Tutoring the Spoiled

One Condition

This was not a situation that Kouji would ever think he’d find himself in. That would be the fact that the headmistress was in his humble apartment because she asked. She allowed him to put away his things, after all. She did come over unexpectedly.

“So…” He broke their silence. “May I have the honor of knowing why you’re here?” Unlike with anyone else, he used a formal tone with her. Without the reason for her visit, it was like walking on eggshells right now.

“This is a picture of your parents, correct?” She ignored him, getting up to look at the photo of his family that he placed on the kitchen counter.

“Yeah, I would like it if you put that down.” There were limits to his hospitality, even for someone like her.

“It’s a shame what happened to them.” She said with a hint of sadness. “I’m sorry for what you’ve been through.”

“Yeah, but it’s been years now. I think I can move on.” Wait, how did she know that? “But it’s getting late, and I’ve got some things to take care of. So maybe-”

“Right, you’re wondering why I’m here.” She sat back down. “It’s simple really. I’m asking you to join our school.” What she said, he looked at her in disbelief. It had to be some sick joke.

“What, Tenfumi Academy? I’m pretty sure that a boy like me doesn’t belong there.”

“But I’ve heard that you were interested in going to this school.” Another thing that she shouldn’t know, but did. “As headmistress, I believe I can make an exception.”

“But why would you want to do that?” He asked. “I haven’t done anything to deserve it”

“You haven’t done anything yet.” She spoke emphasizing the yet in her sentence. “You know, we can offer you full tuition, and payment for the housing you’ve found yourself in.” Kouji really did not understand what was going on. He was certain there must be cameras around to catch this excuse of a prank.

“I doubt that you’re just giving that to me for goodwill.”

“Of course there is always going to be a catch. A condition, you might call it.” Isako responded. “But it’s a rather simple request we ask of you.”

“And that is?”

“To raise the overall grade of the school.”

“I don’t understand what you’re even saying right now. Raise the grades? As in help other students get better?”

“Precisely.” That was the only answer she needed to say.

“Why me? Wouldn’t it make more sense if you found a girl to do it instead?”

“It might, but there’s more to it than just your gender. For example, I know that you finished first in the exams at your junior high.”

“Yeah, and I’m sure plenty of other students did so at their school. And again, I’m sure at least one of them was a girl.”

“What about the fact that you live alone, why did you choose to live here?”

“Because it was cheap, while somewhat being near the school I go to.”

“Sounds like you know your priorities in life, though I’m sure there’s more reason than that.” She smiled, accepting the tap water he gave her. “You don’t understand it yet, but I truly believe that you’re the best person to do what we need.” Kouji stopped to think for a while.

This woman was beyond assertive on getting him to accept. Even then, it was true that if he went through this school. He’d have a much brighter future than what he had going on for him right now. Then again, that condition sounded rather odd. Surely they could just get world class tutors instead.

“You promise this that you’ll keep your word, and this isn’t some dumb joke.”

“As much as I enjoy jokes, I assure you this isn’t one of them.”

“...I’ll do it.”


She certainly wasn’t lying when she said he was going to attend this academy now. Walking through the hallways, things felt surreal to him. Kouji didn’t feel like he was in control of his body. As if this was some dream he was bound to wake up in. It had been a week since they talked, yet it felt like it was from another era.

The biggest talking point being that he was the only boy here in this school, including the faculty. There were 150 students before his arrival, so that made him the 151st. It felt odd to be wearing this outfit too, since it was the only version made for males.

It was made of very high quality fabric, much better than what he had before. Aside from the usual slacks, it was a yellow blazer on top of a white dress button up. Pretty similar to the girls, who had yellow plaid skirts instead of pants.

Though, as nice as the outfits were. The people in them weren’t so kind. All eyes were on him, he stuck out like a sore thumb. The murmurs had already started, and he was certain that people already knew why he was here.

“Class, let’s please welcome the new student, Kouji Arisawa.” The teacher introduced him to everyone. The look on their faces told him everything he already knew about the girls here. They hated him. “Now, go ahead and find an empty seat.” She told him.

Looking around for spots, he couldn’t help but notice the glares of all the girls in this classroom. It made him not want to sit by anyone, until he saw a familiar sight. That silver hair, was that?

It was, that was Anastasia. The girl he helped home that fateful day. She seemed to be motioning him, looking over to where she was pointing. The best luck he had all day had arrived. The seat next to hers was empty.

“I didn’t think I’d see you again.” Kouji said to her, as he sat down.

“It is wonderful that we are in the same class.” She smiled. “But, I thought that this was an all-girls school?”

“It’s a long story.” He didn’t want to explain it. Soon class went by, and it was already time for lunch.

“So you are here to help tutor students?” She said, after he had told her the reason for his existence here. “That sounds great!” He wished he could have the same enthusiasm as her. At least it would make things easier for him.

According to what Isako told him. She had several students that were already doing poorly in school. All first years right now, which made him surprised they wanted his help for students that young. Whoever these girls were, they were definitely not people he wanted to associate.

“Kouji.” Anastasia grabbed his attention from his thoughts. “If you are tutoring other students. Then maybe, could you help me?” She asked. While he may not have thought she was the type to have troubles in course work. She was also new not only to the school, but also the country as a whole.

“Sure.” He accepted. There was also the additional perk of having a friendly face when he met those he was practically forced to tutor. “Just follow me when we have our next break. I’ll take you to where I’m apparently meeting the others at.”

“Wonderful.” She gleefully bit into her sandwich. At least one person was happy here. Well, he wasn’t that upset about the situation if she was with him.

Waiting for the time he was expected, felt like it was taking forever. Probably due to the anticipation he was feeling. Too much was running across his mind, was he going to get himself kicked out of the school so soon?

“Kouji?” She did it again, breaking him out of his trance. “Class is over, so where will we be going?”

“Huh? Right, sorry.” He got up and gathered his things. Tutoring was not something he could claim to have experience in. Especially if he wasn’t given what subjects these girls were struggling in.

Walking with Anastasia, he could take solace that he wasn’t entirely alone in this school. Though, that was probably because he was lucky enough to have met her when he did. Or that she wasn’t from around here, and he was basically taking advantage of her.

“I see you’ve taken some initiative.” Isako was waiting for him outside the room she told him to be at.

“This was more chance than anything.” He nervously laughed, hoping that this wasn’t going to put more expectations on him. “I take it they’re in there?” He pointed to the door. Muffled sounds of talking could be heard coming from there.

“Of course.” She spoke simply, turning to open the door. “Ladies, I’d like you to meet your new tutor.”

“Hel-” Kouji was about to introduce himself, until he realized that there was no need.

Because he had already met these girls before.

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