Twisted Realm

Chapter 470 - Fate

boom! !

In front of Meng Xuan, the door of the Temple of Birth slammed open, revealing the things in the temple.

The same is an empty room, with an old-fashioned desktop computer placed in the center of the room, which looks monotonous and leaky.

Only this time, in front of the computer, a black-robed figure was sitting. This black-robed figure had an amazing body curvature, and his long black hair fell straight behind his head.

Da Da Da Da! !

At this moment, the figure’s white palm rested on the mouse, and one hand tapped quickly on the keyboard, as if he was using computer software to edit some mysterious code.

Seemingly sensing Meng Xuan’s gaze, the figure stopped typing on the keyboard, and with a slight kick on her calf, the swivel chair sitting under her slowly turned around, revealing a woman’s face.

The woman’s eyes are curved like a crescent moon, the bridge of the nose is high, the cheekbones are slightly raised, there are some typical Nelson-style tattoos on the face and neck, and huge gold earrings on the ears, giving a very extreme An exotic beauty.

She is definitely not the Yunmeng she was before, her true identity is self-evident.

“Arcana Saro.”

Meng Xuan said the name softly.

“I didn’t expect that we would meet again so soon. This time, your key seems to be completely transformed, which is really a happy thing.”

Akanasaro said to Meng Xuan with a smile.

“Looks like you blend in well with this place.”

Meng Xuan looked at this familiar stranger and said lightly.

“This is an opportunity for me to choose carefully. If it doesn’t work, doesn’t it seem like I’m too weak?”

Acanasaro stood up and said with a smile.

“When you were in my body, were you also conscious?”

Meng Xuan asked.

“Sure, but I’ll never watch it if I shouldn’t. I’m not voyeuristic. Of course, you don’t have anything to look at.”

Acanasaro said with a wink.

Hearing this, Meng Xuan’s face couldn’t help twitching.

“Okay, don’t look so scary. If it weren’t for me, you would be able to translate the experimental data indiscriminately by facing those ancient books. If it wasn’t for me, it would be your first time. When you hold the twisting secret medicine ceremony alone, can you succeed so smoothly?”

Acanasaro said with a smile.

“However, without you, I wouldn’t have believed so easily that the translations I got from those books would be correct, nor would I have been so reckless to start a twisting secret medicine ceremony.”

Meng Xuan said lightly, squinting his eyes and staring at Arcana Leroy: “You influenced my will.”

“It’s only a little bit. After all, in my state at the time, there wasn’t much I could do, and I didn’t have any ill will towards you, on the contrary, I helped you a lot. Except for that one time, I could do it all the time. Didn’t try to influence you.”

Acanasaro shrugged and said.

“Okay, let’s not mention this kind of thing for the time being. With your strength, how could you have died in that laboratory in the first place?”

Meng Xuan was too lazy to entangle with Arcana Salo on this issue. In fact, after knowing Arcana Salo’s identity and being promoted to the Apostle of the Zero Realm, he had some guesses about what happened back then. Not surprised.

After all, along the way, it is inseparable from the promotion of some kind of force, and the help of Arcana Leroy has indeed reduced a lot of unnecessary troubles for him.

“I can’t tell you what happened back then. In fact, when I entered the Evil Eye Twisting Laboratory, my strength was not very strong. It was probably only the top saint level. I was placed there by the person behind me. Master the progress of the distortion experiment of the seventy-two king pillars, because Evil Eye Agnals is a supreme source that is most compatible with the original king, so this laboratory is very important.”

“And I did use some special methods to obtain some confidential information, even including the coordinates of the dark curtain, that is, at that time, the Seventy-two King Pillars did not know what purpose they merged with them. The divine kingdom of the supreme existence captured, the consequences can be imagined. As the twisted laboratory that knows the most secrets, it is natural to need the first existence to be destroyed, and I was in the evil eye experiment belonging to the first king at that time. In the room, it was the most violent attack.”

“Almost the entire laboratory has been dragged into the kingdom of the dark veil, and a large number of researchers have alienated or died directly. The power of the original king is really too powerful. It is ridiculous that many people are chanting the original king until they die. Honourable name, thinks that all this is the result of the riot in the evil eye kingdom of God, and hopes to obtain redemption, but what they never know is that it is the existence they once trusted most who killed them.”

“My ability is not enough to escape the power of the Prime King, but fortunately, the system finally used its strength to protect me and protected part of the laboratory where I was, but my body was infected by the terrifying power of evil eyes, I had to give up the source of life information, and under the protection of the power of the system, I retained a little will and waited for the opportunity to recover.”

“Thousands of years have passed, and my will has finally partially recovered. I tried to move away from my body. What surprised me was that, after the transformation of the ‘system’ power, my will and soul actually possessed the seal of ignoring the two worlds. , the ability to travel between the two worlds.”

“I used almost all of my power, used this ability, broke through the space blockade of the laboratory, created a chaotic space between the two worlds, and used this space to communicate with the real world, ready to search in the real world. A body to board.”

“You know what happened later. The place I communicated with was the mirror of your bathroom, and that chaotic space had an informational connection with the real area where your home was located, so it changed into your home’s mirror. look.”

“You almost know what happened next. After traveling between the two worlds, I have not much power left. I finally waited for a suitable opportunity to temporarily stay on your body and wait until my ability recovers before looking for recovery. The way I didn’t expect, I was crushed by you…”

Acanasaro said with a sigh.

it is as expected······

Meng Xuan compared his guesses and found that the general direction was the same.

“Actually, I was also surprised at the time, why an ordinary person with no ability could resist me. Even though my strength was very weak at that time, it was not on the same level as ordinary people.”

“Later, after my will was crushed by you, it did not disappear directly, but was attached to you, and the ability to travel between the two worlds was also perfectly inherited by you. At this time, I realized a little bit, and I still escaped after all. Don’t get rid of the ‘fate’ arranged for me, and you are the real ‘chosen one’, everything I did before was just making a wedding dress for you.”

“But then I figured it out. I can’t gain today’s strength without the support of that person, and it may not be a bad thing to go on according to the fate arranged by that person.”

Akanasharo said helplessly.


Meng Xuan asked with a frown. The repeated occurrence of this word made him have a complicated feeling.

“That is a concept that we can’t understand, just like two-dimensional life can’t understand the perspective of three-dimensional life, in my understanding, the world has its own trajectory of development, and this trajectory is the so-called ‘fate’, it is like a turbulent The river, in which everyone drifts with the flow.”

“We are the fish in the water, or the tadpoles, or the microbes, unable to resist that impulse, unable to control the direction in which we are going, and we don’t know if we will end up crashing on the river bank or being run over by something else in the current. Broken, these things that we don’t know, but contain a certain logical force, are called ‘fate’.”

“And now, there is a certain person, or some kind of force standing on the bank of the river, he can see the direction, trend of the river and predict the ‘fate’ of us water creatures within a certain range, and then, standing on the bank The existence, for some purpose, intentionally or unintentionally, threw a ‘hook’ into the river, and we were the ones caught by the ‘hook’.”

“With this ‘hook’, there is the interference of external forces, and our own destiny of following the flow has been changed. With the help of that external force, we can lead to a predictable direction, and this is the one who passed Each system task, the ‘fate’ arranged for us.”

Acanasaro said lightly, it seems that she has been trapped in her body for 6,000 years, not doing nothing, but having a lot of unique thinking, about her own encounter, about this world, about the system existence behind.

“If such an existence really exists, we may be comparable to a mayfly to Him. His power is completely capable of overturning the river in this river. What is the purpose of controlling us?”

Meng Xuan still looked a little confused.

“At first, I also felt very confused about this question. After countless years, I still couldn’t figure it out until I met you.”

“Think about it from another perspective, if you are an ordinary person, you may be able to change the direction of one or two fish in the river, and you may be able to come and go freely in the river with excellent water and strength, but if your purpose is to change The river, or even cut off the entire river, is very difficult to do with the strength of an ordinary person alone.”

“The manpower is sometimes poor. Although the one can stand on the other side and see the flow of the river, he cannot do what he really wants to do. Therefore, he needs the help of us little fish.”

“Aren’t you the proof that you have done well? Carrying the ‘key’, you are absorbing the power of this world, and at the same time, you are actually using the power from ‘the other side’ to change the world. The long river of history lies in you. The hand has already changed. When you break through the river and re-enter the original palace that represents the other side, perhaps it is the moment when the entire river of fate is changed. As a person who has changed the river, use this river. What kind of purpose the power of natural flow can achieve is beyond my imagination.”

Arcanasaro said lightly.

After listening to Arcana Salo’s words, Meng Xuan suddenly remembered the revelation he had received in front of the original palace. Perhaps Arcana Salo’s guess was right. The “key” on his body was a seed. Continue to absorb nutrients, and eventually take root in this world, completely change the essence of this world, and change the appearance and flow of the long river of destiny that belongs to this world.

And this can achieve a certain purpose behind the scenes.

“Although it is an arranged fate, I don’t care. Sometimes I think about it, this is also a good thing. At least that one has never harmed us, and has already found a way out for us.”

“Look, the place where I live now is very good, maybe, when you open the original palace and completely change the fate of the world, I can also rely on this pure land to get what I want, so, from the most From the beginning, we are on the same front, and I will try to help you.”

“It’s that guy Evan, who couldn’t understand this truth before and wanted to go out of his own way, but in the end, he should have returned to his own track, giving you everything he has and marrying you., like me, silently waiting for the day when you succeed, which is also our greatest chance.”

“I have to admire the wisdom of that person, everything he does is not a conspiracy, but a conspiracy, upright and upright, because only this way can truly save the world, not only us, other people, but also It will also become a beneficiary. The countless fish in the long river of destiny will unite and change the evil nature of this world. It can be said that when the key in your hand matures, that person’s plan has been 80% successful. Now, just Just waiting for the final touch.”

Akanassaro said with a smile, she stretched out her palm, and the sphere of light formed by twelve information streams appeared in her hand.

“I know you will come, and I know your purpose. Now is the best chance. The Supreme Being has not fully awakened, and the power of the virtual world is empty. I have already prepared it, just waiting for your last order.”

She handed the ball of light into Meng Xuan’s hands, and those information flowed into Meng Xuan’s mind. These are the coordinates of all the Distorted Conqueror genres hidden in the void.

This is exactly the purpose of Meng Xuan’s trip.

“I will come to you.”

Meng Xuan said calmly, his figure flashed, turned into a white light, disappeared, and went away in pursuit of the coordinates of one of the conqueror schools.

“How many years, this world is finally about to usher in light.”

Arcana Leroy smiled.

One of the thirteen conqueror forces, the Beast Forest.

“Princess White” Winnie, a talented student of the Beast Forest who once fought with Meng Xuan on the spiral staircase, is sitting on the high platform in the center of the square, surrounded by many students of the Beast Forest, and thousands of others. Ordinary people living in the beast forest.

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