Tutoring the Spoiled

Sk8er Maid

“Why did I let her pick the next place?” Kouji asked aloud, as they were stuck in their current location. Waiting for Yuma and Teru to show up.

What was the place she told them to meet? Why it was the skate park of course. He should’ve realized she’d pick a place like this considering how that board of hers rarely left her side. This place wasn’t bad, but considering they didn’t have rides. The group looked very much out of place here.

“You know it’s funny.” Waa brought up a point. “I was actually planning on dropping by your place after I was done with this.” She lifted up her pillow in reference. Something that only made this group he was in only more ridiculous.

“Looks like all of you wanted to see me today.” He said. Slowly, he turned to look at the two of them. His tired looking eyes showed off his suspicion. “Why?”

“I can’t speak for everyone else.” Waa started. “But I just wanted to show off my haul to you.” Something that he didn’t believe, considering that he had no interest in the things she liked. Then again, she also wasn’t the type to care.

“I just wanted to see you. And we do not live far from each other…” Anastasia answered meekly, gently tapped her index fingers together.

“Plus, it’s the first weekday of break. So most of us don’t have much to do right now.” Waa was in more of a talking mood compared to Anastasia.

“Of all people, I doubt I should be the first in any of your minds.” He got up, stretching out his legs from there long wait. What was taking those two? “Also, I already told Anastasia, but I’d rather cut myself off from all of you.” That was far from welcome news for Waa to hear.

“That sounds lame.” She simply said, crossing her arms, holding the pillow even tighter. Kouji gave her the same spiel that he gave Anastasia earlier. Not that it made either of them happy to hear it.

“…And I guess I probably gotta give you my phone back.” He went to pull it out, but she stopped him.

“It’s fine, you can just keep it.” She said, though she expected him to take all of them off his contacts after this. “You could even sell it for all I care.”

“Hmm? I didn’t think you’d take the news so hard.” Apparently this news was good at turning everyone to the opposite than he was used to. The lack of any teasing remarks made him feel worried for her. Why should Waa care so much about whether they were still friends after this?

“I guess I’ll just have to go back to being trapped with a bunch of stuck up girls.” She replied.

“Maybe I shouldn’t tell you all about that anymore.” Maybe it was better to not tell the other girls. Probably just go away quietly and be forgotten. “Speaking of, where are they?!” He was getting impatient for the other two girls to show up. Not only should they be here by now, but Kouji was desperate to move on from this subject.

“Stop!” That was a strange thing to hear. If he didn’t know any better, Kouji could’ve sworn that it was Teru’s voice. “Stop!” Wait a second… It was.

Suddenly, as they were sitting. A blur passed by their vision. Something about that sight was a bit crazy, almost made them think it was a dream.

“Was that… A maid on a skateboard?” Waa asked, rubbing her eyes to make sure they weren’t playing tricks on her. The answer to who this was came rushing past them as well.

“Stop, just lean back and stop it!” Teru ran by them, yelling at the person on the skateboard. Said person on the skateboard being Yuma. That was all they needed to be prompted to run after them.

“Funny running into you.” He said to Teru, when they finally caught up to her. The other two girls were struggling to keep up with him. “Mind telling me why I’m running after a maid on a skateboard? Or why you’re carrying why that bag of… vegetables?”


Things were fine as they got off the train. The skate park was only half a mile at most. So both Teru and Yuma didn’t think anything special was going to happen. Certainly nothing crazy.

“So, what’s up with that bag?” Teru asked, slowly riding her board so that the other girl could keep up with her. “You gonna give it to Kouji?” The bag that Yuma was carrying was huge. She hung it over her back, it was probably the size of her torso.

“...I am.” Inside was some veggies grown in her family’s garden. With their farming lineage, that sort of stuff always came in abundance. So it wasn’t going to be an issue thing to give a friend some. Plus, Kouji wasn’t known for being wealthy, so surely he wouldn’t mind some free food.

However, she wasn’t expecting to go anywhere other than his house to drop them off. She certainly didn’t plan on staying over, which is why she was still wearing her maid outfit. It was supposed to be a quick drop off.

Her family disagreed with her though. Which is why they said they didn’t mind when she said she’d be late on the way back. In fact, they even encouraged her to stay with him. If only she wasn’t stuck in this uniform.

“Is it fun to ride that?” Even Yuma wasn’t ignorant about Teru’s reputation.

“Oh yeah, you wanna try?” Teru kicked up the board and handed it to the girl. “I’m sure someone like you could ride it.” They traded the items they had, the skateboard and the bag...


“...So as it would turn out, she can really ride.” Teru finished her story. “Unfortunately, it also turns out she can’t stop.” Kouij sighed, putting a palm over his face. He wasn’t going to miss the trouble these girls always put him in. As they ran, very little ground was made between them.

“Well, any bright ideas… Then?” Waa was already getting out of breath from all this running. Same went for Anastasia. “We can’t just... run forever.”

“Are you sure you can’t stop!?” He yelled to Yuma, who didn’t have anything to say to him. She was too focused not crashing into the people walking by.

The wind blasting into her face, it was hard to keep her eyes open. Even harder to keep balance on a speeding runaway board. In fact, it was so difficult that she almost fell off. For a second, it looked it that was going to happen, but she was able to lay herself sitting onto it.

“Just use your feet to slow yourself!” He yelled out an instruction to her.

“Yeah, it’ll be safer that way!” Teru followed up.

So Yuma did as she was told. Putting her feet to the pavement, the speed made it hard to keep it on the ground. Her feet would get knocked up occasionally, but eventually she was able to put herself to a safe stop.

“Finally…” Kouji said, as they reached her. Everyone was entirely out of breath. They all bent down, using their hands onto their knees to get some rest.

“I hope you’re… All right…” Teru helped her back up. This wild ride did a real number on Yuma’s outfit. “Sorry about that.”

“...I should be the one apologizing.” She felt it was her fault that this whole ordeal happened. “I shouldn’t have tried to ride your board.” Yuma regretted even bothering to do a new thing.

“It’s fine.” Kouji had gotten his stamina back. “Just be a little more, careful.”

The five of them could tell the crowd was looking at them funny. How couldn’t they, after what they just saw.

“Honestly, I can’t leave you all alone without you making a mess, can I?” A familiar voice said to them. Looking over to where it came from, there was a limo parked by them.

“Himawari? Why are you here?” Kouji asked.

“Yuma messaged me, I see you were going to do things without me.” She glared at them as she exited her vehicle.

“...She did mention that she wanted to see you.” Yuma explained. She had messaged her friend during the train ride with Teru, before the whole debacle. “So I told her where we were… Going to be.”

“I did not!” Himawari had a different opinion on what she meant when she said that. Even though Yuma wasn’t wrong about that assessment. “I just don’t want to be left out, that’s all.” The girl informed the driver that they could go, and the limo left.

“I’m really sorry for worrying everyone.” Yuma said again, bowing her head now that they were together.

“You really need to stop saying that.” Himawari scolded. “And dear you look like an awful mess.” She grabbed her arm, and pointed over to a nearby store. “We should get you into something more presentable, no worries I can pay for it.” Yuma wasn’t poor by any stretch, but Himawari couldn’t just make her do that when she insisted.

“That’s nice and all, but what about the rest of us?” Kouji asked. He didn’t want to be stuck out in public with them that much longer. People would probably start thinking he was a big weirdo or something.

“Just book a table over there.” She pointed over to a very popular restaurant, filled with a lot of patrons. He was a little concerned about the place she picked out.

It looked rather… Expensive.

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