Tutoring the Spoiled

I Challenge You

“Then I challenge you to a duel!”

Why exactly was Kouji Arisawa, the only boy in an all-girls school, challenging Teru Wakiyama, the toughest girl in said school? Well, it all began during their second break meeting.

“Yo, what’s up.” Teru walked into the room assigned for them to do their study sessions. She didn’t care that she was very late for this meeting. “Just got held up with some things.”

“You look like an awful mess.” Himawari commented on the bandages placed across her face. “I assume you got into yet another fight.”

“Fight?” Kouji asked. “I’m surprised that you’re still here?”

“Nah, what the teachers don’t know won’t hurt them.” Except if what he read from her file was true. Then they did know about her extracurricular activity.

“As your tutor, I’m going to have to ask that you don’t get into any more fights.” He knew that if this kept up, she’d eventually have to get kicked out from this school. Having one of his students fail was definitely going to do the same to him.

“And as your student, I’m gonna tell you to go screw off.” This girl was being defiant towards him, he was going to have to be a way to get her to stop this.

“I’m surprised someone like you cares that much.” Himawari told him.

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Well, you kind of look like a delinquent yourself.” Waa pointed at his hair.

“Just because I’m blonde, doesn’t mean I’m some troublemaker.” Not anymore at least. Kouji was quite a bother to others back in his younger days. It wasn’t until his last year in junior year that he had a change of heart and worked hard in his studies.

“Your face... is kind of scary too.” Yuma continued on.

“I do not understand what you are all talking about.” Anastasia finished up her first piece of homework. “I think that he looks like a nice person.”

“Of course you would say that.” Himawari countered. “I’m sure that where you’re from, he looks normal. In Japan though, he stands out quite a bit. Not in a good way either.”

“Can everyone please get back to work.” Kouji turned strict on them. “And you better get working to make up for lost time, Wakiyama.” Teru was the one he had to go hardest on. Her fighting, that was going to have to be something he nipped in the bud as fast as possible.

“Yeah, yeah. I hear you just fine.” She ripped out her homework, almost tearing it. Getting this group back on track, their work got done in no time. Things went by rather quickly, studying was over. Once again, he met with the headmistress to discuss the progress he was making.

“I hear that Enokida actually has made it to school on time these past couple of days.” She praised him. This was something that over the past month, countless attempts were made. Yet failed all the same. “She’s also not fallen in sleep during class either.”

“It’s no big deal.” It actually was, considering what he has to go through with now during the mornings. “I don’t know if I should say this, but-”

“Teru Wakiyama got into another fight, correct?”

“So you already know? Then how come something hasn’t been done about that?”

“That girl is rather headstrong.” She pulled out Teru’s files. “Most of the time, anyone that tries to stop her, has failed. Usually they found themselves rather hurt in the process.” That wasn’t really filling him with any feelings of confidence here.

“Of course, I’m sure you want me to take care of it.” Chances are, he shouldn’t just go and best her up. That would get him into a mess of trouble.

“I’m certain that with your background, you can handle it.” That statement worried him. How much did she know about him? “Anyway, go and finish up school. You should try and enjoy yourself.” They two separated and as time passed. School came to an end.

“So, how’s the phone been treating you?” Waa asked Kouji, as they were getting their school shoes put away for the day.

“It’s fine, I guess.” Lucky for him, she was kind enough to lend him the password to the school’s wifi. That gave him another place where he could use it, other than the apartment’s free wifi at his house.

“Well then how about as payment, you smell my shoe?” She held up one of them to his face. His face contorted in disgust, as she burst out laughing. “Heh, just kidding.”

“I am here now.” Anastasia took care of her stuff and ran up to the two. “So, we are heading home now?” As per his agreement, Kouji walked out of the school building with both of the girls. However, this walk home wasn’t going to be completed as he expected.

“What are you doing here, you punk!” Teru was holding someone by their collar. Actually, this was another boy. Kouji recognized the school uniform immediately.

“Wakiyama, stop it!” Running in between these two, the attempted assault was broken up. Just in time to prevent any regrettable actions. “What’s going on here? Why are you-”

“I caught this pervert trying to peep on us.” She pointed at him, defending herself. “He had a pen and notebook, drawing things down.”

“K-Kouji, is that you?” While arguing with Teru, he was interrupted by the voice of the boy he just saved. For just a single moment, he regretted doing so. “It is you!”

“H-hey, what are you doing?” The boy latched onto him in a hug. This was pretty embarrassing with all these girls staring at him.

“My, I didn’t realize that you were on the other team.” Waa made fun of this sight.

“It’s… Not… Like that!” Finally, he pushed the grapple hold on him. Sending the boy flying away. “His name’s Moku Osaki, and while he’s a bit of a perv. I’m sure he meant no harm to anyone here.”

“You’re friends with that freak?” Teru yelled at him, then stomped on Moku as he laid on the ground.

“We’re not friends.” Kouji corrected. “I’m pretty much the only person that puts up with this guy’s antics.” Back at his old school. The two sat right next to each. Since he swore he’d avoid trouble, he just did his best to ignore this strange individual.

“I knew it.” Moku got back on his feet. “I knew the rumors were true.”

“The rumors?”

“That there was a boy in this all-girls school.” He pointed to Kouji’s outfit, being that it matched the girls. Along with the fact that he was coming out of this school. “When you transferred out. I knew that the boy just had to be you, so I came here to get proof.”

“But I do not know if drawing it would prove that to anyone.” Anastasia pointed out the flaw with his plan. From what Kouji knew, this boy was closer to the girls’ intelligence, than his own.

“Well, I’m an artist. So when I saw an all-girls school for the first time. I just couldn’t resist drawing it for reference.” He showed them his notebook and what he had drawn out.

“Wow that is good.” Anastasia scanned over the paper. “Hey look, I see Wakiyama!” She pointed over to one of the figures drawn. It certainly couldn’t be mistaken for anyone else. That short hair and skateboard proved it.

“Geez… I’m not that cute.” She disagreed with the way she was portrayed on paper.

What is all this ruckus?” After hearing the yelling, Himawari finally made her way to source of it. She wasn’t that concerned at the idea of Teru getting into a fight, but when she saw another boy. That got her riled up. “And why is this boy here?”

“Apparently he’s one of Arisawa’s friends.” Teru told her.

“I already said that he isn’t my friend.” He replied through gritted teeth.

“I’m sorry it took me so long.” Yuma was apparently following Himawari, but she lagged very far behind. “You… Dropped this.” She handed a bag to her.

“Thank you.” She expressed her gratitude. “At least there’s one person here that has some manners.”

“You know, you shouldn’t just jump to beating people up.” Kouji scolded Teru. “It’s one thing with other delinquents, but come on. Just think about the consequences for once.

“Why should you care about what I do?” She turned her rage towards him. “I’ll hurt anyone that tries to cross me, and that includes you to.” This was getting nowhere for him.

“You leave me no choice.” He didn’t want to do it. But from what Isako said to him earlier, it was probably okay to use his prior experience against her. “Then I challenge you to a duel!”

“A duel huh?” That was getting her excited. Just right into his trap. “Just gotta let you know that I’m stronger than I look.” Teru was getting full of her self. Her relaxed stance showing no fear.

“How barbaric.” Himarwari commented on what was unfolding before her eyes. “We don’t live in feudal times.”

“I’m not asking for a fight. I’m pretty sure I’d win easily.” Kouji was no stranger to fighting himself. Someone like her probably wouldn’t be that bad. “But, that would just prove that violence is the answer.”

“Then, what is this duel you are asking for?” Anastasia asked.

“Simple.” Kouji and Teru stood across from each other. Staring the other down in intimidation. “How about a game of chicken?”

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