True Star

Chapter 90 - -Achieving cooperation

Tang Feng stayed in the hotel for two days without leaving the house, either reading a book in the room or running to the gym to exercise actively. This body’s original function is very good. Tang Feng hopes to keep it forever.

And for a man who scarcely dared to run too fast, it feels great to be sweating now.

Occasionally, Lu Tianchen also took Tang Feng to play tennis together. At the beginning, Tang Feng was almost completely abused by the veteran Lu Tianchen, but Tang Feng learned quickly. Although he could not defeat Lu Tianchen, it would not be as good as it was at the beginning. A big duck egg.

In this way, two days passed easily, and the next morning, before the appointed time, Tang Feng had already come to the place where he had an appointment with Director Li Wei. Good place, Tang Feng can go directly by elevator.

The man looked down at his watch on his wrist. It was more than half an hour before nine o’clock. It was not too early or too late, but it was just right.

Taking a deep breath, he gently pulled the collar of his clothes. Tang Feng tried to keep himself as calm as possible. His appearance may seem calm, but his heart still couldn’t restrain the faint excitement.

Since the first time he nominated an international film actor, he has not conducted any interviews. This is not a difficult thing for him to adapt to. After all, he is neither an international star nor a film actor now, just a little unknown from China. Celebrity.

After adjusting her mentality, Tang Feng strode into the elevator. After pressing the floor button, the elevator door closed slowly.

“Albert, what were you just looking at? It seems to be a man, alas—are you new and tired so soon?” With a bit of jealousy, the tall young man with sunglasses walked to a man with green eyes Around.

The young man wearing sunglasses looks in his early twenties. His tall figure and stylish dress made him stand in the lobby of the hotel and soon attracted the attention of many people. However, the young man did not look at others with pride, but Go straight to the other man who just came in from the outside.

A pair of green eyes seemed to be covered with ice, the golden hair was bright and charming under the light, but the slightly gloomy breath on the face made people dare not approach.

“Ah, I happened to see an acquaintance.

Retracting his gaze at the elevator, the man raised his lips slightly and reached out to hold the young man’s waist, and then took the young man to the elevator door.

“It doesn’t matter if you don’t allow me to pick up the plane. I still see another man in front of me. If I don’t come, you will certainly forget me.

“Leaning towards Albert, the young man said with a smile.

The man reached the door of the elevator, looked up at the numbers of the elevator floor that started to descend, the voice was dull: “Give you ten seconds to roll away from my eyes, ten …” The man who did not know why he smiled at the moment Suddenly, he turned his face away and did not recognize anyone. When the young man heard the countdown, he immediately ran and ran away. His panic-like appearance attracted a lot of people’s curiosity. He had seen the gentleness of this man and had seen the man’s brutality.

“Hi, Esmeralda, we meet again.

“The corner of his mouth hooked, and Albert moved his neck from side to side.” This is the fate, and God is destined to meet us here, and continue the front.

“In another room of this hotel, Tang Feng met Director Li Wei again. Although it was not yet nine o’clock as agreed, Director Li Wei was up, and this time there were other things besides Director Li Wei. Several people Tang Feng hadn’t seen, looked like Li Wei’s agent and assistant.

The two hug each other as if they were old friends.

“It’s so early. One of us didn’t come, so please wait for a while.

Director Li Wei said with a smile.

“One more person?” Tang Feng was a little puzzled. Is it a competitor from another country? “Well, oh-come, it really means whoever comes.

“Director Li Wei looked at the door with a smile,” Kino, we can wait for you alone. “

“Uh … am I late? “The two stars are spreading their hands, the big star has a messy hair, and his nose is leaning against the door with huge sunglasses leaning on the door. He looks at the people in the room with a smile.

“It’s not that you’re late, but we’re all too early, but it can also be said that you’re late.


Kino took off his glasses and looked at the talking man with a big smile on his face: “Hi, Don, are you planning to move in and live with me?” … “What ?!” It was almost in unison, Tang Feng and Kino looked in surprise at Director Li Wei and the staff sitting opposite them.

“This is exactly what this film is going to have. There will be two male protagonists, and no female protagonists.” In the face of Tang Feng and Kino’s surprise, Director Li Wei just smiled calmly and said, “In fact, To be honest, at the beginning I never thought it would be any of you. This script was tailored for Fiennes, but unfortunately he left too early. Fortunately, I got it from you. Seeing exactly the same temperament, mature and charming, vitality and hope, it makes people involuntarily want to approach.

“Director Li Wei looked so sincere, but Tang Feng rolled his eyes in his heart.

This guy’s tailor-made script for him is about two men. Does he look like same-sex-love? Well, in fact, he has already seen the script, but it is very different from what Li Wei now gives him. One of them is that he and Kino have to make love in the movie? !! He still has to give Kino X? !! Don’t tell him about borrowing or props, this director is too tasteful. When he first came to him, he didn’t mention them at all.

“Ah! In this case, I need to exercise well, so it will look good if exposed.

Kino returned to normal after a moment of surprise. It seems that Director Li Wei did not tell Kino that there would be such a hot drama.

To be honest, Tang Feng doesn’t exclude same-sex themes, as long as he can prove his ability, the director, and let more people appreciate him, this is enough.

He just thought that Director Li Wei was too dark, and now they have reached the final decision level before telling them that there is such a large-scale drama.

“Director, why am I below?” Judging from what Director Li Wei said just now, Tang Feng clearly plays the role of Kino in the movie.

Director Li Wei said euphemistically: “Although it is a **** theme, one of the two male protagonists will be in an offensive position and one will be in a defensive passive position, so the two of you will be arranged to kiss before. The audition is actually In order to make me better choose the two roles.

Having said that, Director Li Wei simply said, “Since I have planned to tell the two planners about the role distribution, I will also tell them about the role allocation. Through yesterday’s audition, I have decided to The role in the offensive position is to Mr. Kino, and Mr. Tang Feng’s temperament and passive defense are very integrated. For this decision, I don’t know what the two think. If you have any ideas, please tell me.

“” In my case, there is no problem, I am very happy to be able to cooperate with Director Li Wei.

“There was almost no hesitation or reservation, and Kino responded.

Tang Feng aside for a moment, he did not expect Kino would agree so easily.

Director Li Wei may be a golden signboard, but the impact brought by **** movies is not foreseen by anyone. It may be good or bad.

Kino’s decisive answer shocked Tang Feng’s heart. He felt indescribable and gave him a different perspective on Kino. This man really wanted to play this movie … “So, my The answer is the same.

“Tang Feng said with a smile.

Anyway, rebirth, let’s try a variety of plays, Kino promised so easy, he didn’t want to look conservative and small.

“Here are some information, including the script. After signing the confidentiality contract, the two of them can take it back for a closer look. In the next three months, you can try to figure out and train the characters in the script. The movie will be three months later. Officially started shooting.

Director Li Wei said with a smile. “But the most important thing is not this. After all, there are some intimate actors in the movie. If possible, I hope that the two can deepen their relationship. Don’t be too embarrassed and unfamiliar by then.

“”We will.

Kino smiled at Tang Feng, reached out and patted Tang Feng’s shoulder with a close smile, and said with a smile, “The director is assured. When the director returns, Tang Ke and I will be a loving affection-couple Already.

“I didn’t promise you.

“Tang Feng joked back, this self-familiar guy.

—————————————— Crying to death, two days back to my hometown with my mother on the weekend, I took the ipad and Bluetooth keyboard to save the text, wrote the text for two days, accidentally all gone T0T I’m going to die. I’m going to die.



The liver is broken! Volume superstar – superstar rebirth chapter ninety-first – a cup of coffee and chat (a) Section Word Count: 1249 Updated: 12-05-1417: 03

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