Trinity of Magic [Progression Fantasy]

B2 – Chapter 1: The Right of the Strong

Zeke sat in his cave, lost in thought as he ate his breakfast. He had been holed up there for the past few days, consumed by his studies of magical theory and his training in the art of mind magic. As much as he enjoyed the solitude and the opportunity to focus on his craft, he couldn't help but feel the need for a proper shower and a functional bathroom. Additionally, his food supply was running low - a result of his prolonged isolation. The fact that it had lasted him this long was only thanks to his companion, Viola, who had graciously gifted him most of her own rations after their recent underground excursion.

Zeke fiddled with one of the magical tools he had brought back from the underground empire, attempting to repair the trinket that was meant to filter the air. He was certain the issue lay within the magical energy converter, yet for some reason, the device refused to cooperate.

"Well well well, look what we have here." The sudden voice startled Zeke, causing him to spin around in surprise. But a moment later, a wide grin spread across his face. "Old man, you made it!"

Zeke moved to embrace his mentor, Maximilian, but the older man held up a hand, pinching his nose shut in mock disgust. "Don't come any closer, boy. You are filthy!" Despite Maximilian's exaggeration, Zeke couldn't deny that his current appearance was less than presentable.

"Teacher, did Viola fill you in on everything that occurred?" Zeke's voice took on a somber tone as he spoke. Maximilian nodded in affirmation. "It seems the two of you have had quite the adventure. A dragon heart, fascinating. Allow me to take a look at your heart, my boy." Maximilian extended his hand towards Zeke, who willingly placed his hand in his mentor's grasp. The old man closed his eyes, channeling his magic as he probed the depths of Zeke's body, studying the young mage's heart with meticulous precision.

"A marvel indeed," Maximilian said in wonder, studying the dragon heart now integrated into Zeke's body. "It appears that dragon possessed a remarkable level of skill, for it has melded seamlessly into your body. Make no mistake, my boy - had you not had the [Perfect Body Control] spell engraved into your core, that beast would have taken complete control of your being. You were truly fortunate this time, Zeke." Maximilian's gaze met Zeke's own, his expression grave and earnest. The young mage knew that this was no trivial matter, and he nodded in agreement, his own demeanor sober.

Zeke responded to Maximilian's words with equal gravity. "Teacher, I believe my future does not lie in the path of an adventurer. My true passion lies in inventing new forms of magic and conducting research, much like yourself."

Maximilian's expression didn't betray any surprise at this revelation, but his face contorted into a frown as he pondered his response. After a moment of silence, he spoke, his voice tinged with sorrow. "I regret to inform you that it is not so simple, my boy. At this moment, you do not possess the right to attain that dream."

Zeke was perplexed. "What do you mean, I don't possess the right? Who made that decision?" Maximilian continued to elaborate. "Allow me to pose a question to you, Zeke. Why do you believe that I am the only one known to possess the ability to perform explosion magic?" Zeke was at a loss, the answer seemed obvious to him. "Because you are the one who invented it?" Maximilian smiled, his eyes alight with understanding. "Indeed, that is true. But why do you think the Feuerkranz, Flammensturm, Brennbar, and all the other fire mage families did not force me to reveal the secrets behind my magic?"

Zeke was caught off guard by the question, his mind racing to find an answer. He had never considered why the powerful fire mage families had not sought to uncover the secrets behind Maximilian's explosion magic. From all he knew of these great families, they were not the sort to shy away from using underhanded means to achieve their goals. So how was it that his teacher had never been forced to shared his research with them?

Zeke looked at Maximilian, confusion etched across his face. "I do not know," he said, shaking his head.

Maximilian chuckled, "It's not as complicated as you might think. The reason they did not force me to reveal my secrets is quite simple: They couldn't." Maximilian's face hardened, an evil grin spreading across his features. "I have likely killed more fire mages of the empire than any single knight family from the valor kingdom. It got so bad that the emperor himself had to intervene. He issued a decree that no mage was allowed to try and force me to reveal the secrets of my magic. But make no mistake, my boy, the emperor did not do this out of benevolence towards me. He would have been more than happy if all fire mages in the empire were able to perform explosion magic. No, the reason he intervened was because too many mages were dying without any results. And when I declared that I would rather die than share my research, he had no choice but to put a stop to it."

Zeke was taken aback by Maximilian's revelation of his violent past. He knew that Maximilian was not always the kind and patient mentor that he knew him as, but this exceeded his expectations. He looked at his mentor in a new light, truly a man to be admired and respected. Even the powerful families had to call off their hunt for his research. As Zeke was still lost in thought, Maximilian continued his explanation. "Let us take a different example, to truly drive home my point." He poked Zeke in the chest, right above his heart. "The heart you found, the very heart that now beats within you. If I had come across it and managed to integrate it into my own body, I would walk the streets of the capital with my head held high. The people would stare enviously at me, and the emperor would likely hold a grand ball to congratulate me on my great fortune." Maximilian's words painted a vivid picture in Zeke's mind, of a returning hero, flaunting his spoils with pride.

"You, on the other hand," Maximilian continued, gesturing to the cave that surrounded them, "are forced to hide like a rodent in a cave, away from civilization, just to survive. Quite unfair, isn't it?" Zeke nodded, the reality of his situation causing him to feel dejected. Maximilian then posed a question to him. "So what does this disparity tell you?" Zeke thought for a moment. "That the world is not a fair place?" Maximilian chuckled. "Indeed, my boy, quite right. But what you should truly take away from my words is this simple truth of the world: You only have the right to possess as much wealth as you can defend with your strength. It may sound simple when put into words, but there is much to unpack in that statement. Do you understand what I am saying?"

"Are you saying that I am too weak to be a researcher, because I would have to give up all my research?" Zeke asked, feeling increasingly dejected. Maximilian nodded gravely in response to Zeke's words. "Yes, but I fear the situation is much worse than you realize. If you are able to create spells with the trinity project, as I suspect you will, giving up your research should be the least of your concerns." Zeke was confused, "The least of my concerns? What else could there be if I have to give up the very fruits of my labor?" Maximilian's face grew so serious that Zeke felt a sense of dread before his mentor even spoke. "If they find out that you can invent multiple spells a year, the emperor would likely put the collar around your neck himself. He would keep you locked up in his private dungeon, where you would be forced to invent one spell after the other for his personal use."

Zeke was so shocked by this revelation that he could only stare at Maximilian in disbelief. "But...he can't do that to me, I have rights, don't I?" Maximilian sneered at Zeke's words. "Rights? You have no rights in the face of overwhelming power. If the emperor or the leader of the five families want something from you, they will take it, even if that thing is your very freedom. Listen to me, my boy, and listen carefully. This rule will always apply: You have the right to own as much as you can defend."

"If a peasant stumbles upon a Phoenix egg in the forest, how long do you think he can keep it? He can keep it for exactly as long as he can hide it. The moment it is discovered, the village chief or local mage will take it from him. They, in turn, can keep the egg until a noble hears of the find and comes to take it. The noble can keep it until one of the great families hears of it, but if he is smart, he will offer it up to one of the five to gain their favor, knowing that he will lose it eventually anyways. And if the treasure is big enough, even the five families will fight over it. Perhaps the water, earth, and wind families band together to take the treasure from fire. There are no exceptions to this rule. Even the emperor has to give up some treasures to keep the noble families happy. He doesn't have the strength to keep all the treasures for himself."

Zeke hung on every word of his teacher's tale, feeling increasingly despondent. "Are you saying that I can't create or possess anything of value until I become an Arch Mage?" Maximilian smiled and shook his head. "Not at all. You must understand that there are different forms of strength. Do you truly believe that anyone would dare to take something from your friend Viola's grasp?" Zeke recalled the four bandits who had nearly wet themselves upon learning of Viola's identity and shook his head. "No, I don't think many would dare, but she has one of the great families backing her. Whereas I am just from a commoner household." Maximilian's face twisted with offense. "What do you mean by 'just a commoner household'? Are you forgetting that I adopted you into my own family, you foolish boy?" Zeke just smiled sheepishly at his mentor.

Zeke was struck by the weight of his teacher's words, understanding now the true nature of the world they lived in. "So, you're saying that I need to be strong not just in knowledge, but also in power," he said, his voice heavy with contemplation.

Maximilian looked at Zeke with a sense of pride and purpose, "My boy, you must understand that while I may be able to keep you safe for now, it is imperative that you learn to defend yourself. The world is a harsh place, and those who do not possess the strength to protect what they hold dear will inevitably lose it. You have a great potential, and it is my duty as your mentor to ensure that you are equipped to face the trials ahead."

Zeke took his teacher's words to heart, nodding in agreement. He knew that the path ahead would not be easy, but he was determined to become strong enough to protect himself and his future research.

With a flourish, Maximilian produced a magical artifact from his pocket. "This," he said, "is for you. I had it specially crafted to hide your dragon aura. It is crucial that you keep the heart hidden, at least for now."

Zeke took the artifact, examining it with wonder. He knew that it was a valuable tool, and he vowed to treat it with care. "Thank you, teacher," he said, feeling a newfound sense of respect for the resourceful old man in front of him.

Zeke examined the amulet with intrigue, studying the intricate engravings and the powerful aura emanating from it. The moment he placed it around his neck and fastened it in place, he felt a sudden snap as the amulet locked into place, covering his heart. He could feel the powerful magic within the amulet start to take effect, as if it was actively working to suppress the dragon aura within him.

"Fascinating," he murmured, running his fingers over the smooth surface of the amulet. "This is truly a work of art, Teacher. How does it work?"

Maximilian smiled, pride evident in his eyes. "It is a special amulet I had commissioned for you, my boy. It uses advanced mind magic to suppress the dragon aura within you, making it so that others cannot detect it."

Zeke's eyes widened in amazement. "So this means I can finally leave this cave and return to the academy without fear of discovery?"

Maximilian nodded. "Exactly. But do not become complacent, my boy. You must always be vigilant and be prepared to defend yourself. Remember, in this world, only the strong have the right to possess wealth and treasures."

Zeke solemnly swore to himself to become stronger, to defend his dreams and possessions with all his might. He knew that the journey ahead would be fraught with challenges and hardships, but he was determined to overcome them. He turned to his mentor, Maximilian, and bowed his head in gratitude for the invaluable wisdom he had imparted. "Thank you, teacher," Zeke said earnestly, "I will not forget your words."

"You're welcome, my boy," Maximilian replied with a smile. "Now, let us make our way home. The future is uncertain, but with hard work and dedication, I know that you will become a force to be reckoned with."


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