Tribe of All Nations (Tribulation of Myriad Clans)

Chapter 10 - Kaiyuan quadruple (for recommendation)

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Su Yu held a glass bottle in his hand and made 3 drops of essential blood.

Although for the strong, Qian Jingjing’s essence blood is a fart, but for Su Yu, this is a lot of wealth. It costs 50,000 yuan to buy one drop.

If he is not without money, he will not be willing to spend merit points.

The role of merit points does not need to be reminded by the teacher. He also knows that it is very important. It is not necessarily possible to buy this thing with money. Of course, more than 51,000 points Su Yu can consider it.

“Speaking of it, I am richer than my dad, and after so many years I have saved 300,000 …”

Su Yu suddenly laughed, more than 300,000, really did not necessarily have his 18 merit points worth.

But Dad actually also has merit points. The previous practice took some, and the remaining merit points … Dad didn’t say, Su Yu probably knew where he went, and gave it away when he retired.

This is not what Su Long said, but many people are doing it.

Many veterans in the community gave their merits to their comrades when they left, because they need to continue fighting and need them more.

Support each other and trust each other, this is the warrior of the human race.

If the veteran recruitment is not limited to 50 years old, I am afraid that there will be more veterans to leave this time. Many people are retired and are close to 50. After retiring, I am afraid there is no chance to go back.

Without thinking about these things again, Su Yu once again saw the album in his mind.

The page quickly turned to the Iron Wings page.

“Essence blood is turned on … what is turned on? Skills or exercises?”

Su Yu pondered for a moment and quickly made a decision.

Nano Yuan Jue!

Eighteen out of ten skills are used to instantly increase strength and explode skills. Now there are no opponents, which is a waste.

Of course, if you have enough blood, you can try it. After all, you do n’t know how effective it is. Outbreaks will kill people.

“How many drops at a time? Don’t know if one drop is enough?”

Thinking in my heart, Su Yu thought, and started the exercises!

A drop of essence blood was swallowed into the abdomen and disappeared instantly.

This time it was not as painful as before, and it was absorbed almost at the instant of mouth.


The golden pages in his head quivered a little, and the next time, the opening of the exercise method changed.

“Basic Yuan Jue: Na Yuan (opened, lasting 1 hour)”

“One hour?”

Su Yu scolded, and at this time, he felt that his whole body’s stomata was open, and he was quickly swallowing the vitality around him.

This is the role of the atlas!

Originally Kaiyuan Realm couldn’t do this. Nine tricks couldn’t be opened, the vitality could not be sensed and there was no way to actively absorb it.

But at this time, Su Yu felt that he could devour the energy around when he thought about it.

South Yuan’s vitality is insufficient, but that is for Wan Shi, for Qian Jun’s high weight, for Su Yu, who is a Kaiyuan Jingxiu practitioner, the vitality is more than enough.


For the first time, the flesh began to absorb vitality, as if it was extremely hungry, desperately consuming and refining.

Jiuqiao glowed faintly, and a lot of vitality gathered near his head, and he was refining Jiuqiao.


Su Yu felt the pain, and his nose and mouth were okay. It had been tempered before, but there were no other acupuncture points. At this moment, these vital forces washed these unopened acupuncture points, making him feel the pain.

The ears were booming, and the eyes were tears.

The vitality is refining the acupuncture points, helping him to open the acupoints.

“1 hour … too long!”

Su Yu, who used to be too short for 1 hour before, betrayed himself instantly at this time, too long. After 1 hour, wouldn’t he be propped up?

Kaiyuan Realm absorbs vitality and actively cultivates, which is probably the first time it has appeared.

Moreover, Na Yuan Jue is a practice of the Iron Winged Birds. It has not been adapted and is actually not suitable for humans. Su Yu feels that his back pores are more open. At this time, the back is also madly absorbing vitality.

“I’m going … this is for refining the wings!”

“I don’t know how to grow wings?”

Su Yu is a little helpless. The iron winged bird is a bird family, and its wings are still a big killer. It will naturally refine its wings. The key is that he is not.

Now open the Na Yuan Jue, the body’s meridians operate, although there are albums adapted to the human body, but still some are not suitable for Su Yu, he feels that his back absorbs more vitality than Jiu Qiao.


At this moment, Su Yu’s left ear roared.

Su Yu was slightly startled, and then he was not surprised but rejoiced, this is … the fourth trick is about to open?

The first three of the nine tips are easy to open, and the fourth and fifth are binaural tips, which is a bit more difficult.

Sixth and seventh are eyes, which is even harder!

Shenqueqiao and Baihui, these two have stumped most people, and those who have not become cultivators almost fall in these two levels.

“The left ear tip is about to start!”

Su Yu was overjoyed and the roar in his ears was so sweet!

He had calculated that he thought of Kaiyuan’s fourfold, no hope for more than half a year, and no one thought that he had just started the practice of Na Yuan tactics, and it would be completed.

Of course, this is related to his strength.

The trick is to open, the difficulty is that Kaiyuan Realm cannot actively absorb the vitality, and can only be passively tempered. Once passive can be turned into active, Kaiyuan is not difficult for practitioners.

The practitioners of Kaiyuan Realm will not become more powerful. They have better physical fitness, sharper sense of taste, and enhanced sense of smell, hearing and eyesight. This is Kaiyuan.

Of course, these are enough.

Only when Kaiyuan Bazhong was opened, Shenque acupoint was opened. At this time, practitioners could practice some simple martial arts for self-defense and prepare for becoming an official practitioner.


The roar in the ears continued, Su Yu’s ears contracted and swelled, the eardrums vibrated, and the energy surrounded.

It’s done!

The surrounding vitality continued to flow into the left ear. Su Yu, who could not see the vitality before, could also see a smoky vitality surge. This is the vitality. He was the first time he clearly felt the existence of vitality .

“No … no!”

Su Yu’s head roared. It wasn’t that the opening of the acupoint made him overwhelmed, but the first time he took the initiative to temper it. He was too weak to bear.


At this moment, the sound of thunder bursting from the left ear came, and Su Yu was relieved and finished.

He instantly gave up the practice of Kaiyuan tactics and could not stick to it anymore!

After half an hour, Su Yu came over slowly.

It is a pity that his cultivation time is less than half an hour, and the rest of the time is wasted. One hour after opening, the remaining time does not accumulate, but it becomes zero at the point, which is a pity.

“But it’s already very good, I actually Kaiyuan quadruple!”

Su Yu’s secret music, he didn’t have any hope at all, how could he think that he really reached Kaiyuan’s fourfold before the assessment.

The whole Nanyuan secondary school, Kaiyuan four-fold is also more than ten.

Kaiyuan triples hundreds, he triples are nothing, but quadruple is pretty good.

According to everyone’s argument, now I can count as Wu Quancai.

All are genius level!

“Is this the effect of the album? It’s amazing … but …”

Su Yu frowned slightly, this is Kaiyuan, the effect seems to be good, but by the time Qianjun can take the initiative to practice, Na Yuanjue is not a human power, I am afraid that the human power will not be as good as the human power.

“Forget it, you can’t be too greedy, not to mention … if there is a magic skill …”

Su Yu’s eyes flickered. What if he could open the God Demon page?

The human race has very strong exercises, but the gods and demons have stronger exercises. The human race has seized a lot of exercises. However, there are not many gods and demons, and most of them are at the bottom, and few at the top.

There is hope to kill the other party, and the other party’s skills can be seized while killing the other party. The probability is too small.

“Is there a demon in my dream?”

The previous dream was too lenient, and when he was young, Su Yu couldn’t remember it.

He is not clear.

If so, is it possible for me to practice the devil’s magic skills?

“Thinking about this too early, now that the Yuan Yuan Juice is already very good, can let me cross the Kai Yuan level as soon as possible.”

Su Yu suppressed her thoughts and rejoiced in her heart.

Kaiyuan quadruple!

The body has not changed much, but the body quenched by the vitality is somewhat stronger. The key is not this, but hearing.

The left ear trembles a little, and soon, some rustling noises upstairs pass into the ear.

Although not too clear, it is much better than before.

In the past, because of the good sound insulation, he could hardly hear the sound, and there was no way to hear the small movements, but now … the ear strength has become stronger.

For the practitioner, seeing the four directions and listening to the eight directions is the basic ability.

Kaiyuan is not completed, and it is almost impossible to do so.


Although it took 1 drop of sperm blood, 1 merit point can increase the weight, and then ten times and one hundred times, Su Yu was willing.

“There are two more drops, or … try the skills to open!”

Su Yu’s eyes flashed. He wanted to see how powerful, how long it lasted, and what the consequences were on the body.

Don’t figure it out, use it rashly, that is not responsible for yourself.

Iron Wings have two racial skills to open, tearing and iron wing chopper.

The tear is opened at the first level, which means that different levels of iron wings may have different levels of racial skills, which is also normal.

Iron wing chop, this Su Yu without wings is not considered, tearing can be tested.

“Try it!”

However, the home is small and there are many people nearby. There are elderly people upstairs and downstairs. It is not convenient to experiment at home.

After thinking about it, Su Yu took his blood and went out quickly.

After more than ten minutes, practice the gym.

After paying 100 yuan, Su Yu rented a training room for one hour. There are many such training halls in the city. After all, there are many monks in the city.


After swallowing the essence and blood, innumerable pictures flashed in my mind, and the iron-winged bird tore the prey with its sharp claws.

Su Yu felt his hands swelled instantly!

Then the energy is compressed, and the hands are full of pain, but also full of powerful force!

“This … this is the tearing skill?”

Su Yu was shocked. For the first time, he felt that he was strong and strong. He couldn’t judge how specific he was. After all, he just opened Kaiyuan fourfold.

The arm swelled so much that Su Yu dared not delay and attacked the model man in front of him quickly.


Grab the opponent’s throat with one hand, sharp hands like eagle claws, Su Yu’s fingers clasped, and a roar came out. This model is specially designed for practical training for practitioners. The material is very strong. There was a roar.

Su Yu crossed his left and right hands, constantly shot, and attacked the model frantically, each shot seemed to have some tearing effect.

Gradually, a small crack appeared in the throat of the model.

After five or six minutes, Su Yu’s eyes moved slightly, and the strength on his arm seemed to subside, slowly weakening.



Su Yu took a breath, his strength dissipated in an instant. He caught the model in one hand, and his fingernails were all cracked, and the pain was beyond remedy.

“I% & amp; amp; ¥”

Su Yu scolded and said that disappeared and disappeared, and he went all out to shoot the model in Kaiyuan realm, and it was strange that it didn’t hurt.

Picking up the communicator and glancing at it quickly, Su Yu had judged.

“It lasts 5 minutes and consumes 1 drop of essential blood. It is not a simple attack, but a tearing effect. This should be the effect of racial skills, not a simple power attack …”

After glancing at the model, Su Yu saw the tiny crack, which was shrinking slowly at the moment. This model could be slowly healed when it was damaged, which is why the training hall used this material to make the model.

“It has a tearing effect on the model. Dad can do it in a thousand and nine ways, and it is more serious than this. He punched down and punched a small hole with all his strength. My continued attack only caused a crack … “

“The attack power is probably like a heavy sixty-seven, it should be about seven heavy, after all, the heavy six can hardly cause damage.”

“So, it depends on the level of opening of the winged bird. The atlas shows the iron winged bird …”

“Severe seven attacks, 1 drop of essence blood, lasts 5 minutes …”

Su Yu’s eyes flickered, so he now has such an attack power.

Of course, attack power does not mean strength.

Really seven-pointed, with a strong physical body, fast speed, agile movements, and experienced experience … anyway, he can’t match it.

Simply attacking the dead, he compares with Qianqianqizhong.

But really met Qianqiqizhong, the other party was ready to kill Su Yu in an instant, after all, he did not have such a strong physical body, but his hands were full of strength.

“Don’t talk about Qianqiqizhong, it is Qianjun triple and quadruple, as long as you are prepared, don’t come close to me, don’t give me a chance, and you will die when you meet me. It’s not an opponent.

Su Yu shook his head slightly, and just felt that his power was infinite. That was all an illusion. In fact, this ability is a bit tasteless.

It can only be used as a killer skill. If it is exposed, it will not pose a great threat to Qianjun Triple or even weaker Qianjun Realm. The other party can run first and wait for your strength to subside before killing you.

“But … it’s not bad, it’s great!”

Su Yu suddenly smiled, people can’t be too greedy, this is already very powerful.

He is in a Kaiyuan realm, and the uncomfortable point is that it is an ordinary person. Now it can suddenly explode a powerful attack of 5 minutes, is this not enough?

“It’s just that the sequelae are a bit …”

At this time, Su Yu felt the sequelae, his hands were swollen!

The pain was numb, so he didn’t feel much just now.

“Tear … This martial art is too rough. The wing skills of the Iron Winged Bird are not suitable for the human race. The martial arts studied by the human race are stronger than this, but if you can learn some martial arts of a strong race, there are still great benefits of.”

The bright awn erupted in Su Yu’s eyes, and the iron winged bird was thoroughly studied. This is nothing to study, but what about other races?

If you study the racial skills of other races …

“Over there, is there a reward for these studies?”

“If I happened to come up with the gods and demons, skills, martial arts, and even copy their talented martial arts, wouldn’t it be a great contribution?”

Su Yu swallowed and suddenly smiled: “I think … Civilization Institute is just for me! I seem to be able to go to Civilization Institute to sell martial arts …”

Thinking about it, Su Yu didn’t take it seriously.

He was a little cute and went to the School of Civilization to suddenly study the talents of magic and demon. That was not a genius, it was a monster.

Have you ever seen a demon?

Have you ever played against each other?

Have you learned their exercises?

You researched it, and who said it!

Su Yu entertained himself for a while, and laughed again. There was no waste of practice room. Although he couldn’t open his skills anymore, he could do the same for himself. Don’t waste it.

Kaiyuan Bazhong’s practitioners will practice martial arts, because it’s useless if they don’t practice in the eighth layer, but Su Yu will know a few martial arts, and now he’s practicing.

I used to think that Yaejo is still far away, but now … is it really far?

Prepare in advance so that you do n’t understand anything when you get the eightfold, and at that time, there is no real strength in the realm, which is also a waste.

PS: Ask for a recommendation ticket. I just did n’t recommend it on the website. Just come and see if you can get a recommendation ticket. Thank you!

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