Truth Of The Forgotten Age

2-11: First Boss I

Again, the group of young women ventured further into the dungeon, killing whatever creature that wasn't a hassle. 

Lilith's voice seemed to echo in Veronica's mind. As if she were telling Veronica exactly which way to go.

"You seem pretty confident in your pathing, Veronica." Eleanora spoke up.

"I uh... I just figure that we should pick up the pace a little. The dungeon is easy to get out of, so there isn't much harm in continuing on, right?" Veronica nervously stated, ommiting that she was leading them straight to a boss.

'What am I doing? I could get them killed!' Veronica thought.

"Everything will be alright, Veronica. That creature isn't particularly strong anyways." Lilith said once again, echoing in her mind.

'I thought Lilith said she couldn't hear me?'

"I can't hear what you can. I can hear your thoughts just fine. That Cassidy girl sure is special. You should just-"

'Shut it!'

Veronica's inner arguments with Lilith left her red.

"Ver? Are you alright? You're not sick are you?" Cassidy asked, worried for the platinum haired lass.

"Y-Yeah! Totally fine! Just uh... having thoughts in my head that I don't want right now."

"Oh my, how lewd~" Cassidy teased, giving a villainous giggle in return.

'Amaranth, when did I start having these thoughts of her...?'

"Okay, one, stop using that bitch's name. Please. I'll tell you about one day. But for now, ugh... And two, it seems pretty recent. If I were to guess... probably a month ago, give or take a few weeks."

'I... Alright...'

"Good. Now then, let's go find that boss. Should be just around the corner..."

And Lilith was right. The group turned the corner, which led them down a long and narrow hall. At the end, was a large room with no visible exits aside from this one singular entrance.

"This is... a boss room!? Veronica, you led us to this!?" Aviris yelled out in a way that could've been either excitement or anger.

"I-I didn't meant to! We can always turn back."

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to raide my voice like that. I'm glad, to be honest. Bosses usually give the most experience in dungeons, and since they give it to the whole party, we can potentially get a lot of experience, or even level up."

"Then... what should we do?" Veronica asked the others.

"Well, I, for one, am not sure if we're ready. But if we do manage to defeat it..." Eleanora tried to reason with herself, biting down slightly on her thumb.

"I go wherever Ver goes." Cassidy nonchalantly said.

"I'm here to make sure you girls don't die or get seriously hurt. So I'm sure this boss would be fine for training. Plus, you get bragging rights for defeating a floor boss on your first visit." Tisha spoke, inspecting her sword.

"Is that... a good thing?" Veronica asked.

"Depends on who you're bragging to. But, think of it this way. Most dungeon delivers and adventurers take weeks at a minimum to even discover a boss room over multiple delves. And we just so happened to find one on our first delve. Plus, bosses usually drop some decent loot on how easy or tough it was. So a boss that's really easy to defeat might give something good for low level groups, like yourselves. Or give you some extra spending money if it's useless to you." The older woman continued.

"So... Well, I doubt we'll die. It's a floor one boss in a dungeon for low level adventurers. Plus, we have Tisha. So, if things come to worst, she'll kill the boss and we still get experience and gear. Of course, we should actually try to kill the boss ourselves." Eleanora thought out loud. 

"Then I guess we all agree on going in?" Veronica asked the group once more.

"Yes!" The others said in unison.

And so, with their fearless leader taking the lead, they entered the boss room. Once everyone was inside, the entrance sealed itself. There was no going back.

"Less boss, more tomb. Gotcha..." Cassidy tried to joke.

From a quick flash of light, in the middle of the room, stood a creature, perhaps the size of Veronica and a half. It wasn't bulky, it looked somewhat normal in human terms, but with dark green skim and beady black eyes. In it's dominant hand was a crude hand axe, and on it's body, a loin cloth covering it. The height of this creature, as well as it's general body shape made it obvious to what it was.

"Hobgoblin!" Veronica yelled out.

The goblin roared loudly, spit flying from it's mouth and charge at Cassidy, who wasn't exactly ready, but felt nothing as Veroncia stepped between them, blocking the Hobgoblin's attack.

"You alright, Cass?"

"Yeah, thank you, Ver. Let's get this bastard!"

The four girls yelled out as the charged at the Hibgiblin themselves. Their first boss.

Their first step into the unknown.

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