looking at a middle-aged man in a designer suit who was accidentally injured and fell to the ground, and the bulging leather bag in his hand.

Kerriva licked his lips, moved over carefully, dragged his purse over, then leaned against the gaming table and fell to the ground to pretend to be dead, his eyes narrowed, he observed the next target, and put another lady’s The bag was pulled over.

He did the same, and even secretly tripped a middle-aged man who was trying to escape in a panic to the gang member who killed the red eye. After the middle-aged man was cut down with a knife, he put away his wallet and saw that the situation was getting more and more chaotic, More and more people were fleeing, and Kerriva knew he had to go.

He quietly blended in on the edge of the crowd, calmly dodged the melee gang crowd, and successfully escaped from the casino.

As soon as he got out of the casino, he immediately rushed into a dark alley, took out the bag he grabbed from his large windbreaker, and quickly rummaged through it.

A handful of green Chinar coins appeared in front of him.

“I’ve made a fortune!! I’ve made a fortune!!”

Kerriva’s eyes flashed with excitement as he looked at the coin in his hand.

He seemed to see that spirits and girls in the nightclub were waving to him.

Bang! !

A muffled sound came from the back of his head, and Kerriva, who was still dreaming, rolled his eyes and fell straight down.

A figure wearing a black windbreaker, a windbreaker cap, a black mask on his face, and a long silver knife in his hand appeared behind him.

Meng Xuan stepped forward, kicked Kerriva away, quickly gathered up the money in his hand, and took a general look.

“Damn it, it’s only 20,000 to 30,000 yuan. Looking at you, you are so excited and poor, how much do you think you’ve made?”

Meng Xuan cursed secretly, kicked Kerriva again, and hurried to find the next target.

He specially looked for the kind of sneaky starters who didn’t do good things at first glance, but after walking around, he only got 40,000 to 50,000 yuan.

“It’s too little.”

Meng Xuan frowned. He originally wanted to take the opportunity to get enough funds in one night, but now it seems that this method is not easy.

Meng Xuan decided to use a different method and find a casino to stand guard. Once there was chaos, he would directly hack the casino chip exchange office, get some money and run away. As long as he doesn’t take too much, it shouldn’t be too noticeable. .

As soon as he said it, Meng Xuan rode on his little electric and called Servia by the way.

Their family runs a casino, so they are more likely to grab the site.

“Hey, which casinos are you planning to open recently?”

“Oh, it’s alright. I lost a friend to play at the casino. If you guys want to do something tonight, we’ll change.”

“Go to your casino? No, no, why would you be embarrassed to win your own money? We’ll be the Angel Gang.”

“Huh? What? Do you mean to look down on me? Do you think that Meng Xuan can’t win money?”

“Well, that’s not what it means. Which one depends on the allocation of staff, and you don’t know the specific arrangement? But the chance of the Lucky House Casino is relatively high? Okay, let’s do this first, and hang up first.”

Meng Xuan hung up the phone and dashed the car dashingly towards the Lucky House Casino.

When he passed a nightclub with bright neon lights on the road, he seemed to see a familiar figure.

Squeak! !

He frowned, stopped the car, and watched from a distance with his strong eyesight.

A young woman dressed in a strong nightclub style, with nightclub smoky makeup on her face, but with delicate facial features comparable to plastic surgery templates, entered his line of sight.

At this time, the young woman was holding a tall, sturdy-looking Caucasian man, looking very intimately walking out the door of the nightclub.

This woman looks very familiar, she seems to have seen it somewhere…

Meng Xuan, who was blind, drove the electric motor to the corner and stared blankly at the woman for a long time.

Isn’t this Lin Ya? I almost didn’t recognize it with a smoky makeup on.

Why is she here?

Meng Xuan suspiciously looked at Lin Ya, who was dressed in a nightclub outfit and was kissed by a white man.

My distant cousin actually still has such a hobby?

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