Twisted Realm

Chapter 26 - ask for help

This is a problem that Meng Xuan has long encountered but has been unable to solve.

The problem of translation.

After all, Meng Xuan is not a professional translator of ancient texts. Although he has the exact characters and ordering, he has no knowledge about the grammar of ancient texts. Moreover, there is no exact Nelson dictionary, and he can only compare it with the language system of its derived civilization Guessing the meaning of words, even if the grammar of Nelson’s series is not very complicated, if he can sum up the general meaning with a guess, it is already considered Meng Xuan’s brain to use.

But if it is implemented, Meng Xuan feels powerless in the translation of some detailed characters and sentences.

For example, in the process of this translation ceremony, he encountered several similar problems.

For example, for one of the characters, after comparing the dictionaries of many Nelson-derived civilizations, he got two similar meanings: jump and cross.

But it was this kind of similar meaning that made Meng Xuan difficult.

After the last strange sensation ceremony, Meng Xuan already had some in-depth understanding of the twisting secret medicine ceremony.

The ritual of twisting the secret medicine is actually similar to some kind of sophisticated machinery and program, through a series of codes, materials, actions, activation words, etc., which are interlocked together, triggering mysterious power, once one of the details goes wrong , Meng Xuan suspects, this is likely to lead to unknown changes in the ceremony.

The last time I held a strange ceremony, I was a newborn calf and was not afraid of tigers. I was stupid and bold. I only translated a general meaning and started the ceremony in a hurry. Fortunately, although I experienced some strange phenomena during the period, I finally persevered. There was no major deviation or irreversible mutation in the ceremony.

This time, Meng Xuan didn’t dare to be so reckless. Jumping and striding, two seemingly similar movements, may represent completely different mysterious meanings in the ceremony and have completely different consequences.

Meng Xuan felt that it was necessary for him to go to some professionals who study ancient Chinese scriptures to learn from.

It’s a pity that Luo Na did not study the archaeology subject of Nelson’s Department of Ancient Civilizations. She only had some basic concepts learned from general education textbooks about the ancient characters of this department, so she could not give Meng Xuan any constructive advice.

However, there are no other ancient script scholars around Meng Xuan who are familiar with each other. Although Luo Na said that he could help him introduce his relevant tutors in the Department of Ancient Civilization Studies of Lunan University, Meng Xuan felt that this was not reliable, and there was no need for them to Too much time wasted on a high school student.

Moreover, Meng Xuan has many concerns about exchanging knowledge about Nelson civilization in reality.

Suddenly, Meng Xuan remembered a person, a person he met online before.

“I don’t know if you have replied to me…”

Meng Xuan sorted out the various documents on the desk, returned them the same way, greeted Rona, and left the library.

This time his target is an Internet cafe.

After opening a temporary card for an hour, Meng Xuan skillfully turned on the computer and entered the card number, opened the browser, and entered the domain name of “Mystery House”.

When it comes to solving the problem of ancient Nelson writing, the first thing that comes to Meng Xuan’s mind is the post on “Mystery House”, which was a rigorous guess, and it was that post that inspired him to pass the Compare the dictionaries of various Nelson-derived civilizations and analyze the mysterious knowledge left by the Nelson people.

Entering the “House of Mystery” forum and logging in to his account, Meng Xuan found that the friend request he had sent to the great **** who posted the post “Where did he come from” had actually passed.

Unfortunately, when Meng Xuan found the other party in the forum’s friend list, the dim avatar showed that the other party was not online.

Meng Xuan was a little disappointed. He clicked on the other person’s big dog avatar and began to check other posts written by this person.

The more he looked at Meng Xuan, the more he felt that the other party had extremely profound insights into the writings of the ancient Nelson series, and many of the words and sentences in this person’s post revealed a very professional atmosphere. I’m afraid his real identity would not be as simple as a fan.

Meng Xuan felt that if he could get in touch with the other party, it might be enough to solve the problem he is facing now.

Unfortunately, the other party is not online now.

He sent an offline message to the other party, indicating his identity as an ancient Nelson text lover, showing his willingness to communicate more with the other party, and hinting that he could seek his help for a fee.

Meng Xuan pondered for a while, and after re-applying for a network number, he attached the newly-applied network number to the message and waited for the other party’s reply.



At 4:30 in the afternoon, at the Blacktail Budokan.

Meng Xuan was wearing a martial arts uniform, holding a wooden knife in his hand, standing on the second floor facing the training ground, looking at the dozen or so men standing beside him in a speechless manner.

These men range from 20 to 30. They wear fancy clothes and have various head shapes. Some have yellow mohawks, some have purple cockscombs, and some have red-haired explosive heads. The most strange thing is that Meng Xuan also I saw a green hair pot cover…

The accessories on these guys are also The earrings are basically standard, some also have nose rings, some have lip rings, and some even have big gold chains, I don’t know. Is it true or false.

Meng Xuan looked at this group of good and bad guys in a speechless manner, then turned to look at Akto who was standing beside him.

Akto gave him an awkward but polite smile back.

“Boy, are you our new coach?”

A young man who looked to be about twenty-five or six years old with a mohawk and a nose ring said lazily, picked his nostrils, took out a ball of booger, and bounced it on the ground.

“You’re so young, and you haven’t even grown your hair. Shouldn’t you still be a high school student? Don’t wait to give your brothers a finger during the duel practice, then lie on the ground and cry for mom!”

“Hahaha, I think you’re right. Maybe you don’t need to hit your finger. You all look fierce, and our little coach is already shivering at that stop!”

“Look, how ugly his face is now? Look, is his hand holding the knife shaking? Isn’t he scared before it even started? Be good, little brother, don’t shake, brothers won’t be so hard. , will love you~”

“You people are really too much. Anyway, you are also the people invited by Mr. Akto. Please treat them with respect. Come, read with me, instructor~~Sir~~Okay~~”


Meng Xuan’s face kept twitching and beating, and the hand holding the knife trembled slightly.

He looked back at Arctor.

Akto shrugged helplessly at him, saying he could do whatever he wanted.

Meng Xuan turned around and looked at the group of crooked melons and jujubes in front of him, a smile gradually formed on the corners of his mouth, and the smile became bigger and bigger…

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