Tribe of All Nations (Tribulation of Myriad Clans)

Chapter 3 - Wanzu Atlas

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Outside the application office.

Su Yu walked a few steps and suddenly turned back, wondering: “What are you doing with me?”

Chen Hao was at a loss, “Aren’t you going to school?”

“I’m not going.”

“Don’t go … Then why are you going?”

Chen Hao was wronged. Just now you said you want to go to school, why did you change your mind?


Su Yu said indifferently, “I don’t need any other courses anymore. The coaching teacher promised, it doesn’t matter if I don’t go, you don’t go … Are you going to be invited by this time?


Too hearty!

Chen Hao hides his face and runs away, yes, this guy Su Yu can not go to class, the teacher is licensed, he can’t.

As for the cultivation courses, Su Yu Kaiyuan Triple is enough. The teachers never thought that he would take the war college. Naturally, no one would urge him to practice.

Watching Chen Hao leave, Su Yu shook his head and smiled.

Chen Hao’s father is an old friend of his father. This guy and himself are classmates. It is a buddy, but this guy is screaming, and his head hurts with this guy.


The administrator is very familiar with Su Yu. Su Yu often reads books. It takes half a day to see them.

“Su Yu, you have mastered more than ten languages ​​of all nationalities. If you don’t relax at this time, you still have to study hard?”

The administrator joked that Su Yu was not a big celebrity in Nanyuan Middle School.

Most students have no energy to learn other languages ​​besides the three kinds of fairy magic language, demon language, and common language that must be mastered. Su Yu is good, and many small languages ​​have been learned.

Su Yu smiled and did not say much.

Stepping into the library, Su Yu went straight to the third floor.

At this moment is the class time, the library is empty, except for a few teachers who are reading books to check materials, almost no students.

Most students prefer to practice hard, and do n’t want to see all kinds of ghost symbols every day. They can use force to solve these problems. These teenagers are too lazy to use their brains to solve them.

Several teachers who read books saw Su Yu, and nobody greeted them.

Everyone is used to being quiet and immersed in their own world.

Su Yu didn’t say hello to the others either, and he walked to the bookcase that he usually came to, checked it, and quickly took out a large book:

—— “The Spearfish”

This is the Atlas of Ten Thousand Races. The Tribe gathers and records the racial materials that have appeared or discovered, compiles it into a volume, and provides it for the entire Tribe to learn and understand.

Of course, this is just one of them.

The Wanzu album is not a book, but a series. The specific number of Su Yu do not know, some are secret, and are dedicated to a group of people.

There are only 39 books in Nanyuan Middle School, involving 39 races.

These atlases contain a lot of things, including each other’s appearance, habits, customs, language, even some special exercises, fighting methods, killing schemes … all have narratives.

What Su Yu wanted to know at the moment was not this, but turned to the title page. The title page of each album of ten thousand nationalities was an illustration of the race.

Manta rays, which sound like fish, are actually not the case.

Opening the atlas, Su Yu stared at the illustration for a while, this is a long cow-like species.

Of course, it’s not all the same. The tail of the opponent is similar to that of the snake’s tail, and it has more wings than the cow.

As for why it is called anchovy, it is said that this creature is an amphibious race and can survive in water or sea. The strength of water warfare is stronger than that of land warfare.

As for the growth of wings, it does not mean that the anchovy can fly. It is more like chicken wings. It can be used for a few strokes. It cannot fly.

“The meat of the anchovy can be swallowed to expel poison and detoxify the holy goods!”

“Inhabiting the boundary of Zheshan, the hilly waters of the boundary, the anchovy sleeps in the winter and wakes up in summer, and enters the boundary of Zheshan in the summer. You must be cautious and the level of danger is extremely high!”

“The positions of the battlefields in the heavens are neutral and must not be killed without cause …”

Su Yu glanced through it briefly. In fact, he had read these materials before. Of course, he had never learned the language of the Haoyu race. This kind of racial language is very difficult. Because it is too niche, the Shaoshan world is not respected by the Haoyu tribe.

He didn’t look at this either, mainly illustrations.

“Anchovy …”

Su Yu whispered, thinking of the nightmare of last night.

The one who chased himself last night … Was it the anchovy?

When he was a child, he didn’t actually think too much, but he dreamed too much, and as he got older, he also tried to analyze the dream and try to check the information.

What are those monsters who chase and kill themselves in dreams?

Is it in reality?

Over the years, others feel that he is a genius, and he is willing to work hard to learn the Ten Thousand Ethnic Languages.

Actually, this is not the case. Just because of the dream, Su Yu paid more attention to the Ten Thousand Clan in the heavens.

Checking various materials all the year round, in order to learn more, it took a lot of effort to learn the language and writing of various races.

“The dream is too vague, I’m not sure if it’s a fish, but the monster in the dream does seem to have wings, and it sounds like a cow …”

Su Yu muttered to himself, because the dream was vague, he was not sure.

However, over the years, he has also found some information one after another. Sometimes he can find some characteristics of the monsters in the dream, which can actually correspond to the ten thousand races.

By analogy, Su Yu feels that he actually made a mistake, and it is the ancestors who chase themselves in his dream!

For more than ten years, four or five thousand nights, he dreamed of at least thousands of different monsters.

If it weren’t for the monsters of all races in the heavens, how many unknown creatures still exist in the world?

“You really give face, chasing and killing me in the dreams of the thousands of people …”

Su Yu smiled bitterly in his heart, too face-saving.

I’m just a small person, can I commit the ancestors to kill myself in my dream?

Soon, Su Yu gritted his teeth, and I didn’t even know you. I haven’t seen you. Can you commit me to kill me?

Is it fun to torture me as an ordinary person?

“But … why did such a dream come about?”

Su Yu still puzzled. If he said that he had seen those races or had contact, he could still accept it.

But he never left Nanyuan City, and he succumbed to seeing some race data in the book. Why did he get in touch with these monsters?

Having roughly determined what the dream monster was last night, Su Yu returned the book to its place.

There are some things that he can’t delve into now.

Soon, Su Yu left the bookshelf, and this time he came to the library not only to determine the fish, but also other things.

After a while, Su Yu went to another area-Kaiyuan District.

Books in this area are all about Kaiyuan realm cultivation.

At the beginning of human contact and cultivation, he majored in Kaiyuan Juice.

Although there is no Jiuqiao, you can’t feel the vitality, but the vitality is everywhere, you can absorb a trace of the vitality quenching body, and gradually open the Jiuqiao, thus stepping into the thousand realms for physical training.

The process of opening Jiuqiao is relatively long. The human race began to practice “Kaiyuan Juice” from a very young age. This is a gradual process and a process of survival of the fittest.

Genius, this time can rise rapidly.

The cultivation qualification is strong, naturally one step faster than others.

Su Yu is not an idiot who cultivates together. He has read many of these books. He also knows that Kaiyuan Realm is mainly to let nature go.

But today Su Yu still wants to check if there is a way to practice faster.

After rummaging through it, Su Yu never found the book he wanted.

Frowning slightly, is there no such content?

If this is the case, then I want to reach Kaiyuan’s fourfold before the assessment, and hope is not much.

“Su Yu, what are you looking for?”

At this moment, a short-haired girl who had been reading a book next to her could not help asking.

She has been here for a long time and has been reading books before.

She also knows Su Yu, although not a class, but these people often come to the library, after a long time, I know a little.

Su Yu showed his apology and disturbed the other party to read.

“I want to find some records about the accelerated cultivation of Kaiyuan Realm, but I didn’t find it.”

“Accelerate cultivation?”

The short-haired girl pondered for a moment, and said: “There are options for accelerating cultivation, but the human race does not recommend using outside ways to accelerate in Kaiyuan. Kaiyuan is the foundation, and the process of laying the foundation. At this time, stability is mainly based on Kaiyuan. Kaiyuan, open up the source of cultivation! “

“Su Yu, aren’t you going to the Civilization Academy? These will not be tested. Are you looking for these, wouldn’t you want to speed up your cultivation?”

The girl was a little worried: “The foundation ca n’t be chaotic, otherwise it ’s easy to have an accident. Even if the fund is opened smoothly, it will have a great impact on the future.”

Su Yu said with a smile: “I know, I’m not stupid, I just want to find out if there is a safer plan. If not, I don’t care.”

“Is this …”

The girl thought for a while and pointed to the bottom row of bookshelves at the corner: “There are a few books in this area, but some methods are very extreme, Su Yu, you better not try it, otherwise it is really troublesome , Even dead. “

“The era when the Anping calendar was opened was actually tried by some strong people because they weren’t waiting for them at that time. They had no choice but to do so, but those predecessors didn’t finally embark on an invincible road. Instead, they fell early because of improper Kaiyuan in their early years.”

“thank you, I know now.”

Su Yu nodded with a smile, the girl named Liu Yue, a student who pre-tested a class.

Su Yu didn’t know much about her, but the other party often came to the library to read books. He heard that there were many Wanzu languages. How many doors he mastered was not clear to Su Yu. He didn’t like to inquire about these things.

Not surprisingly, the other party should apply to the Civilization Institute, so I do n’t care much about Kaiyuan ’s improvement.

Did not tell Liu Yue much, Su Yu quickly found the books Liu Yue said in the corner.

“The Law of Accelerating Kaiyuan Realm”, “My Opinion of Kaiyuan”, “On the Importance of Foundation” …

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