Triple Strength

271. Perfect: Tabitha

271. Perfect: Tabitha

I don’t think this place has a criminal underworld. Just about everything here is legal. The things that are not legal are the things that impinge on personal freedom—slavery, of course, and various forms of coercion. However, as an adult, if you want to take that mind-altering drug and ruin your life, then you are an adult, and you can do that. There are restrictions on what children can do; don’t feed them mind-altering drugs, but you are an adult at twenty for a human. Pay your taxes, and don’t be an asshole to others. That is about it.

Once you get off the main streets, there is a lot of evidence of people who can’t handle the freedoms that being an adult brings and have stuffed their lives up. Forging government documentation is illegal, and there are smugglers who avoid paying taxes. Then I looked a bit deeper; there is coercion, and money does buy you the advantage. There are the haves and the have-nots, and the Have-nots want what the Haves have got. No system is perfect, and people are people.

That is perfect for me. I will be running the place in no time. I watched the young lad trip, and he crashed into me. His hands were quick as he palmed a knife and went for the obviously full coin pouch. I debated letting him have it for a moment, but that would probably mean a chase. Seeing as he had tripped, I helped him complete his fall and put my foot on him to stop him from rolling away and escaping.

“Not bad kid,” I said, “Possibly even better than I was at your age. Are you part of a gang?” He shook his head. “Not sure I believe that. Who is training you? You don’t get that good without a trainer.”

“I’m not telling you nut’ing.”

“Generally a good policy kid.” I pulled a coin out of the purse he had tried to steal, “Unless it is worth your while.” I flipped the coin to him but didn’t let him up. He was a skinny kid, maybe thirteen or so. He was a bit malnourished, probably hungry. “Master? Gang boss? Who do you pay protection to?”

“Waddiya want lady? You obviously not a guard snitch.”

“But are you?” I had Body Image running, so I was not worried about being identified. “I am looking for a new Govt ID.”

“Whoa, lady, you don’t think small.”

Yes, I was. I am not thinking about taking over the city. I really am not. I just wanted some documents. “Can you help?”

“It will cost you, lady.”

“Of course, it will,” I said. I got out two more coins and dropped them on his chest. “There are two more if you get me a contact tonight. Where will I meet you?”

“Old mill on the corner of Ring Road and Baker Lane at midnight.”

I had no idea where that was, but I would find it. I nodded and let him up. He scooted away out of reach, then dashed for the nearest alley. I debated having Nyx follow him but decided against it. I wasn’t aiming to take over here. Somebody would be at the old mill at midnight if only to rob me of the rest of my coin.

I carried on down the street. I was looking for a business or a premises we can use as a fallback. The Land Merchant’s office had a selection of available premises. Next door was a Business Merchant with various business opportunities. There were several opportunities to explore. I miss Tāttā, who used to do all this for me.

The key here is to get a couple of businesses that just need an injection of coins but can basically run themselves. A craftsman and a retailer are a good combination. It is too far for caravans from the kingdom, so we must be self-sufficient. Maybe one day, we will connect across the continent.

With the Empire and the Kingdom going to war, operating out of somewhere different sounds like a good idea to me. War causes inconvenient things like restrictions on Coins leaving the country, so setting up another source of income is wise.

War can be a source of good profit, too. Armies need feeding and clothing, and weapons and armour are in demand. There are often restrictions on the populace as so many resources are pumped into the army. It is a good time for Smugglers to operate. The pending war is yet to be common knowledge, so getting some key businesses now for a cheap price is a good plan. The Famous Five are essentially smuggling us into the Empire. I wonder if they want to go into the smuggling business with me. They are still a bit hung up over the whole Black Butcher thing. We will have to see.

Well, fancy that. The Old Mill on the corner of Ring Road and Baker Lane is for sale. I guess I could class tonight as a pre-purchase inspection. The merchant carefully didn’t mention the current illegal occupants. Performing evictions is no problem for me. If they refuse to be evicted, then extermination is an option. I can’t buy anything until I get my new ID, so maybe I will just charge them rent.

Whoa! Slow down there, Tabitha. We are not supposed to be taking over the city. I just need some low-key businesses. Like a mill?

It was a full moon and a clear sky, making the rundown state of the mill rather obvious. I was feeling a bit dwarfed here. Modrica and Umreti towered over me as we approached our midnight meeting. I was sure I didn’t need the orcs except as an obvious deterrent. I was just going to bring Modrica, but she wanted Umreti to come.

I approached the entrance, already knowing how many were inside. There were only eight. Seriously, didn’t the lad tell them how easily I took him down? Thinking about it, he probably didn’t, as teenage boys don’t like to be seen as weak.

There were three out in the open waiting for me. The boss was obvious. He was the strongest there and the type who ensured everybody knew he was the strongest. Next to him was his chief enforcer. They looked related. Big, ugly, scarred and bald. Next to him was the young boy, looking like he didn’t want to be there. The other five were hidden around the mill.

Seriously, this is looking too easy. Kill the only two powerful people in the gang and take over. They will be the only two powerful people as they will not tolerate rivals. But I am not here to take over. I am not here to take over. I’m not.

“I hope the kid told you what I am here for,” I announced, taking charge of the conversation. I hoped this would cut short some of the blustering that is normal.

“I am in charge here bitch,” The boss stepped forward. He stopped after a single step. That is the advantage of having obvious bodyguards. If Modrica and Umreti were not here, I would already have decapitated the leadership and taken over. “We want to see the coin first.”

“And how much coin would that be?”

That stumped him a bit. I think he was just planning to rob me of everything. He probably does not even have a contact for the ID’s. “That would be all your coin.” He made a signal, and all the others stepped out and surrounded us. They all stepped out. How dumb is that? They didn’t even keep a hidden ace to surprise us or anything.

“You don’t even have a contact for me, do you?”

“Do I look like a paper boy to you bitch?” He was trying to be scary. I was trying not to laugh in his face because that would make him angry, and then I would have to take over.

I could probably take down all eight without breaking out my affinity or bonds. The thing is, I can see all their statuses. Only the two top dogs had some sort of status-blocking skill, and I think it might have just been their thick skulls, as it didn’t take much to push through with my Spatial Awareness. Boss Idiot and his offsider are Journeyman Brawlers. All the rest were thieves, pickpockets and burglars. Not a fighting class among them.

Wait up. The older woman by the door has the Miller class and a Novice Merchant. Did she own or work in this place? How can I not take over here? This is perfect. Everything is on a platter for the taking.

I sighed. Wiremu was going to be so grumpy with me.

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