Tutoring the Spoiled

Mind and Body

Even though it’s late into the next morning. Kouji is still lying in his futon. Eyes wide open. Why?

Because he’s worried that if he closed his eyes. That the image from Waa’s manga would flash in his mind. He really doesn’t want to see that again. Thanks to that, he also hasn’t gotten much of a good night’s sleep.

These girls are going to be the death of him.

With three of them calling him over three days in a row. It’s not hard for him to believe that one of the remaining two was going to be doing it today. On one hand, he really doesn’t want to deal with more dumb things this week. On the other, it’s kind of not fair to Himawari or Yuma, since he already accepted the others’ offers.

Maybe if he just sucked it up, things can go by a little quicker… Just a little bit.

After he got up from bed and got himself ready for his next adventure, the phone rang. Right on cue.

“Hello?” He answered it. There wasn’t any answer to it at first. Maybe this was a wrong number?

“...Hello?” It was Yuma, which explained the delay in response for him. At least he knew what to expect now. “Are you… available?” With a question like that, it was clear as to what her intentions were. Now the problem was going to be what she had in store for him.

“I am, did you want me to come over?” He asked.

“How did you know... What I was going to ask?” Yuma never expected him to be able to read her mind, but all he needed was some deduction skills.

“I can come over.” He gave his answer, before she even had the chance to properly ask. It’s not as if he’s going to reject her, plus it’s Yuma. Of all the girls he knew, she was definitely the least troublesome. What’s the worst she could do?

“Great.” She was very much happy, but her voice didn’t sound like it at all. “I’ll be waiting...”

As he always did when he left his home, Kouji stepped out and locked the door behind him. She was another girl whose house he was already aware of. So there was no surprise element here. Hopefully, unlike the last time he was there, he wasn’t going to get knocked out.

While walking, he thought about what she might possibly want him to do? She had a decent amount of servants, so perhaps it was like with Teru? Though why any of them would want to give him a job was beyond him. Maybe she’s offering something like Anastasia did? That could be nice, as long as it was something he was interested. It could also just be like Waa, who he figured just wanted to hang out for the only and last time.

A thought he hadn’t been thinking of came into his mind. Spending this time with the girls, this wasn’t going to last forever. In fact, it was going to be ending in just a matter of days.

Just as soon as it entered his mind, Kouji shook it out of his head just as quick. Why the doubt now? He already made his decision, and none of it had anything to do with them.

But, it did impact them the most…

His thinking ended as he came up to her front door. Kouji knocked on it, expecting her to be the one to answer. Wearing that maid outfit he got used to seeing, maybe even more so than her school uniform.

But it wasn’t her that answered. Instead, it was one of her servants. Specifically the one that knocked Kouji out before.

“Welcome.” Todoro bowed to him. Acting as if they never had a bad experience. These people really were professional. Though, it wasn’t like Kouji held a grudge.

He was came in, asking where Yuma was. Apparently that was supposed to be a surprise. This was already shaping up to be an interesting invitation. Just hopefully, not one that would lend to his downfall. Instead, he was told to enter another room down the hall.

“You seem rather tense.” Todoro stated, making an observation on the way Kouji was talking.

“You can say that again.” Kouji responded. “It’s been a pretty busy week.” He assumed that whatever was coming up next was only going to add to that stress.

“I believe you’ll like this then.” The servant had on a big smile, bragging a bit, as he opened the double doors to the room they were entering. “Voila!” Todoro made a bit of a show of it, but the presentation deserved every bit of that grandeur.

A puff of steam exited, hitting his face with that warm, moist feeling. This room… This wasn’t just some simple room. It led to a rather exquisite spa room. Beds lined up, fresh linen hung around the walls, that light flowery scent. His body was already feeling lighter.

“Hello.” In the middle of it all, was Yuma, notably without her maid outfit. Instead, she had on very nice looking robe. One that had to be tied around the waist to keep her decent, though showing some cleavage.

This was her plan all along. To give him a nice spa treatment. Personally.

While she had no idea of what he’d been through the past few days. This was actually quite in her favor. This was something he was very welcoming towards.

“Wow, this is pretty nice.” He was glad it wasn’t something potentially bad. At least, not at the surface level. Though, how could one mess up for a place like this? Plus, she had professionals on her side, so Kouji didn’t think he’d be getting poor treatment.

“I hope you like this.” She said, waiting for him to come on in. As he entered, he made very clear how much this was exciting him.

“It’s nice of you to arrange all this.” He continued on, sitting atop one of the beds. “But, I don’t want to give your servants more work than they really need to do.” Kouji felt a little bad for them. Sure they got paid, but it wasn’t coming out of his pocket. Did he really deserve it?

“They’re not going to be doing anything.” She corrected him. This was the main part of her plan. She was going to be the one giving him the treatment. Surely that would be a great way to curry some favor with him.

“Uh, are you sure?” There were two things that gave him pause. The first being that, that it was a bit odd to be given this from her. A girl his age, that also went to the same school as him. The other being that this reminded him of Anastasia’s poor attempt of doing something similar. Which ended up being rather bad for him in the end.

“Just trust me.” She looked him right in the eye. An attempt to gain his confidence, but with those dead looking eyes of hers. It did more to strike fear into his very soul.

“Okay…” He said, more out of being threatened, than being calmed of his nerves. This girl wasn’t going to kill him, hopefully. Well, not on purpose at least.

In a separate changing room, Kouji got into more appropriate wear. Also being in a robe himself, just as her. He thought it was a little weird that they were wearing the same thing, but she was the one giving him comfort.

When he returned, she ushered him to lie down. For her job was about to begin. Kouji did as he was asked. He laid face down on the bed, preparing himself for the next thing about to happen. At first, he was anxious that she might cause him pain, instead of relief. Though the moment her soft hands moved around his back, all of his stress just melted away.

“Ooh, that’s nice.” He said, making his enjoyment vocally clear. “I didn’t think you’d be this good.” Yuma was glad to hear that, she returned a small smile in response. So far, things were going in her favor. She just had to keep this up.

Though, as well as he seemed to be presenting this to her. There was another perk for her. That would be the opportunity to be so close to him, physically.

Unlike the other girls, she wasn’t particularly debating within herself how she felt. Kouji might be the only boy her age that she felt close to. But she didn’t care about the factors of their relationship. All she cared about, was that she felt something for him.

There was just something she couldn’t tell explain why. But the things he did for her, even if they were supposed to his job. Those were things no one’s ever considered for her.

But at the same time, she knows she’s being a little foolish. It’s not like he’s doing it because he likes her. It’s nothing personal. Which is why she hasn’t admitted this to him, Yuma felt that he wouldn’t return those feelings at all. Not unless she did something to change his mind.

“...Done.” She finished up her work. Much to his dismay, as he was enjoying it very much. Of course, she had something next that she was certain he’d enjoy.

“Ahh…” He got up, stretching himself a bit. That massage did wonders for his back. He didn’t realize just how good losing all that tenseness was going to feel. It felt as though he was about to just float up into the sky.

“Here you go.” She handed him a large tower, one meant to wrap around his body.

“What’s this for?” He asked.

“It’s for the sauna, of course.” Yuma simply smiled at him, eyes closed in response. She was going to enjoy this.

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