Tree of the Magic World

Chapter 33 - grim Reaper

When the first ray of sunlight hit the jungle, Rennes lay wearily on the ground.

His clothes were stained with blood, and there was a deep scar on his brow.

On his right hand side, there is a three-foot-long unicorn corpse.

After a little recovery, Renn cut the body of the magic snake sideways with a dagger, took out the magic core, and laboriously cut off his unicorn into the pocket.

His throat is generally dry and his body is tired and sleepy.

Hesitated, he brought his mouth close to the unicorn snake wound, and there was a smell of fishy smell.

Strongly enduring nausea, he swallowed the sticky blood into his mouth and bit a bite of the meat.

The supplement of food made his energy recover a little, but his mental energy could not recover for a period of time.

Dragged his staggered body, and Ren found a tree hole and drilled into it, blocking it with bushes.

He was exhausted and wanted to sleep like this, but he didn’t dare to really close his eyes.

While sleeping like this, he was awakened by a bang.

His strength recovered a little, and his mental strength only released fireball once.

Ren didn’t dare to slack off. He gently peeled off the bush and looked out of the gap, seeing that two warcraft were fighting for the body of the magic snake.

A dark monkey is the first-order Warcraft Ink Monkey. There is also a basin-sized ghost-faced spider, which is also a powerful first-order Warcraft.

The fighting between the two sides was fierce.

The speed of the ink monkey is like wind, and its power is endless; the ghost-faced spider has agile movements and the spitting ribbon is extremely corrosive.

Ryan licked her lips gently.

“Another Warcraft not marked on the two maps, it seems that something really happened in the Giant Bear Mountains.” Rennes thought.

He understood the truth of wealth and danger, so he threw the body of the unicorn snake here in order to attract the greedy Warcraft to fight each other, so he could sit down and collect the power of the fisherman.

Ghost-faced spider gradually gained the upper hand in the battle.

The ink monkey retreated, showing strong unwillingness and greed in his eyes.

Once again, white smoke rose from the arm that was corroded by the cobweb, and Ren saw the Mo monkey turned to leave.

The ghost-faced spider seems to have no intention of chasing.

So Ren was a little annoyed.

“There should be more Warcraft, so the battle is more intense, and I have a greater chance.” Renn thought with regret.

He quietly retracted his head, intending to hide himself.

In his previous state, he was no match for the ghost-faced spider.

Just as Rehn planned to continue to rest with regret, a sharp cry came suddenly.

His body shook, his eyes followed the sound, and he saw that the monkey that had just escaped more than ten meters was swallowed by a behemoth!

There really is a third party coming!

Cold sweat came out of Rennes’ back.

He looked at the guy who swallowed the ink monkey in horror. It was a huge lizard with a length of seven or eight meters!

Its body is grass green, and its eyes are filled with indifference.

Click Click Click …

After swallowing the monkey happily, this third-order Warcraft thunderstorm lizard, known only as the “king of the jungle,” faintly looked at the ghost-faced spider staying in place.

The ghost-faced spider has been scared silly!

囧 ……

Ren saw that a red awn flashed suddenly in the mouth of the thunder lizard, and actually rolled the ghost-faced spider back.

That red mango is its tongue!

The ghost-faced spider only had time to make a scream and was swallowed by the thunder lizard.

Ren swallowed, the only thought in his heart was: too strong!

Facing the first-order Warcraft, the third-order Warcraft Thunder Lizard is in an absolute crushing position.

How about meeting yourself?

Ren suddenly felt very panicked, he realized that he was nothing more than a dish in front of this thunder lizard.

Suddenly, he felt cold all over.

He looked startled, but the thunder lizard looked at him.

His indifferent eyes looked at Rennes through the bushes, so that Renen’s spirit was tense, his hands clenched.

The palm sweat dripped to the floor.

Rennes was very nervous.

Mo said that he, even in his heyday, was not an enemy of the Thunder Lizard.

Hiccup …

A dissonant voice came.

Ryan blinked, seeing the thunder lizard burp, and then spit out a black spider leg.

It looked away and fell asleep on the ground.

Ryan secretly complained.

He saw the meaning of this thunder lizard, apparently he was full, and planned to digest and kill himself later.

“His mother is really a dish.” Ren wanted to swear.

This feeling of being treated as a storage ration is absolutely uncomfortable, and Ren is unwilling to give up.

But in the face of a third-order Warcraft, he is full of powerlessness.

He tried to move out of the tree hole, and the thunder lizard opened his eyes and stared at him as soon as he lifted his leg.

After trying back and forth three times, Ren had to dispel this unreliable idea.

The fatigue of body and spirit kept coming, and Renen left thinking about nothing to do, so he decided to serve Chinese food.

He closed his eyes and actually fell asleep.

When Rennes fell into a dream, the thunder lizard suddenly opened his eyes and a vague figure appeared in front of it.

The figure faintly communicated with the thunder lizard, then floated into the tree cave where Rennes was.

The air in the tree cave suddenly fell into a mysterious environment.

In his sleep, Ryan’s brow furrowed, and she seemed to dream of something terrible, but she couldn’t wake up.

“The heir of the Quin family ~ ~ The believer identified by Hakas turned out to be the running dog of the Holy See … It’s really a long face for the lovely wizarding union.” The figure made a sound, with a little indifference in his eyes .

“To deal with such a traitor, it is natural to let him return to nothingness from the soul.” The shadow said again.

A glance of interest flashed through his eyes: “I’m curious, how the hypocrite of Ruerduo abducted the believers of Hakas …”

“Moreover, two demons who are above their eyes are favored. I’m curious about what secrets he has.”

The shadow flashed and turned into a black awn flying into Rennes’ brain.


Thunder Lizard is not the most powerful in the jungle, but it is called the king of the jungle because it has another identity.

It is rumored that its ancestor was a mount of death, so there is a trace of divinity in their blood.

This divinity makes them noble, and even signs contracts with some wizards who believe in the **** of death.

The wizards signed the contract with them not only because of the divinity in them, but also a rumor.

It is said that the death is often accompanied by thunder lizards, sheltering these descendants of their own mounts.

Ren sneered at these rumors, but he didn’t know that at least this one was true.

The **** of death is not a deity, but a powerful demon named Danas.


Dream in the dream suddenly felt a wave of palpitations coming from the sea of ​​consciousness, and was pulled away by life.

Opened his eyes, he saw the huge figure.

Mountains in general, thousands of meters high, look cold and arrogant ~ ~ Welcome the majority of book readers to come to read, the latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all in ~ ~ Mobile phone users, please go to read.

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