Turned into a Woman, i become the best mom.

The Queens Surprise!

[Two days til the Twins first Birthday, Julia PIV]

I Glanced at The letter in my hand, such fancy writing, With gold leaf on pure white paper... And looked at Eina, and her panicked Expression... It was an invitation, with a very specific list of invitees.

"What do I do?" She looked like she was about to cry.

The letter{You are Invited to a party to be held in the Royal Capital in two days time. A wyvern will be arranged As transport. The invitees are as follows, Guests of Honor: The Lady Sinclair, And her Daughters, including the recent Adoptee. Secondary Guests: Saintess Julia, Hero Auron, Holy Knight Siegfried, Divine Bard Ronan, Master Sylvio. This party shall be a formal affair. Dress accordingly. The involved individuals shall each receive an invitation.}

I smiled. It was Significantly different than Mine, or any of the others. They were currently running around the Sulea, getting things ready. As ordered.

"Simple, Eina. We call Your dear Head Butler, and have him bring out his finest crafts. Then we attend this party and you make Everyone Envious."

"How would I make Anyone Envious?"

That's when I realized... Despite overhearing Ronan so often, Eina had no idea that, to quote Ronan, In a field of Daisies She was A Rose. I could see she wanted to decline... but I knew who was Throwing the party, what it was for, and Why. And had explicit instructions to ensure Eina attended.

"Rose amongst the Daisies, Eina... you truly are..."

[Next day, Royal Ballroom, Eina POV]

So many frills and lace, so much silk... and the shoes... Sylvio turned me, Poor Petra, And my tiny girls into his Mannequins... And when it was over... Petra Wore A Stone Gray Dress, very Fancy, And my girls were clad in Red and Blue. As for me... I cannot describe it. We were taken by Wyvern to the capital, then escorted by carriage to the castle. Julia wore a silver Gown, Auron and Seigfried were in dark colored Suits... And That fox, well... I must say he drew my eye... Clad in A Golden Suit, his long Hair in a Ponytail, Even A Golden Ribbon Tied Upon his Tail... he was Quite Attractive. And I Questioned myself before I Admitted that. I don't know when it happened, but I was Attracted to This Man. He ran ahead, and helped the Castle Stewards in getting the guards to hide until we passed, which I was thankful for. I still froze up when a man in Armor spoke to me, Even Auron or Siegfried... my girls were in a miniature pushcart, made for babies by an inventor here in the capital... said they called it a Strolling Wagon. 

We entered the ballroom, and were met by a large crowd of nobles... and a couple who appeared to be in their 30s, with a younger girl standing nearby. The Older woman spoke. "Its time! Our guests of honor are here! I Queen Selana Welcome you, Lady Eina Sinclair, and your party... to a special Celebration... Tis not Often A chance like this comes along... now, join me, and bring your Little ones." She turned to the crowd. "Noble guests, Thank you for coming... to the Party in celebration of The First Birthday Of the Twins, Hope and Faith!" I had stopped a bit behind her, and was about to kneel... when I heard her words. She turned toward me, Laughed... and said "Surprise!" 

First the king wants recorded images of my girls, and now this? These Royals... Pure Chaos.

[Ronan POV]

My eyes hath seen a beauty beyond heaven itself. A dress the color of dark emerald, Accented with a soft pink, like Certain Cherry Blossoms... A matching Ribbon in her Hair... my Muse has never looked more Ethereal! The Saintess is lovely, the Queen a renowned beauty... But Eina Shamed them, shamed even the stars... and they knew it too... every eye was upon her... I couldn't hold it in.

"Permission to perform, your majesty?" 

The queen nodded... and clapped "indeed Ronan Dear! I've been Eager to hear your newest ballads!"

I summoned  A  Harp from my magic bag... and began... its notes much Higher than my ordinary Lute.

"My Beautiful Muse,bwhom I glance upon, You are lovely beyond compare! From your eyes like golden suns to your flowing and soft looking hair. A Rose amongst Daisies in a far away field, Even the Moon herself pales, when compared to your unchanging beauty..."

The song continued... well into the night...

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