Truth Of The Forgotten Age

1-11: Dreams & Enough Is Enough

Whatever Tisha did to Veronica, it did not affect the challenge. From the sexual advances, Cassidy's chaotic eagerness, and all the studying, Veronica was exhausted, and chose to sleep. 

And so, the girl found her bed, got comfortable, and shut her eyes, letting sleep swallow her.

Hundreds of soldiers performed their duties at a military camp in the far west, on a cliff overlooking the sea, bordering the No Man's Land just north of them. After all, this war has gone one for just over one hundred years.

In a large command tent, a fairly tall woman clad in armor, gave orders to the captains. She was clearly the commander, and she hasn't slept in over a week. Finally, when everyone left with their orders, the commander thought she could get at least 40 winks of sleep, but a younger woman, almost nearly a young girl, came to her tent.

 "Commander! The General has arrived." The young soldier alerted.

The commander groaned as she lifted herself up.

"Good. Maybe we can finally end this war sometime this month. Be home in time for the holidays."

The commander left the tent and went towards the entrance of the camp to greet the general. The general was another woman. Not as tall, but she definitely didn't understand the word "subtle".

Her horse was as white as snow, with gaudy gold armor with silver inlaid. The general herself wasn't much better. Long flowing white hair and seemingly glowing blue eyes. Her armor was clearly more decorative than defensive, with many motifs and heraldry engraved into it. And, of course her angelic wings were spread, as if she were saying "I'm right here, shoot me, I'm clearly the most important".

Of course, the commander had already expected this from her kind.

"About time you arrived. Was wondering if you'd appear at all."

"Watch your tone. I'm your superior officer."

"No, you're not. You enlisted my army's help for this war that you couldn't finish. But, no matter. We're on the brink of winning."

"Hmph. How close?"

"Just over yonder, the last of the Dragon's army lie. They stand at five hundred troops."

"Ha! We'll be finished before supper!" A soldier yelled out.

"Good work, Odessa. How are your soldiers?" The General continued, unfazed at the random soldier's remark.

"Healthy and strong. Though, we are out numbered. With your Soldiers, we'll be able to make it even."

"I see. Very well. We attack tomorrow night. Make sure everyone is prepared."

"Of course."

And, time went on. Commander Odessa informed all of her troops and captains about the time if attack, and gave the Angels what her plan of attack was. A storm started to brew as they were about to go and fight their final battle.

"Are all the troops ready?" The General asked.

"Infantry is worked up, but ready. Cavalry is doing fine. Archers have plenty of arrows. And the mages are focused and their magic reserves are topped up. We're all good to go."

"Good. Then we march."

The commander nodded and gathered all the troops, marching them onwards. Many said prayers, many marched in silence, but they were ready to fight.

And they fought hard. The rain poured down heavily on the battlefield, lightning striking down nearby, the clash of swords and shields among the crashing waves of the sea.

The Dragons were strong, but the Demons were stronger, and with the help of the Angels, the Drgaons stood no chance. Of course, this didn't mean there weren't any casualties. Many were wounded or killed, but in the end the Dragons lost. The Demons and Angels were victorious.

Odessa's sword and armor was covered with blood and dirt. It was caked in, and the rain couldn't wash it off. Her face was covered in bleeding scratches and more dirt. She was exhausted, but they finally won. One hundred years of war, and they finally won.

They can now go home. They can see their families. They can sleep in actual beds.

And so, to take it all in, Odessa stepped towards the edge of the cliff as the rain started to let up. Across the horizon, the sun had started to rise.

She took off almost everything, laying them down neatly. Her armor, her chain mail, and her padded gambeson, leaving her in her cloth undergarments. She breathed in deeply, taking in the quietness of after the battle. Only the chirping of birds and the waves of the sea.

The scent was unmistakable. Blood and salt. Smoke and and flesh. But, they were done.

Relaxation took hold over her as she remembered thise her were once close to her, but have all been killed in war.

"We did it. You're sacrifices weren't in vain. Please, rest easy now, and relax in the afterlife."

She heard the movement of armor behind her, but she didn't care. It was most likely friendly. And, even if they weren't, they couldn't do anything.

"The war is finally over. The feeling is great." The General said, behind her.

"Captain, remind me, which side of the body was a demon's heart?" Odessa didn't hear the General say, as she was too focused on the rising sun.

"On their right side. Opposite of those humans, Lady Amaranth."

"That's right. Thank you, my dear."

With a quick thrust, a blade pierced through Odessa. And she herself, felt not physical pain, but betrayal. She should've expected this from their kind. When the blade was pulled out, she turned, bleeding from her newly acquired wound.

"You bitch... everything we've done for you..."

"Yes, yes. Hurry up and die. We'll send everyone else with you. Don't worry."

With a slight push, Odessa fell into the sea. She cursed the Angel the entire way down.

And Veronica woke up in a cold sweat.

'What was that? It felt real. Too real to be a dream. But... I'm still here. I blame the current chaos for that weird dream...'

Since it was tge early morning, not many were awake, but I was just late enough for some people to start readying themselves for the day. Veronica decided to do the same. She took a shower, ate breakfast, and brushed her teeth before going to study. There was just one more test, and then the academy will announce those who passed, and those who failed.

But, of course the corrupted teacher who used to be a hero had to come to her.

"Come on. I have some thing I want to try."

"No. I'm trying to study."

"What did you say?"

"I said 'No'. I'm trying to study, as we only have one last test. And I need to be focused."

"Our deal was-"

"Our deal was a mistake. I never should have agreed to that stupid deal. I should have said 'yes, you did touch me' when I was questioned. Because I thought you were better than this. But, that's not how things worked out, bow is it? So, how about you leave me alone for now, and if you want some fun, you, I don't know, ask first? Hm?"

Tisha said nothing, but her face looked surprised, and also seemed to have a mixture of relief. As if Veronica had said something that allowed Tisha to relax and calm down, like she wasn't initially in control of her body.

"Yes. I'm sorry. For everything."

"Good. Then leave for now. I really need to study."

"Of course. I'll uh... see you later then."

Veronica just gave a slight hum of affirmation as she turned back the books and notes, continuing to study.

It didn't click in her head until a little later, but she finally took control of the situation. She felt good doing that. Great even. Veronica thought that perhaps, she should probably keep doing that. As long as it helps her keep her goals intact.

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