TS reincarnated in Harem text

Chapter 1: Into the Harem text

"Oi, Haruto, haven't you read new a Harem series novel yet?"

The black hair muscular boy asked. His facial features were so-so. Not too ugly nor too good looking, it could be said his appearance was pleasant to the eyes of other people. His hair was short. Plus, with his sunny and cheerful personality, it was hard to find a point to hate him.

"What's it? Yuu, you can see I'm busy right now"

A boy was sitting in a piano chair together with a grand piano. He continuously struck the key of the piano as if he were trying to find the string and combo of chords to create a brand-new melody. His hand was slender and long. His appearance could be said to be delicate for outsiders. He didn't have prominent muscles. His hair was a little messy. His eyes could be described as panda eyes due to a lack of sleep.

The two boys were best friends of each other.

The slender hands of Haruto stopped in midway. He turned his head to look at his best friend.

"Besides, Harem novels are like instant noodles, aren't they?"

"With every cliche of an average guy accidentally flirted, showed off his kindness or gained some superpowers and made those beautiful high-background women fall in love with him"

"They overused it so that in the Harem market, there haven't been some decent series recently"

Haruto complained and gave his 'professional' comment. It could be said his opinion represented all of consumers in the literacy market. It was whether reincarnated to steal harem's members, or a dense guy playing with women's hearts. He had already read it all. Countless stories were repeating the same mold. The Harem market had become more subtle and boring. They caught women like some P*kemons in the wildness.


*BGM of certain *okemon game*

[A wild beautiful rich girl from XXX family appeared] [You had encountered them. What should you do?]

[Show off your kindness] [Help her solve her trouble/trauma]

[Accidentally flirt and behave unlike those people she's met in the past] [Display your talent to impress her]

Something was like that. In the harem novel, the heroines always have had some untold backgrounds. It was whether tragic or restrained cage for them. Then, the protagonist will appear and rescue them. Like a prince in a white horse rescued his princess.

[Congratulations, A wild beautiful rich girl has been captured by you]

Testuya Yuu hurriedly objected.

"No, no, no, there is a new one here"

"I bet that you will be astonished as well"

Yuu said so as he pulled out his newly bought novel to hand it over to Haruto.

The cover of the novel illustrated pictures of the novel itself. There were 5 females, who were somewhat domineering, kneeling down with their hands trying to touch the boy. Haruto guessed it with his rich experience. He must be the protagonist in this novel. His design somehow was timid, soft, and cute in general. Wow, he must admit that this novel trying to break out of the mold. Because in harem market the male protagonist was whether dumb or average appearance, or super handsome but dense.

In general, 'dense' played an important role and a necessary attribute so that the protagonist himself could be surrounded by many women.

His homie had recommended it so much, then he would give it a try.

Haruto noticed that in the background, there was a beautiful silver with some blue highlight hair woman smiling sinisterly as she was designed to be an antagonists. No more doubt, in every romantic relationship, there would be hardship to promote those protagonists' relationship. Sure enough, this beautiful girl would be the villain of their relationship.

"You need rest, just read it and give me a review later"

Haruto nods his head. He also realized that he had worked so hard recently. When Haruto decided to take a break, Yuu had his eyes set on the paper on Haruto's piano. He patted the shoulder of Haruto as his hand quickly snatched away the incomplete work of Haruto, while Haruto tried to rub his sore eyes and didn't even know a single clue about that.

Haruto innocently took the novel and gave it a chance to read as he didn't know his best friend's backhand had already executed the beginning of his trial and tragic ending.

"I'll go home Haruto, rest well"

Haruto just nods his head. He decided to read the novel because his homie's enthusiasm triggered his interest in the novel.

As it turned out, the world of the novel itself was interesting with a unique setting.

The ABO world. This world has 6 genders in total. Alpha, Omega, and Beta belongs to either male or female. Basically speaking, beta ones have no difference much from the world he'd been currently living in. The point was that Alpha and Omega. They have their own period. Frankly, it's like an animal in heat.

Alpha has a high physique, and strong and domineering traits. In that social society, Alpha was often found at the top of society like the male version in this world. While Omega is in contrast, they are soft, delicate, and weak. It's like the female version in this world.

The male protagonist is an Omega with a good temper. He is kind toward others, and often sticks to others' troubles. He always let his nose shrink into other people's affairs. Without knowing, he has conquered 5 female alphas. Each of them has their own charm. Tsundere, Kuudere, Yandere, etc... To be surprise, the setting told Haruto that Alpha had their pride high as the sky, but they were willing to share a little Omega???

Haruto had his question mark over his face.

Haruto was also curious about the beautiful woman appearing in the background with a sinister smile. As if he was bewitching by that face.

Apparently, she is a fiancee of one of those Female Alphas and also an Omega. She indeed has a high background as well, but coerces one of the female alphas into business engagement. Then, the male protagonist hears that story, he is willing to steal the bride under her nose. She constantly pesters them, but day by day, the trick becomes more and more vicious. Not only does she bully the male protagonist, but also shamelessly harasses his other harem member as well...


Haruto wondered if he read wrong novel. He folded the novel to look at the cover once again to make sure what he read was right. 

You are a beautiful woman, a high-class omega, but you are desperate like a brainless woman. But it is not wrong, her design is a beautiful mixed race vase. She doesn't have any talent, her study is mediocre. When he read to it, he just shook his head helplessly.

"If I were you, I would dominate the entire music industry"

The background of Haruto was not rich. Even his grand piano was just a rented product. It was not good at all. He struggled to rent some studio music, but the fee was so expensive. He found that he was jealous of this brainless girl. Haruto didn't think much, because this was just a mere fictional novel.

The author, himself or herself must be a fan of Otome Games. The setting plot was not much different with the cliche fiancee and their broken engagement. When you are a fan of the otome game and villainess cliche, but your boss wanted you to create a male harem novel.

And here was this product.

'Hoshiyuki Suiri'

The beautiful silver hair with blue highlight, the vertical pupil with blue somehow mixing with red like a cat? Her outfit is elegant, noble, and glamorous. Behind that beauty is a sinister person. What was the author thinking? Why did you design beauty, huge background like that and make her villainess? Wasn't it better if the antagonist is a male omega like protagonist as well?

Indeed, it was a breakthrough novel. A male harem novel is just a cover for a purpose disguising the otome setting.

He put the novel down as he felt whether this novel was worth his homie's recommendation. Of course, this novel was just an excuse for this 'best friend' to commit his act.

Haruto cleaned himself up, took a shower, and fell into a deep sleep.


When he opened his eyes again, his loved ones and his family pointed their finger at him.

"I raised you so hard, but you become a shameless plagiarist!!"

"You disgusting"

"I wish that I shouldn't have suffered the pain to bear you, bastard"

"I don't have a brother who is dirty like you"

"You are a beast, Yuu treated you as his best friend, but you thick-skinly stole his work away"

"It must be fun to steal other people's work and make it your own huh?"

Haruto got panicked. "No, you are wrong, it's my child, you all have to believe me!!"

A certain boy grinned menacingly at him.

"Haruto, you must sacrifice...

....FOR MY SAKE!!!!!!!!"


The beautiful silver-haired little girl opened her vertical pupils widely as she woke up from the nightmare. 'He' or she now, panted heavily. She noticed the corner of her eyes had been moist as tears of maiden streamed down her childish cheeks. Her body was soaked in sweat.

"Sui-chan, are you okay?"

At the rift-opening door of her room, a silver beautiful woman with transparent blue eyes showed a worried look. This woman was Natasha, a Russian Omega housewife. She once was the best actress in the Japan Entertainment Industry. Suiri was also inherited mostly from her beauty.

"Nothing, mom..."

"I knew something must have happened..."

Natasha interrupted Suiri. Her daughter, whom she knew better than anyone else, was born by her. Who did you want to deceive? But she was a mother who respected her children's privacy. She didn't want to poke into their sore spot without knowing it.

12 years have passed by, her daughter was a genius and talented child in the music industry. Although Suiri was just a child, she had shown her talent that no one in her peers could match. She also inspired and created the most of beautiful pieces of music, which were recognized by many professionals. Her grades were also top-notch.

She and her 'husband' alpha felt that this was the first time that they'd ever experienced in their life. They didn't have anything to teach to the younger one except her common sense. They admitted that she was a genius but unfortunately, she didn't have the ability to take care of herself.

Their oldest daughter must be the one they would be worried about most rather than their younger one.

Their oldest daughter had indeed confessed she was jealous of the younger one to her and her alpha partner.

Hoshiyuki Maria.

They named their daughter after their nationality. While the oldest will be named by Russian way, the younger will be the Japanese way.

She just differentiated into Alpha two years ago. Natasha was worried that it was not because of jealousy or something, but after that differentiation, Maria had completely turned into a siscon. She has always bragged about her younger sister with a proud face. She was energetic, gentle, and positive.

However, they couldn't lower their guard just because Suiri showed no problem with them. From the moment she was born until now, her daughter's only request was just musical instruments, a strong studio PC, and many stacks of paper to compose her own music. With her family's financial resources, this was just a simple, cheap request as her household held in top 5 richest families in the Japanese country.

Apart from that she didn't even bother to act spoiled, her expression was always emotionless as if she was trying to distance herself from the world. That was the point that has been troubling Natasha until now. She indeed had discussed it with her partner Hoshiyuki Shiori.

She just told her that their younger needed to be observed carefully. Now, looking at the pale face of her daughter, her body was full of sweat. She must have had a nightmare.

Natasha was confused, in fact, Suiri didn't have problems at school or relationship, or rather she didn't even mind to make friend with them. Why did you have a nightmare? However, there was only one possibility.

Natasha entered her daughter's room and hugged her tightly despite the wetness of her body.

"кошмар улетает"

(Nightmare flies away)

"Honey, you're about to be differentiated. It's normal for you to be emotional"

In this world, when children reach the age of twelve, their gender will differentiate one more time to determine their role in society.

Before differentiation, they will enter an extremely sensitive period.

It's Alpha, Beta, or Omega. No matter what gender is, as long as her daughter was safe and sound, she was pleased. In her conscious, if she had to be afraid, Omega would have been the worst with Suiri's personality. Her family could spoil her, but when it came to marriage, her family couldn't be by her side at all.

An emotionless voice resounded, but it was as small as mosquitoes.

"Спасибо, мама"

(Thank you, mom)

Suiri was a reincarnated person. She always had her high guard on everyone including her parents in this life. She knew that she was wrong when having prejudice against them. It was just she was afraid... afraid that one day, they would easily turn their back against her. From the moment, she had her second chance, she has always questioned herself whether she could give her trust once more time.

In the novel, her parents also disowned her as well. Suiri found that she or rather 'Haruto' and the original owner had the same ending. It was ironic. This novel was recommended by the perpetrator and she was reincarnated in it. It was just that the former was innocent but being framed, while the latter was cruel from the core.

She has been struggling to adapt to the female body. Underwear of women, gestures, manners, makeup, fashionable senses, hair waxing, body odor. All were needed to learn to adapt. 

As for the pride of man, nah, it didn't matter anymore.

When she recognized the reality, she didn't get panicked.

She thought as long as she was differentiated into Alpha, every plot was useless against her. She also regained her dignity as a man in her previous life. Female Alpha when was differentiated would gain male genital and erase female genital and vice versa with Male Omega.

She could absolutely confirm that this novel was Otome in disguise.

Now, she was really sensitive, she needed someone to comfort her. With the embrace of her own mother in this life, her guard also loosened and she tried to snuggle up into her mother's embrace.

She prayed silently in her heart.

'Mothers, older sister, you aren't allowed to turn your back on me this time'

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