Trembling At A High Altitude

Chapter 808

   “Are you sick? It’s not Halloween today. What the hell are you pretending?”

    Hu Yan yelled outside the glass door, but didn’t dare to open the glass door.

    An unexpected scene happened to him.

    The girl ghost with the Beatles disappeared out of thin air!

    The strange sound of’ticacatic’ rang again, this time, it appeared behind him.

    Hu Wei turned around abruptly and found that the female ghost was less than one meter away behind him, still carrying an iron rod in her hand.

    Hu Wei felt bad, and was about to open the glass door to escape, but the female ghost waved the iron rod in her hand with lightning speed and slammed his leg bones.

    An unbearable pain came from the leg bones, and Hu Yan screamed with pain and fell to the ground in cold sweat.

    “It hurts, isn’t it? Do you know why I beat you?” The female ghost made a weird voice.

    “I don’t know…” Hu Yan looked terrified.

    “A year ago, you broke the leg of an innocent little girl, don’t you remember?” The female ghost hit another leg bone of Hu Wei with a stick again, and the pain immediately doubled!

    “You are…you are…” The expression on Hu Yan’s face became even more horrified.

    “Remember it?” The female ghost raised the iron rod again.

    “I just collect money to do things… it’s none of my business…” Hu Yan did seem to think of something.

    “Whose money? For whom? Say!” The iron rod in the female ghost’s hand slammed Hu Wei’s arm, breaking his arm bone.

    “It’s the proprietress of Feizhou Coriander! We are the real shareholder behind Feizhou Bar! She asked me to beat people…” Hu Wei wailed and confessed a name.

    “Why did she do this!?” The iron rod in the female ghost’s hand was raised high again.

    “Don’t fight… It seems that because her dog is not led, it scared the little girl. The little girl’s mother argued with her a few words. She threatened to kill the little girl, and then gave me a sum of money. I shot…” Hu Yan confessed truthfully.

    The iron rod in the female ghost’s hand fell again, lifted, lowered, lifted, fell

    … The

    next day, a very strange thing spread among the groups.

    It is said that a few people died inexplicably in the Feizhou Bar. The owner Hu Wei and several of his buddies died inexplicably. There was no trauma in their whole body, but the bones were cut off, and the expressions on their faces were extremely scared. And pain.

    In addition, Feizhou’s boss, his wife, and some people around them, like Hu Wei and them, died somehow, and their bones were broken.

    No murder weapon was seen, no suspicious fingerprints or the like were found.

    I don’t know what happened to them.


    One kilometer away from the shed, inside an armored vehicle.

    “His name is Li Teng.

    “Five years ago, he became a vegetable in a car accident.

    “His girlfriend’s name is Liu Yin, who has been taking care of him, and will send him to the hospital for checkups every few months.

    “But because of taking care of him, Liu Yin also became terminally ill after he became ill, and his whereabouts are now unknown.

    “This Li Teng didn’t know how to wake up some time ago.

    “It may be related to the black rain six months ago.

    “After waking up, he has the spirit power ability.

    “At present, he has a daughter by his side. Although he will go to the hotel to stay, he will return to the shed most of the time.

    “Last night, he put his daughter in the hotel room, and then went to the Feizhou bar.

    “After leaving the Feizhou bar, he went to the community where the boss of Feizhou Wu lived, but only wandered in the community. He wandered a few times outside the villa of the boss of Feizhou, but never entered the villa.

    “After leaving the community, he Back to the hotel, holding the sleeping daughter back to the shack where she had lived before.

    “Feizhou Bar and Feizhou’s owner’s family had accidents one after another. The autopsy showed that the victim’s death time coincided with the time he went to the Feizhou bar and the community, but no trace of him was left at the scene.

    “According to our investigation, his girlfriend Liu Yin had a conflict with the proprietress of Feizhou Coriander. His daughter had her leg broken for a while and was treated in the hospital.

    “So, people must have been killed by him, killed with abilities.”

    A uniformed man reported to his superior, a woman wearing a black mask and a black peaked cap.

    There are two staff members in uniforms working nervously in front of the screen.

    “It is certain that this Li Teng has been possessed and alienated by the alien remnant soul.

    “After alienation, he has the ability to kill people in the air. Although he did not enter the scene, he can cause harm to other people through mental power. Shake off the bones in the opponent’s body without even hurting the skin.

    “This is a very cruel way of killing.

    “These are all manifestations of mental abilities. The uniformed man continued to report.

    “Is his mental state stable?” “The superior asked.

    “According to the tracking these days, except for the murder and revenge behavior last night, everything else is normal. And I can see that this person is very emotional and has been trying to find his missing girlfriend.

    “His daughter is his negative scale, which is also the reason for his crazy murder and revenge. The so-called victims are not worthy of sympathy at all.” The uniform man replied to his superior.

    “Do you think he will be used by us?” the superior asked again.

    “It’s hard to say. Just now, we monitored his phone. He called the Bureau of Land and Resources and said that he wanted to buy a large piece of land near the shed for real estate development and asked about the procedures.

    “It is very strange his purpose. What is it? I don’t know if there is anything we can use in this matter… For example, we give him some convenience to let him have a good impression of us…

    “In addition, he has been with a female police officer surnamed Liu for two days. Contact, we use our mind to control Officer Liu, maybe we can manipulate some of his actions.” The uniform man replied to his superior.

    “Killing an ordinary person does not prove his strength. Try to enter the next stage of investigation to see if he is worthy of our recruitment. If it is not worth it, don’t continue to work on him.” The superior thought for a moment. It was decided.


    Heavy rain.

    This is no ordinary rainstorm.

    Because the falling rain is black.

    Like ink, the entire world is covered with an endless layer of black.

    However, this black rain will not dye people’s clothes black like ink.

    Nor did it stain the ground black.

    If you look closely, you will find that the rainwater is only exuding black mist.

    After falling to the ground, infiltrating into the ground, and after the mist has dissipated, it is no different from ordinary water.

    Scientists studied the falling black rain for half a year, and found no viruses, bacteria, or any other unknown substances in it.

    Finally, it is concluded that the

    black rain is not harmful to the human body, but the phenomenon of abnormal light refraction has occurred, so that the residents do not have to panic.

    Since then, the sky has rained, mostly black rain.

    People have become accustomed to this.

    Li Teng’s cell phone rang, and it was Officer Liu who called.

    “Yingying is over four years old, right?” Officer Liu asked Li Teng.


    “She should go to kindergarten at her age. The kindergarten environment in our community is good, and the teachers are also very good. My daughter is more than three years old this year. Let her go to the small class with my daughter. When the children reach this age, it is better to go to kindergarten.”

    “You know her previous experience, if I separate from her, she will be very anxious.” Li Teng was a little worried.

    “I told their principal, let you go to kindergarten with her first, and when she gets acquainted in it, and accepts teachers and friends, you won’t be anxious anymore. You have to work to earn money to support her. I also need to help her find her mother. It is impossible to keep her by her side.” Officer Liu persuaded Li Teng.

    “Well, what you said makes sense, let me ask her.”


    “Yingying, do you want to go to kindergarten?” Li Teng asked Yingying.

    After talking to Officer Liu, Li Teng also felt that it was not appropriate to keep Yingying by his side.

    She wants to grow up, she also wants to make friends and learn to associate with other children. If he keeps her by his side, it is not loving her but harming her.

    “I want to be with Dad.” Yingying thought for a while and shook her head.

    “Dad accompany you to kindergarten, OK?” Li Teng asked again.

    “Okay! My mother took me to the kindergarten. There are a lot of fun in the kindergarten, as well as many children.” Yingying heard Li Teng say to go to the kindergarten with her, and immediately agreed.

    The kindergarten introduced by Police Officer Liu is really good.

    Yingying had a lot of fun inside, and soon became acquainted with other children.

    Li Teng secretly left the kindergarten, but did not go far, but stayed near the kindergarten.

    The cultivation base of the inner soul realm allowed him to perceive Yingying’s existence at close range and perceive her emotional changes.

    It seems that she has been very happy, even not even noticing Li Teng’s departure.

    At four o’clock in the afternoon, Li Teng mixed in with other parents, guarded outside the kindergarten gate, watching Yingying holding other children’s back clothes, and lined up near the kindergarten gate with other children.

    “Dad!” Yingying looked very happy when she saw Li Teng from afar.

    After picking up Yingying, Li Teng asked her if she would like to come to kindergarten tomorrow, Yingying said happily that she still wanted to come.

    Li Teng was also very pleased to see Yingying integrated into a normal life.

    Officer Liu’s suggestion is indeed good.

    When Yingying’s personality gradually became more cheerful, Li Long rented a house in the district where Police Officer Liu was located. He took the bed, bear toy, and Liu Yin’s clothes from the shack, and arranged them according to the structure of the shack. Put it in one of the small rooms, trying to make Yingying get rid of her attachment to the shed.

    “But, mom is there.” Yingying was still a little uneasy.

    “Today when you were in the kindergarten, my mother called me. I told her that we had moved here. She said that when she finishes her work, she will come here to find us.” Li Teng Coax Yingying.

    “Well, dad, you have to tell mom that we miss her so much, let her come and find us.”


    Li Teng felt relieved.

    Once Yingying settled down, he could also free up his hands to find more clues about Liu Yin.


    “My phone may be monitored, can we meet?” Officer Liu’s voice was a little nervous.

    “Well, where do you meet?” Li Teng was a little surprised what Police Officer Liu wanted to say to him.

    Officer Liu reported an address to Li Teng, but when Li Teng went there, he did not see Officer Liu, but received another call from Officer Liu.

    “In the third trash can on your left, look for it…” Officer Liu hung up after saying this.

    Li Teng found the third trash can following the instructions of Officer Liu.

    There is some domestic garbage in it. Above the domestic garbage, there is an envelope that is obviously distinctive. It is clean and has no stains on it. Obviously someone just put it in.

    Open the envelope, the printed handwriting is inside.

    “I have some information about Liu Yin’s whereabouts, but due to some special reasons, I can’t tell you too much. You go to the Hongguang mass merchandiser now. A takeaway delivery clerk named Li Qiang took leave today.

    “You leave. Calling you his brother, they will let you take over Li Qiang’s job temporarily.

    “In the morning, there will be a special delivery note. The destination may be related to Liu Yin.”

    Looking at Officer Liu’s letter, Li Teng frowned.

    I feel that Officer Liu is a little abnormal! Don’t know what happened?

    Someone monitor her phone?

    There is also something about Liu Yin, why don’t you make it clear?


    Li Qiang is a takeaway goods delivery person at Hongguang Supermarket.

    The specific job is to organize the goods together according to the order placed by the customer yesterday after arriving at the supermarket, and then ride an electric bike to deliver various daily necessities, snacks, vegetables and other goods purchased by the customer to the customer’s home.

    Compared with the delivery staff, this job is relatively easy.

    But wages are also much lower.

    There is no way to charge Li Qiang where he lives at night, so he can only park the electric car in the supermarket. The key is in the hands of the supervisor of the supermarket. I heard that Li Teng is Li Qiang’s younger brother. The supervisor did not doubt that he put the key of the electric car. To him.

    Entering the sorting warehouse of the supermarket, Li Teng got busy.

    Soon he picked up the goods he was going to deliver today, and then started to deliver one by one on an electric bike.

    I don’t know what the special delivery note is, so I can only follow Li Qiang’s work first.

    At ten o’clock in the morning, when Li Teng returned to the supermarket after delivering all the goods on the electric car and was about to pick up the second batch of goods, he was stopped by the supervisor.

    “Here is a list, you can send it.” The

    supervisor handed the printing paper to Li Teng.

    “This doesn’t belong to my brother’s area? And it’s beyond the scope of delivery.” Li Teng observed the supervisor’s expression.

    Is this the list that Officer Liu is talking about?

    The address on the list is in the southern suburbs of the city, at least a dozen stops away from where the supermarket is located.

    “I don’t know how this order was successfully filled out, but since it is successful, we must deliver it, otherwise we will be complained. But you don’t have to worry. The delivery fee for other orders is four yuan, and the delivery fee for this order is Twenty yuan.” The supervisor explained a few words to Li Teng.

    “Okay, I’ll go.” Li Teng was almost convinced that this was the special list.

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