Trinity of Magic [Progression Fantasy]

B1 – Chapter 35: The Duel Approaches

"The Ogre was a good choice,” Maximilian praised when Zeke finished his recounting of the fight. “Its magic-resistant skin won’t protect it against frozen space as it doesn’t directly target the creature. Also, your staff was a good match. Blunt trauma to the head is the easiest way to kill an Ogre — Well done!”

Zeke smiled brightly. In his exuberance, Zeke recalled all his experiences today, looking for anything else he wanted to relay to his mentor. His smile dimmed slightly at the memory of what happened right before he embarked on his quest.

Noticing the shift in his expression, Maximilian’s brows furrowed. “Was there something else?”

Zeke nodded. “I was challenged to a duel by a kid from my hometown.”

“Did you accept?” Maximilian asked expectantly.

“I did”

“But you don’t appear to be too happy? Was there something else or are you just afraid of losing to your old rival?” The old man teased.

“…He said his last name was Feuerkranz now,” Zeke explained.

The statement wiped the smile from Maximilian’s face. After Zeke had recounted the entire event, they both remained silent, each lost in their own thoughts. Maximilian’s fingers lightly tapped on the back of his armrest, over and over again, as he ruminated on the implications of this information. The melodic pitter-patter reminded Zeke of the sound of the falling rain.

“Well, that changes things…” His mentor finally said.

“Should I not have accepted?” Zeke asked.

The old man sighed deeply. “I don’t think that would have made much of a difference. It is clear that somebody is targeting you. This Martin kid is only a means to an end.”

“I could be wrong,” Zeke suggested. “Maybe there is nothing sinister behind it after all?”

Maximilian scoffed. “Unlikely. Didn’t you say the boy only had an average affinity? The Great families only take the cream of the crop. No, I’m certain somebody is using him. The fact that the boy already had a grudge against you is further proof of it. This way, whoever is behind this can just deny any involvement afterward.”

“I don’t understand…” Zeke stated with a hint of resentment creeping into his voice. “I haven’t done anything to the Feurkranz family! Why would they go out of their way to target me in the first place?”

“It’s complicated, I’m afraid,” Maximilian said, falling silent right after. Zeke patiently waited for his mentor to gather his thoughts. He was eager to finally learn the reason he had been targeted all this time.

Moments later, Maximilian’s distant stare regained clarity. His gaze was sharp when his wise blue eyes locked with Zeke’s own. “You’re aware that every country has its own magic specialties, yes?”

“Just a bit,” Zeke admitted.

“Makes sense,” Maximilian acknowledged. “Learning anything about the other nations from within the empire isn’t easy. Especially if you are looking for unbiased sources.”

Zeke leaned forward. He had long since been interested in hearing more about the other kingdoms. There was nothing concrete taught in school. Similarly, it had never come up in his talks with his mentor either.

“I’ll limit myself to the most important ones from the perspective of the empire for now,” Maximilian began. “We share a border with three other nations. One of them is a neutral power, the other two are in a constant state of open warfare with the empire. Do you know who they are?”

“Invocatia and Equinox?” Zeke asked.

“Oh?” Maximilian exclaimed. “Seems like you do know some things after all. Do you also know what Magic they are famous for?”

“I know that Invocatia is best known for its Summoning Magic,” Zeke stated. “I couldn’t learn anything about Equinox though.”

“Thats right, Invocatia is renowned for its Summoned creatures. Truly fascinating, that one — if only…” As he trailed off the old man seemed to get lost in thought, a hint of wistfulness on his face.

“Equinox,” he said eventually. “They are renowned for their Light and Darkness Mages. Their armies are famously able to fight equally well during the day and night. They gave me no share of problems during my time in the army, let me tell you…”

“I didn’t know you served. You never mentioned that.”

“Ancient history,” Maximilian said with a wave of his hand. “Anyway, All that doesn’t matter for now. For you to understand the political climate, you have to know that the empire has more than doubled in size over the last millennia, and still, there is no end in sight. The empire’s boundless ambition makes many of the other nations uneasy. That is how the alliance came to be.”

“Is it an alliance between those two, Invocatia and Equinox?

“It’s much worse than that,” Maximilian explained with a small smile. “Most powers on the continent are members of the alliance at this point. The only difference lies in their level of commitment.”

“What!?” Zeke exclaimed as he shot to his feet. “The entire continent is uniting against us? shouldn’t we do something?”

Maximilian chuckled. “Calm down, my boy. I wouldn’t worry too much about it.”

“How can I not?

“Because we are winning?” Maximilian said.

“We- we are winning? Against the entire continent?” Zeke asked in disbelief.

“More or less. It’s not as cut and dry, but we do have some impressive Mages fighting on our side.”

“How strong are they? Stronger than you?” Zeke asked.

“Some of them, yes” Maximilian admitted. “But that’s not what I wanted to talk about. This is about the Great families of our empire. You have to know that each of them has its own domain. The Windtänzer family controls the sky, the Wellenrufers the oceans, the Steiner family is in charge of fortifications and the Feuerkranz family is in charge of most of the elite troops.”

“So?” Zeke asked. “How does that relate to the reason they target me?”

“Patience,” Maximilian reminded sternly, before continuing his explanation. “As it so happens, many grudges arose throughout the years. The Windtänzers, for example, hate the light mages of Equinox with a passion. This doesn’t come as a surprise when you realize that Light Mages are all long-range snipers, making them the bane of Wind Mages.”

“Understandable,” Zeke nodded.

“Now, who do you think the Feuerkranz family hates with a passion?”

It didn’t take a genius to see where Maximilian was going with this. “…Blood Mages.”

“Got it in one,” the old man cheered mirthlessly. “The Kingdom of Valor and especially the Blood Mages of Valor have been a thorn in the side of the Feuerkranz family for centuries now. Aside from the two nations we share borders with, they are by far the most invested in this war. The Berserker — Tristan Bloodsword, has killed over a dozen Arch Mages by himself over the centuries.”

“That doesn’t sound like a lot,” Zeke said with a raised brow.

Maximilian rolled his eyes. “What do you think Arch Mages are? Cabbages? There are only slightly over a hundred of them in the entire empire at any given time, most other nations have significantly less.”

Zeke was shocked. If this Tristan Bloodsword had actually killed that many… It was no wonder the Feuerkranz family hated Blood Mages.

“By the way, you have something in common with the Berserker,” Maximilian remarked casually.

It was Zeke’s time to roll his eyes. “Are you implying I’m a reckless madman?”

Maximilian chuckled. “Tristan is no madman, but that wasn’t what I was referring to anyway. I was talking about this.” Maximilian pointed at Zeke’s chest.

It only took an instant for Zeke to realize what the old man meant. “…Perfect Blood core.”

“Right again,” Maximilian confirmed. “I think that’s the main reason someone in the Feuerkranz family is targeting you. Don’t get me wrong, it is pretty common for foreign affinities to get suppressed, that’s not even unique to the empire. However, it’s usually not to this degree. From what you told me, this seems to be personal.”

Zeke contemplated the old man’s words. His mind was racing as he thought back to the previous encounter with Samuel. The Wind Mage had targeted him in an attempt to bait him into a fight. He claimed someone called 'Alexander' put him up to it. At the time, Zeke had been confused, unable to understand what was happening. In light of what he had just learned, a lot of pieces slit into place.

His thoughts turned to Theodore Steiner, who had come to his aid back then. The situation with the Earth Mage had always seemed strange. Why attack Zeke right in front of the leader of the Earth Mages faction in the first place? Had it been just to force Theodore to pick a side? And now, as he thought about it more, he couldn't help but wonder if that was the reason why Theodore claimed that Alexander was playing politics at school.

One realization came after the other, painting a dire picture. Even so, for every question he answered, two new ones sprung up. Had Alexander been trying to test the waters? Trying to find out how openly they could move against him? Forcing the existing powers to choose sides? Was that why he had been targeted more openly as time went on?

It was no use, he needed more information. Zeke wanted to find out what was truly going on and put a stop to it. He would not let himself be used as a pawn in someone else's game any longer. He would not let Alexander take out his grievances on him. But how would he even do that? The Feuerkranz family was too powerful and he was all alone — he was…

Zeke was snapped out of his thoughts as he felt a hand on his shoulder. With a comforting smile, Maxmilian squeezed lightly. “Don’t worry too much, you are not alone.”

When he heard those words, Zeke almost teared up. He nodded imperceptibly before averting his gaze, not wanting to let the old man see his face.

“The only thing you should be worried about right now is winning your duel. Leave the politics to me for now. I can promise you that you are perfectly safe while on school grounds. And if the Feuerkranz family crosses that line, it’s time to send them a reminder…”

“…a reminder of what?” Zeke asked in a hoarse voice.

Maximilian stood, towering over the boy. Most of the time Zeke didn’t notice how tall the old man truly was. But when Maximilian rose this time, it felt like he could block out the sun. His mentor’s domineering presence felt like a warm blanket, as it enveloped him.

“…a reminder of who killed the second most Feuerkranz Mages after Tristan Bloodsword,” Maximilian said in a scathing tone. Despite the bone-chilling announcement, all Zeke felt was pride and envy for his mentor's strength and confidence. This was what he had wanted all along. To be strong enough to face any situation head-on. To have the confidence to not be daunted by even the steepest of obstacles.

His eyes remained glued to the heroic silhouette of his mentor. He observed as the immovable mountain shifted back into the form of the old man. The smile had found its way back onto Maximilian’s face as he glanced at Zeke with a wink. “Try not to embarrass me, okay?”

The old man clapped Zeke’s shoulder one last time before leaving for his study. Apparently, he had his own preparations to make, for what was to come.

“On my life,” Zeke whispered, as he watched the old man’s back with a fiery gaze. He would not shame his mentor and family with defeat, no matter what it took.

A week quickly passed and Zeke trained every day, honing his skills. He spent every waking moment studying or practicing, determined to be as ready as he could.

On the promised day, the boy woke up early, his stomach a jumble of nerves and excitement. He went to class as usual, but the mood was different today. His classmates seemed to be excited about something, and he could hear them whispering about it all morning. Even so, Zeke paid them no mind.

During lunch break, he sped home to put on his armor. In record time, he made his way to the arena for first-years, expecting to find Martin and his friends there. But as he reached the agreed-upon spot, he was not prepared for what he found.

The place was absolutely packed with spectators!

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