Turned into a Woman, i become the best mom.

Entwined Fate

[Ronan POV]

28 years. That's how long it took my half-Divine body to reach the Approximate age of 18. My memories only include the last 20 though. Something happened to me, Something very bad... And I blocked it. Until that day, nearly three years ago. I'd been drinking, After my performance, as usual. And It all came rushing back... I panicked, And ended up in a fight I couldn't win, and got my Furry Ass kicked. That was the first time I saw those eyes.

A young man, barely 15, Followed a pair of orphans who had seen me in the alleyway. And he bandaged my wounds... I didn't think about it then, but those eyes were so empty, so sad... they haunted me. A few months later, that same boy was taken by the wizards guard, After a clearly rigged trial... And that should have been the end. Imagine my surprise three months later, When that boy emerged, changed into a girl. 

So, curiosity got the better of me. I followed her. I listened in at the Window, As she recounted her harrowing tale... And I FELT something. I... When I was young, My Father sold me to A Freakshow. The incredible Ageless Boy... when they discovered my natural Healing ability... I was tortured. I was underfed, and often denied food entirely... And worse, I was Rented out to Rich Folks of both genders, For A night... Until I Lost control. The far northern town of Eldwick no longer exists. I destroyed it, and every living thing in it. 

And hearing That Girls Story, I felt it. This girl was a kindred spirit. What she described was just as bad as what I went through... and in many cases, far worse...  that night, I dreamed of those eyes again. 

"The eyes of Amber light, Shining in the deepest night, Fill my heart with Terrible Fright... Ever looking, Ever watching, They Seek Something to fill the emptiness within... And I see my own Emptiness staring back, from that amber abyss. The eyes that haunt me, yet draw me ever closer... Who is the soul behind those eyes?"

This poem was my first major success as a Wandering bard. My music and poetry was always good, but this? This was Perfection. I realized then that I had found my muse. I HAD to see those eyes again.

[Two months later]

She smiled today. Her eyes, still so deep, aren't as empty... the wizards guards have been disappearing lately, their Whereabouts unknown... To all but me. The missing guards are those who Weren't affected by a domination spell, and engaged in the rape willingly... And their Corpses are scattered in the sewers, for the rats to feast upon. My personal crusade against those who wronged her. I got the corrupt Judge as well. He was found having committed 'suicide' by keeping from a window of his manor with a rope about his neck. I will do anything to protect that smile.

[Another month]

She noticed me watching! A thrill filled me, And I began to sing! My muse noticed me!

 [8 months into Eina's Pregnancy]

My new friends formally introduced me to Eina... and I saw her lovely face up close... Theres still some remnant of the boy she once was, but its fading... and her eyes now shine with an inner light. I am overcome with emotion.

[The Birthing Celebration]

That bastard! I came very close to doing something I'd regret. It's not his fault, not really, but... I still want to crush, maim, and kill him... I'll Settle for putting my Lute where the sun dosen't Shine... The Filthy Pig deserves it. 

[The Afterparty, part 2]

A rival. I have a rival in love! Alas, So Epic! I am excited, though I shouldn't be. The woman was a childhood friend of Eina and Julia... And I cannot Comment on that, As the jealousy I feel is palpable, and I am no hypocrite. The Jealous need not speak.

But I have the advantage! I have Sent a formal invitation to Dinner, by way of Eina's Maid/Friend Frankie. It is, As many call them, A Date. I pray that she Agrees.

[That night, Ronans Room, Ground floor of Eina's Estate, Sulea.] The trip by Wyvern was short, and Eina insisted we all continue to Remain her guests... but I cannot sleep.

I close my eyes, And sink into those Amber pools of light... and then I'm back in Eldwick, the blood of guards, Circus performers, My fellow Freaks... Abd the Villagers, Men, women And children alike... pooled beneath me, soaking my fur, my claws, my teeth... Beastification. The curse of beast kin, Especially those with God-blood. 

When enraged to a certain point, we become feral monstrosities. And it happened that night, just as it was happening now. I can't calm my emotions. I lost consciousness to the sound of cracking wood... and woke up, still in beast form, with my head in the arms of My beloved Eina. And she was bleeding.

"See? I told you it would be fine. Have you come back to us, Ronan?"

Tears flooded my eyes, as I felt my bones twisting, shrinking... returning to my Humanoid Form. I could see the Mark's from my fangs on her shoulder, taste her blood in my mouth... but all I could feel was soothing warmth... "I... Im... Sor...ry..." A sweet sound filled my ears, and I fell into a deep, dreamless Slumber.

[That night, Eina POV]

The wood splintering woke me. I hurriedly ran out of my room, after checking on my girls, to see what was happening. A six foot tall, eight foot long Fox was Rampaging Downstairs. But I recognized him. I ran downstairs, And toward him... I heard Auron and Julia shouting at me to get back, but I couldn't. Something was guiding me. He rushed me, And I felt his teeth Bite into my shoulder... but I grabbed his head. "Calm Down! Its going to be okay! No-one here will hurt you." [Skill Activated: Mothers Embrace. Skill Activated: Maidens Heart. Skill Aquired and Activated: Divine Temptation]

I saw the light return to his eyes... as he released his bite.

"See? I told you it would be fine. Have you come back to us, Ronan?" I could see the guilt in his eyes, As his body Warped, returning to the form we all knew. As Julia ran up and started casting her healing magic on my arm, I knew Ronan still needed help... so I Did what I do for the children.

[Skill Activated: Lullaby]

"Close your eyes and rest now love, For night has fallen deep. Rest your weary head now, love, and drift Away to sleep. For I shall keep you safe and warm, And never go Astray, and guard you til the light of morn, to keep Dark Dreams Away."

I could see the skill take effect... And prepared to be scolded by Julia or Auron, or anyone else... but... my arm was completely healed, And like Ronan, Everyone else was asleep... except Seigfried. And he was having a hard time.

"Damn... yawwwwn... Don't use that skill around me, please... if I'd been closer... jeez, eina, That was scary... I... I'll let these two yell at you in the morning. For now, Let's get these three to their Beds."

 I agreed, And watched as he Easily lifted Julia and Auron, And took them to their rooms. I attempted to lift Ronan... and was surprised by how light he was. I put him in his bed, covered him... And did something I regret... I... I Kissed him. On the Forehead! I'm no molester! 

Yes, I wrote the lullaby. I hope you all like it

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