Turned into a Woman, i become the best mom.

Strange Crimes, The Heroes House Arrest!

[Two days after the Birthing party]

I'm not going to sugarcoat it. Embarrassing as it was, the Milk Pump was A Godsend. Coupled with The King's Servant that arrived the next day having Brought a Chest Enchanted with Cooling magic, and A small Box Enchanted with Warming Magic as {An Apology for his Wizards Activities And a Congratulations on Your Childbirth.} According to the Fancy Note. 

I could have Several bottles Ready in the Cold-box, That simply need warmed in the Warm-box... meaning Others Could Feed The Twins When I was asleep...

This was Usually Petra And Lain... Petra delighted in Helping with the girls, And Lain, despite being only 7, the Youngest Of the Orphans, Proved to be quite Responsible... if a bit overbearing. I recall that first time she actually Spoke to me... After nearly A full year... She was always so quiet but... After Hope and Faith were born...

In my defense, I was hungry. It was the day after I gave birth, and despite being fully healed by Julia's Magic, I wasn't supposed to get out of bed yet. But I was Starving... Suddenly, before I could stand up, i heard a foot Tapping on stone... and saw the tiny Brunette With her arms crossed, looking so much like Granny, and someone else, that I almost Laughed.

"NO! Lay Back Down. You are sposed to stay in bed, doctor said so, and granny said we hafta obey Doctors Orders. You are a Mama now, and if you got hurt, Where would the babies be? Well? Lay down Eina!"

She had an adorable little pout... and I simply couldn't say no. I decided to play along...

"If it pleases the Mistress, might she Inquire upon my behalf when dinner will be delivered?"


"Sigh... Lain, ask someone to bring me some food."

"Oh! Why didn't you say that then? You're so Weird, Eina..."

She ran off, And I laughed. Hope And Faith Weren't in their Cradle, So I knew Granny Probably had them. Those two would be spoiled. She returned a few minutes later.

"Miss Cheska Says She'll send you some food soon..." Cheska was a Young Nun Sent by the Church of Fate. She arrived that morning, Having been given an oracle from her godess.

"And I'm mad at you! I told Petra what you said before, and she said you were making fun of me!"

She looked completely upset... And I laughed...

"I'm Sorry, Lain... you just looked so much like The Matron of the Sinclair Orphanage, who was a former Noble, that I couldn't help myself. That woman was so cold, And insisted The children Call her mistress. A horrible woman. She would stand in doorways, arms crossed and tapping her foot, And issue orders... there's a reason Julia and I are so well spoken... And Also... Never mind, that's not for children's ears."

She glared at me... the laughed... "okay. I forgive you."

What I had stopped myself from telling her... The Matron Melissa Was a Cruel Woman. When Julia Insisted Her body was wrong, That she wasnt a boy, And I defended her... We were beaten... And When This "defiance" as she called it continued, She forced Us To Wear The Girls Clothing, And Attended Etiquette classes because "if You Are claiming to be a girl, I'll treat you like a girl. And YOU! Always Defending this one, You'll receive the same!" Julia always felt Bad about getting me involved, While Simultaneously Feeling Happy About being Treated like a girl... It never bothered me, either way... but... I guess I'm thankful for it now. If I'm Ever in a position where I must interact with nobles, at least I won't embarrass myself.

Little did I know, That situation would occur sooner than I thought.

[The East Manor, Auron POV]


"I'm afraid not, milord. Only..."


I felt bad... I shouldn't have snapped at the poor maid... 

"Theres a Guardsman here to see you. Excuse me, I'll bring tea."

She rushed out, clearly fighting Tears... And Gareth Aldwynn, Captain of the Elite Guard of the Kingdom, and my half-brother entered.

"BROTHER! How goes it?"

"Bad Gar... I snapped at that poor girl."

"Ah! House Arrest got house down, eh? I have the solution, if you are intersted?" He held out a familiar Fancy Letter.

{Dear Hero. Getting A bit bored? I imagine it is so. Captain Gareth has Special Authority to commute your sentence... on one condition. Speak to him for detail. TaTa- You Know Who.}

"That King... if folks knew he was like this... sigh... so, Interested, Auron?"

"Of course. Anything!"

"Well Okay! Help me find a serial Killer!"


"Fifteen victims so far, From the capital to here... All With similar Features. Between 14 and 20, With Red Hair and Amber Eyes. Sound Familiar?"

"Fuck. So they're after Eina?"

"From the description, I'd say yes. But who or whatever this is... it's only killing men."

"So They have no idea... that Ein is now Eina... still, we have to stop them. Any more info?"

"Yeah. The Sole Witness describes him as: A Small, Slimy looking Teen, With Filthy Brown Hair and Twisted Features... And red Eyes... and get this, He has a Gaping Hole in his Chest."


"NO. Whatever it is, it's not Undead. And its using your Traitorous Comrades Corpse as its Vessel."

"Well. Things are about to get interesting."

"One more thing. Do you know a merchant named Sylvio?"

"The Flamboyant Guy? Yeah, Why?"

"According to The King... he might be Voltaire Luminaria."


"The same. He and his Four Capo's Were never Found, After all... when we eliminated the Assasins Guild. And according to a Wandering Cat-kin Theif who once worked for them... He Is Sylvio. Might be a good Ally to have."

"Wow. Peppy, Flashy sylvio... The Star of every Childs Nightmare... Except Eina, who told us she always LIKED the stories of his exploits... because it wasnt about crime or money, but Family. Come to think of it... she said she was telling the kids  that story when Sylvio first Approached her About the Stitching on the kids clothes... huh. So then... it might have influenced his Behavior toward her."

"I hear he treats her like a daughter..."

"Yeah. Fuck, Eina is in good with the worlds deadliest Assassin... and has no idea... Well. I'm not Bored Anymore!"

Make sure to vote in the poll. All these characters have at least part of a chapter, but I cant decide who to do first. The Hero Side is slipping into Action/Mystery Genre for a bit... But Aina Will go on Living Day by Day...

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