Trinity of Magic [Progression Fantasy]

Going Home

Zeke strode confidently into the hall where the theoretical portion of his midterm exam was being held. The room was filled with students, all seated at long row s of desks, each with their own parchment and quill in front of them. Zeke scanned the room, easily spotting the desk with his name written on a card in front of it. He made his way to the seat, noting some of the other students glancing in his direction.
As he settled into his seat, he waited for the papers to be handed back to him by the person in front. The papers were passed down the row, and finally, they reached him. Zeke reached out and grabbed the parchment, his eyes scanning the first question. At first, he couldn't help but chuckle to himself, as he found the question to be quite simple, but then he remembered that not all students at Elementium had the benefit of a master mage personally tutoring them every single day, in addition to having memory-enhancing spells and the ability to accelerate their brain function. The realization made him considerately less smug.
With ease and precision, Zeke filled out all his exam papers in a fraction of the time allotted, carefully writing his name and signature before rising from his seat. This had truly not been a challenge for him. He left the hall, the other students still scribbling away at their parchments, and made his way outside. He found a tree to sit under, the cool shade providing a welcome relief from the warm sun. He leaned against the trunk and waited for the time to pass, his mind already moving on to the next task at hand.
As he sat there, lost in thought, a shadow fell over him. Zeke's gaze lifted, and he saw Sophia standing before him. She had tried to sneak up on him, to surprise him, but that was not possible anymore, thanks to his [perfect spacial awareness] spell. Sophia grinned, and congratulated him on his victory in the arena against Martin, she had been watching. The two of them sat under the tree and chatted for a while, talking about their respective exams. Sophia was a second-year student, so her exam was different from Zeke's, but she also found it very easy.
As they spoke, Zeke couldn't help but feel a sense of camaraderie with Sophia. They shared the same drive and determination to succeed, and Zeke didn't forget how Sophia had been the only person to talk to him like an equal when he had been a total outcast.

As the official end of the theoretical part of the exam approached, a very bedraggled looking Viola flew over to where Zeke and Sophia were sitting. She instantly fell onto the ground next to Zeke, curling up like a tired cat. She complained that the exams were incredibly hard, and the questions were incredibly unfair. Viola was certain that the examiner had written the paper in a way that made it extra hard for her to answer.
Zeke couldn't help but roll his eyes at Viola's complaints, and began to rub her back in an attempt to calm her down. To his surprise, Sophia and Viola seemed to know each other quite well and were talking like old friends. Sophia offered her a drink from her water bottle, and they chatted a bit more before Viola and Sophia both stood up and went on their way.
As the practical exams began, Zeke found that he had a little more time before his Blood Magic exam was set to start. For the practical exams, the Fire, Water, Earth and Wind exams took precedence over the other forms of magic. This meant that Zeke, with his affinity for Blood, Space, and Mind, had to wait for a long time before it was his turn. Still, at some point, he was called into the room for his exams.
Much like his theoretical exams in the morning, the content of the practical exams was also laughable. It was even more pronounced in these exams. How was there supposed to be a practical exam in Blood Magic if they had not learned a single spell to show off? Zeke couldn't help but feel a sense of frustration and disappointment. He had worked so hard to master his abilities, and yet, he was being held back by a system that didn't fully understand or appreciate the nuances of his craft.
As the day of the exams came to a close, Zeke finished his last exam late at night and made his way back home. Maximilian greeted him with a knowing smile, but did not ask how the exams had gone. Zeke knew that his mentor already had a good idea of how he had performed.
The next morning, the results were already out, and Zeke met up with Viola to check on their scores. Viola didn't have much hope for her theoretical results, but she was certain that she had beaten Zeke in the practical department.
As they made their way through the crowded hallways of Elementium, Zeke and Viola made their way towards the section for second-year students. The tension was palpable as they walked, both unsure of how they had performed in their exams. They arrived at the section for second years and quickly located the board with the names on it, scanning the list for viola's score.

Theoretical Exam: Practical Exam:
1.  Sophia Geistreich 1.  Viola Windtänzer
2.  Markus Krieg 2.  Sophia Geistreich
... 3.  Johann Bauer
15.  Ulrich Hoffmann 4.  Sophie von der Leyen
16.  Viola Windtänzer 5.  Helmut Schmidt
... ...


Viola couldn't help but let out a cry of joy as she realized that all her hard work had paid off. She thought about all the sleepless nights, the countless hours spent studying and practicing, and how much she had improved since her terrible results in the theoretical exams as a first year. She hugged herself, feeling pleased and satisfied that her hard work had paid off.
Viola and Zeke continued to make their way through the crowded hallways of Elementium, with Viola teasing him all the way that she might have beaten him in both categories after all. Her joy was palpable as she playfully ribbed him, clearly elated with her own results.
But as they came upon the section for first-year students, Viola's teasing came to a sudden stop. Her jaw almost hit the floor as she saw the results posted on the board. Her eyes scanned the list of names, searching for Zeke's among the many that were listed. And when she found it, she couldn't help but let out a gasp of surprise.

Theoretical Exam: Practical Exam:
1.  Ezekiel von Hohenheim 1.  Ezekiel von Hohenheim
2.  Marten Lichtenberg 2.  Rudolf Böttcher
3.  Kurt Strudel 3.  Gisela Müller
4.  Ingrid Gellen 4.  Werner Schulze
5.  Lothar Metzger 5.  Gustav Keller
... ...


Zeke stood at the top of the list, not only in the theoretical exams, but also in the practical exams. He had outdone every other student in his class, and his scores were significantly higher than anyone else's.
Viola playfully punched Zeke's arm and called him a "bookworm", but the admiration in her eyes was clear. She told him that she would have had even better results than him if she could also have taken three different practical exams like he did. She was trying to make a joke out of it, but her voice held a hint of envy.
Zeke just nodded at everything she said, with a dumb grin on his face, unable to contain his excitement, He knew that he had worked hard for this, and it was the result of all his effort.
Viola made an annoyed expression, pretending to be irritated by his lack of humility, but in reality she was secretly happy for him. She knew how hard it had been for Zeke, as he had been bullied in the academy and people called him a failure because he didn't have any elemental affinities. But these results would shut everyone up, and she was proud of him. She couldn't deny that Zeke had truly shown that he was one of the best students in the academy, and it was a great victory for him, proving his doubters wrong.
Viola and Zeke made their way back to Zeke's home, where Maximilian was already waiting for them. He greeted them both with congratulations on their exam results, and gave Zeke a firm hug, proud of his student's achievements. They all chatted for a moment, discussing the exams and their scores. After a while, it was time for them to part ways.
Zeke bid Maximilian farewell as he would not spend his summer break with the old man, Viola, as well, made her way to meet up with her grandpa, Duke Windtänzer, to share the news of her exam results with him.
After their goodbyes, Zeke set off towards the crafter's quarters. It had been a while since he had seen Markus, his childhood friend, and he was eager to check up on him and see how he was doing. He was relieved to find Markus was safe and sound, working in his uncle's smithy. As Zeke approached the smithy, Markus saw him and dropped the piece of hot iron he was working on to the floor. He sprinted over, catching Zeke in a hug and holding him tightly. Zeke was confused by Markus's behavior, as his friend had never been an overly affectionate person. But when he saw the tears on Markus's face, he realized how worried Markus had been for him.
When Markus had last seen him, Zeke was living in the beggars' quarter and getting bullied daily in school. He could only imagine what Markus must have thought when he just stopped showing up one day. Markus explained that he had thought that something bad had happened to him, and he was relieved to see that Zeke was safe and sound now.
Zeke hugged Markus back tightly, feeling a warmth in his chest. He was glad that Markus still cared for him, and he felt guilty for not letting Markus know where he was or what had happened to him. Zeke apologized to Markus for not keeping in touch and assured him that he was fine. He then explained everything that had happened since they last met. He told Markus about how Lilly had distanced herself from him, and how she had promised to marry Samuel. He shared how he had met Maximilian, and about the training, monster hunting, and the duel with Martin. He also told Markus about Viola and Sophia, his only true friends he had made at the academy. Markus listened attentively, happy for the turn Zeke's life had taken since they last met.
In turn, Markus shared his own experiences with Zeke, telling him about how much he loved working with metal and the progress he had made in his craft. He showed Zeke some of the weapons he had made, and Zeke showed Markus the staff he used in battle. Markus noticed that the staff was looking a little worn, and he promised to make Zeke a better weapon once he could get his hands on some better materials.
Zeke, feeling grateful for Markus's continued support, offered him almost all the money he had earned working as an adventurer. He wanted to help Markus further his craft and also pay for the materials that Markus would need, in order to craft a weapon for Zeke. Markus was touched by Zeke's generosity and thanked him for his support. The two friends chatted for a while longer, catching up on everything that had happened in their lives and making plans for the future.
As the morning turned into afternoon, Zeke realized that he only had a little time left before the carriage that would pass through his village would leave. He said his goodbyes to Markus and the two hugged again. Zeke made his way to the docking area for the carriages, his steps and mood lighter than they had been in a long time. He couldn't wait to get home to his family and tell them all about his time at the academy. He had sent them some letters, but didn't really feel like telling them about his life through a sheet of paper. But he had let them know that he was coming home for summer break, and they were excited to see him.
When he arrived at the square, the carriage was already being loaded. He quickly paid the fare and got in, but when he sat down in his seat, he stared at the face of someone he really didn't expect to see here. He was looking at Lilly.

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