Tutoring the Spoiled

Sharing is Caring

Sad stories aside, they were all here for one reason. Well, technically more than one reason for some of them, but the main one being the food offered here. Neither the girls, nor Kouji had ever eaten at this place, but Isako had some time ago. Because of that fact, most of them were a little worried about the quality. All except one.

“Ooh, what do you think that you will get?” Anastasia asked everyone, while keeping her nose close to the menu. She was more excited at the prospect of being at a new place to eat. “All this looks so good.” Being someone not raised in the country, she didn’t have an eye for what would be considered good or bad. Of course, price isn’t the only indicator for the quality. There was another thing that Himawari took note of.

“What is up with these proportions?” She asked, seeing how large some of the plates here. While they might be stacked with food, it was a lot of things that felt more like scraps, than well-sourced ingredients.

“I think they’re good when you’re trying to get the best bang for your buck.” Isako told them. “I’d like the tonkatsu please.” She ordered hers well ahead of everyone. That woman still knew what she wanted from here even after all these years.

“Oh my, they even have chicken wings here.” Anastasia’s eyes were as wide as a kid in a candy store. She was emitting a glow like no other. “I would like to have that please.” Everyone else went through and made their orders as well. However, while ordering, Kouji noticed something was off.

“Hey, I think you forgot to order your drink.” He whispered over to Waa. Everyone else had just about finished ordering, so he didn’t want her to get left out.

“No I didn’t.” She answered him back quietly. “I’m just not that thirsty.” Somehow, he was certain that wasn’t the real reason. In fact, given the events of yesterday. Kouji knew exactly why she didn’t order herself a drink.

“Is it about your little… Problem from before?”

“Of-of-of course not, and I thought we said we wouldn’t bring that back up.” The growing blush on her face showed that he hit the nail on the head with this one. “But totally unrelated, there’s a bathroom here, right?”

“Can I make mine a large?” He didn’t want her to just avoid it over some silly fear. So he simply came up with a way to circumvent her choices. It’s not like it’s hard to share a drink.

“I didn’t expect you to be the one going a little higher than your means.” Isako commented. To which he knew exactly how to reply.

“Well, I was going to share with Waa.” That statement caught all the other girls attention. Teru most of all, since she was hyper focused on the girl that had caught Kouji’s attention. It felt like an odd thing for him to do in her eyes. She was certain that she took that girl off the list of suspects. Unless, that was his master plan, she thought.

Of course, it wasn’t all that deep.

“You really don’t have to do that.” Waa responded. “I’m just not that thirsty.” While that was part of her explanation, she could also feel a bit of glares coming her way as a result of his actions. It gave her the idea that she could play this to her advantage.

“Well, it’s too late now.” It was true, the order was already placed. So he was going to have to work with it. As for why he was so fine with spending those extra coins, it was thanks to his improved relationship with his uncle. It was agreed over the phone that his uncle would be moving back down to this town. It was also agreed upon about the finances, that Kouji would no longer have to find a way to make sure that his inheritance would last until he graduated. At least, so he could spend more time with his studies instead.

Their orders came in, and Kouji didn’t think too much of it as he took a sip. The drink he ordered, he knew it was Waa’s favorite. Well at least, what he assumed was her favorite considering that she brought a huge bottle of it last time she was at his place. Meanwhile, all eyes were sneakily on him.

“Guess I’ll just leave it here.” He put it near Waa in the hopes of tempting her.

“I guess I can take a sip.” She said out loud, making sure everyone could hear here. Now at this point, some might wonder what exactly the deal was with sharing this drink. Well, some people might consider doing so as an indirect kiss. It might seem a little silly, but two of the girls aren’t fond of the idea that someone would sneak in something that they worked hard for.

Okay, it wasn’t that hard to get considering they kind of forced it on him.

“Is it good?” However, it was Yuma that was the first one to break this hidden tension. She used the one thing that she could possibly have come up with to not let on her true intention. “I’ve never had soda before.” However, she had now fallen into the trap that Waa had set.

“I love the stuff.” The girl took a little bit of a gulp. Right in front of everyone, silently mocking them.

“You’d be a lot healthier if you didn’t drink so much of it.” Himawari scolded her. The irritation shone through in her tone. And not because she cared about Waa’s well-being. Things were going a lot better for the little trickster than she was expecting.

“Could I… Try it?” Yuma asked, which Kouji saw nothing wrong with it.

“You should give it to her.” He told Waa, to which she obliged. After all, she didn’t’ want to let on that she was against it. Otherwise, that might make the others figure her out. The girl could at least live with this for now.

And so, the Yuma got her sip. She really took her time on the straw, and it was lucky for her that everyone just assumed she was slow instead of just trying to make sure she left… A little something for him.

Though to add, Yuma now knows that she absolutely detests soda. That stuff is way too sweet and sugary for her. “...Here you go.” She returned it back to him.

“Thanks.” Without hesitation, Kouji took another sip. That certainly tipped Teru off a little. That was a little too quick for her liking. Perhaps, Yuma’s the girl she’s competing with? It made her feel a little upset, because truthfully, that girl’s really beautiful. Plus, she’s pretty quiet and reserved. So it’s entirely possible that Kouji prefers subservient girls. That’s not looking good for someone who’s viewed a bit more as a rebel, and certain very much so outspoken.

“May I have a try?” Anastasia couldn’t just sit back on the sidelines for this one. So she just had to shoot her shot. Fortunately for her, Kouji was feeling pretty generous tonight.

“Sure.” He answered. “I gotta say, you must have some good tastes” He further commented towards Waa. She could only roll her eyes at his apparent ignorance.

“Wow, it is really yummy.” Anastasia said when she tried it. Though her response was more genuine than Yuma’s. “Maybe I should have gotten this one instead.” She told him while returning the cup.

“Yeah, but I guess it really isn’t that healthy to be drinking all the time.” He replied to her. When he went for another drink, it was starting to get too far for Himawari, and Teru was only getting more confused about it. She kept thinking that he was acting like this to mask himself, but he kind of forgot that she was keeping a close eye on him. So these were natural decisions by him. “Hey Himawari, you should try it.” He was the one to offer it, instead of being asked. “I know it’s not your thing, but it can’t hurt to give it a shot.”

“Are you really so shameless?” She replied with an insult. “Honestly, it’s like you have no brain cells up in your head.”

Huh?” He was taken aback by her rude response to his gesture. All he wanted was for her to enjoy herself a little. She was always so stuck-up whenever they hung out.

“Yeah seriously.” Teru was very much annoyed that literally all the other girls got this before her. “You just trying to swap spit with everyone?”

“Swap spit?” He repeated her last phrase, then realized what the deal was immediately. “You mean all that stupid indirect kissing nonsense?” If it was about the gesture of just sharing a drink that might be seen as romantic, then he could see where they might be coming from. But if it’s about the physical aspect, then Kouji didn’t see much about it. Maybe it was because he’s now kissed two girls in his life, but something like that seems a bit too innocent to care about.

“Well… I mean…” He was able to knock the words out of her mouth. Now she saw how dumb she looked to reveal her issue with this. Because to the others, it was clear why she cared about it.

“My how the tables have turned.” Waa said in a mocking tone.

“Yes, I never pictured you to be the type of lady to care about such minor things.” Isako teased her student.

“J-just shut up.” Teru responded by taking to her food. She took a bite and tried to end this conversation. “Whatever you’re thinking right now, you’re wrong.” In this moment, with her cheeks heating up to massive heat. The girl only wanted death to end her humiliation.

However, that also left her in the reticule of another girl. As Himawari eyed her, not because for any teasing notion. Instead, there was the sense of quite rage inside her, now that she was aware of some competition.

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