Tricked Into A NewLife, God Must Be Screwing With Me!

8-3 Slice of a Day

This chapter is a bit slower than I had wanted but serves as a necessary stepping stone between Zesten and the next major series of events.

A week and some days had passed since my success at Zesten, and I found myself temporarily returned to my rooms within the palace. Contrary to my expectations and sense of forboding, nothing had happened along the way. We were not accosted, harassed, or even inconvenienced. Even the matter with Felicity had turned out to be a false alarm; she did not have [Royal Candidate] Skill. 

Not that I was going to let down my guard; after I had explained to Claire my reasoning, the three of us had decided that it would be better for me to actively monitor Felicity instead of remaining passive and respecting her privacy. That was how we came to be in the present circumstances, with Felicity perched on my lap as I sat in my study.

Though, I have my reservations about this… She’s only eight, so can I really assume she fully grasps the scope of what we’re doing every week?

“Did Felicity get stronger…?” If her question, directed at me from behind hopefully beaming eyes, was any indication then she did not.

“Be patient, I have not even started yet.” I shushed her, then placed my hand on her head and carefully extended a tendril of mana.

If nothing else, these sessions would help me practice the finer control that Eris had brought up. As it was, I still found it difficult to keep my mana even remotely under control without using the second ring; I would never dare try this without it.

And Felicity only agreed on the grounds that I used this method, instead of just using sight.

No matter; as long as I had that ring, there was no risk of me turning Felicity the catgirl into Felicity the crystal girl. If she wanted to indulge in childish behavior, so much the better; if her present status were any indication, such behaviors were sorely lacking from her life.

Life Summary:

Name/Age: Felicity, 8

Gender: Female

Class/Level: Envy Demon 10, Shadow Walker 1 Experience: 1568/12000

Species: Demon(Envy), [Nekomata(Juvenile)]

Social Strata: Faux Noble

Ability Values:

  • Strength: B: 114
  •         Endurance: C: 100
  •         Dexterity: A: 161
  •         Intelligence: C: 100
  •         Charisma: C: 100
  •         Mana: C: 36

Fighting Style: Shadow Blade[Swap Style]

Talents: [Page 1 of 7]: Mimicry V, Memorization V, Envious V, Drawing V, Painting III, Etiquette II, Fire Magic III, Ice Magic II, Winter Magic I, Light Magic II, Dark Magic II, Earth Magic III, Stealth V, Dagger Fighting V, Sword Fighting V, Acrobatics V, Monster Handling III, Cooking III, Mathematics III, Writing III, Pickpocket III.

Skills: Envy, Talent Void, Skill Mimic, Shadow Walk,

I tried to filter out all the talents that I don’t care about, but it still lists so many… And where exactly has she picked up even more magic…?

This was the second time that I had seen this list, and it still baffled me, particularly with how her soul was still stable even after acquiring so many talents. Obviously, [Talent Void] played a roll in that, but even it could only go so far.

“[Talent Void]: A skill which allows the user to partially bypass the strain of collecting a large number of Talents.

The description was, perhaps predictably, not helpful in the slightest. In fact, it was largely responsible for my newest headache, what with its line about only partially protecting the user.

“...Stali Neechan…?”

Felicity’s questioning tone and stare pulled me back, “N-, Yes, a little bit stronger!”

She grinned, “Hurray!”

I had been about to tell her that she hadn’t gotten any stronger; the important talents were all the same levels as last week, and her overall level hadn’t gotten any higher. But something about the way her eyes were shining had made the words catch in my throat. For better or worse, in the end, I couldn’t do that to her.

It isn’t technically a lie; she gained a few dozen experience points over last week. Considering I know she hasn’t been killing anything, the passive growth is impressive… I think.

Felicity’s smile fell into a frown, “It felt weird when Stali Neechan aprased Felicity.”

“Appraised.” I gently corrected her pronunciation, then prompted her to continue, “What do you mean?”

“Hmmm…” She fell into thought, her ears and tails flicking about in an amusing fashion, “The last time, it was like Stali Neechan was giving Felicity a big hug. This time, it was only a small one.”

She was probably talking about the lack of mana and how I was doing my best to keep the quantity restrained to her head as per Eris’ instructions.

“Felicity likes the old way better.” She was resolute in that declaration, then climbed carefully off my lap and performed a perfectly executed curtsy before departing with Elienor, her recently assigned attendant, in tow.

Her words left me at a loss. Given the nature of her analogy, it was pretty clear where her feelings on the matter came from. Even someone who could be as thickheaded as myself could see that much.

I really didn’t think something like that would have had such a big impact…

Perhaps it would be best to consider being a tiny bit more reckless with my mana next week; it wasn’t like the old method actually hurt her or anything, and I could always find other ways to practice what Eris was trying to teach me.

“Sasha, is Lord Ferdinand here?”

My maid stepped forward and curtsied, “Yes; Lords Ferdinand and Gustav have arrived along with His Majesty King Rupert.”

The last caused a slightly sour taste to rise in the back of my throat. Not that I was sick at the thought of seeing my husband; I was annoyed that this was the first time I was seeing him since my return. Rupert having been “unable to make the time.”

I don’t blame him, and I can even understand the reasoning; planning a full-scale globe-spanning military campaign takes time, and my return wasn’t supposed to be for months at best, and years at worst. Just, I wish he would at least be a bit less blunt…

Outwardly, I maintained a taciturn expression; my own feelings aside, it was equally clear to me that him going out of his way to come to my study was an overture. Perhaps meant as a slight apology, perhaps not. Really, I wasn’t entirely sure what to think as far as these issues were concerned.

“Then please let them in.”

At my words, Sasha departed while Peoni produced a small kit and began to touch up my makeup. With a glance as her signal, Frieda stepped forward and made a hurried report.

“Lady Elienor has fit into her new role well; I believe that both she and Miss Felicity will benefit greatly from this arrangement.” Having said her piece, she stepped back.

Good. I was worried that Felicity might be giving her too much trouble, but I think Frieda’s judgment can be trusted here, and she hears more from Elienor than I do at this point.

“Thank you, please continue to keep an eye on them.”

Peoni put away her makeup kit and began setting out tea and some sweet pastries as Sasha knocked thrice at the door. It was hard, even at the best of times to find time to juggle everything, but now that I was temporarily back in the palace, things were even more hectic.

“My Lady, His Majesty attending with Lords Gustav and Ferdinand.” Sasha announced the newest arrivals, then stepped aside whilst holding the ornate door opened.

First Rupert, then Gustav, and finally Ferdinand filed into the room. As I stood to make my greetings, I noted that none of them had brought any of their own attendants, and Gustav was holding a small box close to his chest. It was to be one of those meetings.

“Lord Gustav, Lord Ferdinand. It is my pleasure to see you once again.” I curtsied once to each of them, deliberately leaving Rupert for last as was the proper order, “Your Highness, though the days were perhaps less than anticipated, it does my heart well to have them cut short.”

Rupert froze for a very brief instant. So slight was the movement that I, with my [Kinetic Perception], was likely the only person who had noticed. It was just about all I could do to keep myself from cracking a smile at that. To get a reaction out of him… Well, it was quite an accomplishment.

Frankly, I should get a new title for it.

“Peoni, Beatrice, Frieda. I will keep only Sasha and Jacqueline with me for this meeting.”

Even Peoni, the youngest after Elienor, quickly departed without so much as a glance back. Apparently being in the presence of the king was enough to overcome her desire for gossip.

Once we were relatively alone, Gustav addressed me, “Then, what of the other?”

He means Eris.

“Franklin is seeing to her today.”

Upon receiving my reassurance that we were well and truly alone Gustav set the object he had been clutching down on the table even as it began to glow from his mana. It was exactly as to be expected; a magic tool for suppressing sound and countering espionage and, considering it was Gustavs, a very powerful one.

No sooner had it been activated than Rupert dropped all pretense, “Stahlia, such petty romantics do not suit you.”

“Perhaps not, but I enjoyed it.” I dropped my own mask, “Now then, I believe we have much to discuss.”

Gustav waited a moment to see if either Rupert or myself would say anything else before he commenced the proceedings, “Since my part is comparatively lesser, please allow me. Your Highness’ ships have been tasked and are in the process of being outfitted. Finding trustworthy sailors, on the other hand, will take some time.”

I had zero experience when it came to naval matters, so I was going to have to take his word for it and leave everything to him. Not that doing such had ever presented me with a problem in the past.

“My thanks. Regarding the ships, I am glad that arrangements could be made on such short notice; is there anything you need from myself?”

He shook his head and formed his lips into a small smile, “No; I am sure Your Highness is quite busy enough already. Other than that, His Majesty has determined to increase the number of your force by a factor of three.”

My eyes widened beyond my control, and my head snapped around to face Rupert, “You’re giving me another two thousand men?”

Can the kingdom even afford that? Are there even that many more who meet the strict requirements of loyalty?

My current force was rather special in their devotion to me, and that devotion had played no small part in their selection.

Rupert was unfazed and merely shrugged, “Three thousand more, actually, for a total number of four thousand. The kingdom will somehow manage without them. It would present a far greater hardship if you did not return from the demihuman’s realm. Going without troops is a small price to pay.”

I glanced at a stack of papers on my desk, a report on the diplomatic situation in and around the continent of Riodhas. Ferdinand had prepared it for me upon learning of my next intended destination, but I had not yet read it. My plan had been to go over the material en route, for lack of time to do so now. Evidently, that decision had caused me to miss something rather important.

I asked, “Is the situation that bad?”

Gustav answered me, “As it stated in Lord Ferdinand’s report, the general sentiment toward Drakas is one of concealed hostility. Stemming from when Drakan ships actively raided their coastlines. Regardless of the fact that such practices have died off in the past hundred years, the generational memory of the demihumans does not quickly forget. The extra soldiers and knights are a necessary precaution and expense; if not against the beasts, then against the demons you will undoubtedly come against on their shores.”

Right, by the time I arrive, the war will have started, officially.

“Please do not mistake my surprise for objection; I am grateful for the added security”

Rupert waved a hand over his shoulder, “Then, if that is settled, Lord Ferdinand.”

Ferdinand set down the empty glass he had been rolling between his fingers, “When does Your Highness plan to seal the demon’s abilities?”

His straight and to-the-point question caught me off guard after Gustav’s rambling. My back straightened, “As soon as is permissible; we all know the consequences, so I would think that getting through with it sooner rather than later should be imperative.

Ferdinand nodded, “Then, tomorrow; I have made arrangements for you to fall ill. A few rumors among high society, carried by Ladies Edith and Lester. The unofficial story will be that your long travel has exhausted you.”

I blinked, then nodded; it was sooner than I had expected, but not undoable. Edith’s involvement was a surprise though, the last time I had done something like this, she had gotten extremely upset and even gone so far as to threaten our friendship over it.

And here I go, completely disregarding that, without even apologizing to her in advance.

I could always summon her to me; her family’s estate was in the capital so she wouldn’t be that far. But something told me that would be the wrong play here.

“Tomorrow it is then, unless you have any objections?” I looked to Rupert and he signaled his assent, “Tomorrow. And, Lord Ferdinand?”

Upon seeing me sweetly smiling at him from across the table he grimaced.

“You will be interrogating Eris, of course. But do keep in mind that I granted her asylum. There will be no torture. Not yet, at least. Besides, I should expect that having her skills sealed will already be excruciating.” The memory of what I had experienced while forced to possess Sitri caused a shiver to run its way involuntarily up my spine.

He smiled thinly and dryly, “But of course. I will refrain from such, for now.”

Having gotten his word, I nodded, “Then, before we adjourn, I have one request of my own; I would like a diplomatic attache to accompany me to Rodias—a number of nobles and ministers as well as representatives of the church. If I show up on their shores with four thousand soldiers, it would hardly appear different from one of our country's past visits.”

Rupert singled out Gustav, “Lord Gustav, make the necessary arrangements.”

For the briefest of moments, I thought I saw Gustav grimace upon being assigned more work. I must have been imagining it though since he quickly acquiesced, “Very well.”

With that having concluded, our time was up. I bid my current visitors farewell and began preparations for the next item on my agenda; a meeting with Duke Claurence. Though, what he wanted to discuss, I had no idea.

As it turned out; nothing. Rather than his presence, Sasha presented me a letter expressing the duke’s sincerest apologies that he was unable to make our meeting. Along with the letter was a gift; a framed painting of Edith, Sarala, and myself (prior to my first coma) having tea in the duke’s garden.

“Sasha, what would you consider the odds that he never intended to arrive in the first place?”

I heard her giggle softly, “I would wager that he does not even know that a meeting was scheduled; the letter’s writing appears to be penned by Lady Edith.”

That makes sense. I guess she’s still looking out for me in her own way.

“Sasha, how long until my next appointment?”

“You have one hour, my lady.”

I nodded, and leaned back in my chair, “I will be accepting Edith’s gift; please wake me in forty minutes. That should provide enough time to fix my appearance.”

“Then, I will wake you in one hour; your next appointment can be held in the drawing room until you are ready to receive them.”

I nodded absentmindedly but was already on my way out.

Next chapter will begin with sealing Eris, then transition into the departure by sea. I'm trying not to rush (and hurt quality), but at the same time I'm trying to get things going quickly before it all drags on.

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