Twisted Realm

Chapter 45 - door

In this secret pattern laboratory, dozens of monsters gathered, making Meng Xuan somewhat frightened.

He didn’t think that these monsters were all dead. The strong malice released all the time reminded him that if he woke them up, he would definitely die.

Although he is not afraid of death, if he releases dozens of monsters at once and roams the experimental base at any time, then he basically does not need to come in.

‘For a moment, let’s observe it. It seems that only one red-eyed monster woke up. The others should all be in a deep sleep state. As long as I don’t act aggressively, they shouldn’t be stimulated to wake up. ’

Meng Xuan glanced at the secret pattern with a pity, it seems that this thing can’t be removed for the time being.

The secret pattern is probably the source of the power of these monsters. If you touch the secret pattern yourself, these dozens of monsters will definitely be immortal with you.

But it doesn’t matter if you can’t get it away, you won’t be able to use it in a short time.

“The red-eyed monster can’t be killed…”

Meng Xuan felt that his luck was not very good recently. He finally had the opportunity to slaughter the red-eyed monster, but he didn’t expect this guy to have a monster lair. If he entered now, he could easily kill this guy who seemed to be sleeping, but The movement made is also very likely to cause other monsters around to wake up.

Meng Xuan pondered for a while. The red-eyed monster was obviously seriously injured and should not be able to act for the time being. He could just take this opportunity to visit the experimental base first.

Having made a decision, he walked to the dark place opposite the door, carefully crossed the door, and prepared to explore the space ahead.

In the end, it was only 30 meters away.

“It’s over?!”

Meng Xuan looked at the scene in front of him, which seemed to be a collapse. The entire metal passage was broken and blocked by huge rocks.

Meng Xuan went up to check it. These stones are hard and heavy, and it is difficult to drill them with a diamond drill bit.

He looked at both sides of the passage again, the thick metal turned outwards, as if hit by a huge force, and the whole was broken in two.

‘Wouldn’t it be that there was a big battle in the experimental base that year, and Nelson’s powerful extraordinary warrior shot and smashed the passage with one punch? ’

Meng Xuan thought, after all, that fist mark was made by people before, so it is not surprising that there is someone stronger than that extraordinary warrior.

Meng Xuan looked at the fracture carefully, and felt that the passage did not seem to have been smashed from the inside. The directions of the fractures on both sides of the passage were towards the left, and it looked more like it was smashed by someone from outside the right passage.

But judging from the fact that the passage is blocked by rocks, the experimental base is either in the mountain or buried deep underground. Who can throw a punch outside the passage?

‘It couldn’t have been a battle in another channel, and the aftermath of an attack blew up all the channels across the distance, right? Bombed half of the base with one punch? ’

Meng Xuan thought whimsically, if this is the case, how strong does this person have to be? Humanoid nuclear bomb?

He shook his head, leaving these unrealistic thoughts behind.

In short, this road is now dead.

Meng Xuan thought for a while. When he came out of that laboratory, there were paths on both sides. The left side was blocked, but the right side might still be able to walk.

So he chose the original path to return.

Knowing that most of the monsters in the channel on the right side of the experimental base were sleeping, Meng Xuan became a lot more daring, walked faster, and returned to the door of the original laboratory in a short while.

He didn’t stop, and continued to walk slowly towards the path on the right side of the door.

This time, he walked more cautiously, because he didn’t know where the passage on the right was leading to and what was there.

If only there was a map…

Meng Xuan sighed. His visibility in the darkness was only about three meters, and it was very difficult to see things. At the same time, this kind of gloomy bad environment and unknown future would cause huge pressure on people’s psychology.

Meng Xuan felt that he was daring enough, but he was still sweating unknowingly, and his hand holding the knife was a little wet.

He continued to walk several dozen meters forward.


Meng Xuan was pleasantly surprised to see a sign that was covered with dust and marked with an arrow-like sign hanging on one side of the wall.

It’s a pity that I can’t understand these words! !

At this moment, Meng Xuan deeply felt the importance of literacy.

Unable to understand the characters on the sign, Meng Xuan could only cross it angrily and continue walking.

He found that the channel on the right is also curved, and the direction of the curve is just opposite to the channel on the left.

At that time, the passage of this base was a circle, right?

Meng Xuan guessed, and after walking more than fifty meters forward, he found that he had nowhere else to go.

But this time, it was not the rocks that blocked his way, but a door.

A metal door.

The metal door should be made of the same metal as the wall. There is no handle on the door, no keyhole, or even a gap. If this thing is not covered with complicated patterns, it will still be two or three meters above the ground. With a house number hanging on it, Meng Xuan probably thought it was a wall.

The Nelson characters were still written on the door plate, but this time Meng Xuan recognized one of the characters.

It seems to mean residence and residence?

Meng Xuan has some uncertain guesses. Nelson’s text is too difficult to remember.

‘Wouldn’t this be the laboratory staff dormitory? ’

Meng Xuan’s eyes lit up and thought If it is really the dormitory area for the experimenters, I’m afraid I can really find some useful things.

But how to open this door?

Meng Xuan was worried. Judging from the thickness of this thing, even if Akto got the explosives, it might not be able to explode, and if he exploded it himself, the movement would definitely be great. The monsters must have woken up.

Meng Xuan was so anxious that there might be something good behind the door, but he couldn’t open it.

His mind was spinning rapidly, thinking about how to open the door.


“NI! ZI! WO! SHI! NI! BA!”

“Open Sesame!”

“Om what?? Hum”


Meng Xuan used a low voice to change the start language of several rituals in a row, trying to wake up the ritual pattern on the big iron gate, but unfortunately it didn’t work.

‘It won’t be broken after thousands of years, will it? ’

Unwillingly, Meng Xuan shouted a few more activation words, but the door did not respond.

“Isn’t the door of the experimenter’s dormitory a starter phrase, but a card swipe?”

Meng Xuan remembered that in the TV series of the previous life, those high-tech experimental bases seemed to be swiping cards, faces and eyes.

“Ka…how did I forget that thing.”

Meng Xuan thought for a while and patted his forehead.

When I first came to the world in the mirror, I searched the body of the black robe mummy, and found a purple gilt crystal card in the inner pocket of her black robe, but he didn’t know what it was for, so he took it with him. I threw it in the file bag and didn’t care too much.

A few months passed, but I almost forgot that there was such a thing.

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