Tutoring the Spoiled

Swan Rides With Pig (Vol. 2 End)

What else could they do? That was the question Kouji had for the others. And no one seemed to come up with any ideas. He thought that they couldn’t be serious. This was basically his farewell event, and they couldn’t think of anything beyond throwing darts and nearly throwing him from a teacup?

“It might be a little bit of a wait.” Isako was the one to come up with something. “But, we should try the swan boats.” Boats were something that caught everyone’s attention, mainly because of the whole, seating two people deal.

“Sure.” Kouji was fine with that being the last thing he did with them. Being trapped with one other person that somewhat annoyed him seemed kind of fitting. Actually, now that he was thinking over who it was going to be. Who did he want to sit with?

All of the girls were wondering quietly how they were going to convince him to take a ride with them. However, an unlikely person who also wanted Kouji to stay at Tenfumi academy had already hatched their plan.

“I guess the two of us could ride.” Kouji asked Moku. Sure, it might look weird for the two of them to be riding one, but it beat having to deal with something going wrong if he went with one of the girls. The last week, and the last ride, made him very cautious.

“Actually, I was thinking of riding with someone else.”

“Really?” Kouji glared at him with deadpan eyes.

“Duh, with so many cute girls. Why wouldn’t I want to.” That was Moku’s excuse. “Actually even the headmistress sounds like a good idea.”

“She’s like twice your age.” Kouji really couldn’t stand this kid sometimes. If that’s what Moku wanted, then he also knew that he was going to have to be with one of the girls.

Anastasia seemed the most likely choice he’d settle on. That girl was the only one that stuck with him from the start. Then again, Yuma’s also really nice. She was nothing but accepting of him, even if there were some struggles.

Waa was... Waa though, and Teru probably would give him a knuckle sandwich if he said he wanted to share a ride. Himawari though…

That girl was certainly last on his list, because he was sure that she’d absolutely whine and complain all the way during the ride. Yet at the same time, a part of him didn’t want to just end their relationship on such a low note. It just felt wrong to him.

“Hey, Kouji you should sit with Himawari.” That choice turned out to not be his to make, at least if Moku had anything to do with it. All he could do was look in complete bewilderment at his friend deciding to take command now of all times.

“I agree.” Isako backed him up, smiling peacefully. However, behind that smile was her knowledge of the truth. She didn’t become the headmistress without understanding her students a bit. She could tell that both Kouji and Himawari were bothered by something that happened between the two. There was more than just spoken words for her to read situation.

Those two, they had animosity towards the other. However, that was normal coming from them. It was that feeling of doubt, conflict when they looked at one another. This was where she could feel there was an issue dividing them. And there was only one way to unite them once more, but they had to be honest to what was inside themselves.

“What, we don’t get a say? Himawari complained, as they neared their turn. For once, Kouji agreed with her. He doesn’t get a say for the last thing he was going to do here?

Waa was about to also mention her displeasure. Then she noticed something strange about Moku’s demeanor. Something seemed really off about it, even if she hardly knew the boy. At least she could tell when he was acting natural, and this wasn’t it. That was when it hit her.

“Yeah, maybe you two should share a spot.” She said, coming as a shock to everyone else. She played her acting up a bit, giving Moku what she hoped was the plan a chance. Waa teased how the two would get all ‘lovey-dovey’ and ‘kissy-kissy’.

“Fine then.” Himawari bit the bait. Hard. She went to sit down at the first available ride, crossing both her arms and legs in defiance. “If he wants to sit here, then fine. But I bet he won’t.”

“Ha!” Kouji also got annoyed, choosing to irritate her as much as possible as he sat besides her. “See, I did.”

“Great, it’s settled then.” Isako proclaimed triumphantly, much to the painful realization for the two.

“Yeah… Great.” Kouji said enthusiastically, as his ride slowly left the dock.

“I have to say.” Isako praised Moku. “That was a smart move, how did you find out that things weren’t so rosy between the two of them?”

“They aren’t?” Too bad that Moku was ignorant to that issue. “I recommended Himawari because she’s the hottest out of everybody.” All the headmistress could do, was roll her eyes in disappointment to that statement.

Out on the water, both Himawari and Kouji stayed deathly silent. The only sound accompanying them was the gently splashes of water, as they moved along in their swan. Uncomfortable, would be putting it mildly.

“I can’t wait until this is over.” He spoke up first. “Then I can put this whole situation behind me.”

“Same…” She agreed, but only on the outside. “You and your pig there can just get out of my life.”

“Heh, funny.” He challenged her. “Just yesterday, you were all about having me stay.” Kouji didn’t forget that offer. Making him keep his tutoring just for her sake. That felt… Disrespectful? Why did he feel it that way? It wasn’t like he didn’t call himself that for all of them.

“That was before I realized how ungrateful you are.” She fired back. “Honestly, I thought you’d want a chance to stay, but I can see that you only care about yourself.”

“Care about myself? I only want to leave because it’s unfair!” He got up, unsafely considering the ride they were on. Getting up into Himawari’s face.

“To who? Your pride?” She didn’t back down. The two glared at each other’s eyes for some very long seconds. “And what about everyone else, is this fair to them?”

“Sure, I guess you could say that Anastasia, and maybe even Yuma are people I could call friends…” He weakened his defenses, just for a moment. “...But why should you care? You don’t even like me.”

“You’re right, why should I? “She turned her head away from him. The girl closed her eyes, trying to pretend he wasn’t there. “You’re just so selfish.”

“Selfish? I’m trying to…” Kouji stopped for one second to finally think for once. Selfish? He realized that it’s not the offer that she was alluding to. He sighed, changing what he was going to say, into something completely different. “I’m sorry.”

“…” She didn’t move a muscle. It felt like she misheard, but did he really just apologize to her?

“The truth is… I don’t hate you or anything.” He admitted to her. “I’ve considered us friends for a while now.” He even would consider Teru and Waa that, even if they went unmentioned. But Kouji saw what he was doing with her. Antagonizing her, because he wanted to protect his own feelings. There was never a moment where he thought she might’ve cared about him, but…

“I’m sorry too.” She responded in kind. “When I told you to stay, because of being my tutor. That was a lie.” These two had finally let their walls down, just a little bit, to admit one simply truth. One that they kept hidden from the other, and from within themselves. “I want you to stay… Because I like you… As a friend of course!”

“…” Now it was his turn to be speechless. Kouji didn’t think he’d live to see the day where she was humbled. And honestly, he felt his own humility as well. They really were friends. “Then here.” He handed over the stuff pig toy he won to her.

“What’s this supposed to mean?”

“It’s my answer.” He nervously picked at his now empty hands.

“I don’t get it.” In frustration, he bopped her on the top of her head.

“It means I’m staying!” At first, she wanted to yell back because he just hit her. However, those words make her feel really good. Tightly she grasped the pig closer to her chest. “And you can take the toy, as an apology gift.”

“Thanks.” She held onto it for dear life. A small, but warm smile appeared on her face. While they were out on the water, a couple of small pops were heard. Then lights began to fill the night sky.

“Fireworks.” This town never failed to impress him. People really pulled out all the stops for festivities. Bright colorful lights hit his eyes, they were beautiful.

“Kouji.” She said, speaking over the sounds of explosions. “I have a gift for you too, because you’re not the only one that has to apologize.”

“Look, you really don’t need to-”

“If it’s free, then it’s no big deal right?” He nodded his head to that. If it didn’t cost a dime, then he’d be fine with accepting it from her.

“Sure, but after these fireworks are done. You can-” He was about ready to return to the viewing show, but she stopped him. Not with words, but with her lips on his.

She pressed onto him, catching the boy off guard. He wasn’t sure how to react to her, it was just that big of a shock to him. This wasn’t just any girl, it was Himawari. A girl whose heart he thought was cold, which actually was warm instead. And this was making him blazing hot.

A part of him didn’t think this should happen, but he did nothing to stop it.

“There.” Just like that, she released her lips from his, wiping it quickly. “That’s the only thing I have that’s free.” As usual, she tried to play it off like no big deal. “But you better not tell anyone else about this, or I’ll kill you!”

“You have my word.” He also would’ve preferred to keep that a secret. “We should get back, our time’s almost up.” The two of them rode the swan back to the dock, where everyone else was waiting.

“I see you’ve had a lot of fun.” Isako commented as they came back.

“It was fine, I guess.” Kouji attempted to pretend nothing happened, but the headmistress had a perceptive eye. Or at least saw what anyone could see when Himawari stepped on land, with the pig in her hands.

“Really?” She pointed to the stuffed animal in the girl’s arms.

“This? I was just holding it, so this idiot didn’t drop it in the water.” Himwari shoved the thing in his face to return. Then, using it as a shield, Kouji had something to say to her.

“I’ll give it back next time we see each other.” She silently thanked him, then they returned back to the group’s conversation.

“Kouji, is this goodbye then?” Anastasia asked him, with a worried expression on her face. If it wasn’t for that talk with Himawari, then it very much would’ve. But he just wanted to know one thing.

“Well, I was wondering. Is there anyone here that actually wants me to stay?” For a second, there was a little bit of uncomfortable looking around between the four girls standing in front of him.

“...Yes.” Yuma was the first one to speak. Though, she didn’t elaborate on that statement. It was just the simple answer.

“Of course I want you to stay.” Anastasia continued on. “Because, well, I don’t know how to say it. But, I don’t want us to stop being friends.”

“Yeah, I wouldn’t be against it, if you stayed.” Teru said, speaking without looking at him, arms crossed. Then, Waa stamped on her foot from that poor response. “Ow! Fine, I want you to stay.”

“Yeah, things are much more interesting with you around.” Waa gave her own answer. “I thought about what if you did leave. It sucked.”

“You already know my answer.” Himawari quietly said to him, giving a subtle wink.

“It’s final then, I’ll stay.” It had come clear to him, that what his entire week was about this. All those weird, and unexpected things they did for him. Made, or even offered. It was just to convince him to stay, without actually saying it. But it was the words that he needed all along. Because on the inside, before he knew it, Kouji was feeling the same way.

“You will?!” It wasn’t a surprise to Himawari, given what he already said to her, but the rest of the girl got something that certainly was a welcome surprise.

“I guess you won’t be needing this anymore.” Isako tore up the transfer papers, and tossed the bag with his uniform back to Kouji.

Everyone was talking about their future plans for when Summer break ended. Tutoring sessions, homework, maybe even something more had to be discussed. There was a lot of catching up to do. Meanwhile, Isako had a little bit of praise for the boy that went to some other school.

“I’m surprised.” She said. “I would’ve thought that you would want him to return back to your school.”

“At first I did.” He answered. But he took a peek on Kouji looking on what he thought was going to be his old uniform. “But, I’m sure this is where he’s supposed to be at.”

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