True Star

Chapter 19

The reception is private. Not many people come here, but all of them have a decisive position in S City. The stars of Tianchen Group and Su’s Entertainment travel through the luxurious crowds like flowers and butterflies, holding champagne in their hands. Looking to expand your social network, maybe in case you get a big guy who is willing to invest in movies for yourself? Tang Feng didn’t like the reception very much. Firstly, he had a bad drink, because he needed to drink less because of his physical reasons. Secondly, the gorgeous appearance of the reception was full of red-naked-naked money interests, but he was in this circle Using the reception to meet different people has become a required course for everyone.

Tang Feng will not refuse some necessary social occasions. It is not necessary to pretend to be high in this circle. You can stand alone, but you must have a group of talented friends to avoid being overwhelmed by the sea.

This reception was mainly held to celebrate the cooperation between Lu Tianchen’s Tianchen Group and Su Qicheng’s Su Shi Entertainment. The two big brothers were undeniably the focus of the whole reception, but the two people who received the most attention were the two Gechen ’s song dust, song dust really likes wearing white suits, even at the reception is a set of high-definition white suits, more and more the whole person is more beautiful and refined like a white lotus without dust.

However, will it be too dull? Every time I saw Ge Chen wearing a plain clothes with a pale face, Tang Feng had an urge to step forward to care about the health of others, beauty is beautiful, but it is inevitable that the strength of the man is lacking.

“Are you sure you want to go out with my hand?” Tang Feng stood upstairs and raised an eyebrow.

Charles, who is also one of the hosts of the reception, provided the venue for the reception. It should have a VIP lounge that others do not have. This is a mixed-race handsome-faced Charles who looks more elegant in an English dress. Full, plus a scepter, is a national emperor.

“I enjoy the envy and jealous eyes that people cast.

Charles looked up and down on the man who changed his suit. The combination of black and dark blue allowed Tang Feng to fully reflect the nobleness in his bones. The tailored suit perfectly outlined the enviable good figure of the man. The whole People have a lively feeling, like the prince of a lost country.

In fact, compared to the song dust that was chased by Lu Tianchen and Su Qicheng, Charles really felt that Tang Feng liked him more. Well, maybe this is the difference between Chinese and Western aesthetics? But Charles always felt that his taste and vision were very good.

At the age of 37, he died of a heart attack, and the inexplicable and reborn result was that Tang Feng now cares nothing about the outside world’s views. People should be free and easy to live. Appreciate the free and easy Charles.


“Taking care of the tie, Gentleman Charles reached out to the man.

Tang Feng held Charles’ hand generously, and the two handsome men walked downstairs together. For a time, 78% of the eyes of the audience were on them both. Tang Feng seems to be returning to the life of a former superstar who has received much attention from fans and the media.

Frightened? Of course not.

Give a courteous and generous smile with generosity.

———————— New month.



Volume superstar – superstar rebirth Chapter Chapter Article Word Count: 1470 Updated: 12-04-0211: 09 If you run after “spring back” and “Superstar”, put the recommendation to vote for the new baby, “Superstar”, also Let Tang be angry and become a superstar soon, hey ~~~~ Also spoiler, Su Qicheng is not as good as it seems on the surface, none of the people in this article are vegetarian

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