Twisted Destiny

Chapter 29: Purrfection

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“So you are a witch as well?” Sam asks, with a surprised tone.
“Well, maybe. I haven’t tested it yet. But I might’ve gotten the skills from the game in real life as well.”
“Wait, what game? The game you told me about back at uni?”
“Oh, right…” I explain the entire story about what happened when I got out of Turn of Destiny for the first time, and how I picked up a skill that would allow me to cast without a focus.
“So why haven’t you tried yet?”
“I kinda forgot, with this date I had with a cute girl and everything…”
Sam blushes. “T-that’s fair.”
“So are you going to try it now?” Élise asks with great interest.
“Hmm, I guess but I can’t exactly cast a heal or my big blue ball of death, right?” 

“I can cut myse…” Élise gets interrupted by Nikki.
“Are you mad? What if it doesn’t work?”
“Oh, right.” She giggles awkwardly.
“Hmm, what about this…”
I close my eyes concentrate on the image of a shining blue sword and try to focus energy into my hands.
“Holy mother of all Goddesses.” I hear Élise gasp.
I open my eyes again and see a shiny blue longsword in the palm of my hand.
“Well, that answers that,” I say, with surprise in my voice.
“And can you dispel it?” Nikki asks.
I concentrate on the sword disappearing and it vanishes almost instantly.
“Ok, so Amicia knows magic now…” Élise crosses her arms.
“And I think we can safely assume that she’ll get more powerful in real life as she gets more powerful in-game.” Nikki adds.
“Yeah…” I mumble.
“Also, I think it’s clear this should be a secret between us four.” She continues.
“A-and Hilda as well!”
“Well yeah, of course, she’s part of the family after all. It’ll also be hard to keep it from her in-game.”
“Who’s Hilda?” Sam asks. “S-sorry for asking.”
“Oh, don’t worry about that. She’s a colleague and a very good friend of ours, she often comes to visit and we play Turn of Destiny together. Hilda also adores my little sister.” Élise gives me a quick hug.
Sam nods, it’s probably a bit overwhelming to be entrusted with such a big secret after a long day.
“Also, Amicia, I think it’s obvious but please try refraining from using magic.”
“I’ll try; it shouldn’t be that hard because I have to focus quite a bit to get energy to flow. Although…”
“Although what?”
“Earlier today just before Sam’s game, I felt this immense rage flowing through me, with energy flowing through me entire body…”
“With those douchebags?” Sam asks.
I nod. “My vision went almost completely red and I felt like I was losing control, until Sam stopped me...”
“Well. That doesn’t sound good.” Élise says with a surprisingly calm tone. “Do you have any idea what that was?”
“I have no clue, I don’t think I have any skills that should do that… unless…”

Oh shit.

I facepalm. “I added that one mystery skill to my skill list last time.”
“Can you remove it?” Sam comes standing next to me.
“You can’t, that’s how Turn of Destiny was designed…” Nikki sits herself down at the table. “We can try next time but I highly doubt it’s possible.”
“So what do we do?” Élise sits herself down next to Nikki.
“Hmm… I think our safest bet would be to try and figure out what it does in-game. So Amicia can learn how to control it. It would be way too dangerous to try in the real world.”
“What do you think Amica?”
I nod. “T-that sounds reasonable.”

I’m not gonna lie that I’m getting pretty scared now, if I remembered the game could have had repercussions in real life, at that moment in time. I probably wouldn’t have picked it… But my curiosity took over. What do they always say? Curiosity killed the cat…. I gulp.

That’s when Sam, the cutiepie that she is, embraces me. “It’ll all be fine. I’m sure we will figure something out together.”
My anxiety ebbs away “Thanks, Sam.” I hug her back.
“Awhhh, how cute.” Élise teases.
“I know right.” Nikki joins in.
Sam laughs and releases me from her hug. “I should probably go home soon, it’s starting to get pretty dark.” She motions towards the window.
“We wouldn’t mind if you stayed over though. And I think Amicia wouldn’t mind either.”
I start blushing and Sam looks over to me.
“A-are you okay with that Amicia?”
I nod shyly. “I would like that.”
Sam doubts for a second before taking her phone. “I’ll tell my parents I’m staying over then, I think it should be fine.” She walks away a bit and starts calling her parents.
“Did you meet them, sis?” Élise asks, while both her and Nikki move back to the sofa.
“Yeah, they are really nice. I started having somewhat of a panic attack but they immediately tried to calm me down.”
“Awh, that’s good to hear.”
“A-and hugging Sam helped too.”
My sister smirks but opts to not press the matter further.
“My parents say I can stay.” Sam comes back with a smile on her face.
“Yay!” I give her a quick hug to celebrate.
“Yeah.” She hugs me back.
“Do you want to watch some television with my sis and Nikki?”
“Oh! We can watch Lady of the Bracelets!” Élise jumps up from the sofa towards one of the cabinets filled with Blu-ray discs.
“Sounds cool. I’ve never seen it but I’ve heard a lot of good things about it” Sam smiles.
“If you love fantasy you will love this, I promise!” Élise finally fishes the movie out of the cabinet.
“It’s been so long since I’ve seen it.” it must’ve been years, our parents weren’t big fans of fantasy because they were apparently movies made by the devil. So me and my sis often watched those kinds of movies in secret.
Me and Sam install ourselves in the other sofa and are soon joined by both Pocky and Mochi. Me being Sam’s little spoon and the two cats my little spoons.
I pet both Mochi and Pocky who give me an appreciative meow back.
“Sweetie, look at that cuddle puddle over there.” Élise points nods at us.
“I saw. They are hella cute.” Nikki smirks.
I stick my tongue out to them just when the opening scene starts rolling. 

I manage to stay awake for the majority of the movie, although near the end my sleepiness finally catches up to me as I drift asleep. Gently purring with Sam pressed close to me.
“Relaxing isn’t it? Hearing her purr?” Nikki asks quietly.
I suddenly wake up again and pout. “I heard that.”
“It’s true though.” Sam hugs me from behind and whispers into my ear. “And feeling you purrr is even better.” My face immediately goes bright red.
“B-baka.” Making Sam giggle a little.
“You should probably go to bed if you’re tired Amicia.” My sister shuts off the television. “We were heading to bed anyway. “M-might not be a bad idea.” I gently sit myself upright once Sam has released me from her hug. Trying not to disturb the two cats in front of me.
“Goodnight you two, and goodnight Pocky and Mochi.” Nikki and Lise wave us goodnight.
“Night night.” I wave back to them.
“Want me to carry you to your bed?” Sam teases me.
“Naw, I’ll be alright.” I quickly kiss her on her cheek. “Coming with me or are you sleeping on the sofa?” Hehe, payback!
“I-I’ll come with you.” She stands up after me, also trying not to disturb mother and daughter and follows me to my room. “Uhm, Amicia...  This might be a bit awkward to ask but do you mind if I take off my leg?”
I sit down on the edge of my bed. “Oh, not at all.”
“It’s a bit annoying to sleep with…”
“I understand. D-do you need some help with it?”
She nods “Maybe a little but I should undress first.”

Oh right.

We both start undressing at the same time, but with this dress it doesn’t take that long. So I can see Sam undress in all her glory. Her toned abs now uncovered by the shirt she was wearing, her muscular thighs from running and jumping around in basketball training. Her strong arms, the result from hundreds, if not thousands of push-ups. And her boobs...
“W-what?” Sam blushes furiously while looking for a place to put her clothes.
I point to the cabinet nearby. “W-was just admiring you, that’s all... Compared to you I’m just like squishy pudding.”
Sam’s blush somewhat disappears when she looks over to my body...oh, never mind, it’s back again.
“Y-you look great though…” She puts her clothes on the cabinet. “Not everyone has to be toned out. Playing basketball just would be impractical if I weren’t…” Sam sits herself down next to me. Both of us still in our underwear. I don’t think my heart can handle seeing her without yet. “I prefer my cat girls squishy anyway.” Eeeeeep. She gives me a quick peck on my cheek.
“S-s-so how do I help you?” I quickly change the subject.
“You see those two interlocked rings near the border of my thigh?”
I nod.
“Well, one of them needs to be turned left and the other one to the right. I have tools for this at home so I can do it more easily alone. But if you can help me it should be pretty easy without them. You just have to turn the bottom ring to the left, then I can turn the other one to the right.”
I do as explained and the rings slightly but surely start moving, it doesn’t take long before the ring is turned to its maximum and the bionic leg slides off Sam’s thigh.
“Do I just put it next to your clothes?”
“That should be fine.”
I put the leg on her clothes and move back to the bed when Sam suddenly pulls me on top of her into her embrace. “Thank you for trusting me.” She whispers into my ear.
“Mhmm. Thank you for today as well… it was pretty emotional but I had a good time.” I bring my face close to hers and start giving her several short kisses on her lips.
“Me too.” She smiles in between one of the kisses as she pulls me closer for a long one. “Goodnight, mi corazón.” Sam pulls the sheets over us both, me still laying on top of her.
“G’night.” I give her a last kiss on her cheek and roll off her, almost immediately after my eyes fall closed, the last thing I feel before I fall asleep, is Sam gently rubbing me behind my ear.


Chapter 32 is now released on my Patreon!
I always try to stay at least 3 chapters ahead of time on Patreon.
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